package C4::Letters; # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use strict; use warnings; use MIME::Lite; use Mail::Sendmail; use Date::Calc qw( Add_Delta_Days ); use Encode; use Carp; use Template; use Module::Load::Conditional qw(can_load); use C4::Koha qw(GetAuthorisedValueByCode); use C4::Members; use C4::Members::Attributes qw(GetBorrowerAttributes); use C4::Branch; use C4::Log; use C4::SMS; use C4::Debug; use Koha::DateUtils; use Koha::SMS::Providers; use Koha::Email; use Koha::DateUtils qw( format_sqldatetime dt_from_string ); use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS); BEGIN { require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( &GetLetters &GetLettersAvailableForALibrary &GetLetterTemplates &DelLetter &GetPreparedLetter &GetWrappedLetter &addalert &getalert &delalert &findrelatedto &SendAlerts &GetPrintMessages &GetMessageTransportTypes ); } =head1 NAME C4::Letters - Give functions for Letters management =head1 SYNOPSIS use C4::Letters; =head1 DESCRIPTION "Letters" is the tool used in Koha to manage informations sent to the patrons and/or the library. This include some cron jobs like late issues, as well as other tasks like sending a mail to users that have subscribed to a "serial issue alert" (= being warned every time a new issue has arrived at the library) Letters are managed through "alerts" sent by Koha on some events. All "alert" related functions are in this module too. =head2 GetLetters([$module]) $letters = &GetLetters($module); returns informations about letters. if needed, $module filters for letters given module =cut sub GetLetters { my ($filters) = @_; my $module = $filters->{module}; my $code = $filters->{code}; my $branchcode = $filters->{branchcode}; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $letters = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( q| SELECT module, code, branchcode, name FROM letter WHERE 1 | . ( $module ? q| AND module = ?| : q|| ) . ( $code ? q| AND code = ?| : q|| ) . ( defined $branchcode ? q| AND branchcode = ?| : q|| ) . q| GROUP BY code ORDER BY name|, { Slice => {} } , ( $module ? $module : () ) , ( $code ? $code : () ) , ( defined $branchcode ? $branchcode : () ) ); return $letters; } =head2 GetLetterTemplates my $letter_templates = GetLetterTemplates( { module => 'circulation', code => 'my code', branchcode => 'CPL', # '' for default, } ); Return a hashref of letter templates. The key will be the message transport type. =cut sub GetLetterTemplates { my ( $params ) = @_; my $module = $params->{module}; my $code = $params->{code}; my $branchcode = $params->{branchcode} // ''; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $letters = $dbh->selectall_hashref( q| SELECT module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type FROM letter WHERE module = ? AND code = ? and branchcode = ? | , 'message_transport_type' , undef , $module, $code, $branchcode ); return $letters; } =head2 GetLettersAvailableForALibrary my $letters = GetLettersAvailableForALibrary( { branchcode => 'CPL', # '' for default module => 'circulation', } ); Return an arrayref of letters, sorted by name. If a specific letter exist for the given branchcode, it will be retrieve. Otherwise the default letter will be. =cut sub GetLettersAvailableForALibrary { my ($filters) = @_; my $branchcode = $filters->{branchcode}; my $module = $filters->{module}; croak "module should be provided" unless $module; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $default_letters = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( q| SELECT module, code, branchcode, name FROM letter WHERE 1 | . q| AND branchcode = ''| . ( $module ? q| AND module = ?| : q|| ) . q| ORDER BY name|, { Slice => {} } , ( $module ? $module : () ) ); my $specific_letters; if ($branchcode) { $specific_letters = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( q| SELECT module, code, branchcode, name FROM letter WHERE 1 | . q| AND branchcode = ?| . ( $module ? q| AND module = ?| : q|| ) . q| ORDER BY name|, { Slice => {} } , $branchcode , ( $module ? $module : () ) ); } my %letters; for my $l (@$default_letters) { $letters{ $l->{code} } = $l; } for my $l (@$specific_letters) { # Overwrite the default letter with the specific one. $letters{ $l->{code} } = $l; } return [ map { $letters{$_} } sort { $letters{$a}->{name} cmp $letters{$b}->{name} } keys %letters ]; } sub getletter { my ( $module, $code, $branchcode, $message_transport_type ) = @_; $message_transport_type //= '%'; if ( C4::Context->preference('IndependentBranches') and $branchcode and C4::Context->userenv ) { $branchcode = C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'}; } $branchcode //= ''; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{ SELECT * FROM letter WHERE module=? AND code=? AND (branchcode = ? OR branchcode = '') AND message_transport_type LIKE ? ORDER BY branchcode DESC LIMIT 1 }); $sth->execute( $module, $code, $branchcode, $message_transport_type ); my $line = $sth->fetchrow_hashref or return; $line->{'content-type'} = 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"' if $line->{is_html}; return { %$line }; } =head2 DelLetter DelLetter( { branchcode => 'CPL', module => 'circulation', code => 'my code', [ mtt => 'email', ] } ); Delete the letter. The mtt parameter is facultative. If not given, all templates mathing the other parameters will be removed. =cut sub DelLetter { my ($params) = @_; my $branchcode = $params->{branchcode}; my $module = $params->{module}; my $code = $params->{code}; my $mtt = $params->{mtt}; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $dbh->do(q| DELETE FROM letter WHERE branchcode = ? AND module = ? AND code = ? | . ( $mtt ? q| AND message_transport_type = ?| : q|| ) , undef, $branchcode, $module, $code, ( $mtt ? $mtt : () ) ); } =head2 addalert ($borrowernumber, $type, $externalid) parameters : - $borrowernumber : the number of the borrower subscribing to the alert - $type : the type of alert. - $externalid : the primary key of the object to put alert on. For issues, the alert is made on subscriptionid. create an alert and return the alertid (primary key) =cut sub addalert { my ( $borrowernumber, $type, $externalid ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "insert into alert (borrowernumber, type, externalid) values (?,?,?)"); $sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $type, $externalid ); # get the alert number newly created and return it my $alertid = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'}; return $alertid; } =head2 delalert ($alertid) parameters : - alertid : the alert id deletes the alert =cut sub delalert { my $alertid = shift or die "delalert() called without valid argument (alertid)"; # it's gonna die anyway. $debug and warn "delalert: deleting alertid $alertid"; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("delete from alert where alertid=?"); $sth->execute($alertid); } =head2 getalert ([$borrowernumber], [$type], [$externalid]) parameters : - $borrowernumber : the number of the borrower subscribing to the alert - $type : the type of alert. - $externalid : the primary key of the object to put alert on. For issues, the alert is made on subscriptionid. all parameters NON mandatory. If a parameter is omitted, the query is done without the corresponding parameter. For example, without $externalid, returns all alerts for a borrower on a topic. =cut sub getalert { my ( $borrowernumber, $type, $externalid ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = "SELECT a.*, b.branchcode FROM alert a JOIN borrowers b USING(borrowernumber) WHERE"; my @bind; if ($borrowernumber and $borrowernumber =~ /^\d+$/) { $query .= " borrowernumber=? AND "; push @bind, $borrowernumber; } if ($type) { $query .= " type=? AND "; push @bind, $type; } if ($externalid) { $query .= " externalid=? AND "; push @bind, $externalid; } $query =~ s/ AND $//; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(@bind); return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); } =head2 findrelatedto($type, $externalid) parameters : - $type : the type of alert - $externalid : the id of the "object" to query In the table alert, a "id" is stored in the externalid field. This "id" is related to another table, depending on the type of the alert. When type=issue, the id is related to a subscriptionid and this sub returns the name of the biblio. =cut # outmoded POD: # When type=virtual, the id is related to a virtual shelf and this sub returns the name of the sub sub findrelatedto { my $type = shift or return; my $externalid = shift or return; my $q = ($type eq 'issue' ) ? "select title as result from subscription left join biblio on subscription.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber where subscriptionid=?" : ($type eq 'borrower') ? "select concat(firstname,' ',surname) from borrowers where borrowernumber=?" : undef; unless ($q) { warn "findrelatedto(): Illegal type '$type'"; return; } my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($q); $sth->execute($externalid); my ($result) = $sth->fetchrow; return $result; } =head2 SendAlerts parameters : - $type : the type of alert - $externalid : the id of the "object" to query - $letter_code : the letter to send. send an alert to all borrowers having put an alert on a given subject. =cut sub SendAlerts { my ( $type, $externalid, $letter_code ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; if ( $type eq 'issue' ) { # prepare the letter... # search the subscriptionid my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT subscriptionid FROM serial WHERE serialid=?"); $sth->execute($externalid); my ($subscriptionid) = $sth->fetchrow or warn( "No subscription for '$externalid'" ), return; # search the biblionumber $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT biblionumber FROM subscription WHERE subscriptionid=?"); $sth->execute($subscriptionid); my ($biblionumber) = $sth->fetchrow or warn( "No biblionumber for '$subscriptionid'" ), return; my %letter; # find the list of borrowers to alert my $alerts = getalert( '', 'issue', $subscriptionid ); foreach (@$alerts) { my $borinfo = C4::Members::GetMember('borrowernumber' => $_->{'borrowernumber'}); my $email = $borinfo->{email} or next; # warn "sending issues..."; my $userenv = C4::Context->userenv; my $library = Koha::Libraries->find( $_->{branchcode} ); my $letter = GetPreparedLetter ( module => 'serial', letter_code => $letter_code, branchcode => $userenv->{branch}, tables => { 'branches' => $_->{branchcode}, 'biblio' => $biblionumber, 'biblioitems' => $biblionumber, 'borrowers' => $borinfo, 'subscription' => $subscriptionid, 'serial' => $externalid, }, want_librarian => 1, ) or return; # ... then send mail my $message = Koha::Email->new(); my %mail = $message->create_message_headers( { to => $email, from => $library->branchemail, replyto => $library->branchreplyto, sender => $library->branchreturnpath, subject => Encode::encode( "UTF-8", "" . $letter->{title} ), message => $letter->{'is_html'} ? _wrap_html( Encode::encode( "UTF-8", $letter->{'content'} ), Encode::encode( "UTF-8", "" . $letter->{'title'} )) : Encode::encode( "UTF-8", "" . $letter->{'content'} ), contenttype => $letter->{'is_html'} ? 'text/html; charset="utf-8"' : 'text/plain; charset="utf-8"', } ); sendmail(%mail) or carp $Mail::Sendmail::error; } } elsif ( $type eq 'claimacquisition' or $type eq 'claimissues' ) { # prepare the letter... # search the biblionumber my $strsth = $type eq 'claimacquisition' ? qq{ SELECT aqorders.*,aqbasket.*,biblio.*,biblioitems.* FROM aqorders LEFT JOIN aqbasket ON aqbasket.basketno=aqorders.basketno LEFT JOIN biblio ON aqorders.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON aqorders.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber WHERE aqorders.ordernumber IN ( } : qq{ SELECT serial.*,subscription.*, biblio.*, aqbooksellers.*, AS booksellerid FROM serial LEFT JOIN subscription ON serial.subscriptionid=subscription.subscriptionid LEFT JOIN biblio ON serial.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ON WHERE serial.serialid IN ( }; if (!@$externalid){ carp "No Order seleted"; return { error => "no_order_seleted" }; } $strsth .= join( ",", @$externalid ) . ")"; my $sthorders = $dbh->prepare($strsth); $sthorders->execute; my $dataorders = $sthorders->fetchall_arrayref( {} ); my $sthbookseller = $dbh->prepare("select * from aqbooksellers where id=?"); $sthbookseller->execute( $dataorders->[0]->{booksellerid} ); my $databookseller = $sthbookseller->fetchrow_hashref; my $addressee = $type eq 'claimacquisition' ? 'acqprimary' : 'serialsprimary'; my $sthcontact = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM aqcontacts WHERE booksellerid=? AND $type=1 ORDER BY $addressee DESC"); $sthcontact->execute( $dataorders->[0]->{booksellerid} ); my $datacontact = $sthcontact->fetchrow_hashref; my @email; my @cc; push @email, $databookseller->{bookselleremail} if $databookseller->{bookselleremail}; push @email, $datacontact->{email} if ( $datacontact && $datacontact->{email} ); unless (@email) { warn "Bookseller $dataorders->[0]->{booksellerid} without emails"; return { error => "no_email" }; } my $addlcontact; while ($addlcontact = $sthcontact->fetchrow_hashref) { push @cc, $addlcontact->{email} if ( $addlcontact && $addlcontact->{email} ); } my $userenv = C4::Context->userenv; my $letter = GetPreparedLetter ( module => $type, letter_code => $letter_code, branchcode => $userenv->{branch}, tables => { 'branches' => $userenv->{branch}, 'aqbooksellers' => $databookseller, 'aqcontacts' => $datacontact, }, repeat => $dataorders, want_librarian => 1, ) or return; # Remove the order tag $letter->{content} =~ s/(.*?)<\/order>/$1/gxms; # ... then send mail my %mail = ( To => join( ',', @email), Cc => join( ',', @cc), From => $userenv->{emailaddress}, Subject => Encode::encode( "UTF-8", "" . $letter->{title} ), Message => $letter->{'is_html'} ? _wrap_html( Encode::encode( "UTF-8", $letter->{'content'} ), Encode::encode( "UTF-8", "" . $letter->{'title'} )) : Encode::encode( "UTF-8", "" . $letter->{'content'} ), 'Content-Type' => $letter->{'is_html'} ? 'text/html; charset="utf-8"' : 'text/plain; charset="utf-8"', ); $mail{'Reply-to'} = C4::Context->preference('ReplytoDefault') if C4::Context->preference('ReplytoDefault'); $mail{'Sender'} = C4::Context->preference('ReturnpathDefault') if C4::Context->preference('ReturnpathDefault'); $mail{'Bcc'} = $userenv->{emailaddress} if C4::Context->preference("ClaimsBccCopy"); unless ( sendmail(%mail) ) { carp $Mail::Sendmail::error; return { error => $Mail::Sendmail::error }; } logaction( "ACQUISITION", $type eq 'claimissues' ? "CLAIM ISSUE" : "ACQUISITION CLAIM", undef, "To=" . join( ',', @email ) . " Title=" . $letter->{title} . " Content=" . $letter->{content} ) if C4::Context->preference("LetterLog"); } # send an "account details" notice to a newly created user elsif ( $type eq 'members' ) { my $library = Koha::Libraries->find( $externalid->{branchcode} )->unblessed; my $letter = GetPreparedLetter ( module => 'members', letter_code => $letter_code, branchcode => $externalid->{'branchcode'}, tables => { 'branches' => $library, 'borrowers' => $externalid->{'borrowernumber'}, }, substitute => { 'borrowers.password' => $externalid->{'password'} }, want_librarian => 1, ) or return; return { error => "no_email" } unless $externalid->{'emailaddr'}; my $email = Koha::Email->new(); my %mail = $email->create_message_headers( { to => $externalid->{'emailaddr'}, from => $library->{branchemail}, replyto => $library->{branchreplyto}, sender => $library->{branchreturnpath}, subject => Encode::encode( "UTF-8", "" . $letter->{'title'} ), message => $letter->{'is_html'} ? _wrap_html( Encode::encode( "UTF-8", $letter->{'content'} ), Encode::encode( "UTF-8", "" . $letter->{'title'} ) ) : Encode::encode( "UTF-8", "" . $letter->{'content'} ), contenttype => $letter->{'is_html'} ? 'text/html; charset="utf-8"' : 'text/plain; charset="utf-8"', } ); sendmail(%mail) or carp $Mail::Sendmail::error; } } =head2 GetPreparedLetter( %params ) %params hash: module => letter module, mandatory letter_code => letter code, mandatory branchcode => for letter selection, if missing default system letter taken tables => a hashref with table names as keys. Values are either: - a scalar - primary key value - an arrayref - primary key values - a hashref - full record substitute => custom substitution key/value pairs repeat => records to be substituted on consecutive lines: - an arrayref - tries to guess what needs substituting by taking remaining << >> tokensr; not recommended - a hashref token => @tables - replaces << >> << >> subtemplate for each @tables row; table is a hashref as above want_librarian => boolean, if set to true triggers librarian details substitution from the userenv Return value: letter fields hashref (title & content useful) =cut sub GetPreparedLetter { my %params = @_; my $module = $params{module} or croak "No module"; my $letter_code = $params{letter_code} or croak "No letter_code"; my $branchcode = $params{branchcode} || ''; my $mtt = $params{message_transport_type} || 'email'; my $letter = getletter( $module, $letter_code, $branchcode, $mtt ) or warn( "No $module $letter_code letter transported by " . $mtt ), return; my $tables = $params{tables}; my $substitute = $params{substitute}; my $repeat = $params{repeat}; $tables || $substitute || $repeat or carp( "ERROR: nothing to substitute - both 'tables' and 'substitute' are empty" ), return; my $want_librarian = $params{want_librarian}; if ($substitute) { while ( my ($token, $val) = each %$substitute ) { if ( $token eq 'items.content' ) { $val =~ s|\n|
|g if $letter->{is_html}; } $letter->{title} =~ s/<<$token>>/$val/g; $letter->{content} =~ s/<<$token>>/$val/g; } } my $OPACBaseURL = C4::Context->preference('OPACBaseURL'); $letter->{content} =~ s/<>/$OPACBaseURL/go; if ($want_librarian) { # parsing librarian name my $userenv = C4::Context->userenv; $letter->{content} =~ s/<>/$userenv->{firstname}/go; $letter->{content} =~ s/<>/$userenv->{surname}/go; $letter->{content} =~ s/<>/$userenv->{emailaddress}/go; } my ($repeat_no_enclosing_tags, $repeat_enclosing_tags); if ($repeat) { if (ref ($repeat) eq 'ARRAY' ) { $repeat_no_enclosing_tags = $repeat; } else { $repeat_enclosing_tags = $repeat; } } if ($repeat_enclosing_tags) { while ( my ($tag, $tag_tables) = each %$repeat_enclosing_tags ) { if ( $letter->{content} =~ m!<$tag>(.*)!s ) { my $subcontent = $1; my @lines = map { my %subletter = ( title => '', content => $subcontent ); _substitute_tables( \%subletter, $_ ); $subletter{content}; } @$tag_tables; $letter->{content} =~ s!<$tag>.*!join( "\n", @lines )!se; } } } if ($tables) { _substitute_tables( $letter, $tables ); } if ($repeat_no_enclosing_tags) { if ( $letter->{content} =~ m/[^\n]*<<.*>>[^\n]*/so ) { my $line = $&; my $i = 1; my @lines = map { my $c = $line; $c =~ s/<>/$i/go; foreach my $field ( keys %{$_} ) { $c =~ s/(<<[^\.]+.$field>>)/$_->{$field}/; } $i++; $c; } @$repeat_no_enclosing_tags; my $replaceby = join( "\n", @lines ); $letter->{content} =~ s/\Q$line\E/$replaceby/s; } } $letter->{content} = _process_tt( { content => $letter->{content}, tables => $tables, } ); $letter->{content} =~ s/<<\S*>>//go; #remove any stragglers return $letter; } sub _substitute_tables { my ( $letter, $tables ) = @_; while ( my ($table, $param) = each %$tables ) { next unless $param; my $ref = ref $param; my $values; if ($ref && $ref eq 'HASH') { $values = $param; } else { my $sth = _parseletter_sth($table); unless ($sth) { warn "_parseletter_sth('$table') failed to return a valid sth. No substitution will be done for that table."; return; } $sth->execute( $ref ? @$param : $param ); $values = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $sth->finish(); } _parseletter ( $letter, $table, $values ); } } sub _parseletter_sth { my $table = shift; my $sth; unless ($table) { carp "ERROR: _parseletter_sth() called without argument (table)"; return; } # NOTE: we used to check whether we had a statement handle cached in # a %handles module-level variable. This was a dumb move and # broke things for the rest of us. prepare_cached is a better # way to cache statement handles anyway. my $query = ($table eq 'biblio' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE biblionumber = ?" : ($table eq 'biblioitems' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE biblionumber = ?" : ($table eq 'items' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE itemnumber = ?" : ($table eq 'issues' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE itemnumber = ?" : ($table eq 'old_issues' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE itemnumber = ? ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1" : ($table eq 'reserves' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE borrowernumber = ? and biblionumber = ?" : ($table eq 'borrowers' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE borrowernumber = ?" : ($table eq 'branches' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE branchcode = ?" : ($table eq 'suggestions' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE suggestionid = ?" : ($table eq 'aqbooksellers') ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = ?" : ($table eq 'aqorders' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE ordernumber = ?" : ($table eq 'opac_news' ) ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE idnew = ?" : ($table eq 'borrower_modifications') ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE verification_token = ?" : ($table eq 'subscription') ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE subscriptionid = ?" : ($table eq 'serial') ? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE serialid = ?" : undef ; unless ($query) { warn "ERROR: No _parseletter_sth query for table '$table'"; return; # nothing to get } unless ($sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare_cached($query)) { warn "ERROR: Failed to prepare query: '$query'"; return; } return $sth; # now cache is populated for that $table } =head2 _parseletter($letter, $table, $values) parameters : - $letter : a hash to letter fields (title & content useful) - $table : the Koha table to parse. - $values_in : table record hashref parse all fields from a table, and replace values in title & content with the appropriate value (not exported sub, used only internally) =cut sub _parseletter { my ( $letter, $table, $values_in ) = @_; # Work on a local copy of $values_in (passed by reference) to avoid side effects # in callers ( by changing / formatting values ) my $values = $values_in ? { %$values_in } : {}; if ( $table eq 'borrowers' && $values->{'dateexpiry'} ){ $values->{'dateexpiry'} = format_sqldatetime( $values->{'dateexpiry'} ); } if ( $table eq 'reserves' && $values->{'waitingdate'} ) { my @waitingdate = split /-/, $values->{'waitingdate'}; $values->{'expirationdate'} = ''; if ( C4::Context->preference('ReservesMaxPickUpDelay') ) { my $dt = dt_from_string(); $dt->add( days => C4::Context->preference('ReservesMaxPickUpDelay') ); $values->{'expirationdate'} = output_pref( { dt => $dt, dateonly => 1 } ); } $values->{'waitingdate'} = output_pref({ dt => dt_from_string( $values->{'waitingdate'} ), dateonly => 1 }); } if ($letter->{content} && $letter->{content} =~ /<>/) { my $todaysdate = output_pref( DateTime->now() ); $letter->{content} =~ s/<>/$todaysdate/go; } while ( my ($field, $val) = each %$values ) { $val =~ s/\p{P}$// if $val && $table=~/biblio/; #BZ 9886: Assuming that we want to eliminate ISBD punctuation here #Therefore adding the test on biblio. This includes biblioitems, #but excludes items. Removed unneeded global and lookahead. $val = GetAuthorisedValueByCode ('ROADTYPE', $val, 0) if $table=~/^borrowers$/ && $field=~/^streettype$/; # Dates replacement my $replacedby = defined ($val) ? $val : ''; if ( $replacedby and not $replacedby =~ m|0000-00-00| and not $replacedby =~ m|9999-12-31| and $replacedby =~ m|^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}( \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})?$| ) { # If the value is XXXX-YY-ZZ[ AA:BB:CC] we assume it is a date my $dateonly = defined $1 ? 0 : 1; #$1 refers to the capture group wrapped in parentheses. In this case, that's the hours, minutes, seconds. my $re_dateonly_filter = qr{ $field( \s* \| \s* dateonly\s*)?>> }xms; for my $letter_field ( qw( title content ) ) { my $filter_string_used = q{}; if ( $letter->{ $letter_field } =~ $re_dateonly_filter ) { # We overwrite $dateonly if the filter exists and we have a time in the datetime $filter_string_used = $1 || q{}; $dateonly = $1 unless $dateonly; } my $replacedby_date = eval { output_pref({ dt => dt_from_string( $replacedby ), dateonly => $dateonly }); }; if ( $letter->{ $letter_field } ) { $letter->{ $letter_field } =~ s/\Q<<$table.$field$filter_string_used>>\E/$replacedby_date/g; $letter->{ $letter_field } =~ s/\Q<<$field$filter_string_used>>\E/$replacedby_date/g; } } } # Other fields replacement else { for my $letter_field ( qw( title content ) ) { if ( $letter->{ $letter_field } ) { $letter->{ $letter_field } =~ s/<<$table.$field>>/$replacedby/g; $letter->{ $letter_field } =~ s/<<$field>>/$replacedby/g; } } } } if ($table eq 'borrowers' && $letter->{content}) { if ( my $attributes = GetBorrowerAttributes($values->{borrowernumber}) ) { my %attr; foreach (@$attributes) { my $code = $_->{code}; my $val = $_->{value_description} || $_->{value}; $val =~ s/\p{P}(?=$)//g if $val; next unless $val gt ''; $attr{$code} ||= []; push @{ $attr{$code} }, $val; } while ( my ($code, $val_ar) = each %attr ) { my $replacefield = "<>"; my $replacedby = join ',', @$val_ar; $letter->{content} =~ s/$replacefield/$replacedby/g; } } } return $letter; } =head2 EnqueueLetter my $success = EnqueueLetter( { letter => $letter, borrowernumber => '12', message_transport_type => 'email' } ) places a letter in the message_queue database table, which will eventually get processed (sent) by the cronjob when it calls SendQueuedMessages. return message_id on success =cut sub EnqueueLetter { my $params = shift or return; return unless exists $params->{'letter'}; # return unless exists $params->{'borrowernumber'}; return unless exists $params->{'message_transport_type'}; my $content = $params->{letter}->{content}; $content =~ s/\s+//g if(defined $content); if ( not defined $content or $content eq '' ) { warn "Trying to add an empty message to the message queue" if $debug; return; } # If we have any attachments we should encode then into the body. if ( $params->{'attachments'} ) { $params->{'letter'} = _add_attachments( { letter => $params->{'letter'}, attachments => $params->{'attachments'}, message => MIME::Lite->new( Type => 'multipart/mixed' ), } ); } my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh(); my $statement = << 'ENDSQL'; INSERT INTO message_queue ( borrowernumber, subject, content, metadata, letter_code, message_transport_type, status, time_queued, to_address, from_address, content_type ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?, ? ) ENDSQL my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement); my $result = $sth->execute( $params->{'borrowernumber'}, # borrowernumber $params->{'letter'}->{'title'}, # subject $params->{'letter'}->{'content'}, # content $params->{'letter'}->{'metadata'} || '', # metadata $params->{'letter'}->{'code'} || '', # letter_code $params->{'message_transport_type'}, # message_transport_type 'pending', # status $params->{'to_address'}, # to_address $params->{'from_address'}, # from_address $params->{'letter'}->{'content-type'}, # content_type ); return $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,'message_queue', undef); } =head2 SendQueuedMessages ([$hashref]) my $sent = SendQueuedMessages( { verbose => 1 } ); sends all of the 'pending' items in the message queue. returns number of messages sent. =cut sub SendQueuedMessages { my $params = shift; my $unsent_messages = _get_unsent_messages(); MESSAGE: foreach my $message ( @$unsent_messages ) { # warn Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $message ], [ 'message' ] ); warn sprintf( 'sending %s message to patron: %s', $message->{'message_transport_type'}, $message->{'borrowernumber'} || 'Admin' ) if $params->{'verbose'} or $debug; # This is just begging for subclassing next MESSAGE if ( lc($message->{'message_transport_type'}) eq 'rss' ); if ( lc( $message->{'message_transport_type'} ) eq 'email' ) { _send_message_by_email( $message, $params->{'username'}, $params->{'password'}, $params->{'method'} ); } elsif ( lc( $message->{'message_transport_type'} ) eq 'sms' ) { if ( C4::Context->preference('SMSSendDriver') eq 'Email' ) { my $member = C4::Members::GetMember( 'borrowernumber' => $message->{'borrowernumber'} ); my $sms_provider = Koha::SMS::Providers->find( $member->{'sms_provider_id'} ); $message->{to_address} .= '@' . $sms_provider->domain(); _send_message_by_email( $message, $params->{'username'}, $params->{'password'}, $params->{'method'} ); } else { _send_message_by_sms( $message ); } } } return scalar( @$unsent_messages ); } =head2 GetRSSMessages my $message_list = GetRSSMessages( { limit => 10, borrowernumber => '14' } ) returns a listref of all queued RSS messages for a particular person. =cut sub GetRSSMessages { my $params = shift; return unless $params; return unless ref $params; return unless $params->{'borrowernumber'}; return _get_unsent_messages( { message_transport_type => 'rss', limit => $params->{'limit'}, borrowernumber => $params->{'borrowernumber'}, } ); } =head2 GetPrintMessages my $message_list = GetPrintMessages( { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber } ) Returns a arrayref of all queued print messages (optionally, for a particular person). =cut sub GetPrintMessages { my $params = shift || {}; return _get_unsent_messages( { message_transport_type => 'print', borrowernumber => $params->{'borrowernumber'}, } ); } =head2 GetQueuedMessages ([$hashref]) my $messages = GetQueuedMessage( { borrowernumber => '123', limit => 20 } ); fetches messages out of the message queue. returns: list of hashes, each has represents a message in the message queue. =cut sub GetQueuedMessages { my $params = shift; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh(); my $statement = << 'ENDSQL'; SELECT message_id, borrowernumber, subject, content, message_transport_type, status, time_queued FROM message_queue ENDSQL my @query_params; my @whereclauses; if ( exists $params->{'borrowernumber'} ) { push @whereclauses, ' borrowernumber = ? '; push @query_params, $params->{'borrowernumber'}; } if ( @whereclauses ) { $statement .= ' WHERE ' . join( 'AND', @whereclauses ); } if ( defined $params->{'limit'} ) { $statement .= ' LIMIT ? '; push @query_params, $params->{'limit'}; } my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $statement ); my $result = $sth->execute( @query_params ); return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); } =head2 GetMessageTransportTypes my @mtt = GetMessageTransportTypes(); returns an arrayref of transport types =cut sub GetMessageTransportTypes { my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh(); my $mtts = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(" SELECT message_transport_type FROM message_transport_types ORDER BY message_transport_type "); return $mtts; } =head2 GetMessage my $message = C4::Letters::Message($message_id); =cut sub GetMessage { my ( $message_id ) = @_; return unless $message_id; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; return $dbh->selectrow_hashref(q| SELECT message_id, borrowernumber, subject, content, metadata, letter_code, message_transport_type, status, time_queued, to_address, from_address, content_type FROM message_queue WHERE message_id = ? |, {}, $message_id ); } =head2 ResendMessage Attempt to resend a message which has failed previously. my $has_been_resent = C4::Letters::ResendMessage($message_id); Updates the message to 'pending' status so that it will be resent later on. returns 1 on success, 0 on failure, undef if no message was found =cut sub ResendMessage { my $message_id = shift; return unless $message_id; my $message = GetMessage( $message_id ); return unless $message; my $rv = 0; if ( $message->{status} ne 'pending' ) { $rv = C4::Letters::_set_message_status({ message_id => $message_id, status => 'pending', }); $rv = $rv > 0? 1: 0; # Clear destination email address to force address update _update_message_to_address( $message_id, undef ) if $rv && $message->{message_transport_type} eq 'email'; } return $rv; } =head2 _add_attachements named parameters: letter - the standard letter hashref attachments - listref of attachments. each attachment is a hashref of: type - the mime type, like 'text/plain' content - the actual attachment filename - the name of the attachment. message - a MIME::Lite object to attach these to. returns your letter object, with the content updated. =cut sub _add_attachments { my $params = shift; my $letter = $params->{'letter'}; my $attachments = $params->{'attachments'}; return $letter unless @$attachments; my $message = $params->{'message'}; # First, we have to put the body in as the first attachment $message->attach( Type => $letter->{'content-type'} || 'TEXT', Data => $letter->{'is_html'} ? _wrap_html($letter->{'content'}, $letter->{'title'}) : $letter->{'content'}, ); foreach my $attachment ( @$attachments ) { $message->attach( Type => $attachment->{'type'}, Data => $attachment->{'content'}, Filename => $attachment->{'filename'}, ); } # we're forcing list context here to get the header, not the count back from grep. ( $letter->{'content-type'} ) = grep( /^Content-Type:/, split( /\n/, $params->{'message'}->header_as_string ) ); $letter->{'content-type'} =~ s/^Content-Type:\s+//; $letter->{'content'} = $message->body_as_string; return $letter; } sub _get_unsent_messages { my $params = shift; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh(); my $statement = << 'ENDSQL'; SELECT mq.message_id, mq.borrowernumber, mq.subject, mq.content, mq.message_transport_type, mq.status, mq.time_queued, mq.from_address, mq.to_address, mq.content_type, b.branchcode, mq.letter_code FROM message_queue mq LEFT JOIN borrowers b ON b.borrowernumber = mq.borrowernumber WHERE status = ? ENDSQL my @query_params = ('pending'); if ( ref $params ) { if ( $params->{'message_transport_type'} ) { $statement .= ' AND message_transport_type = ? '; push @query_params, $params->{'message_transport_type'}; } if ( $params->{'borrowernumber'} ) { $statement .= ' AND borrowernumber = ? '; push @query_params, $params->{'borrowernumber'}; } if ( $params->{'limit'} ) { $statement .= ' limit ? '; push @query_params, $params->{'limit'}; } } $debug and warn "_get_unsent_messages SQL: $statement"; $debug and warn "_get_unsent_messages params: " . join(',',@query_params); my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $statement ); my $result = $sth->execute( @query_params ); return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); } sub _send_message_by_email { my $message = shift or return; my ($username, $password, $method) = @_; my $member = C4::Members::GetMember( 'borrowernumber' => $message->{'borrowernumber'} ); my $to_address = $message->{'to_address'}; unless ($to_address) { unless ($member) { warn "FAIL: No 'to_address' and INVALID borrowernumber ($message->{borrowernumber})"; _set_message_status( { message_id => $message->{'message_id'}, status => 'failed' } ); return; } $to_address = C4::Members::GetNoticeEmailAddress( $message->{'borrowernumber'} ); unless ($to_address) { # warn "FAIL: No 'to_address' and no email for " . ($member->{surname} ||'') . ", borrowernumber ($message->{borrowernumber})"; # warning too verbose for this more common case? _set_message_status( { message_id => $message->{'message_id'}, status => 'failed' } ); return; } } my $utf8 = decode('MIME-Header', $message->{'subject'} ); $message->{subject}= encode('MIME-Header', $utf8); my $subject = encode('UTF-8', $message->{'subject'}); my $content = encode('UTF-8', $message->{'content'}); my $content_type = $message->{'content_type'} || 'text/plain; charset="UTF-8"'; my $is_html = $content_type =~ m/html/io; my $branch_email = undef; my $branch_replyto = undef; my $branch_returnpath = undef; if ($member) { my $library = Koha::Libraries->find( $member->{branchcode} ); $branch_email = $library->branchemail; $branch_replyto = $library->branchreplyto; $branch_returnpath = $library->branchreturnpath; } my $email = Koha::Email->new(); my %sendmail_params = $email->create_message_headers( { to => $to_address, from => $message->{'from_address'} || $branch_email, replyto => $branch_replyto, sender => $branch_returnpath, subject => $subject, message => $is_html ? _wrap_html( $content, $subject ) : $content, contenttype => $content_type } ); $sendmail_params{'Auth'} = {user => $username, pass => $password, method => $method} if $username; if ( my $bcc = C4::Context->preference('OverdueNoticeBcc') ) { $sendmail_params{ Bcc } = $bcc; } _update_message_to_address($message->{'message_id'},$to_address) unless $message->{to_address}; #if initial message address was empty, coming here means that a to address was found and queue should be updated if ( sendmail( %sendmail_params ) ) { _set_message_status( { message_id => $message->{'message_id'}, status => 'sent' } ); return 1; } else { _set_message_status( { message_id => $message->{'message_id'}, status => 'failed' } ); carp $Mail::Sendmail::error; return; } } sub _wrap_html { my ($content, $title) = @_; my $css = C4::Context->preference("NoticeCSS") || ''; $css = qq{} if $css; return < $title $css $content EOS } sub _is_duplicate { my ( $message ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array(q| SELECT COUNT(*) FROM message_queue WHERE message_transport_type = ? AND borrowernumber = ? AND letter_code = ? AND CAST(time_queued AS date) = CAST(NOW() AS date) AND status="sent" AND content = ? |, {}, $message->{message_transport_type}, $message->{borrowernumber}, $message->{letter_code}, $message->{content} ); return $count; } sub _send_message_by_sms { my $message = shift or return; my $member = C4::Members::GetMember( 'borrowernumber' => $message->{'borrowernumber'} ); unless ( $member->{smsalertnumber} ) { _set_message_status( { message_id => $message->{'message_id'}, status => 'failed' } ); return; } if ( _is_duplicate( $message ) ) { _set_message_status( { message_id => $message->{'message_id'}, status => 'failed' } ); return; } my $success = C4::SMS->send_sms( { destination => $member->{'smsalertnumber'}, message => $message->{'content'}, } ); _set_message_status( { message_id => $message->{'message_id'}, status => ($success ? 'sent' : 'failed') } ); return $success; } sub _update_message_to_address { my ($id, $to)= @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh(); $dbh->do('UPDATE message_queue SET to_address=? WHERE message_id=?',undef,($to,$id)); } sub _set_message_status { my $params = shift or return; foreach my $required_parameter ( qw( message_id status ) ) { return unless exists $params->{ $required_parameter }; } my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh(); my $statement = 'UPDATE message_queue SET status= ? WHERE message_id = ?'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $statement ); my $result = $sth->execute( $params->{'status'}, $params->{'message_id'} ); return $result; } sub _process_tt { my ( $params ) = @_; my $content = $params->{content}; my $tables = $params->{tables}; my $use_template_cache = C4::Context->config('template_cache_dir') && defined $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE}; my $template = Template->new( { EVAL_PERL => 1, ABSOLUTE => 1, PLUGIN_BASE => 'Koha::Template::Plugin', COMPILE_EXT => $use_template_cache ? '.ttc' : '', COMPILE_DIR => $use_template_cache ? C4::Context->config('template_cache_dir') : '', FILTERS => {}, ENCODING => 'UTF-8', } ) or die Template->error(); my $tt_params = _get_tt_params( $tables ); my $output; $template->process( \$content, $tt_params, \$output ) || croak "ERROR PROCESSING TEMPLATE: " . $template->error(); return $output; } sub _get_tt_params { my ($tables) = @_; my $params; my $config = { biblio => { module => 'Koha::Biblios', singular => 'biblio', plural => 'biblios', pk => 'biblionumber', }, borrowers => { module => 'Koha::Patrons', singular => 'borrower', plural => 'borrowers', pk => 'borrowernumber', }, branches => { module => 'Koha::Libraries', singular => 'branch', plural => 'branches', pk => 'branchcode', }, items => { module => 'Koha::Items', singular => 'item', plural => 'items', pk => 'itemnumber', }, opac_news => { module => 'Koha::News', singular => 'news', plural => 'news', pk => 'idnew', }, reserves => { module => 'Koha::Holds', singular => 'hold', plural => 'holds', fk => [ 'borrowernumber', 'biblionumber' ], }, serial => { module => 'Koha::Serials', singular => 'serial', plural => 'serials', pk => 'serialid', }, subscription => { module => 'Koha::Subscriptions', singular => 'subscription', plural => 'subscriptions', pk => 'subscriptionid', }, suggestions => { module => 'Koha::Suggestions', singular => 'suggestion', plural => 'suggestions', pk => 'suggestionid', }, issues => { module => 'Koha::Checkouts', singular => 'checkout', plural => 'checkouts', fk => 'itemnumber', }, borrower_modifications => { module => 'Koha::Patron::Modifications', singular => 'patron_modification', plural => 'patron_modifications', fk => 'verification_token', }, }; foreach my $table ( keys %$tables ) { next unless $config->{$table}; my $ref = ref( $tables->{$table} ) || q{}; my $module = $config->{$table}->{module}; if ( can_load( modules => { $module => undef } ) ) { my $pk = $config->{$table}->{pk}; my $fk = $config->{$table}->{fk}; if ( $ref eq q{} || $ref eq 'HASH' ) { my $id = ref $ref eq 'HASH' ? $tables->{$table}->{$pk} : $tables->{$table}; my $object; if ( $fk ) { # Using a foreign key for lookup $object = $module->search( { $fk => $id } )->next(); } else { # using the table's primary key for lookup $object = $module->find($id); } $params->{ $config->{$table}->{singular} } = $object; } else { # $ref eq 'ARRAY' my $object; if ( @{ $tables->{$table} } == 1 ) { # Param is a single key $object = $module->search( { $pk => $tables->{$table} } )->next(); } else { # Params are mutliple foreign keys my @values = @{ $tables->{$table} }; my @keys = @{ $config->{$table}->{fk} }; my %params = map { $_ => shift(@values) } @keys; $object = $module->search( \%params )->next(); } $params->{ $config->{$table}->{singular} } = $object; } } else { croak "ERROR LOADING MODULE $module: $Module::Load::Conditional::ERROR"; } } $params->{today} = dt_from_string(); return $params; } 1; __END__