MARC Import

This is one of the screens you will see frequently if you are starting from scratch.

It is useful to import a bunch of ISO 2709 biblios that can be used later for a quick cataloguing

First, you need to browse your computer to find the MARC record that you grabbed for your item. Click on

Choose File to browse.

If you aren't sure if you've already imported a record, keep the radio button set to

Ignore this one, keep the existing one.

You can "name" the import to help you when you need to choose between more than 1 imported biblio (or just want to keep trace on where the biblios comes from)

You can also change char encoding between MARC21 and UNIMARC

You don't need to actually name every import, so you don't need to fill in this box if you don't want to. It is useful for telling imports apart if you've more than one of the same record.

IMPORTANT : This tool is NOT intended to import ISO 2709 in your ACTIVE database. If you need to migrate data from another ILS, then you must consider $kohaInstall/scripts/misc/