package C4::SQLHelper; # Copyright 2009 Biblibre SARL # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA use strict; use warnings; use List::MoreUtils qw(first_value any); use C4::Context; use C4::Dates qw(format_date_in_iso); use C4::Debug; use YAML; require Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS); BEGIN { # set the version for version checking $VERSION = 0.5; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK=qw( InsertInTable DeleteInTable SearchInTable UpdateInTable GetPrimaryKeys ); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all =>[qw( InsertInTable DeleteInTable SearchInTable UpdateInTable GetPrimaryKeys)] ); } my $tablename; my $hash; =head1 NAME C4::SQLHelper - Perl Module containing convenience functions for SQL Handling =head1 SYNOPSIS use C4::SQLHelper; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains routines for adding, modifying and Searching Data in MysqlDB =head1 FUNCTIONS =over 2 =back =head2 SearchInTable =over 4 $hashref = &SearchInTable($tablename,$data, $orderby, $limit, $columns_out, $filtercolumns, $searchtype); =back $tablename Name of the table (string) $data may contain - string - data_hashref : will be considered as an AND of all the data searched - data_array_ref on hashrefs : Will be considered as an OR of Datahasref elements $orderby is an arrayref of hashref with fieldnames as key and 0 or 1 as values (ASCENDING or DESCENDING order) $limit is an array ref on 2 values $columns_out is an array ref on field names is used to limit results on those fields (* by default) $filtercolums is an array ref on field names : is used to limit expansion of research for strings $searchtype is string Can be "wide" or "exact" =cut sub SearchInTable{ my ($tablename,$filters,$orderby, $limit, $columns_out, $filter_columns,$searchtype) = @_; # $searchtype||="start_with"; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $columns_out||=["*"]; my $sql = do { local $"=', '; qq{ SELECT @$columns_out from $tablename} }; my $row; my $sth; my ($keys,$values)=_filter_fields($tablename,$filters,$searchtype,$filter_columns); if ($keys){ my @criteria=grep{defined($_) && $_ !~/^\W$/ }@$keys; if (@criteria) { $sql.= do { local $"=') AND ('; qq{ WHERE (@criteria) } }; } } if ($orderby){ #Order by desc by default my @orders=map{ "$_".($$orderby{$_}? " DESC" : "") } keys %$orderby; $sql.= do { local $"=', '; qq{ ORDER BY @orders} }; } if ($limit){ $sql.=qq{ LIMIT }.join(",",@$limit); } $debug && $values && warn $sql," ",join(",",@$values); $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql); $sth->execute(@$values); my $results = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} ); return $results; } =head2 InsertInTable =over 4 $data_id_in_table = &InsertInTable($tablename,$data_hashref); =back Insert Data in table and returns the id of the row inserted =cut sub InsertInTable{ my ($tablename,$data) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my ($keys,$values)=_filter_hash($tablename,$data,0); my $query = qq{ INSERT INTO $tablename SET }.join(", ",@$keys); $debug && warn $query, join(",",@$values); my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($query); $sth->execute( @$values); return $dbh->last_insert_id(undef, undef, $tablename, undef); } =head2 UpdateInTable =over 4 $status = &UpdateInTable($tablename,$data_hashref); =back Update Data in table and returns the status of the operation =cut sub UpdateInTable{ my ($tablename,$data) = @_; my @field_ids=GetPrimaryKeys($tablename); my @ids=@$data{@field_ids}; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my ($keys,$values)=_filter_hash($tablename,$data,0); my $query = qq{ UPDATE $tablename SET }.join(",",@$keys).qq{ WHERE }.join (" AND ",map{ "$_=?" }@field_ids); $debug && warn $query, join(",",@$values,@ids); my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($query); return $sth->execute( @$values,@ids); } =head2 DeleteInTable =over 4 $status = &DeleteInTable($tablename,$data_hashref); =back Delete Data in table and returns the status of the operation =cut sub DeleteInTable{ my ($tablename,$data) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my ($keys,$values)=_filter_fields($tablename,$data,1); if ($keys){ my $query = do { local $"=') AND ('; qq{ DELETE FROM $tablename WHERE (@$keys)}; }; $debug && warn $query, join(",",@$values); my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($query); return $sth->execute( @$values); } } =head2 GetPrimaryKeys =over 4 @primarykeys = &GetPrimaryKeys($tablename) =back Get the Primary Key field names of the table =cut sub GetPrimaryKeys($) { my $tablename=shift; my $hash_columns=_get_columns($tablename); return grep { $$hash_columns{$_}{'Key'} =~/PRI/i} keys %$hash_columns; } =head2 _get_columns =over 4 _get_columns($tablename) =back Given a tablename Returns a hashref of all the fieldnames of the table With Key Type Default =cut sub _get_columns($) { my ($tablename)=@_; my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh; my $sth=$dbh->prepare_cached(qq{SHOW COLUMNS FROM $tablename }); $sth->execute; my $columns= $sth->fetchall_hashref(qw(Field)); } =head2 _filter_columns =over 4 _filter_columns($tablename,$research, $filtercolumns) =back Given - a tablename - indicator on purpose whether all fields should be returned or only non Primary keys - array_ref to columns to limit to Returns an array of all the fieldnames of the table If it is not for research purpose, filter primary keys =cut sub _filter_columns ($$;$) { my ($tablename,$research, $filtercolumns)=@_; if ($filtercolumns){ return (@$filtercolumns); } else { my $columns=_get_columns($tablename); if ($research){ return keys %$columns; } else { return grep {my $column=$_; any {$_ ne $column }GetPrimaryKeys($tablename) } keys %$columns; } } } =head2 _filter_fields =over 4 _filter_fields =back Given - a tablename - a string or a hashref (containing, fieldnames and datatofilter) or an arrayref to one of those elements - an indicator of operation whether it is a wide research or a narrow one - an array ref to columns to restrict string filter to. Returns a ref of key array to use in SQL functions and a ref to value array =cut sub _filter_fields{ my ($tablename,$filter_input,$searchtype,$filtercolumns)=@_; my @keys; my @values; if (ref($filter_input) eq "HASH"){ my ($keys, $values) = _filter_hash($tablename,$filter_input, $searchtype); if ($keys){ my $stringkey="(".join (") AND (",@$keys).")"; return [$stringkey],$values; } else { return (); } } elsif (ref($filter_input) eq "ARRAY"){ foreach my $element_data (@$filter_input){ my ($localkeys,$localvalues)=_filter_fields($tablename,$element_data,$searchtype,$filtercolumns); if ($localkeys){ @$localkeys=grep{defined($_) && $_ !~/^\W*$/}@$localkeys; my $string=do{ local $"=") OR ("; qq{(@$localkeys)} }; push @keys, $string; push @values, @$localvalues; } } } else{ return _filter_string($tablename,$filter_input,$searchtype,$filtercolumns); } return (\@keys,\@values); } sub _filter_hash{ my ($tablename,$filter_input, $searchtype)=@_; my (@values, @keys); my $columns= _get_columns($tablename); my @columns_filtered= _filter_columns($tablename,$searchtype); #Filter Primary Keys of table my $elements=join "|",@columns_filtered; foreach my $field (grep {/\b($elements)\b/} keys %$filter_input){ ## supposed to be a hash of simple values, hashes of arrays could be implemented $$filter_input{$field}=format_date_in_iso($$filter_input{$field}) if ($$columns{$field}{Type}=~/date/ && $$filter_input{$field} !~C4::Dates->regexp("iso")); my ($tmpkeys, $localvalues)=_Process_Operands($$filter_input{$field},$field,$searchtype,$columns); if (@$tmpkeys){ push @values, @$localvalues; push @keys, @$tmpkeys; } } if (@keys){ return (\@keys,\@values); } else { return (); } } sub _filter_string{ my ($tablename,$filter_input, $searchtype,$filtercolumns)=@_; return () unless($filter_input); my @operands=split / /,$filter_input; my @columns_filtered= _filter_columns($tablename,$searchtype,$filtercolumns); my $columns= _get_columns($tablename); my (@values,@keys); my @localkeys; foreach my $operand (@operands){ foreach my $field (@columns_filtered){ my ($tmpkeys, $localvalues)=_Process_Operands($operand,$field,$searchtype,$columns); if ($tmpkeys){ push @values,@$localvalues; push @localkeys,@$tmpkeys; } } } my $sql= join (' OR ', @localkeys); push @keys, $sql; if (@keys){ return (\@keys,\@values); } else { return (); } } sub _Process_Operands{ my ($operand, $field, $searchtype,$columns)=@_; my @values; my @tmpkeys; my @localkeys; push @tmpkeys, " $field = ? "; push @values, $operand; unless ($searchtype){ return \@tmpkeys,\@values; } if ($searchtype eq "start_with"){ if ($field=~/(?