#!/usr/bin/perl # # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # # #use strict; #use warnings; FIXME - Bug 2505 use File::Temp; use File::Copy; use CGI; use GD; use C4::Context; use C4::Auth; use C4::Output; use C4::Members; use C4::Debug; my $input = new CGI; my ($template, $loggedinuser, $cookie) = get_template_and_user({template_name => "tools/picture-upload.tmpl", query => $input, type => "intranet", authnotrequired => 0, flagsrequired => { tools => 'batch_upload_patron_images'}, debug => 0, }); my $filetype = $input->param('filetype'); my $cardnumber = $input->param('cardnumber'); my $uploadfilename = $input->param('uploadfile'); my $uploadfile = $input->upload('uploadfile'); my $borrowernumber = $input->param('borrowernumber'); my $op = $input->param('op'); #FIXME: This code is really in the rough. The variables need to be re-scoped as the two subs depend on global vars to operate. # Other parts of this code could be optimized as well, I think. Perhaps the file upload could be done with YUI's upload # coded. -fbcit $debug and warn "Params are: filetype=$filetype, cardnumber=$cardnumber, borrowernumber=$borrowernumber, uploadfile=$uploadfilename"; =head1 NAME picture-upload.pl - Script for handling uploading of both single and bulk patronimages and importing them into the database. =head1 SYNOPSIS picture-upload.pl =head1 DESCRIPTION This script is called and presents the user with an interface allowing him/her to upload a single patron image or bulk patron images via a zip file. Files greater than 100K will be refused. Images should be 140x200 pixels. If they are larger they will be auto-resized to comply. =cut $debug and warn "Operation requested: $op"; my ( $total, $handled, @counts, $tempfile, $tfh ); if ( ($op eq 'Upload') && $uploadfile ) { # Case is important in these operational values as the template must use case to be visually pleasing! my $dirname = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1); $debug and warn "dirname = $dirname"; my $filesuffix; if ( $uploadfilename =~ m/(\..+)$/i ) { $filesuffix = $1; } ( $tfh, $tempfile ) = File::Temp::tempfile( SUFFIX => $filesuffix, UNLINK => 1 ); $debug and warn "tempfile = $tempfile"; my ( @directories, $errors ); $errors{'NOTZIP'} = 1 if ( $uploadfilename !~ /\.zip$/i && $filetype =~ m/zip/i ); $errors{'NOWRITETEMP'} = 1 unless ( -w $dirname ); $errors{'EMPTYUPLOAD'} = 1 unless ( length( $uploadfile ) > 0 ); if ( %errors ) { $template->param( ERRORS => [ \%errors ] ); } else { while ( <$uploadfile> ) { print $tfh $_; } close $tfh; if ( $filetype eq 'zip' ) { unless (system("unzip", $tempfile, '-d', $dirname) == 0) { $errors{'UZIPFAIL'} = $uploadfilename; $template->param( ERRORS => [ \%errors ] ); output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output; # This error is fatal to the import, so bail out here exit; } push @directories, "$dirname"; foreach $recursive_dir ( @directories ) { opendir $dir, $recursive_dir; while ( my $entry = readdir $dir ) { push @directories, "$recursive_dir/$entry" if ( -d "$recursive_dir/$entry" and $entry !~ /^\./ ); $debug and warn "$recursive_dir/$entry"; } closedir $dir; } my $results; foreach my $dir ( @directories ) { $results = handle_dir( $dir, $filesuffix, $template ); $handled++ if $results == 1; } $total = scalar @directories; } else { #if ($filetype eq 'zip' ) $results = handle_dir( $dirname, $filesuffix, $template, $cardnumber, $tempfile ); $handled = 1; $total = 1; } if ( %$results || %errors ) { $template->param( ERRORS => [ \%$results ] ); } else { my $filecount; map {$filecount += $_->{count}} @counts; $debug and warn "Total directories processed: $total"; $debug and warn "Total files processed: $filecount"; $template->param( TOTAL => $total, HANDLED => $handled, COUNTS => \@counts, TCOUNTS => ($filecount > 0 ? $filecount : undef), ); $template->param( borrowernumber => $borrowernumber ) if $borrowernumber; } } } elsif ( ($op eq 'Upload') && !$uploadfile ) { warn "Problem uploading file or no file uploaded."; $template->param(cardnumber => $cardnumber); $template->param(filetype => $filetype); } elsif ( $op eq 'Delete' ) { my $dberror = RmPatronImage($cardnumber); $debug and warn "Patron image deleted for $cardnumber"; warn "Database returned $dberror" if $dberror; } if ( $borrowernumber && !$errors && !$template->param('ERRORS') ) { print $input->redirect ("/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=$borrowernumber"); } else { output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output; } sub handle_dir { my ( $dir, $suffix, $template, $cardnumber, $source ) = @_; $debug and warn "Entering sub handle_dir; passed \$dir=$dir, \$suffix=$suffix"; if ($suffix =~ m/zip/i) { # If we were sent a zip file, process any included data/idlink.txt files my ( $file, $filename ); undef $cardnumber; $debug and warn "Passed a zip file."; opendir my $dirhandle, $dir; while ( my $filename = readdir $dirhandle ) { $file = "$dir/$filename" if ($filename =~ m/datalink\.txt/i || $filename =~ m/idlink\.txt/i); } unless (open (FILE, $file)) { warn "Opening $dir/$file failed!"; $errors{'OPNLINK'} = $file; return $errors; # This error is fatal to the import of this directory contents, so bail and return the error to the caller }; while (my $line = ) { $debug and warn "Reading contents of $file"; chomp $line; $debug and warn "Examining line: $line"; my $delim = ($line =~ /\t/) ? "\t" : ($line =~ /,/) ? "," : ""; $debug and warn "Delimeter is \'$delim\'"; unless ( $delim eq "," || $delim eq "\t" ) { warn "Unrecognized or missing field delimeter. Please verify that you are using either a ',' or a 'tab'"; $errors{'DELERR'} = 1; # This error is fatal to the import of this directory contents, so bail and return the error to the caller return $errors; } ($cardnumber, $filename) = split $delim, $line; $cardnumber =~ s/[\"\r\n]//g; # remove offensive characters $filename =~ s/[\"\r\n\s]//g; $debug and warn "Cardnumber: $cardnumber Filename: $filename"; $source = "$dir/$filename"; %counts = handle_file($cardnumber, $source, $template, %counts); } close FILE; closedir ($dirhandle); } else { %counts = handle_file($cardnumber, $source, $template, %counts); } push @counts, \%counts; return 1; } sub handle_file { my ($cardnumber, $source, $template, %count) = @_; $debug and warn "Entering sub handle_file; passed \$cardnumber=$cardnumber, \$source=$source"; $count{filenames} = () if !$count{filenames}; $count{source} = $source if !$count{source}; if ($cardnumber && $source) { # Now process any imagefiles my %filerrors; my $filename; if ($filetype eq 'image') { $filename = $uploadfilename; } else { $filename = $1 if ($source =~ /\/([^\/]+)$/); } $debug and warn "Source: $source"; my $size = (stat($source))[7]; if ($size > 550000) { # This check is necessary even with image resizing to avoid possible security/performance issues... $filerrors{'OVRSIZ'} = 1; push my @filerrors, \%filerrors; push @{ $count{filenames} }, { filerrors => \@filerrors, source => $filename, cardnumber => $cardnumber }; $template->param( ERRORS => 1 ); return %count; # this one is fatal so bail here... } my ($srcimage, $image); if (open (IMG, "$source")) { $srcimage = GD::Image->new(*IMG); close (IMG); if (defined $srcimage) { my $mimetype = 'image/png'; # GD autodetects three basic image formats: PNG, JPEG, XPM; we will convert all to PNG which is lossless... # Check the pixel size of the image we are about to import... my ($width, $height) = $srcimage->getBounds(); $debug and warn "$filename is $width pix X $height pix."; if ($width > 200 || $height > 300) { # MAX pixel dims are 200 X 300... $debug and warn "$filename exceeds the maximum pixel dimensions of 200 X 300. Resizing..."; my $percent_reduce; # Percent we will reduce the image dimensions by... if ($width > 200) { $percent_reduce = sprintf("%.5f",(140/$width)); # If the width is oversize, scale based on width overage... } else { $percent_reduce = sprintf("%.5f",(200/$height)); # otherwise scale based on height overage. } my $width_reduce = sprintf("%.0f", ($width * $percent_reduce)); my $height_reduce = sprintf("%.0f", ($height * $percent_reduce)); $debug and warn "Reducing $filename by " . ($percent_reduce * 100) . "\% or to $width_reduce pix X $height_reduce pix"; $image = GD::Image->new($width_reduce, $height_reduce, 1); #'1' creates true color image... $image->copyResampled($srcimage,0,0,0,0,$width_reduce,$height_reduce,$width,$height); $imgfile = $image->png(); $debug and warn "$filename is " . length($imgfile) . " bytes after resizing."; undef $image; undef $srcimage; # This object can get big... } else { $image = $srcimage; $imgfile = $image->png(); $debug and warn "$filename is " . length($imgfile) . " bytes."; undef $image; undef $srcimage; # This object can get big... } $debug and warn "Image is of mimetype $mimetype"; my $dberror; if ($mimetype) { $dberror = PutPatronImage( $cardnumber, $mimetype, $imgfile ); } if ( !$dberror && $mimetype ) { # Errors from here on are fatal only to the import of a particular image, so don't bail, just note the error and keep going $count{count}++; push @{ $count{filenames} }, { source => $filename, cardnumber => $cardnumber }; } elsif ( $dberror ) { warn "Database returned error: $dberror"; ($dberror =~ /patronimage_fk1/) ? $filerrors{'IMGEXISTS'} = 1 : $filerrors{'DBERR'} = 1; push my @filerrors, \%filerrors; push @{ $count{filenames} }, { filerrors => \@filerrors, source => $filename, cardnumber => $cardnumber }; $template->param( ERRORS => 1 ); } elsif ( !$mimetype ) { warn "Unable to determine mime type of $filename. Please verify mimetype."; $filerrors{'MIMERR'} = 1; push my @filerrors, \%filerrors; push @{ $count{filenames} }, { filerrors => \@filerrors, source => $filename, cardnumber => $cardnumber }; $template->param( ERRORS => 1 ); } } else { warn "Contents of $filename corrupted!"; # $count{count}--; $filerrors{'CORERR'} = 1; push my @filerrors, \%filerrors; push @{ $count{filenames} }, { filerrors => \@filerrors, source => $filename, cardnumber => $cardnumber }; $template->param( ERRORS => 1 ); } } else { warn "Opening $dir/$filename failed!"; $filerrors{'OPNERR'} = 1; push my @filerrors, \%filerrors; push @{ $count{filenames} }, { filerrors => \@filerrors, source => $filename, cardnumber => $cardnumber }; $template->param( ERRORS => 1 ); } } else { # The need for this seems a bit unlikely, however, to maximize error trapping it is included warn "Missing " . ($cardnumber ? "filename" : ($filename ? "cardnumber" : "cardnumber and filename")); $filerrors{'CRDFIL'} = ($cardnumber ? "filename" : ($filename ? "cardnumber" : "cardnumber and filename")); push my @filerrors, \%filerrors; push @{ $count{filenames} }, { filerrors => \@filerrors, source => $filename, cardnumber => $cardnumber }; $template->param( ERRORS => 1 ); } return (%count); } =head1 AUTHORS Original contributor(s) undocumented Database storage, single patronimage upload option, and extensive error trapping contributed by Chris Nighswonger cnighswonger foundations edu Image scaling/resizing contributed by the same. =cut