#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use Test::More tests => 14; use Test::Exception; use DateTime; use DateTime::TimeZone; use t::lib::TestBuilder; use C4::Context; use Koha::Database; use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string ); BEGIN { use_ok('Koha::Calendar'); use_ok('C4::Calendar', qw( insert_exception_holiday insert_week_day_holiday insert_day_month_holiday insert_single_holiday copy_to_branch get_exception_holidays isHoliday )); } my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; subtest 'is_holiday timezone tests' => sub { plan tests => 1; $schema->storage->txn_begin; $dbh->do("DELETE FROM special_holidays"); # Clear cache Koha::Caches->get_instance->flush_all; # Artificially set timezone my $timezone = 'America/Santiago'; $ENV{TZ} = $timezone; use POSIX qw(tzset); tzset; my $branch = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } )->{branchcode}; my $calendar = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branch ); C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branch )->insert_exception_holiday( day => 6, month => 9, year => 2015, title => 'Invalid date', description => 'Invalid date description', ); my $exception_holiday = DateTime->new( day => 6, month => 9, year => 2015 ); my $now_dt = DateTime->now; my $diff; eval { $diff = $calendar->days_between( $now_dt, $exception_holiday ) }; unlike( $@, qr/Invalid local time for date in time zone: America\/Santiago/, 'Avoid invalid datetime due to DST' ); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; $schema->storage->txn_begin; # Create two fresh branches for the tests my $branch_1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' })->{ branchcode }; my $branch_2 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' })->{ branchcode }; C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branch_1 )->insert_week_day_holiday( weekday => 0, title => '', description => 'Sundays', ); my $holiday2add = dt_from_string("2015-01-01"); C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branch_1 )->insert_day_month_holiday( day => $holiday2add->day(), month => $holiday2add->month(), year => $holiday2add->year(), title => '', description => "New Year's Day", ); $holiday2add = dt_from_string("2014-12-25"); C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branch_1 )->insert_day_month_holiday( day => $holiday2add->day(), month => $holiday2add->month(), year => $holiday2add->year(), title => '', description => 'Christmas', ); my $koha_calendar = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branch_1 ); my $c4_calendar = C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branch_1 ); isa_ok( $koha_calendar, 'Koha::Calendar', 'Koha::Calendar class returned' ); isa_ok( $c4_calendar, 'C4::Calendar', 'C4::Calendar class returned' ); my $sunday = DateTime->new( year => 2011, month => 6, day => 26, ); my $monday = DateTime->new( year => 2011, month => 6, day => 27, ); my $christmas = DateTime->new( year => 2032, month => 12, day => 25, ); my $newyear = DateTime->new( year => 2035, month => 1, day => 1, ); is( $koha_calendar->is_holiday($sunday), 1, 'Sunday is a closed day' ); is( $koha_calendar->is_holiday($monday), 0, 'Monday is not a closed day' ); is( $koha_calendar->is_holiday($christmas), 1, 'Christmas is a closed day' ); is( $koha_calendar->is_holiday($newyear), 1, 'New Years day is a closed day' ); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM repeatable_holidays"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM special_holidays"); my $custom_holiday = DateTime->new( year => 2013, month => 11, day => 12, ); my $today = dt_from_string(); C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branch_2 )->insert_single_holiday( day => $today->day(), month => $today->month(), year => $today->year(), title => "$today", description => "$today", ); is( Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branch_2 )->is_holiday( $today ), 1, "Today is a holiday for $branch_2" ); is( Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branch_1 )->is_holiday( $today ), 0, "Today is not a holiday for $branch_1"); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; subtest 'copy_to_branch' => sub { plan tests => 8; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $branch1 = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } )->{ branchcode }; my $calendar1 = C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branch1 ); my $sunday = dt_from_string("2020-03-15"); $calendar1->insert_week_day_holiday( weekday => 0, title => '', description => 'Sundays', ); my $day_month = dt_from_string("2020-03-17"); $calendar1->insert_day_month_holiday( day => $day_month->day(), month => $day_month->month(), year => $day_month->year(), title => '', description => "", ); my $future_date = dt_from_string("9999-12-31"); $calendar1->insert_single_holiday( day => $future_date->day(), month => $future_date->month(), year => $future_date->year(), title => "", description => "", ); my $future_exception = dt_from_string("9999-12-30"); $calendar1->insert_exception_holiday( day => $future_exception->day(), month => $future_exception->month(), year => $future_exception->year(), title => "", description => "", ); my $past_date = dt_from_string("2019-11-20"); $calendar1->insert_single_holiday( day => $past_date->day(), month => $past_date->month(), year => $past_date->year(), title => "", description => "", ); my $past_exception = dt_from_string("2020-03-09"); $calendar1->insert_exception_holiday( day => $past_exception->day(), month => $past_exception->month(), year => $past_exception->year(), title => "", description => "", ); my $branch2 = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } )->{branchcode}; C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branch1 )->copy_to_branch( $branch2 ); my $calendar2 = C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branch2 ); my $exceptions = $calendar2->get_exception_holidays; is( $calendar2->isHoliday( $sunday->day, $sunday->month, $sunday->year ), 1, "Weekday holiday copied to branch 2" ); is( $calendar2->isHoliday( $day_month->day, $day_month->month, $day_month->year ), 1, "Day/month holiday copied to branch 2" ); is( $calendar2->isHoliday( $future_date->day, $future_date->month, $future_date->year ), 1, "Single holiday copied to branch 2" ); is( ( grep { $_->{date} eq "9999-12-30"} values %$exceptions ), 1, "Exception holiday copied to branch 2" ); is( $calendar2->isHoliday( $past_date->day, $past_date->month, $past_date->year ), 0, "Don't copy past single holidays" ); is( ( grep { $_->{date} eq "2020-03-09"} values %$exceptions ), 0, "Don't copy past exception holidays " ); C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branch1 )->copy_to_branch( $branch2 ); #Select all rows with same values from database my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $get_repeatable_holidays = "SELECT a.* FROM repeatable_holidays a JOIN (SELECT branchcode, weekday, day, month, COUNT(*) FROM repeatable_holidays GROUP BY branchcode, weekday, day, month HAVING count(*) > 1) b ON a.branchcode = b.branchcode AND ( a.weekday = b.weekday OR (a.day = b.day AND a.month = b.month)) ORDER BY a.branchcode;"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($get_repeatable_holidays); $sth->execute; my @repeatable_holidays; while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref){ push @repeatable_holidays, $row } is( scalar(@repeatable_holidays), 0, "None of the repeatable holidays were doubled"); my $get_special_holidays = "SELECT a.* FROM special_holidays a JOIN (SELECT branchcode, day, month, year, isexception, COUNT(*) FROM special_holidays GROUP BY branchcode, day, month, year, isexception HAVING count(*) > 1) b ON a.branchcode = b.branchcode AND a.day = b.day AND a.month = b.month AND a.year = b.year AND a.isexception = b.isexception ORDER BY a.branchcode;"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($get_special_holidays); $sth->execute; my @special_holidays; while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref){ push @special_holidays, $row } is( scalar(@special_holidays), 0, "None of the special holidays were doubled"); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'with a library that is never open' => sub { plan tests => 2; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $branchcode = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } )->{branchcode}; my $calendar = C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branchcode ); foreach my $weekday ( 0 .. 6 ) { $calendar->insert_week_day_holiday( weekday => $weekday, title => '', description => '' ); } my $now = dt_from_string; subtest 'next_open_days should throw an exception' => sub { my $kcalendar = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branchcode, days_mode => 'Calendar' ); throws_ok { $kcalendar->next_open_days( $now, 1 ) } 'Koha::Exceptions::Calendar::NoOpenDays'; }; subtest 'prev_open_days should throw an exception' => sub { my $kcalendar = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branchcode, days_mode => 'Calendar' ); throws_ok { $kcalendar->prev_open_days( $now, 1 ) } 'Koha::Exceptions::Calendar::NoOpenDays'; }; $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'with a library that is *almost* never open' => sub { plan tests => 2; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $branchcode = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } )->{branchcode}; my $calendar = C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branchcode ); foreach my $weekday ( 0 .. 6 ) { $calendar->insert_week_day_holiday( weekday => $weekday, title => '', description => '' ); } my $now = dt_from_string; my $open_day_in_the_future = $now->clone()->add( years => 1 ); my $open_day_in_the_past = $now->clone()->subtract( years => 1 ); $calendar->insert_exception_holiday( date => $open_day_in_the_future->ymd, title => '', description => '' ); $calendar->insert_exception_holiday( date => $open_day_in_the_past->ymd, title => '', description => '' ); subtest 'next_open_days should find the open day' => sub { my $kcalendar = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branchcode, days_mode => 'Calendar' ); my $next_open_day = $kcalendar->next_open_days( $now, 1 ); is( $next_open_day->ymd, $open_day_in_the_future->ymd ); }; subtest 'prev_open_days should find the open day' => sub { my $kcalendar = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branchcode, days_mode => 'Calendar' ); my $prev_open_day = $kcalendar->prev_open_days( $now, 1 ); is( $prev_open_day->ymd, $open_day_in_the_past->ymd ); }; $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; # Clear cache Koha::Caches->get_instance->flush_all;