/* global KOHA biblionumber new_results_browser addMultiple vShelfAdd openWindow search_result SEARCH_RESULTS PREF_LocalCoverImages PREF_IntranetCoce PREF_CoceProviders CoceHost CoceProviders addRecord delSingleRecord PREF_BrowseResultSelection resetSearchContext addBibToContext delBibToContext getContextBiblioNumbers holdfor_cardnumber holdforclub strQuery PREF_NotHighlightedWords __ */ function verify_images() { /* Loop over each container in the template which contains covers */ var coverSlides = $(".cover-slides"); /* One coverSlides for each search result */ coverSlides.each( function( index ){ var slide = $(this); var biblionumber = $(this).data("biblionumber"); var coverImages = $(".cover-image", slide ); /* Multiple coverImages for each coverSlides */ var blanks = []; coverImages.each( function( index ){ var div = $(this); var coverId = div.attr("id"); /* Find the image in the container */ var img = div.find("img")[0]; if( $(img).length > 0 ){ if( (img.complete != null) && (!img.complete) || img.naturalHeight == 0 ){ /* No image loaded in the container. Remove the slide */ blanks.push( coverId ); div.remove(); } else { /* Check if Amazon image is present */ if ( div.hasClass("amazon-bookcoverimg") ) { w = img.width; h = img.height; if ((w == 1) || (h == 1)) { /* Amazon returned single-pixel placeholder */ /* Remove the container */ blanks.push( coverId ); div.remove(); } } /* Check if Local image is present */ if ( div.hasClass("local-coverimg" ) ) { w = img.width; h = img.height; if ((w == 1) || (h == 1)) { /* Local cover image returned single-pixel placeholder */ /* Remove the container */ blanks.push( coverId ); div.remove(); } } if( div.hasClass("custom-img") ){ /* Check for image from CustomCoverImages system preference */ if ( (img.complete != null) && (!img.complete) || img.naturalHeight == 0 ) { /* No image was loaded via the CustomCoverImages system preference */ /* Remove the container */ blanks.push( coverId ); div.remove(); } } if( div.hasClass("coce-coverimg") ){ /* Identify which service's image is being loaded by IntranetCoce system pref */ if( $(img).attr("src").indexOf('amazon.com') >= 0 ){ div.find(".hint").html(_("Coce image from Amazon.com")); } else if( $(img).attr("src").indexOf('google.com') >= 0 ){ div.find(".hint").html(_("Coce image from Google Books")); } else if( $(img).attr("src").indexOf('openlibrary.org') >= 0 ){ div.find(".hint").html(_("Coce image from Open Library")); } else { blanks.push( coverId ); div.remove(); } } if( coverImages.length > 1 ){ if( blanks.includes( coverId ) ){ /* Don't add covernav link */ } else { var covernav = $(""); $(covernav).html(""); slide.addClass("cover-slides").append( covernav ); } } } /* /IF image loaded */ } else { blanks.push( coverId ); div.remove(); } /* /IF there is an image tag */ /* console.log( coverImages ); */ }); /* Show the first cover image slide after empty ones have been removed */ $(".cover-image", slide).eq(0).show(); /* Remove "loading" background gif */ $(".bookcoverimg").css("background","unset"); if( $(".cover-image", slide).length < 2 ){ /* Don't show controls for switching between covers if there is only 1 */ $(".cover-nav", slide).remove(); } /* Set the first navigation link as active */ $(".cover-nav", slide).eq(0).addClass("nav-active"); /* If no slides contain any cover images, remove the container */ if( $(".cover-image:visible", slide).length < 1 ){ slide.html('
' + __("No cover image available") + '
'); } }); } $(window).load(function() { verify_images(); }); var Sticky; var toHighlight = {}; var q_array; $(document).ready(function() { $("#searchresults").on("click",".cover-nav", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); /* Adding click handler for cover image navigation links */ var coverid = $(this).data("coverid"); var biblionumber = $(this).data("biblionumber"); var slides = $("#cover-slides-" + biblionumber ); $(".cover-nav", slides).removeClass("nav-active"); $(this).addClass("nav-active"); $(".cover-image", slides).hide(); $( "#" + coverid ).show(); }); $(".moretoggle").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).siblings(".collapsible-facet").toggle(); $(this).siblings(".moretoggle").toggle(); $(this).toggle(); }); Sticky = $("#searchheader"); Sticky.hcSticky({ stickTo: "main", stickyClass: "floating" }); $("#cartsubmit").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); addMultiple(); }); $(".addtolist").on("click",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var shelfnumber = $(this).data("shelfnumber"); var vshelf = vShelfAdd(); if( vshelf ){ if( $(this).hasClass("morelists") ){ openWindow('/cgi-bin/koha/virtualshelves/addbybiblionumber.pl?' + vshelf); } else if( $(this).hasClass("newlist") ){ openWindow('/cgi-bin/koha/virtualshelves/addbybiblionumber.pl?newshelf=1&' + vshelf); } else { openWindow('/cgi-bin/koha/virtualshelves/addbybiblionumber.pl?shelfnumber='+shelfnumber+'&confirm=1&' + vshelf); } } }); $("#z3950submit").click(function(){ PopupZ3950(); return false; }); $("#searchheader").on("click", ".browse_selection", function(){ browse_selection(); return false; }); $("#searchheader").on("click",".placehold", function(){ $("#holdFor").val(""); $("#holdForClub").val(""); placeHold(); $(".btn-group").removeClass("open"); return false; }); $(".placeholdfor").click(function(){ holdForPatron(); $(".btn-group").removeClass("open"); return false; }); $(".placeholdforclub").click(function(){ holdForClub(); $(".btn-group").removeClass("open"); return false; }); $("#forgetholdfor, #forgetholdforclub").click(function(){ forgetPatronAndClub(); $(".btn-group").removeClass("open"); return false; }); $(".selection").show(); if( search_result.query_desc ){ toHighlight = $("p,span.results_summary,a.title"); q_array = search_result.query_desc.split(" "); /* ensure that we don't have "" at the end of the array, which can */ /* break the highlighter */ while ( q_array.length > 0 && q_array[q_array.length-1] == "") { q_array = q_array.splice(0,-1); } highlightOn(); $("#highlight_toggle_on" ).hide().click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); highlightOn(); }); $("#highlight_toggle_off").show().click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); highlightOff(); }); } if( SEARCH_RESULTS ){ var browser = KOHA.browser( search_result.searchid, parseInt( biblionumber, 10)); browser.create( search_result.first_result_number, search_result.query_cgi, search_result.limit_cgi, search_result.sort_by, new_results_browser, search_result.total ); } if( search_result.gotoPage && search_result.gotoNumber){ if( search_result.gotoNumber == 'first' ){ window.location = "/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/" + search_result.gotoPage + "?biblionumber=" + search_result.first_biblionumber + "&searchid=" + search_result.searchid; } else if( search_result.gotoNumber == "last" ){ window.location = "/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/" + search_result.gotoPage + "?biblionumber=" + search_result.last_biblionumber + "&searchid=" + search_result.searchid; } } if( PREF_LocalCoverImages ){ KOHA.LocalCover.LoadResultsCovers(); } if( PREF_IntranetCoce && PREF_CoceProviders ){ KOHA.coce.getURL( CoceHost, CoceProviders ); } $("#select_all").on("click",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); selectAll(); }); $("#clear_all").on("click",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); clearAll(); }); $("#searchresults").on("click",".addtocart",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var selection_id = this.id; var biblionumber = selection_id.replace("cart",""); addRecord(biblionumber); }); $("#searchresults").on("click",".cartRemove",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var selection_id = this.id; var biblionumber = selection_id.replace("cartR",""); delSingleRecord(biblionumber); }); if( !PREF_BrowseResultSelection ){ resetSearchContext(); } $(".selection").change(function(){ if( $(".selection:checked").length > 0 ){ toggleBatchOp( true ); } else { toggleBatchOp( false ); } if ( $(this).is(':checked') == true ) { addBibToContext( $(this).val() ); } else { delBibToContext( $(this).val() ); } }); $("#bookbag_form").ready(function(){ $("#bookbag_form input:checkbox").prop("checked", false); var bibnums = getContextBiblioNumbers(); if (bibnums) { for (var i=0; i < bibnums.length; i++) { var id = ('#bib' + bibnums[i]); if ($(id)) { $(id).attr('checked', true); } } } }); if( $(".selection:checked") > 0 ){ toggleBatchOp( true ); } $(".results_batch_op").on("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var op = $(this).data("op"); resultsBatchProcess( op ); }); }); function highlightOff() { if( toHighlight.length > 0 ){ toHighlight.removeHighlight(); $(".highlight_toggle").toggle(); } } function highlightOn() { if( toHighlight.length > 0 ){ var x; for (x in q_array) { q_array[x] = q_array[x].toLowerCase(); var myStopwords = PREF_NotHighlightedWords.toLowerCase().split('|'); if ( (q_array[x].length > 0) && ($.inArray(q_array[x], myStopwords) == -1) ) { toHighlight.highlight(q_array[x]); } } $(".highlight_toggle").toggle(); } } function selectAll () { $("#bookbag_form").find("input[type='checkbox'][name='biblionumber']").each(function(){ $(this).prop("checked", true ).change(); } ); } function clearAll () { $("#bookbag_form").find("input[type='checkbox'][name='biblionumber']").each(function(){ $(this).prop("checked", false).change(); } ); } function placeHold () { var checkedItems = $(".selection:checked"); if ($(checkedItems).size() == 0) { alert( __("Nothing is selected") ); return false; } var bibs = ""; var badBibs = false; $(checkedItems).each(function() { var bib = $(this).val(); if ($("#reserve_" + bib).size() == 0) { alert( __("One or more selected items cannot be placed on hold.") ); badBibs = true; return false; } bibs += bib + "/"; }); if (badBibs) { return false; } $("#hold_form_biblios").val(bibs); $("#hold_form").submit(); return false; } function forgetPatronAndClub(){ $.removeCookie("holdfor", { path: '/' }); $.removeCookie("holdforclub", { path: '/' }); $(".holdforlink").remove(); $("#placeholdc").html(" " + __("Place hold") + ""); } function browse_selection () { var bibnums = getContextBiblioNumbers(); if ( bibnums && bibnums.length > 0 ) { var browser = KOHA.browser('', parseInt( biblionumber, 10)); browser.create(1, search_result.query_cgi, search_result.limit_cgi, search_result.sort_by, bibnums, bibnums.length); window.location = '/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=' + bibnums[0] + '&searchid='+browser.searchid; } else { alert( __("Nothing is selected") ); } return false; } function addToList () { var checkedItems = $(".selection:checked"); if ($(checkedItems).size() == 0) { alert( __("Nothing is selected") ); return false; } var bibs = ""; $(checkedItems).each(function() { bibs += $(this).val() + "/"; }); var url = "/cgi-bin/koha/virtualshelves/addbybiblionumber.pl?biblionumbers=" + bibs; window.open(url, 'Add_to_virtualshelf', 'width=500, height=400, toolbar=false, scrollbars=yes'); return false; } /* this function open a popup to search on z3950 server. */ function PopupZ3950() { if( strQuery ){ window.open("/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/z3950_search.pl?biblionumber=" + biblionumber + strQuery,"z3950search",'width=740,height=450,location=yes,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resize=yes'); } } function holdfor(){ $("#holdFor").val(""); $("#holdForClub").val(""); placeHold(); } function holdForPatron() { $("#holdFor").val( holdfor_cardnumber ); placeHold(); } function holdForClub() { $("#holdForClub").val( holdforclub ); placeHold(); } function toggleBatchOp( b ){ var results_batch_ops = $("#results_batch_ops"); if( b ){ results_batch_ops.removeClass("disabled"); } else { results_batch_ops.addClass("disabled"); } } function resultsBatchProcess( op ){ var selected = $(".selection:checked"); var params = []; var url = ""; if( op == "edit" ){ /* batch edit selected records */ if ( selected.length < 1 ){ alert( __("You must select at least one record") ); } else { selected.each(function() { params.push( $(this).val() ); }); url = "/cgi-bin/koha/tools/batch_record_modification.pl?op=list&bib_list=" + params.join("/"); location.href = url; } } else if( op == "delete" ){ /* batch delete selected records */ if ( selected.length < 1) { alert( __("You must select at least one record") ); } else { selected.each(function() { params.push( $(this).val() ); }); url = "/cgi-bin/koha/tools/batch_delete_records.pl?op=list&type=biblio&bib_list=" + params.join("/"); location.href = url; } } else if( op == "merge" ){ /* merge selected records */ if ( selected.length < 2) { alert( __("At least two records must be selected for merging") ); } else { selected.each(function() { params.push('biblionumber=' + $(this).val()); }); url = "/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/merge.pl?" + params.join("&"); location.href = url; } } else { return false; } }