package C4::ItemCirculationAlertPreference; # Copyright Liblime 2009 # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use strict; use warnings; use C4::Context; use C4::Category; use Carp qw(carp croak); use Koha::ItemTypes; our $AUTOLOAD; # helper function for validating \%opts our $valid = sub { my $opts = shift; for (qw(branchcode categorycode item_type notification)) { exists($opts->{$_}) || croak("'$_' is a required parameter."); } }; =head1 NAME C4::ItemCirculationAlertPreference - manage preferences for sending alerts =head1 SYNOPSIS Basics: use C4::ItemCirculationAlertPreference; # a short-cut to reduce typing the long package name over and over again my $preferences = 'C4::ItemCirculationAlertPreference'; Creating a restriction on sending messages: my $pref = $preferences->create({ branchcode => 'CPL', categorycode => 'YA', item_type => 'BK', notification => 'CHECKOUT', }); Removing a restriction on sending messages: $preferences->delete({ branchcode => 'CPL', categorycode => 'YA', item_type => 'BK', notification => 'CHECKOUT', }); =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is used to manage the preferences for when an alert may be sent. By default, item circulation alerts are enabled for every B, B and B. However, if you would like to prevent item circulation alerts from being sent for any combination of these 3 variables, a preference can be inserted into the C table to make that a policy. =head1 API =head2 Class Methods =cut =head3 C4::ItemCirculationAlertPreference->new(\%opts) This is a constructor for an in-memory C4::ItemCirculationAlertPreference object. The database is not affected by this method. =cut sub new { my ($class, $opts) = @_; bless $opts => $class; } =head3 C4::ItemCirculationAlertPreference->create(\%opts) This will find or create an item circulation alert preference. You must pass it a B, B, B, and B. Valid values for these attributes are as follows: =over 4 =item branchcode branches.branchcode =item categorycode category.categorycode =item item_type itemtypes.itemtype =item notification This can be "CHECKIN" or "CHECKOUT" =back =cut sub create { my ($class, $opts) = @_; $valid->($opts); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $prefs = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT id, branchcode, categorycode, item_type FROM item_circulation_alert_preferences WHERE branchcode = ? AND categorycode = ? AND item_type = ? AND notification = ?", { Slice => {} }, $opts->{branchcode}, $opts->{categorycode}, $opts->{item_type}, $opts->{notification}, ); if (@$prefs) { return $class->new($prefs->[0]); } else { my $success = $dbh->do( "INSERT INTO item_circulation_alert_preferences (branchcode, categorycode, item_type, notification) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", {}, $opts->{branchcode}, $opts->{categorycode}, $opts->{item_type}, $opts->{notification}, ); if ($success) { my $self = { id => $dbh->last_insert_id(undef, undef, undef, undef), branchcode => $opts->{branchcode}, categorycode => $opts->{categorycode}, item_type => $opts->{item_type}, notification => $opts->{notification}, }; return $class->new($self); } else { carp $dbh->errstr; return; } } } =head3 C4::ItemCirculationAlertPreference->delete(\%opts) Delete an item circulation alert preference. You can delete by either passing in an B or passing in a B, B, B triplet. =cut sub delete { my ($class, $opts) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; if ($opts->{id}) { $dbh->do( "DELETE FROM item_circulation_alert_preferences WHERE id = ?", {}, $opts->{id} ); } else { $valid->($opts); my $sql = "DELETE FROM item_circulation_alert_preferences WHERE branchcode = ? AND categorycode = ? AND item_type = ? AND notification = ?"; $dbh->do( $sql, {}, $opts->{branchcode}, $opts->{categorycode}, $opts->{item_type}, $opts->{notification}, ); } } =head3 C4::ItemCirculationAlertPreference->is_enabled_for(\%opts) Based on the existing preferences in the C table, can an alert be sent for the given B, B, and B? B: my $alert = 'C4::ItemCirculationAlertPreference'; my $conditions = { branchcode => 'CPL', categorycode => 'IL', item_type => 'MU', }; if ($alert->is_enabled_for($conditions)) { # ... } =cut sub is_disabled_for { my ($class, $opts) = @_; $valid->($opts); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; # Does a preference exist to block this alert? my $query = qq{ SELECT id, branchcode, categorycode, item_type, notification FROM item_circulation_alert_preferences WHERE (branchcode = ? OR branchcode = '*') AND (categorycode = ? OR categorycode = '*') AND (item_type = ? OR item_type = '*') AND (notification = ? OR notification = '*') }; my $preferences = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( $query, { Slice => {} }, $opts->{branchcode}, $opts->{categorycode}, $opts->{item_type}, $opts->{notification}, ); # If any preferences showed up, we are NOT enabled. return @$preferences; } sub is_enabled_for { my ($class, $opts) = @_; return not $class->is_disabled_for($opts); } =head3 C4::ItemCirculationAlertPreference->find({ branchcode => $bc, notification => $type }) This method returns all the item circulation alert preferences for a given branch and notification. B: my @branch_prefs = C4::ItemCirculationAlertPreference->find({ branchcode => 'CPL', notification => 'CHECKIN', }); =cut sub find { my ($class, $where) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq{ SELECT id, branchcode, categorycode, item_type, notification FROM item_circulation_alert_preferences WHERE branchcode = ? AND notification = ? ORDER BY categorycode, item_type }; return map { $class->new($_) } @{$dbh->selectall_arrayref( $query, { Slice => {} }, $where->{branchcode}, $where->{notification}, )}; } =head3 C4::ItemCirculationAlertPreference->grid({ branchcode => $c, notification => $type }) Return a 2D arrayref for the grid view in F. Each row represents a category (like 'Patron' or 'Young Adult') and each column represents an itemtype (like 'Book' or 'Music'). Each cell contains... B: use Data::Dump 'pp'; my $grid = C4::ItemCirculationAlertPreference->grid({ branchcode => 'CPL', notification => 'CHECKOUT', }); warn pp($grid); See F to see how this method is used. =cut sub grid { my ($class, $where) = @_; my @branch_prefs = $class->find($where); my @default_prefs = $class->find({ branchcode => '*', notification => $where->{notification} }); my @cc = C4::Category->all; my @it = Koha::ItemTypes->search; my $notification = $where->{notification}; my %disabled = map { my $key = $_->categorycode . "-" . $_->item_type . "-" . $notification; $key =~ s/\*/_/g; ($key => 1); } @branch_prefs; my %default = map { my $key = $_->categorycode . "-" . $_->item_type . "-" . $notification; $key =~ s/\*/_/g; ($key => 1); } @default_prefs; my @grid; for my $c (@cc) { my $row = { description => $c->description, items => [] }; push @grid, $row; for my $i (@it) { my $key = $c->categorycode . "-" . $i->itemtype . "-" . $notification; $key =~ s/\*/_/g; my @classes; my $text = " "; if ($disabled{$key}) { push @classes, 'disabled'; $text = "Disabled for $where->{branchcode}"; } if ($default{$key}) { push @classes, 'default'; $text = "Disabled for all"; } push @{$row->{items}}, { class => join(' ', @classes), id => $key, text => $text, }; } } return \@grid; } =head2 Object Methods These are read-only accessors for the various attributes of a preference. =head3 $pref->id =cut =head3 $pref->branchcode =cut =head3 $pref->categorycode =cut =head3 $pref->item_type =cut =head3 $pref->notification =cut sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my $attr = $AUTOLOAD; $attr =~ s/.*://; if (exists $self->{$attr}) { return $self->{$attr}; } else { return; } } sub DESTROY { } =head1 SEE ALSO L, F =head1 AUTHOR John Beppu =cut 1;