Tools: Barcodes: - - Split barcodes on the following separator chars - pref: BarcodeSeparators default: '\s\r\n' - "in batch item modification and inventory.
Note: Type \\r for carriage return, \\n for newline and \\s for whitespace. Possible candidates to include also are pipe char |, hyphen (precede with backslash), comma, semicolon, dot, etc." Batch item: - - Process up to - pref: MaxItemsToProcessForBatchMod class: integer - items in a single item modification batch. - - Display up to - pref: MaxItemsToDisplayForBatchDel class: integer - items in a single item deletion batch. - - Display up to - pref: MaxItemsToDisplayForBatchMod class: integer - items in a single item modification batch. Patron cards: - - Limit the number of creator images stored in the database to - pref: ImageLimit class: Integer - images. News: - - "Show the author for news items:" - pref: NewsAuthorDisplay choices: none: "not at all" opac: "OPAC only" staff: "staff interface only" both: "both OPAC and staff interface" - "." - - By default edit additional contents and news items with - pref: AdditionalContentsEditor choices: tinymce: "a WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE)" codemirror: "a text editor (CodeMirror)" - . Upload: - - Automatically delete temporary uploads older than - pref: UploadPurgeTemporaryFilesDays class: integer - "days in cleanup_database cron job. NOTE: If you leave this field empty, the cron job will not delete any files. On the other hand a value of 0 means: delete all temporary files."