$(document).ready(function() { // Illview Datatable setup var table; // Filters that are active var activeFilters = {}; // Get any prefilters var prefilters = $('table#ill-requests').data('prefilters'); // Fields we need to expand (flatten) var expand = [ 'metadata', 'patron', 'library' ]; // Expanded fields // This is auto populated var expanded = {}; // Filterable columns var filterable = { status: { prep: function(tableData, oData) { var uniques = {}; tableData.forEach(function(row) { var resolvedName; if (row.status_alias) { resolvedName = row.status_alias.lib; } else { resolvedName = getStatusName( oData[0].capabilities[row.status].name, row ); } uniques[resolvedName] = 1 }); Object.keys(uniques).sort().forEach(function(unique) { $('#illfilter_status').append( '' ); }); }, listener: function() { var me = 'status'; $('#illfilter_status').change(function() { var sel = $('#illfilter_status option:selected').val(); if (sel && sel.length > 0) { activeFilters[me] = function() { table.api().column(13).search(sel); } } else { if (activeFilters.hasOwnProperty(me)) { delete activeFilters[me]; } } }); }, clear: function() { $('#illfilter_status').val(''); } }, pickupBranch: { prep: function(tableData, oData) { var uniques = {}; tableData.forEach(function(row) { uniques[row.library_branchname] = 1 }); Object.keys(uniques).sort().forEach(function(unique) { $('#illfilter_branchname').append( '' ); }); }, listener: function() { var me = 'pickupBranch'; $('#illfilter_branchname').change(function() { var sel = $('#illfilter_branchname option:selected').val(); if (sel && sel.length > 0) { activeFilters[me] = function() { table.api().column(12).search(sel); } } else { if (activeFilters.hasOwnProperty(me)) { delete activeFilters[me]; } } }); }, clear: function() { $('#illfilter_branchname').val(''); } }, patron: { listener: function() { var me = 'patron'; $('#illfilter_patron').change(function() { var val = $('#illfilter_patron').val(); if (val && val.length > 0) { activeFilters[me] = function() { table.api().column(10).search(val); } } else { if (activeFilters.hasOwnProperty(me)) { delete activeFilters[me]; } } }); }, clear: function() { $('#illfilter_patron').val(''); } }, dateModified: { clear: function() { $('#illfilter_datemodified_start, #illfilter_datemodified_end').val(''); } }, datePlaced: { clear: function() { $('#illfilter_dateplaced_start, #illfilter_dateplaced_end').val(''); } } }; //END Filterable columns // Expand any fields we're expanding var expandExpand = function(row) { expand.forEach(function(thisExpand) { if (row.hasOwnProperty(thisExpand)) { if (!expanded.hasOwnProperty(thisExpand)) { expanded[thisExpand] = []; } var expandObj = row[thisExpand]; Object.keys(expandObj).forEach( function(thisExpandCol) { var expColName = thisExpand + '_' + thisExpandCol.replace(/\s/g,'_'); // Keep a list of fields that have been expanded // so we can create toggle links for them if (expanded[thisExpand].indexOf(expColName) == -1) { expanded[thisExpand].push(expColName); } expandObj[expColName] = expandObj[thisExpandCol]; delete expandObj[thisExpandCol]; } ); $.extend(true, row, expandObj); delete row[thisExpand]; } }); }; //END Expand // Strip the expand prefix if it exists, we do this for display var stripPrefix = function(value) { expand.forEach(function(thisExpand) { var regex = new RegExp(thisExpand + '_', 'g'); value = value.replace(regex, ''); }); return value; }; // Our 'render' function for borrowerlink var createPatronLink = function(data, type, row) { var patronLink = ''; if ( row.patron_firstname ) { patronLink = patronLink + row.patron_firstname + ' '; } patronLink = patronLink + row.patron_surname + ' (' + row.patron_cardnumber + ')' + ''; return patronLink; }; // Our 'render' function for biblio_id var createBiblioLink = function(data, type, row) { return (row.biblio_id) ? '' + row.biblio_id + '' : ''; }; // Our 'render' function for title var createTitle = function(data, type, row) { return ( row.hasOwnProperty('metadata_container_title') && row.metadata_container_title ) ? row.metadata_container_title : row.metadata_title; }; // Render function for request ID var createRequestId = function(data, type, row) { return row.id_prefix + row.illrequest_id; }; // Render function for type var createType = function(data, type, row) { if (!row.hasOwnProperty('metadata_Type') || !row.metadata_Type) { if (row.hasOwnProperty('medium') && row.medium) { row.metadata_Type = row.medium; } else { row.metadata_Type = null; } } return row.metadata_Type; }; // Render function for request status var createStatus = function(data, type, row, meta) { if (row.status_alias) { return row.status_alias.lib ? row.status_alias.lib : row.status_alias.authorised_value; } else { var origData = meta.settings.oInit.originalData; if (origData.length > 0) { var status_name = meta.settings.oInit.originalData[0].capabilities[ row.status ].name; return getStatusName(status_name, row); } else { return ''; } } }; var getStatusName = function(origName, row) { switch( origName ) { case "New request": return ill_statuses.new; case "Requested": return ill_statuses.req; case "Requested from partners": var statStr = ill_statuses.genreq; if ( row.hasOwnProperty('requested_partners') && row.requested_partners && row.requested_partners.length > 0 ) { statStr += ' (' + row.requested_partners + ')'; } return statStr; case "Request reverted": return ill_statuses.rev; case "Queued request": return ill_statuses.que; case "Cancellation requested": return ill_statuses.canc; case "Completed": return ill_statuses.comp; case "Delete request": return ill_statuses.del; default: return origName; } }; // Render function for creating a row's action link var createActionLink = function(data, type, row) { return '' + ill_manage + ''; }; // Columns that require special treatment var specialCols = { action: { func: createActionLink, skipSanitize: true }, illrequest_id: { func: createRequestId }, status: { func: createStatus }, biblio_id: { name: ill_columns.biblio_id, func: createBiblioLink, skipSanitize: true }, metadata_title: { func: createTitle }, metadata_Type: { func: createType }, updated: { name: ill_columns.updated }, patron: { skipSanitize: true, func: createPatronLink } }; // Display the modal containing request supplier metadata $('#ill-request-display-log').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#requestLog').modal({show:true}); }); // Toggle request attributes in Illview $('#toggle_requestattributes').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#requestattributes').toggleClass('content_hidden'); }); // Toggle new comment form in Illview $('#toggle_addcomment').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#addcomment').toggleClass('content_hidden'); }); // Filter partner list $('#partner_filter').keyup(function() { var needle = $('#partner_filter').val(); $('#partners > option').each(function() { var regex = new RegExp(needle, 'i'); if ( needle.length == 0 || $(this).is(':selected') || $(this).text().match(regex) ) { $(this).show(); } else { $(this).hide(); } }); }); // Display the modal containing request supplier metadata $('#ill-request-display-metadata').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#dataPreview').modal({show:true}); }); // Allow us to chain Datatable render helpers together, so we // can use our custom functions and render.text(), which // provides us with data sanitization $.fn.dataTable.render.multi = function(renderArray) { return function(d, type, row, meta) { for(var r = 0; r < renderArray.length; r++) { var toCall = renderArray[r].hasOwnProperty('display') ? renderArray[r].display : renderArray[r]; d = toCall(d, type, row, meta); } return d; } } // Get our data from the API and process it prior to passing // it to datatables var filterParam = prefilters ? '&' + prefilters : ''; // Only fire the request if we're on the ILL list page if (window.location.search.length == 0) { var ajax = $.ajax( '/api/v1/illrequests?embed=metadata,patron,capabilities,library,status_alias,comments,requested_partners' + filterParam ).done(function() { var data = JSON.parse(ajax.responseText); // Make a copy, we'll be removing columns next and need // to be able to refer to data that has been removed var dataCopy = $.extend(true, [], data); // Expand columns that need it and create an array // of all column names $.each(dataCopy, function(k, row) { expandExpand(row); }); // Assemble an array of column definitions for passing // to datatables var colData = []; columns_settings.forEach(function(thisCol) { var colName = thisCol.columnname; // Create the base column object var colObj = $.extend({}, thisCol); colObj.name = colName; colObj.className = colName; colObj.defaultContent = ''; // We may need to process the data going in this // column, so do it if necessary if ( specialCols.hasOwnProperty(colName) && specialCols[colName].hasOwnProperty('func') ) { var renderArray = [ specialCols[colName].func ]; if (!specialCols[colName].skipSanitize) { renderArray.push( $.fn.dataTable.render.text() ); } colObj.render = $.fn.dataTable.render.multi( renderArray ); } else { colObj.data = colName; colObj.render = $.fn.dataTable.render.text() } // Make sure properties that aren't present in the API // response are populated with null to avoid Datatables // choking on their absence dataCopy.forEach(function(thisData) { if (!thisData.hasOwnProperty(colName)) { thisData[colName] = null; } }); colData.push(colObj); }); // Initialise the datatable table = KohaTable("ill-requests", { 'aoColumnDefs': [ { // Last column shouldn't be sortable or searchable 'aTargets': [ 'actions' ], 'bSortable': false, 'bSearchable': false }, { // When sorting 'placed', we want to use the // unformatted column 'aTargets': [ 'placed_formatted'], 'iDataSort': 14 }, { // When sorting 'updated', we want to use the // unformatted column 'aTargets': [ 'updated_formatted'], 'iDataSort': 16 }, { // When sorting 'completed', we want to use the // unformatted column 'aTargets': [ 'completed_formatted'], 'iDataSort': 19 } ], 'aaSorting': [[ 16, 'desc' ]], // Default sort, updated descending 'processing': true, // Display a message when manipulating 'sPaginationType': "full_numbers", // Pagination display 'deferRender': true, // Improve performance on big datasets 'data': dataCopy, 'columns': colData, 'originalData': data, // Enable render functions to access // our original data 'initComplete': function() { // Prepare any filter elements that need it for (var el in filterable) { if (filterable.hasOwnProperty(el)) { if (filterable[el].hasOwnProperty('prep')) { filterable[el].prep(dataCopy, data); } if (filterable[el].hasOwnProperty('listener')) { filterable[el].listener(); } } } } }, columns_settings); // Custom date range filtering $.fn.dataTable.ext.search.push(function(settings, data, dataIndex) { var placedStart = $('#illfilter_dateplaced_start').datepicker('getDate'); var placedEnd = $('#illfilter_dateplaced_end').datepicker('getDate'); var modifiedStart = $('#illfilter_datemodified_start').datepicker('getDate'); var modifiedEnd = $('#illfilter_datemodified_end').datepicker('getDate'); var rowPlaced = data[14] ? new Date(data[14]) : null; var rowModified = data[16] ? new Date(data[16]) : null; var placedPassed = true; var modifiedPassed = true; if (placedStart && rowPlaced && rowPlaced < placedStart) { placedPassed = false }; if (placedEnd && rowPlaced && rowPlaced > placedEnd) { placedPassed = false; } if (modifiedStart && rowModified && rowModified < modifiedStart) { modifiedPassed = false }; if (modifiedEnd && rowModified && rowModified > modifiedEnd) { modifiedPassed = false; } return placedPassed && modifiedPassed; }); }); } //END if window.location.search.length == 0 var clearSearch = function() { table.api().search('').columns().search(''); activeFilters = {}; for (var filter in filterable) { if ( filterable.hasOwnProperty(filter) && filterable[filter].hasOwnProperty('clear') ) { filterable[filter].clear(); } } table.api().draw(); }; // Apply any search filters, or clear any previous // ones $('#illfilter_form').submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); table.api().search('').columns().search(''); for (var active in activeFilters) { if (activeFilters.hasOwnProperty(active)) { activeFilters[active](); } } table.api().draw(); }); // Clear all filters $('#clear_search').click(function() { clearSearch(); }); });