#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use POSIX qw(strftime); use Test::More tests => 73; use t::lib::Mocks; use Koha::Database; use MARC::File::XML ( BinaryEncoding => 'utf8', RecordFormat => 'MARC21' ); BEGIN { use_ok('C4::Acquisition'); use_ok('C4::Biblio'); use_ok('C4::Budgets'); use_ok('Koha::Acquisition::Orders'); use_ok('Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers'); use_ok('t::lib::TestBuilder'); } # Sub used for testing C4::Acquisition subs returning order(s): # GetOrdersByStatus, GetOrders, GetDeletedOrders, GetOrder etc. # (\@test_missing_fields,\@test_extra_fields,\@test_different_fields,$test_nbr_fields) = # _check_fields_of_order ($exp_fields, $original_order_content, $order_to_check); # params : # $exp_fields : arrayref whose elements are the keys we expect to find # $original_order_content : hashref whose 2 keys str and num contains hashrefs # containing content fields of the order created with Koha::Acquisition::Order # $order_to_check : hashref whose keys/values are the content of an order # returned by the C4::Acquisition sub we are testing # returns : # \@test_missing_fields : arrayref void if ok ; otherwise contains the list of # fields missing in $order_to_check # \@test_extra_fields : arrayref void if ok ; otherwise contains the list of # fields unexpected in $order_to_check # \@test_different_fields : arrayref void if ok ; otherwise contains the list of # fields which value is not the same in between $order_to_check and # $test_nbr_fields : contains the number of fields of $order_to_check sub _check_fields_of_order { my ( $exp_fields, $original_order_content, $order_to_check ) = @_; my @test_missing_fields = (); my @test_extra_fields = (); my @test_different_fields = (); my $test_nbr_fields = scalar( keys %$order_to_check ); foreach my $field (@$exp_fields) { push @test_missing_fields, $field unless exists( $order_to_check->{$field} ); } foreach my $field ( keys %$order_to_check ) { push @test_extra_fields, $field unless grep ( /^$field$/, @$exp_fields ); } foreach my $field ( keys %{ $original_order_content->{str} } ) { push @test_different_fields, $field unless ( !exists $order_to_check->{$field} ) or ( $original_order_content->{str}->{$field} eq $order_to_check->{$field} ); } foreach my $field ( keys %{ $original_order_content->{num} } ) { push @test_different_fields, $field unless ( !exists $order_to_check->{$field} ) or ( $original_order_content->{num}->{$field} == $order_to_check->{$field} ); } return ( \@test_missing_fields, \@test_extra_fields, \@test_different_fields, $test_nbr_fields ); } # Sub used for testing C4::Acquisition subs returning several orders # (\@test_missing_fields,\@test_extra_fields,\@test_different_fields,\@test_nbr_fields) = # _check_fields_of_orders ($exp_fields, $original_orders_content, $orders_to_check) sub _check_fields_of_orders { my ( $exp_fields, $original_orders_content, $orders_to_check ) = @_; my @test_missing_fields = (); my @test_extra_fields = (); my @test_different_fields = (); my @test_nbr_fields = (); foreach my $order_to_check (@$orders_to_check) { my $original_order_content = ( grep { $_->{str}->{ordernumber} eq $order_to_check->{ordernumber} } @$original_orders_content )[0]; my ( $t_missing_fields, $t_extra_fields, $t_different_fields, $t_nbr_fields ) = _check_fields_of_order( $exp_fields, $original_order_content, $order_to_check ); push @test_missing_fields, @$t_missing_fields; push @test_extra_fields, @$t_extra_fields; push @test_different_fields, @$t_different_fields; push @test_nbr_fields, $t_nbr_fields; } @test_missing_fields = keys %{ { map { $_ => 1 } @test_missing_fields } }; @test_extra_fields = keys %{ { map { $_ => 1 } @test_extra_fields } }; @test_different_fields = keys %{ { map { $_ => 1 } @test_different_fields } }; return ( \@test_missing_fields, \@test_extra_fields, \@test_different_fields, \@test_nbr_fields ); } my $schema = Koha::Database->new()->schema(); $schema->storage->txn_begin(); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; # Creating some orders my $bookseller = Koha::Acquisition::Bookseller->new( { name => "my vendor", address1 => "bookseller's address", phone => "0123456", active => 1, deliverytime => 5, } )->store; my $booksellerid = $bookseller->id; my $booksellerinfo = Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers->find( $booksellerid ); is( $booksellerinfo->deliverytime, 5, 'set deliverytime when creating vendor (Bug 10556)' ); my ( $basket, $basketno ); ok( $basketno = NewBasket( $booksellerid, 1 ), "NewBasket( $booksellerid , 1 ) returns $basketno" ); ok( $basket = GetBasket($basketno), "GetBasket($basketno) returns $basket" ); my $bpid=AddBudgetPeriod({ budget_period_startdate => '2008-01-01' , budget_period_enddate => '2008-12-31' , budget_period_active => 1 , budget_period_description => "MAPERI" }); my $budgetid = C4::Budgets::AddBudget( { budget_code => "budget_code_test_1", budget_name => "budget_name_test_1", budget_period_id => $bpid, } ); my $budget = C4::Budgets::GetBudget($budgetid); my @ordernumbers; my ( $biblionumber1, $biblioitemnumber1 ) = AddBiblio( MARC::Record->new, '' ); my ( $biblionumber2, $biblioitemnumber2 ) = AddBiblio( MARC::Record->new, '' ); my ( $biblionumber3, $biblioitemnumber3 ) = AddBiblio( MARC::Record->new, '' ); my ( $biblionumber4, $biblioitemnumber4 ) = AddBiblio( MARC::Record->new, '' ); my ( $biblionumber5, $biblioitemnumber5 ) = AddBiblio( MARC::Record->new, '' ); # Prepare 5 orders, and make distinction beween fields to be tested with eq and with == # Ex : a price of 50.1 will be stored internally as 5.100000 my @order_content = ( { str => { basketno => $basketno, biblionumber => $biblionumber1, budget_id => $budget->{budget_id}, uncertainprice => 0, order_internalnote => "internal note", order_vendornote => "vendor note", ordernumber => '', }, num => { quantity => 24, listprice => 50.121111, ecost => 38.15, rrp => 40.15, discount => 5.1111, } }, { str => { basketno => $basketno, biblionumber => $biblionumber2, budget_id => $budget->{budget_id} }, num => { quantity => 42 } }, { str => { basketno => $basketno, biblionumber => $biblionumber2, budget_id => $budget->{budget_id}, uncertainprice => 0, order_internalnote => "internal note", order_vendornote => "vendor note" }, num => { quantity => 4, ecost => 42.1, rrp => 42.1, listprice => 10.1, ecost => 38.1, rrp => 11.0, discount => 5.1, } }, { str => { basketno => $basketno, biblionumber => $biblionumber3, budget_id => $budget->{budget_id}, order_internalnote => "internal note", order_vendornote => "vendor note" }, num => { quantity => 4, ecost => 40, rrp => 42, listprice => 10, ecost => 38.15, rrp => 11.00, discount => 0, uncertainprice => 0, } }, { str => { basketno => $basketno, biblionumber => $biblionumber4, budget_id => $budget->{budget_id}, order_internalnote => "internal note", order_vendornote => "vendor note" }, num => { quantity => 1, ecost => 10, rrp => 10, listprice => 10, ecost => 10, rrp => 10, discount => 0, uncertainprice => 0, } }, { str => { basketno => $basketno, biblionumber => $biblionumber5, budget_id => $budget->{budget_id}, order_internalnote => "internal note", order_vendornote => "vendor note" }, num => { quantity => 1, ecost => 10, rrp => 10, listprice => 10, ecost => 10, rrp => 10, discount => 0, uncertainprice => 0, } } ); # Create 5 orders in database for ( 0 .. 5 ) { my %ocontent; @ocontent{ keys %{ $order_content[$_]->{num} } } = values %{ $order_content[$_]->{num} }; @ocontent{ keys %{ $order_content[$_]->{str} } } = values %{ $order_content[$_]->{str} }; $ordernumbers[$_] = Koha::Acquisition::Order->new( \%ocontent )->store->ordernumber; $order_content[$_]->{str}->{ordernumber} = $ordernumbers[$_]; } DelOrder( $order_content[3]->{str}->{biblionumber}, $ordernumbers[3] ); my $invoiceid = AddInvoice( invoicenumber => 'invoice', booksellerid => $booksellerid, unknown => "unknown" ); my $invoice = GetInvoice( $invoiceid ); my ($datereceived, $new_ordernumber) = ModReceiveOrder( { biblionumber => $biblionumber4, order => Koha::Acquisition::Orders->find( $ordernumbers[4] )->unblessed, quantityreceived => 1, invoice => $invoice, budget_id => $order_content[4]->{str}->{budget_id}, } ); my $search_orders = SearchOrders({ booksellerid => $booksellerid, basketno => $basketno }); isa_ok( $search_orders, 'ARRAY' ); ok( ( ( scalar @$search_orders == 5 ) and !grep ( $_->{ordernumber} eq $ordernumbers[3], @$search_orders ) ), "SearchOrders only gets non-cancelled orders" ); $search_orders = SearchOrders({ booksellerid => $booksellerid, basketno => $basketno, pending => 1 }); ok( ( ( scalar @$search_orders == 4 ) and !grep ( ( ( $_->{ordernumber} eq $ordernumbers[3] ) or ( $_->{ordernumber} eq $ordernumbers[4] ) ), @$search_orders ) ), "SearchOrders with pending params gets only pending orders (bug 10723)" ); $search_orders = SearchOrders({ booksellerid => $booksellerid, basketno => $basketno, pending => 1, ordered => 1, }); is( scalar (@$search_orders), 0, "SearchOrders with pending and ordered params gets only pending ordered orders (bug 11170)" ); $search_orders = SearchOrders({ ordernumber => $ordernumbers[4] }); is( scalar (@$search_orders), 1, "SearchOrders takes into account the ordernumber filter" ); $search_orders = SearchOrders({ biblionumber => $biblionumber4 }); is( scalar (@$search_orders), 1, "SearchOrders takes into account the biblionumber filter" ); $search_orders = SearchOrders({ biblionumber => $biblionumber4, pending => 1 }); is( scalar (@$search_orders), 0, "SearchOrders takes into account the biblionumber and pending filters" ); # # Test GetBudgetByOrderNumber # ok( GetBudgetByOrderNumber( $ordernumbers[0] )->{'budget_id'} eq $budgetid, "GetBudgetByOrderNumber returns expected budget" ); my @lateorders = GetLateOrders(0); is( scalar grep ( $_->{basketno} eq $basketno, @lateorders ), 0, "GetLateOrders does not get orders from opened baskets" ); C4::Acquisition::CloseBasket($basketno); @lateorders = GetLateOrders(0); isnt( scalar grep ( $_->{basketno} eq $basketno, @lateorders ), 0, "GetLateOrders gets orders from closed baskets" ); ok( !grep ( $_->{ordernumber} eq $ordernumbers[3], @lateorders ), "GetLateOrders does not get cancelled orders" ); ok( !grep ( $_->{ordernumber} eq $ordernumbers[4], @lateorders ), "GetLateOrders does not get received orders" ); $search_orders = SearchOrders({ booksellerid => $booksellerid, basketno => $basketno, pending => 1, ordered => 1, }); is( scalar (@$search_orders), 4, "SearchOrders with pending and ordered params gets only pending ordered orders. After closing the basket, orders are marked as 'ordered' (bug 11170)" ); # # Test AddClaim # my $order = $lateorders[0]; AddClaim( $order->{ordernumber} ); my $neworder = GetOrder( $order->{ordernumber} ); is( $neworder->{claimed_date}, strftime( "%Y-%m-%d", localtime(time) ), "AddClaim : Check claimed_date" ); my $order2 = Koha::Acquisition::Orders->find( $ordernumbers[1] )->unblessed; $order2->{order_internalnote} = "my notes"; ( $datereceived, $new_ordernumber ) = ModReceiveOrder( { biblionumber => $biblionumber2, order => $order2, quantityreceived => 2, invoice => $invoice, } ) ; $order2 = GetOrder( $ordernumbers[1] ); is( $order2->{'quantityreceived'}, 0, 'Splitting up order did not receive any on original order' ); is( $order2->{'quantity'}, 40, '40 items on original order' ); is( $order2->{'budget_id'}, $budgetid, 'Budget on original order is unchanged' ); is( $order2->{order_internalnote}, "my notes", 'ModReceiveOrder and GetOrder deal with internal notes' ); $neworder = GetOrder($new_ordernumber); is( $neworder->{'quantity'}, 2, '2 items on new order' ); is( $neworder->{'quantityreceived'}, 2, 'Splitting up order received items on new order' ); is( $neworder->{'budget_id'}, $budgetid, 'Budget on new order is unchanged' ); is( $neworder->{ordernumber}, $new_ordernumber, 'Split: test ordernumber' ); is( $neworder->{parent_ordernumber}, $ordernumbers[1], 'Split: test parent_ordernumber' ); my $orders = GetHistory( ordernumber => $ordernumbers[1] ); is( scalar( @$orders ), 1, 'GetHistory with a given ordernumber returns 1 order' ); $orders = GetHistory( ordernumber => $ordernumbers[1], search_children_too => 1 ); is( scalar( @$orders ), 2, 'GetHistory with a given ordernumber and search_children_too set returns 2 orders' ); $orders = GetHistory( ordernumbers => [$ordernumbers[1]] ); is( scalar( @$orders ), 1, 'GetHistory with a given ordernumbers returns 1 order' ); $orders = GetHistory( ordernumbers => \@ordernumbers ); is( scalar( @$orders ), scalar( @ordernumbers ) - 1, 'GetHistory with a list of ordernumbers returns N-1 orders (was has been deleted [3])' ); # Test GetHistory() with and without SearchWithISBNVariations # The ISBN passed as a param is the ISBN-10 version of the 13-digit ISBN in the sample record declared in $marcxml my $budgetid2 = C4::Budgets::AddBudget( { budget_code => "budget_code_test_modrecv", budget_name => "budget_name_test_modrecv", } ); my $order3 = Koha::Acquisition::Orders->find( $ordernumbers[2] )->unblessed; $order3->{order_internalnote} = "my other notes"; ( $datereceived, $new_ordernumber ) = ModReceiveOrder( { biblionumber => $biblionumber2, order => $order3, quantityreceived => 2, invoice => $invoice, budget_id => $budgetid2, } ); $order3 = GetOrder( $ordernumbers[2] ); is( $order3->{'quantityreceived'}, 0, 'Splitting up order did not receive any on original order' ); is( $order3->{'quantity'}, 2, '2 items on original order' ); is( $order3->{'budget_id'}, $budgetid, 'Budget on original order is unchanged' ); is( $order3->{order_internalnote}, "my other notes", 'ModReceiveOrder and GetOrder deal with notes' ); $neworder = GetOrder($new_ordernumber); is( $neworder->{'quantity'}, 2, '2 items on new order' ); is( $neworder->{'quantityreceived'}, 2, 'Splitting up order received items on new order' ); is( $neworder->{'budget_id'}, $budgetid2, 'Budget on new order is changed' ); $order3 = Koha::Acquisition::Orders->find( $ordernumbers[2] )->unblessed; $order3->{order_internalnote} = "my third notes"; ( $datereceived, $new_ordernumber ) = ModReceiveOrder( { biblionumber => $biblionumber2, order => $order3, quantityreceived => 2, invoice => $invoice, budget_id => $budgetid2, } ); $order3 = GetOrder( $ordernumbers[2] ); is( $order3->{'quantityreceived'}, 2, 'Order not split up' ); is( $order3->{'quantity'}, 2, '2 items on order' ); is( $order3->{'budget_id'}, $budgetid2, 'Budget has changed' ); is( $order3->{order_internalnote}, "my third notes", 'ModReceiveOrder and GetOrder deal with notes' ); my $nonexistent_order = GetOrder(); is( $nonexistent_order, undef, 'GetOrder returns undef if no ordernumber is given' ); $nonexistent_order = GetOrder( 424242424242 ); is( $nonexistent_order, undef, 'GetOrder returns undef if a nonexistent ordernumber is given' ); # Tests for DelOrder my $order1 = GetOrder($ordernumbers[0]); my $error = DelOrder($order1->{biblionumber}, $order1->{ordernumber}); ok((not defined $error), "DelOrder does not fail"); $order1 = GetOrder($order1->{ordernumber}); ok((defined $order1->{datecancellationprinted}), "order is cancelled"); ok((not defined $order1->{cancellationreason}), "order has no cancellation reason"); ok((defined Koha::Biblios->find( $order1->{biblionumber} )), "biblio still exists"); $order2 = GetOrder($ordernumbers[1]); $error = DelOrder($order2->{biblionumber}, $order2->{ordernumber}, 1); ok((not defined $error), "DelOrder does not fail"); $order2 = GetOrder($order2->{ordernumber}); ok((defined $order2->{datecancellationprinted}), "order is cancelled"); ok((not defined $order2->{cancellationreason}), "order has no cancellation reason"); ok((not defined Koha::Biblios->find( $order2->{biblionumber} )), "biblio does not exist anymore"); my $order4 = GetOrder($ordernumbers[3]); $error = DelOrder($order4->{biblionumber}, $order4->{ordernumber}, 1, "foobar"); ok((not defined $error), "DelOrder does not fail"); $order4 = GetOrder($order4->{ordernumber}); ok((defined $order4->{datecancellationprinted}), "order is cancelled"); ok(($order4->{cancellationreason} eq "foobar"), "order has cancellation reason \"foobar\""); ok((not defined Koha::Biblios->find( $order4->{biblionumber} )), "biblio does not exist anymore"); my $order5 = GetOrder($ordernumbers[4]); C4::Items::AddItem( { barcode => '0102030405' }, $order5->{biblionumber} ); $error = DelOrder($order5->{biblionumber}, $order5->{ordernumber}, 1); $order5 = GetOrder($order5->{ordernumber}); ok((defined $order5->{datecancellationprinted}), "order is cancelled"); ok((defined Koha::Biblios->find( $order5->{biblionumber} )), "biblio still exists"); # End of tests for DelOrder subtest 'ModOrder' => sub { plan tests => 1; ModOrder( { ordernumber => $order1->{ordernumber}, unitprice => 42 } ); my $order = GetOrder( $order1->{ordernumber} ); is( int($order->{unitprice}), 42, 'ModOrder should work even if biblionumber if not passed'); }; # Budget reports my $all_count = scalar GetBudgetsReport(); ok($all_count >= 1, "GetBudgetReport OK"); my $active_count = scalar GetBudgetsReport(1); ok($active_count >= 1 , "GetBudgetsReport(1) OK"); is($all_count, scalar GetBudgetsReport(), "GetBudgetReport returns inactive budget period acquisitions."); ok($active_count >= scalar GetBudgetsReport(1), "GetBudgetReport doesn't return inactive budget period acquisitions."); # "Flavoured" tests (tests that required a run for each marc flavour) # Tests should be added to the run_flavoured_tests sub below my $biblio_module = new Test::MockModule('C4::Biblio'); $biblio_module->mock( 'GetMarcSubfieldStructure', sub { my ($self) = shift; my ( $title_field, $title_subfield ) = get_title_field(); my ( $isbn_field, $isbn_subfield ) = get_isbn_field(); my ( $issn_field, $issn_subfield ) = get_issn_field(); my ( $biblionumber_field, $biblionumber_subfield ) = ( '999', 'c' ); my ( $biblioitemnumber_field, $biblioitemnumber_subfield ) = ( '999', '9' ); my ( $itemnumber_field, $itemnumber_subfield ) = get_itemnumber_field(); return { 'biblio.title' => [ { tagfield => $title_field, tagsubfield => $title_subfield } ], 'biblio.biblionumber' => [ { tagfield => $biblionumber_field, tagsubfield => $biblionumber_subfield } ], 'biblioitems.isbn' => [ { tagfield => $isbn_field, tagsubfield => $isbn_subfield } ], 'biblioitems.issn' => [ { tagfield => $issn_field, tagsubfield => $issn_subfield } ], 'biblioitems.biblioitemnumber' => [ { tagfield => $biblioitemnumber_field, tagsubfield => $biblioitemnumber_subfield } ], 'items.itemnumber' => [ { tagfield => $itemnumber_subfield, tagsubfield => $itemnumber_subfield } ], }; } ); sub run_flavoured_tests { my $marcflavour = shift; t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('marcflavour', $marcflavour); # # Test SearchWithISBNVariations syspref # my $marc_record = MARC::Record->new; $marc_record->append_fields( create_isbn_field( '9780136019701', $marcflavour ) ); my ( $biblionumber6, $biblioitemnumber6 ) = AddBiblio( $marc_record, '' ); # Create order my $ordernumber = Koha::Acquisition::Order->new( { basketno => $basketno, biblionumber => $biblionumber6, budget_id => $budget->{budget_id}, order_internalnote => "internal note", order_vendornote => "vendor note", quantity => 1, ecost => 10, rrp => 10, listprice => 10, ecost => 10, rrp => 10, discount => 0, uncertainprice => 0, } )->store->ordernumber; t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('SearchWithISBNVariations', 0); $orders = GetHistory( isbn => '0136019706' ); is( scalar(@$orders), 0, "GetHistory searches correctly by ISBN" ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('SearchWithISBNVariations', 1); $orders = GetHistory( isbn => '0136019706' ); is( scalar(@$orders), 1, "GetHistory searches correctly by ISBN" ); my $order = GetOrder($ordernumber); DelOrder($order->{biblionumber}, $order->{ordernumber}, 1); } # Do "flavoured" tests subtest 'MARC21' => sub { plan tests => 2; run_flavoured_tests('MARC21'); }; subtest 'UNIMARC' => sub { plan tests => 2; run_flavoured_tests('UNIMARC'); }; subtest 'NORMARC' => sub { plan tests => 2; run_flavoured_tests('NORMARC'); }; ### Functions required for "flavoured" tests sub get_title_field { my $marc_flavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour'); return ( $marc_flavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? ( '200', 'a' ) : ( '245', 'a' ); } sub get_isbn_field { my $marc_flavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour'); return ( $marc_flavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? ( '010', 'a' ) : ( '020', 'a' ); } sub get_issn_field { my $marc_flavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour'); return ( $marc_flavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? ( '011', 'a' ) : ( '022', 'a' ); } sub get_itemnumber_field { my $marc_flavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour'); return ( $marc_flavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? ( '995', '9' ) : ( '952', '9' ); } sub create_isbn_field { my ( $isbn, $marcflavour ) = @_; my ( $isbn_field, $isbn_subfield ) = get_isbn_field(); my $field = MARC::Field->new( $isbn_field, '', '', $isbn_subfield => $isbn ); # Add the price subfield my $price_subfield = ( $marcflavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? 'd' : 'c'; $field->add_subfields( $price_subfield => '$100' ); return $field; } subtest 'ModReceiveOrder replacementprice tests' => sub { plan tests => 2; #Let's build an order, we need a couple things though my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; my $order_biblio = $builder->build({ source => 'Biblio' }); my $order_basket = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqbasket', value => { is_standing => 0 } }); my $order_invoice = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqinvoice'}); my $order_currency = $builder->build({ source => 'Currency', value => { active => 1, archived => 0, symbol => 'F', rate => 2, isocode => undef, currency => 'FOO' } }); my $order_vendor = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqbookseller',value => { listincgst => 0, listprice => $order_currency->{currency}, invoiceprice => $order_currency->{currency} } }); my $orderinfo ={ basketno => $order_basket->{basketno}, booksellerid => $order_vendor->{id}, rrp => 19.99, replacementprice => undef, quantity => 1, quantityreceived => 0, datereceived => undef, datecancellationprinted => undef, }; my $receive_order = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqorder', value => $orderinfo }); (undef, my $received_ordernumber) = ModReceiveOrder({ biblionumber => $order_biblio->{biblionumber}, order => $receive_order, invoice => $order_invoice, quantityreceived => $receive_order->{quantity}, budget_id => $order->{budget_id}, }); my $received_order = GetOrder($received_ordernumber); is ($received_order->{replacementprice},undef,"No price set if none passed in"); $orderinfo->{replacementprice} = 16.12; $receive_order = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqorder', value => $orderinfo }); (undef, $received_ordernumber) = ModReceiveOrder({ biblionumber => $order_biblio->{biblionumber}, order => $receive_order, invoice => $order_invoice, quantityreceived => $receive_order->{quantity}, budget_id => $order->{budget_id}, }); $received_order = GetOrder($received_ordernumber); is ($received_order->{replacementprice},'16.120000',"Replacement price set if none passed in"); }; subtest 'ModReceiveOrder and subscription' => sub { plan tests => 2; my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; my $first_note = 'first note'; my $second_note = 'second note'; my $subscription = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Subscriptions' } ); my $order = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Acquisition::Orders', value => { subscriptionid => $subscription->subscriptionid, order_internalnote => $first_note, quantity => 5, quantityreceived => 0, ecost_tax_excluded => 42, unitprice_tax_excluded => 42, } } ); my $order_info = $order->unblessed; # We do not want the note from the original note to be modified # Keeping it will permit to display it for future receptions $order_info->{order_internalnote} = $second_note; my ( undef, $received_ordernumber ) = ModReceiveOrder( { biblionumber => $order->biblionumber, order => $order_info, invoice => $order->{invoiceid}, quantityreceived => 1, budget_id => $order->budget_id, } ); my $received_order = Koha::Acquisition::Orders->find($received_ordernumber); is( $received_order->order_internalnote, $second_note, "No price set if none passed in" ); $order->get_from_storage; is( $order->get_from_storage->order_internalnote, $first_note ); }; $schema->storage->txn_rollback();