#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 2010 Tamil s.a.r.l. # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use strict; use warnings; use Test::More qw(no_plan); use C4::Context; my $root_dir = 'installer/data/mysql'; my $base_perms_file = "en/mandatory/userpermissions.sql"; my @trans_perms_files = qw( de-DE/mandatory/userpermissions.sql it-IT/necessari/userpermissions.sql fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userpermissions.sql uk-UA/mandatory/permissions_and_user_flags.sql ru-RU/mandatory/permissions_and_user_flags.sql pl-PL/mandatory/userpermissions.sql nb-NO/1-Obligatorisk/userpermissions.sql es-ES/mandatory/userpermissions.sql ); ok( open( my $ref_fh, "<$root_dir/$base_perms_file" ), "Open reference user permissions file $root_dir/$base_perms_file" ); my $ref_perm = get_perms_from_file( $ref_fh ); my @ref_perms = sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %$ref_perm; cmp_ok( $#ref_perms, '>=', 0, "Found " . ($#ref_perms + 1) . " user permissions" ); foreach my $file_name ( @trans_perms_files ) { compare_perms( $file_name ); } # # Get user permissions from SQL file populating permissions table with INSERT # statement. # # Example: # INSERT INTO permissions (module_bit, code, description) VALUES # ( 1, 'override_renewals', 'Override blocked renewals'), # sub get_perms_from_file { my $fh = shift; my %perm; my $found_insert = 0; while ( <$fh> ) { next if /^--/; # Comment line $found_insert = 1 if /insert\s+into/i and /permissions/i; next unless $found_insert; #/VALUES.*\(\'([\w\-:]+)\'/; /,\s*\'(.*?)\'/; my $variable = $1; next unless $variable; $perm{$variable} = 1; } return \%perm; } sub compare_perms { my $trans_file = shift; ok( open( my $trans_fh, "<$root_dir/$trans_file" ), "Open translated user permissions file $root_dir/$trans_file" ); my $trans_perm = get_perms_from_file( $trans_fh ); my @trans_perms = sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %$trans_perm; cmp_ok( $#trans_perms, '>=', 0, "Found " . ($#trans_perms + 1) . " perms" ); my @to_add_perms; foreach ( @ref_perms ) { push @to_add_perms, $_ if ! $trans_perm->{$_}; } if ( $#to_add_perms >= 0 ) { fail( 'No user permissions to add') or diag( "User permissions to add in $trans_file: " . join(', ', @to_add_perms ) ); } else { pass( 'No user permissions to add' ); } my @to_delete_perms; foreach ( @trans_perms ) { push @to_delete_perms, $_ if ! $ref_perm->{$_}; } if ( $#to_delete_perms >= 0 ) { fail( 'No user permissions to delete' ); diag( "User permissions to delete in $trans_file: " . join(', ', @to_delete_perms ) ); diag( 'Warning: Some of those user permissions may rather have to be added to English permissions' ); } else { pass( 'No user permissions to delete' ); } } =head1 NAME permissions.t =head1 DESCRIPTION This test identifies incoherences between translated user permissions files and the 'en' reference file. Koha user permissions are loaded to 'permissions' table from a text SQL file during Koha installation by web installer. The reference file is the one provided for English (en) installation : /installer/data/mysql/en/mandatory/userpermissions.sql Alternatives files are provided for other languages. Those files are difficult to keep syncrhonized with reference file. =head1 USAGE prove -v permissions.t prove permissions.t =cut