package C4::Creators::PDF; # Copyright 2009 Foundations Bible College. # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. use strict; use warnings; use PDF::Reuse; use PDF::Reuse::Barcode; use File::Temp; use List::Util qw/first/; BEGIN { use version; our $VERSION = qv(''); } sub _InitVars { my $self = shift; my $param = shift; prInitVars($param); } sub new { my $invocant = shift; my $type = ref($invocant) || $invocant; my %opts = @_; my $self = {}; _InitVars() if ($opts{InitVars} == 0); _InitVars($opts{InitVars}) if ($opts{InitVars} > 0); delete($opts{InitVars}); prDocDir($opts{'DocDir'}) if $opts{'DocDir'}; delete($opts{'DocDir'}); my $fh = File::Temp->new( UNLINK => 0, SUFFIX => '.pdf' ); $opts{Name} = $self->{filename} = "$fh"; # filename close $fh; # we need just filename prFile(\%opts); bless ($self, $type); return $self; } sub End { my $self = shift; prEnd(); # slurp temporary filename and print it out for plack to pick up local $/ = undef; open(my $fh, '<', $self->{filename}) || die "$self->{filename}: $!"; print <$fh>; close $fh; unlink $self->{filename}; } sub Add { my $self = shift; my $string = shift; prAdd($string); } sub Bookmark { my $self = shift; my $reference = shift; prBookmark($reference); } sub Compress { my $self = shift; my $directive = shift; prCompress($directive); } sub Doc { my $self = shift; my %params = @_; prDoc(%params); } sub DocForm { my $self = shift; my %params = @_; return prDocForm(%params); } sub Extract { my $self = shift; my ($pdfFile, $pageNo, $oldInternalName) = @_; return prExtract($pdfFile, $pageNo, $oldInternalName); } sub Field { my $self = shift; my ($fieldName, $value) = @_; prField($fieldName, $value); } sub Font { my $self = shift; my $fontName = shift; my $ttf = C4::Context->config('ttf'); if ( $ttf ) { my $ttf_path = first { $_->{type} eq $fontName } @{ $ttf->{font} }; if ( -e $ttf_path->{content} ) { return prTTFont($ttf_path->{content}); } else { warn "ERROR in koha-conf.xml -- missing /path/to/font.ttf"; } } return prFont($fontName); } sub FontSize { my $self = shift; my $size = shift; return prFontSize($size); } sub Form { my $self = shift; my %params = @_; return prForm(%params); } sub GetLogBuffer { my $self = shift; return prGetLogBuffer(); } sub GraphState { my $self = shift; my $string = shift; prGraphState($string); } sub Image { my $self = shift; my %params = @_; return prImage(%params); } sub Init { my $self = shift; my ($string, $duplicateCode) = @_; prInit($string, $duplicateCode); } sub AltJpeg { my $self = shift; my ($imageData, $width, $height, $imageFormat, $altImageData, $altImageWidth, $altImageHeight, $altImageFormat) = @_; return prAltJpeg($imageData, $width, $height, $imageFormat, $altImageData, $altImageWidth, $altImageHeight, $altImageFormat); } sub Jpeg { my $self = shift; my ($imageData, $width, $height, $imageFormat) = @_; return prJpegBlob($imageData, $width, $height, $imageFormat); } # FIXME: This magick foo is an absolute hack until the maintainer of PDF::Reuse releases the next version which will include these features sub prAltJpeg { my ($iData, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iFormat,$aiData, $aiWidth, $aiHeight, $aiFormat) = @_; my ($namnet, $utrad); if (! $PDF::Reuse::pos) # If no output is active, it is no use to continue { return; } prJpegBlob($aiData, $aiWidth, $aiHeight, $aiFormat); my $altObjNr = $PDF::Reuse::objNr; $PDF::Reuse::imageNr++; $namnet = 'Ig' . $PDF::Reuse::imageNr; $PDF::Reuse::objNr++; $PDF::Reuse::objekt[$PDF::Reuse::objNr] = $PDF::Reuse::pos; $utrad = "$PDF::Reuse::objNr 0 obj\n" . "[ << /Image $altObjNr 0 R\n" . "/DefaultForPrinting true\n" . ">>\n" . "]\n" . "endobj\n"; $PDF::Reuse::pos += syswrite *PDF::Reuse::UTFIL, $utrad; if ($PDF::Reuse::runfil) { $PDF::Reuse::log .= "Jpeg~AltImage\n"; } $PDF::Reuse::objRef{$namnet} = $PDF::Reuse::objNr; $namnet = prJpegBlob($iData, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iFormat, $PDF::Reuse::objNr); if (! $PDF::Reuse::pos) { errLog("No output file, you have to call prFile first"); } return $namnet; } sub prJpegBlob { my ($iData, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iFormat, $altArrayObjNr) = @_; my ($iLangd, $namnet, $utrad); if (! $PDF::Reuse::pos) # If no output is active, it is no use to continue { return; } my $checkidOld = $PDF::Reuse::checkId; if (!$iFormat) { my ($iFile, $checkId) = findGet($iData, $checkidOld); if ($iFile) { $iLangd = (stat($iFile))[7]; $PDF::Reuse::imageNr++; $namnet = 'Ig' . $PDF::Reuse::imageNr; $PDF::Reuse::objNr++; $PDF::Reuse::objekt[$PDF::Reuse::objNr] = $PDF::Reuse::pos; open (my $fh, '<', "$iFile") || errLog("Couldn't open $iFile, $!, aborts"); binmode $fh; my $iStream; sysread $fh, $iStream, $iLangd; $utrad = "$PDF::Reuse::objNr 0 obj\n<>stream\n$iStream\nendstream\nendobj\n"; close $fh; $PDF::Reuse::pos += syswrite $PDF::Reuse::UTFIL, $utrad; if ($PDF::Reuse::runfil) { $PDF::Reuse::log .= "Cid~$PDF::Reuse::checkId\n"; $PDF::Reuse::log .= "Jpeg~$iFile~$iWidth~$iHeight\n"; } $PDF::Reuse::objRef{$namnet} = $PDF::Reuse::objNr; } undef $checkId; } elsif ($iFormat == 1) { my $iBlob = $iData; $iLangd = length($iBlob); $PDF::Reuse::imageNr++; $namnet = 'Ig' . $PDF::Reuse::imageNr; $PDF::Reuse::objNr++; $PDF::Reuse::objekt[$PDF::Reuse::objNr] = $PDF::Reuse::pos; $utrad = "$PDF::Reuse::objNr 0 obj\n<>stream\n$iBlob\nendstream\nendobj\n"; $PDF::Reuse::pos += syswrite *PDF::Reuse::UTFIL, $utrad; if ($PDF::Reuse::runfil) { $PDF::Reuse::log .= "Jpeg~Blob~$iWidth~$iHeight\n"; } $PDF::Reuse::objRef{$namnet} = $PDF::Reuse::objNr; } if (! $PDF::Reuse::pos) { errLog("No output file, you have to call prFile first"); } return $namnet; } sub Js { my $self = shift; my $string_or_fileName = shift; prJs($string_or_fileName); } sub Link { my $self = shift; my %params = @_; prLink(%params); } sub Log { my $self = shift; my $string = shift; prLog($string); } sub LogDir { my $self = shift; my $directory = shift; prLogDir($directory); } sub Mbox { my $self = shift; my ($lowerLeftX, $lowerLeftY, $upperRightX, $upperRightY) = @_; prMbox($lowerLeftX, $lowerLeftY, $upperRightX, $upperRightY); } sub Page { my $self = shift; my $noLog = shift; prPage($noLog); } sub SinglePage { my $self = shift; my ($file, $pageNumber) = @_; return prSinglePage($file, $pageNumber); } sub StrWidth { my $self = shift; my ($string, $font, $fontSize) = @_; # replace font code with path to TTF font file if need be my $ttf = C4::Context->config('ttf'); if ( $ttf ) { my $ttf_path = first { $_->{type} eq $font } @{ $ttf->{font} }; if ( -e $ttf_path->{content} ) { $font = $ttf_path->{content}; } else { warn "ERROR in koha-conf.xml -- missing /path/to/font.ttf"; } } return prStrWidth($string, $font, $fontSize); } sub Text { my $self = shift; my ($x, $y, $string, $align, $rotation) = @_; return prText($x, $y, $string, $align, $rotation); } sub TTFont { my $self = shift; my $path = shift; return prTTFont($path); } sub Code128 { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; PDF::Reuse::Barcode::Code128(%opts); } sub Code39 { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; PDF::Reuse::Barcode::Code39(%opts); } sub COOP2of5 { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; PDF::Reuse::Barcode::COOP2of5(%opts); } sub EAN13 { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; PDF::Reuse::Barcode::EAN13(%opts); } sub EAN8 { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; PDF::Reuse::Barcode::EAN8(%opts); } sub IATA2of5 { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; PDF::Reuse::Barcode::IATA2of5(%opts); } sub Industrial2of5 { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; PDF::Reuse::Barcode::Industrial2of5(%opts); } sub ITF { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; PDF::Reuse::Barcode::ITF(%opts); } sub Matrix2of5 { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; PDF::Reuse::Barcode::Matrix2of5(%opts); } sub NW7 { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; PDF::Reuse::Barcode::NW7(%opts); } sub UPCA { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; PDF::Reuse::Barcode::UPCA(%opts); } sub UPCE { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; PDF::Reuse::Barcode::UPCE(%opts); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME C4::Creators::PDF - A class wrapper for PDF::Reuse and PDF::Reuse::Barcode to allow usage as a psuedo-object. For usage see PDF::Reuse documentation and C4::Creators::PDF code. =cut =head1 AUTHOR Chris Nighswonger =cut