#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright ByWater Solutions 2015 # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use File::Basename qw( fileparse ); use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptions :config no_ignore_case ); use Pod::Usage qw( pod2usage ); use Koha::Config; use Koha::Z3950Responder; =head1 SYNOPSIS z3950_responder.pl [-h|--help] [--man] [-a ] [-v ] [-l ] [-u ] [-c ] [-t ] [-k ] [-d ] [-p ] [-C certfile] [-zKiDST1] [-m ] [-w ] [--debug] [--add-item-status=SUBFIELD] [--prefetch=NUM_RECORDS] [--config-dir=] [... ] =head1 OPTIONS See https://software.indexdata.com/yaz/doc/server.invocation.html for more information about YAZ options not described below. =over 8 =item B<--help> Prints a brief usage message and exits. =item B<--man> Displays manual page and exits. =item B<--debug> Turns on debug logging to the screen and the single-process mode. =item B<--add-item-status=SUBFIELD> If given, adds item status information to the given subfield. =item B<--add-status-multi-subfield> With the above, instead of putting multiple item statuses in one subfield, adds a subfield for each status string. =item B<--prefetch=NUM_RECORDS> Number of records to prefetch. Defaults to 20. =item B<--config-dir=directory> Directory where to find configuration files required for proper operation. Defaults to z3950 under the Koha config directory. =back =head1 CONFIGURATION The item status strings added by B<--add-item-status> can be configured with the B authorized value, using the following keys: =over 4 =item AVAILABLE =item CHECKED_OUT =item LOST =item NOT_FOR_LOAN =item DAMAGED =item WITHDRAWN =item IN_TRANSIT =item ON_HOLD =back =cut my $add_item_status_subfield; my $add_status_multi_subfield; my $debug = 0; my $help; my $man; my $prefetch = 20; my $config_dir = ''; my @yaz_options; sub add_yaz_option { my ( $opt_name, $opt_value ) = @_; push @yaz_options, "-$opt_name", "$opt_value"; } sub pass_yaz_option { my ( $opt_name ) = @_; push @yaz_options, "-$opt_name"; } GetOptions( '-h|help' => \$help, '--man' => \$man, '--debug' => \$debug, '--add-item-status=s' => \$add_item_status_subfield, '--add-status-multi-subfield' => \$add_status_multi_subfield, '--prefetch=i' => \$prefetch, '--config-dir=s' => \$config_dir, # Pass through YAZ options. 'a=s' => \&add_yaz_option, 'v=s' => \&add_yaz_option, 'l=s' => \&add_yaz_option, 'u=s' => \&add_yaz_option, 'c=s' => \&add_yaz_option, 't=s' => \&add_yaz_option, 'k=s' => \&add_yaz_option, 'd=s' => \&add_yaz_option, 'p=s' => \&add_yaz_option, 'C=s' => \&add_yaz_option, 'm=s' => \&add_yaz_option, 'w=s' => \&add_yaz_option, 'z' => \&pass_yaz_option, 'K' => \&pass_yaz_option, 'i' => \&pass_yaz_option, 'D' => \&pass_yaz_option, 'S' => \&pass_yaz_option, 'T' => \&pass_yaz_option, '1' => \&pass_yaz_option ) || pod2usage(2); pod2usage(1) if $help; pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if $man; # If config_dir is not defined, default to z3950 under the Koha config directory if (!$config_dir) { (undef, $config_dir) = fileparse(Koha::Config->guess_koha_conf); $config_dir .= 'z3950/'; } else { $config_dir .= '/' if ($config_dir !~ /\/$/); } # Create and start the server. my $z = Koha::Z3950Responder->new( { add_item_status_subfield => $add_item_status_subfield, add_status_multi_subfield => $add_status_multi_subfield, debug => $debug, num_to_prefetch => $prefetch, config_dir => $config_dir, yaz_options => [ @yaz_options, @ARGV ], } ); $z->start();