use Modern::Perl; use Test::More; use Test::MockModule; use t::lib::Mocks; use Module::Load::Conditional qw/check_install/; BEGIN { if ( check_install( module => 'Test::DBIx::Class' ) ) { plan tests => 17; } else { plan skip_all => "Need Test::DBIx::Class" } } use_ok('C4::Acquisition'); use_ok('C4::Bookseller'); use_ok('C4::Context'); use_ok('Koha::Number::Price'); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'gist', '0.02|0.05|0.196' ); use Test::DBIx::Class { schema_class => 'Koha::Schema', connect_info => ['dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:','',''], connect_opts => { name_sep => '.', quote_char => '`', }, fixture_class => '::Populate', }, 'Currency' ; my $db = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Database'); $db->mock( _new_schema => sub { return Schema(); } ); fixtures_ok [ Currency => [ [ qw/ currency symbol rate active / ], [[ 'my_cur', '€', 1, 1, ]], ], ], 'add currency fixtures'; my $bookseller_module = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Acquisition::Bookseller'); my ( $basketno_0_0, $basketno_1_1, $basketno_1_0, $basketno_0_1 ); my ( $invoiceid_0_0, $invoiceid_1_1, $invoiceid_1_0, $invoiceid_0_1 ); my $today; for my $currency_format ( qw( US FR ) ) { t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'CurrencyFormat', $currency_format ); subtest 'Configuration 1: 0 0' => sub { plan tests => 8; $bookseller_module->mock( 'fetch', sub { return { listincgst => 0, invoiceincgst => 0 }; } ); my $biblionumber_0_0 = 42; my $order_0_0 = { biblionumber => $biblionumber_0_0, quantity => 2, listprice => 82.000000, unitprice => 73.80000, quantityreceived => 2, basketno => $basketno_0_0, invoiceid => $invoiceid_0_0, rrp => 82.00, ecost => 73.80, tax_rate => 0.0500, discount => 10.0000, datereceived => $today }; $order_0_0 = C4::Acquisition::populate_order_with_prices( { order => $order_0_0, booksellerid => 'just_something', ordering => 1, } ); compare( { got => $order_0_0->{rrp_tax_included}, expected => 86.10, conf => '0 0', field => 'rrp_tax_included' } ); compare( { got => $order_0_0->{rrp_tax_excluded}, expected => 82.00, conf => '0 0', field => 'rrp_tax_excluded' } ); compare( { got => $order_0_0->{ecost_tax_included}, expected => 77.49, conf => '0 0', field => 'ecost_tax_included' } ); compare( { got => $order_0_0->{ecost_tax_excluded}, expected => 73.80, conf => '0 0', field => 'ecost_tax_excluded' } ); compare( { got => $order_0_0->{tax_value}, expected => 7.38, conf => '0 0', field => 'tax_value' } ); $order_0_0 = C4::Acquisition::populate_order_with_prices( { order => $order_0_0, booksellerid => 'just_something', receiving => 1, } ); compare( { got => $order_0_0->{unitprice_tax_included}, expected => 77.49, conf => '0 0', field => 'unitprice_tax_included' } ); compare( { got => $order_0_0->{unitprice_tax_excluded}, expected => 73.80, conf => '0 0', field => 'unitprice_tax_excluded' } ); compare( { got => $order_0_0->{tax_value}, expected => 7.38, conf => '0 0', field => 'tax_value' } ); }; subtest 'Configuration 1: 1 1' => sub { plan tests => 8; $bookseller_module->mock( 'fetch', sub { return { listincgst => 1, invoiceincgst => 1 }; } ); my $biblionumber_1_1 = 43; my $order_1_1 = { biblionumber => $biblionumber_1_1, quantity => 2, listprice => 82.000000, unitprice => 73.800000, quantityreceived => 2, basketno => $basketno_1_1, invoiceid => $invoiceid_1_1, rrp => 82.00, ecost => 73.80, tax_rate => 0.0500, discount => 10.0000, datereceived => $today }; $order_1_1 = C4::Acquisition::populate_order_with_prices( { order => $order_1_1, booksellerid => 'just_something', ordering => 1, } ); compare( { got => $order_1_1->{rrp_tax_included}, expected => 82.00, conf => '1 1', field => 'rrp_tax_included' } ); compare( { got => $order_1_1->{rrp_tax_excluded}, expected => 78.10, conf => '1 1', field => 'rrp_tax_excluded' } ); compare( { got => $order_1_1->{ecost_tax_included}, expected => 73.80, conf => '1 1', field => 'ecost_tax_included' } ); compare( { got => $order_1_1->{ecost_tax_excluded}, expected => 70.29, conf => '1 1', field => 'ecost_tax_excluded' } ); compare( { got => $order_1_1->{tax_value}, expected => 7.03, conf => '1 1', field => 'tax_value' } ); $order_1_1 = C4::Acquisition::populate_order_with_prices( { order => $order_1_1, booksellerid => 'just_something', receiving => 1, } ); compare( { got => $order_1_1->{unitprice_tax_included}, expected => 73.80, conf => '1 1', field => 'unitprice_tax_included' } ); compare( { got => $order_1_1->{unitprice_tax_excluded}, expected => 70.29, conf => '1 1', field => 'unitprice_tax_excluded' } ); compare( { got => $order_1_1->{tax_value}, expected => 7.03, conf => '1 1', field => 'tax_value' } ); }; subtest 'Configuration 1: 1 0' => sub { plan tests => 8; $bookseller_module->mock( 'fetch', sub { return { listincgst => 1, invoiceincgst => 0 }; } ); my $biblionumber_1_0 = 44; my $order_1_0 = { biblionumber => $biblionumber_1_0, quantity => 2, listprice => 82.000000, unitprice => 70.290000, quantityreceived => 2, basketno => $basketno_1_1, invoiceid => $invoiceid_1_1, rrp => 82.00, ecost => 73.80, tax_rate => 0.0500, discount => 10.0000, datereceived => $today }; $order_1_0 = C4::Acquisition::populate_order_with_prices( { order => $order_1_0, booksellerid => 'just_something', ordering => 1, } ); compare( { got => $order_1_0->{rrp_tax_included}, expected => 82, conf => '1 0', field => 'rrp_tax_included' } ); compare( { got => $order_1_0->{rrp_tax_excluded}, expected => 78.10, conf => '1 0', field => 'rrp_tax_excluded' } ); compare( { got => $order_1_0->{ecost_tax_included}, expected => 73.80, conf => '1 0', field => 'ecost_tax_included' } ); compare( { got => $order_1_0->{ecost_tax_excluded}, expected => 70.29, conf => '1 0', field => 'ecost_tax_excluded' } ); compare( { got => $order_1_0->{tax_value}, expected => 7.03, conf => '1 0', field => 'tax_value' } ); $order_1_0 = C4::Acquisition::populate_order_with_prices( { order => $order_1_0, booksellerid => 'just_something', receiving => 1, } ); compare( { got => $order_1_0->{unitprice_tax_included}, expected => 73.80, conf => '1 0', field => 'unitprice_tax_included' } ); compare( { got => $order_1_0->{unitprice_tax_excluded}, expected => 70.29, conf => '1 0', field => 'unitprice_tax_excluded' } ); compare( { got => $order_1_0->{tax_value}, expected => 7.03, conf => '1 0', field => 'tax_value' } ); }; subtest 'Configuration 1: 0 1' => sub { plan tests => 8; $bookseller_module->mock( 'fetch', sub { return { listincgst => 0, invoiceincgst => 1 }; } ); my $biblionumber_0_1 = 45; my $order_0_1 = { biblionumber => $biblionumber_0_1, quantity => 2, listprice => 82.000000, unitprice => 77.490000, quantityreceived => 2, basketno => $basketno_1_1, invoiceid => $invoiceid_1_1, rrp => 82.00, ecost => 73.80, tax_rate => 0.0500, discount => 10.0000, datereceived => $today }; $order_0_1 = C4::Acquisition::populate_order_with_prices( { order => $order_0_1, booksellerid => 'just_something', ordering => 1, } ); compare( { got => $order_0_1->{rrp_tax_included}, expected => 86.10, conf => '0 1', field => 'rrp_tax_included' } ); compare( { got => $order_0_1->{rrp_tax_excluded}, expected => 82.00, conf => '0 1', field => 'rrp_tax_excluded' } ); compare( { got => $order_0_1->{ecost_tax_included}, expected => 77.49, conf => '0 1', field => 'ecost_tax_included' } ); compare( { got => $order_0_1->{ecost_tax_excluded}, expected => 73.80, conf => '0 1', field => 'ecost_tax_excluded' } ); compare( { got => $order_0_1->{tax_value}, expected => 7.38, conf => '0 1', field => 'tax_value' } ); $order_0_1 = C4::Acquisition::populate_order_with_prices( { order => $order_0_1, booksellerid => 'just_something', receiving => 1, } ); compare( { got => $order_0_1->{unitprice_tax_included}, expected => 77.49, conf => '0 1', field => 'unitprice_tax_included' } ); compare( { got => $order_0_1->{unitprice_tax_excluded}, expected => 73.80, conf => '0 1', field => 'unitprice_tax_excluded' } ); compare( { got => $order_0_1->{tax_value}, expected => 7.38, conf => '0 1', field => 'tax_value' } ); }; } sub compare { my ($params) = @_; is( Koha::Number::Price->new( $params->{got} )->format, Koha::Number::Price->new( $params->{expected} )->format, "configuration $params->{conf}: $params->{field} should be correctly calculated" ); } # format_for_editing for my $currency_format ( qw( US FR ) ) { t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'CurrencyFormat', $currency_format ); is( Koha::Number::Price->new( 1234567 )->format_for_editing, '1234567.00', 'format_for_editing should return unformated integer part with 2 decimals' ); is( Koha::Number::Price->new( 1234567.89 )->format_for_editing, '1234567.89', 'format_for_editing should return unformated integer part with 2 decimals' ); }