#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use File::Basename qw/basename/; use Koha::Database; use Koha::Illrequestattributes; use Koha::Illrequest::Config; use Koha::Patrons; use t::lib::Mocks; use t::lib::TestBuilder; use Test::MockObject; use Test::MockModule; use Test::Exception; use Test::More tests => 11; my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema; my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; use_ok('Koha::Illrequest'); use_ok('Koha::Illrequests'); subtest 'Basic object tests' => sub { plan tests => 21; $schema->storage->txn_begin; Koha::Illrequests->search->delete; my $illrq = $builder->build({ source => 'Illrequest' }); my $illrq_obj = Koha::Illrequests->find($illrq->{illrequest_id}); isa_ok($illrq_obj, 'Koha::Illrequest', "Correctly create and load an illrequest object."); isa_ok($illrq_obj->_config, 'Koha::Illrequest::Config', "Created a config object as part of Illrequest creation."); is($illrq_obj->illrequest_id, $illrq->{illrequest_id}, "Illrequest_id getter works."); is($illrq_obj->borrowernumber, $illrq->{borrowernumber}, "Borrowernumber getter works."); is($illrq_obj->biblio_id, $illrq->{biblio_id}, "Biblio_Id getter works."); is($illrq_obj->branchcode, $illrq->{branchcode}, "Branchcode getter works."); is($illrq_obj->status, $illrq->{status}, "Status getter works."); is($illrq_obj->placed, $illrq->{placed}, "Placed getter works."); is($illrq_obj->replied, $illrq->{replied}, "Replied getter works."); is($illrq_obj->updated, $illrq->{updated}, "Updated getter works."); is($illrq_obj->completed, $illrq->{completed}, "Completed getter works."); is($illrq_obj->medium, $illrq->{medium}, "Medium getter works."); is($illrq_obj->accessurl, $illrq->{accessurl}, "Accessurl getter works."); is($illrq_obj->cost, $illrq->{cost}, "Cost getter works."); is($illrq_obj->notesopac, $illrq->{notesopac}, "Notesopac getter works."); is($illrq_obj->notesstaff, $illrq->{notesstaff}, "Notesstaff getter works."); is($illrq_obj->orderid, $illrq->{orderid}, "Orderid getter works."); is($illrq_obj->backend, $illrq->{backend}, "Backend getter works."); isnt($illrq_obj->status, 'COMP', "ILL is not currently marked complete."); $illrq_obj->mark_completed; is($illrq_obj->status, 'COMP', "ILL is now marked complete."); $illrq_obj->delete; is(Koha::Illrequests->search->count, 0, "No illrequest found after delete."); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'Working with related objects' => sub { plan tests => 5; $schema->storage->txn_begin; Koha::Illrequests->search->delete; my $patron = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower' }); my $illrq = $builder->build({ source => 'Illrequest', value => { borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber} } }); my $illrq_obj = Koha::Illrequests->find($illrq->{illrequest_id}); isa_ok($illrq_obj->patron, 'Koha::Patron', "OK accessing related patron."); $builder->build({ source => 'Illrequestattribute', value => { illrequest_id => $illrq_obj->illrequest_id, type => 'X' } }); $builder->build({ source => 'Illrequestattribute', value => { illrequest_id => $illrq_obj->illrequest_id, type => 'Y' } }); $builder->build({ source => 'Illrequestattribute', value => { illrequest_id => $illrq_obj->illrequest_id, type => 'Z' } }); is($illrq_obj->illrequestattributes->count, Koha::Illrequestattributes->search->count, "Fetching expected number of Illrequestattributes for our request."); my $illrq1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Illrequest' }); $builder->build({ source => 'Illrequestattribute', value => { illrequest_id => $illrq1->{illrequest_id}, type => 'X' } }); is($illrq_obj->illrequestattributes->count + 1, Koha::Illrequestattributes->search->count, "Fetching expected number of Illrequestattributes for our request."); $illrq_obj->delete; is(Koha::Illrequestattributes->search->count, 1, "Correct number of illrequestattributes after delete."); isa_ok(Koha::Patrons->find($patron->{borrowernumber}), 'Koha::Patron', "Borrower was not deleted after illrq delete."); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'Status Graph tests' => sub { plan tests => 4; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $illrq = $builder->build({source => 'Illrequest'}); my $illrq_obj = Koha::Illrequests->find($illrq->{illrequest_id}); # _core_status_graph tests: it's just a constant, so here we just make # sure it returns a hashref. is(ref $illrq_obj->_core_status_graph, "HASH", "_core_status_graph returns a hash."); # _status_graph_union: let's try different merge operations. # Identity operation is_deeply( $illrq_obj->_status_graph_union($illrq_obj->_core_status_graph, {}), $illrq_obj->_core_status_graph, "core_status_graph + null = core_status_graph" ); # Simple addition is_deeply( $illrq_obj->_status_graph_union({}, $illrq_obj->_core_status_graph), $illrq_obj->_core_status_graph, "null + core_status_graph = core_status_graph" ); # Correct merge behaviour is_deeply( $illrq_obj->_status_graph_union({ REQ => { prev_actions => [ ], id => 'REQ', next_actions => [ ], }, }, { QER => { prev_actions => [ 'REQ' ], id => 'QER', next_actions => [ 'REQ' ], }, }), { REQ => { prev_actions => [ 'QER' ], id => 'REQ', next_actions => [ 'QER' ], }, QER => { prev_actions => [ 'REQ' ], id => 'QER', next_actions => [ 'REQ' ], }, }, "REQ atom + linking QER = cyclical status graph" ); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'Backend testing (mocks)' => sub { plan tests => 13; $schema->storage->txn_begin; # testing load_backend & available_backends requires that we have at least # the Dummy plugin installed. load_backend & available_backends don't # currently have tests as a result. t::lib::Mocks->mock_config('interlibrary_loans', { backend_dir => 'a_dir' } ); my $backend = Test::MockObject->new; $backend->set_isa('Koha::Illbackends::Mock'); $backend->set_always('name', 'Mock'); my $patron = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower' }); my $illrq = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Illrequests', value => { borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber} } }); $illrq->_backend($backend); isa_ok($illrq->_backend, 'Koha::Illbackends::Mock', "OK accessing mocked backend."); # _backend_capability tests: # We need to test whether this optional feature of a mocked backend # behaves as expected. # 3 scenarios: feature not implemented, feature implemented, but requested # capability is not provided by backend, & feature is implemented & # capability exists. This method can be used to implement custom backend # functionality, such as unmediated in the BLDSS backend (also see # bugzilla 18837). $backend->set_always('capabilities', undef); is($illrq->_backend_capability('Test'), 0, "0 returned on Mock not implementing capabilities."); $backend->set_always('capabilities', 0); is($illrq->_backend_capability('Test'), 0, "0 returned on Mock not implementing Test capability."); $backend->set_always('capabilities', sub { return 'bar'; } ); is($illrq->_backend_capability('Test'), 'bar', "'bar' returned on Mock implementing Test capability."); # metadata test: we need to be sure that we return the arbitrary values # from the backend. $backend->mock( 'metadata', sub { my ( $self, $rq ) = @_; return { ID => $rq->illrequest_id, Title => $rq->patron->borrowernumber } } ); is_deeply( $illrq->metadata, { ID => $illrq->illrequest_id, Title => $illrq->patron->borrowernumber }, "Test metadata." ); # capabilities: # No backend graph extension $backend->set_always('status_graph', {}); is_deeply($illrq->capabilities('COMP'), { prev_actions => [ 'REQ' ], id => 'COMP', name => 'Completed', ui_method_name => 'Mark completed', method => 'mark_completed', next_actions => [ ], ui_method_icon => 'fa-check', }, "Dummy status graph for COMP."); is($illrq->capabilities('UNKNOWN'), undef, "Dummy status graph for UNKNOWN."); is_deeply($illrq->capabilities(), $illrq->_core_status_graph, "Dummy full status graph."); # Simple backend graph extension $backend->set_always('status_graph', { QER => { prev_actions => [ 'REQ' ], id => 'QER', next_actions => [ 'REQ' ], }, }); is_deeply($illrq->capabilities('QER'), { prev_actions => [ 'REQ' ], id => 'QER', next_actions => [ 'REQ' ], }, "Simple status graph for QER."); is($illrq->capabilities('UNKNOWN'), undef, "Simple status graph for UNKNOWN."); is_deeply($illrq->capabilities(), $illrq->_status_graph_union( $illrq->_core_status_graph, { QER => { prev_actions => [ 'REQ' ], id => 'QER', next_actions => [ 'REQ' ], }, } ), "Simple full status graph."); # custom_capability: # No backend graph extension $backend->set_always('status_graph', {}); is($illrq->custom_capability('unknown', {}), 0, "Unknown candidate."); # Simple backend graph extension $backend->set_always('status_graph', { ID => { prev_actions => [ 'REQ' ], id => 'ID', method => 'identity', next_actions => [ 'REQ' ], }, }); $backend->mock('identity', sub { my ( $self, $params ) = @_; return $params->{other}; }); is($illrq->custom_capability('identity', { test => 1, method => 'blah' })->{test}, 1, "Resolve identity custom_capability"); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'Backend core methods' => sub { plan tests => 18; $schema->storage->txn_begin; # Build infrastructure my $backend = Test::MockObject->new; $backend->set_isa('Koha::Illbackends::Mock'); $backend->set_always('name', 'Mock'); my $config = Test::MockObject->new; $config->set_always('backend_dir', "/tmp"); $config->set_always('getLimitRules', { default => { count => 0, method => 'active' } }); my $illrq = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Illrequests', value => { backend => undef } }); $illrq->_config($config); # Test error conditions (no backend) throws_ok { $illrq->load_backend; } 'Koha::Exceptions::Ill::InvalidBackendId', 'Exception raised correctly'; throws_ok { $illrq->load_backend(''); } 'Koha::Exceptions::Ill::InvalidBackendId', 'Exception raised correctly'; # Now load the mocked backend $illrq->_backend($backend); # expandTemplate: is_deeply($illrq->expandTemplate({ test => 1, method => "bar" }), { test => 1, method => "bar", template => "/tmp/Mock/intra-includes/bar.inc", opac_template => "/tmp/Mock/opac-includes/bar.inc", }, "ExpandTemplate"); # backend_create # we are testing simple cases. $backend->set_series('create', { stage => 'bar', method => 'create' }, { stage => 'commit', method => 'create' }, { stage => 'commit', method => 'create' }); # Test Copyright Clearance t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference("ILLModuleCopyrightClearance", "Test Copyright Clearance."); is_deeply($illrq->backend_create({test => 1}), { error => 0, status => '', message => '', method => 'create', stage => 'copyrightclearance', value => { backend => "Mock" } }, "Backend create: copyright clearance."); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference("ILLModuleCopyrightClearance", ""); # Test non-commit is_deeply($illrq->backend_create({test => 1}), { stage => 'bar', method => 'create', template => "/tmp/Mock/intra-includes/create.inc", opac_template => "/tmp/Mock/opac-includes/create.inc", }, "Backend create: arbitrary stage."); # Test commit is_deeply($illrq->backend_create({test => 1}), { stage => 'commit', method => 'create', permitted => 0, template => "/tmp/Mock/intra-includes/create.inc", opac_template => "/tmp/Mock/opac-includes/create.inc", }, "Backend create: arbitrary stage, not permitted."); is($illrq->status, "QUEUED", "Backend create: queued if restricted."); $config->set_always('getLimitRules', {}); $illrq->status('NEW'); is_deeply($illrq->backend_create({test => 1}), { stage => 'commit', method => 'create', permitted => 1, template => "/tmp/Mock/intra-includes/create.inc", opac_template => "/tmp/Mock/opac-includes/create.inc", }, "Backend create: arbitrary stage, permitted."); is($illrq->status, "NEW", "Backend create: not-queued."); # backend_renew $backend->set_series('renew', { stage => 'bar', method => 'renew' }); is_deeply($illrq->backend_renew({test => 1}), { stage => 'bar', method => 'renew', template => "/tmp/Mock/intra-includes/renew.inc", opac_template => "/tmp/Mock/opac-includes/renew.inc", }, "Backend renew: arbitrary stage."); # backend_cancel $backend->set_series('cancel', { stage => 'bar', method => 'cancel' }); is_deeply($illrq->backend_cancel({test => 1}), { stage => 'bar', method => 'cancel', template => "/tmp/Mock/intra-includes/cancel.inc", opac_template => "/tmp/Mock/opac-includes/cancel.inc", }, "Backend cancel: arbitrary stage."); # backend_update_status $backend->set_series('update_status', { stage => 'bar', method => 'update_status' }); is_deeply($illrq->backend_update_status({test => 1}), { stage => 'bar', method => 'update_status', template => "/tmp/Mock/intra-includes/update_status.inc", opac_template => "/tmp/Mock/opac-includes/update_status.inc", }, "Backend update_status: arbitrary stage."); # backend_confirm $backend->set_series('confirm', { stage => 'bar', method => 'confirm' }); is_deeply($illrq->backend_confirm({test => 1}), { stage => 'bar', method => 'confirm', template => "/tmp/Mock/intra-includes/confirm.inc", opac_template => "/tmp/Mock/opac-includes/confirm.inc", }, "Backend confirm: arbitrary stage."); $config->set_always('partner_code', "ILLTSTLIB"); $backend->set_always('metadata', { Test => "Foobar" }); my $illbrn = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch', value => { branchemail => "", branchreplyto => "" } }); my $partner1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', value => { categorycode => "ILLTSTLIB" }, }); my $partner2 = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', value => { categorycode => "ILLTSTLIB" }, }); my $gen_conf = $illrq->generic_confirm({ current_branchcode => $illbrn->{branchcode} }); isnt(index($gen_conf->{value}->{draft}->{body}, $backend->metadata->{Test}), -1, "Generic confirm: draft contains metadata." ); is($gen_conf->{value}->{partners}->next->borrowernumber, $partner1->{borrowernumber}, "Generic cofnirm: partner 1 is correct." ); is($gen_conf->{value}->{partners}->next->borrowernumber, $partner2->{borrowernumber}, "Generic confirm: partner 2 is correct." ); dies_ok { $illrq->generic_confirm({ current_branchcode => $illbrn->{branchcode}, stage => 'draft' }) } "Generic confirm: missing to dies OK."; dies_ok { $illrq->generic_confirm({ current_branchcode => $illbrn->{branchcode}, partners => $partner1->{email}, stage => 'draft' }) } "Generic confirm: missing from dies OK."; $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'Helpers' => sub { plan tests => 9; $schema->storage->txn_begin; # Build infrastructure my $backend = Test::MockObject->new; $backend->set_isa('Koha::Illbackends::Mock'); $backend->set_always('name', 'Mock'); my $config = Test::MockObject->new; $config->set_always('backend_dir', "/tmp"); my $patron = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', value => { categorycode => "A" } }); my $illrq = $builder->build({ source => 'Illrequest', value => { branchcode => "CPL", borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber} } }); my $illrq_obj = Koha::Illrequests->find($illrq->{illrequest_id}); $illrq_obj->_config($config); $illrq_obj->_backend($backend); # getPrefix $config->set_series('getPrefixes', { CPL => "TEST", TSL => "BAR", default => "DEFAULT" }, { A => "ATEST", C => "CBAR", default => "DEFAULT" }); is($illrq_obj->getPrefix({ brw_cat => "C", branch => "CPL" }), "CBAR", "getPrefix: brw_cat"); $config->set_series('getPrefixes', { CPL => "TEST", TSL => "BAR", default => "DEFAULT" }, { A => "ATEST", C => "CBAR", default => "DEFAULT" }); is($illrq_obj->getPrefix({ brw_cat => "UNKNOWN", branch => "CPL" }), "TEST", "getPrefix: branch"); $config->set_series('getPrefixes', { CPL => "TEST", TSL => "BAR", default => "DEFAULT" }, { A => "ATEST", C => "CBAR", default => "DEFAULT" }); is($illrq_obj->getPrefix({ brw_cat => "UNKNOWN", branch => "UNKNOWN" }), "DEFAULT", "getPrefix: default"); $config->set_always('getPrefixes', {}); is($illrq_obj->getPrefix({ brw_cat => "UNKNOWN", branch => "UNKNOWN" }), "", "getPrefix: the empty prefix"); # id_prefix $config->set_series('getPrefixes', { CPL => "TEST", TSL => "BAR", default => "DEFAULT" }, { A => "ATEST", C => "CBAR", default => "DEFAULT" }); is($illrq_obj->id_prefix, "ATEST-", "id_prefix: brw_cat"); $config->set_series('getPrefixes', { CPL => "TEST", TSL => "BAR", default => "DEFAULT" }, { AB => "ATEST", CD => "CBAR", default => "DEFAULT" }); is($illrq_obj->id_prefix, "TEST-", "id_prefix: branch"); $config->set_series('getPrefixes', { CPLT => "TEST", TSLT => "BAR", default => "DEFAULT" }, { AB => "ATEST", CD => "CBAR", default => "DEFAULT" }); is($illrq_obj->id_prefix, "DEFAULT-", "id_prefix: default"); # requires_moderation $illrq_obj->status('NEW')->store; is($illrq_obj->requires_moderation, undef, "requires_moderation: No."); $illrq_obj->status('CANCREQ')->store; is($illrq_obj->requires_moderation, 'CANCREQ', "requires_moderation: Yes."); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'Censorship' => sub { plan tests => 2; $schema->storage->txn_begin; # Build infrastructure my $backend = Test::MockObject->new; $backend->set_isa('Koha::Illbackends::Mock'); $backend->set_always('name', 'Mock'); my $config = Test::MockObject->new; $config->set_always('backend_dir', "/tmp"); my $illrq = $builder->build({source => 'Illrequest'}); my $illrq_obj = Koha::Illrequests->find($illrq->{illrequest_id}); $illrq_obj->_config($config); $illrq_obj->_backend($backend); $config->set_always('censorship', { censor_notes_staff => 1, censor_reply_date => 0 }); my $censor_out = $illrq_obj->_censor({ foo => 'bar', baz => 564 }); is_deeply($censor_out, { foo => 'bar', baz => 564, display_reply_date => 1 }, "_censor: not OPAC, reply_date = 1"); $censor_out = $illrq_obj->_censor({ foo => 'bar', baz => 564, opac => 1 }); is_deeply($censor_out, { foo => 'bar', baz => 564, censor_notes_staff => 1, display_reply_date => 1, opac => 1 }, "_censor: notes_staff = 0, reply_date = 0"); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'Checking Limits' => sub { plan tests => 30; $schema->storage->txn_begin; # Build infrastructure my $backend = Test::MockObject->new; $backend->set_isa('Koha::Illbackends::Mock'); $backend->set_always('name', 'Mock'); my $config = Test::MockObject->new; $config->set_always('backend_dir', "/tmp"); my $illrq = $builder->build({source => 'Illrequest'}); my $illrq_obj = Koha::Illrequests->find($illrq->{illrequest_id}); $illrq_obj->_config($config); $illrq_obj->_backend($backend); # getLimits $config->set_series('getLimitRules', { CPL => { count => 1, method => 'test' } }, { default => { count => 0, method => 'active' } }); is_deeply($illrq_obj->getLimits({ type => 'branch', value => "CPL" }), { count => 1, method => 'test' }, "getLimits: by value."); is_deeply($illrq_obj->getLimits({ type => 'branch' }), { count => 0, method => 'active' }, "getLimits: by default."); is_deeply($illrq_obj->getLimits({ type => 'branch', value => "CPL" }), { count => -1, method => 'active' }, "getLimits: by hard-coded."); #_limit_counter is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('annual', { branchcode => $illrq_obj->branchcode }), 1, "_limit_counter: Initial branch annual count."); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('active', { branchcode => $illrq_obj->branchcode }), 1, "_limit_counter: Initial branch active count."); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('annual', { borrowernumber => $illrq_obj->borrowernumber }), 1, "_limit_counter: Initial patron annual count."); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('active', { borrowernumber => $illrq_obj->borrowernumber }), 1, "_limit_counter: Initial patron active count."); $builder->build({ source => 'Illrequest', value => { branchcode => $illrq_obj->branchcode, borrowernumber => $illrq_obj->borrowernumber, } }); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('annual', { branchcode => $illrq_obj->branchcode }), 2, "_limit_counter: Add a qualifying request for branch annual count."); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('active', { branchcode => $illrq_obj->branchcode }), 2, "_limit_counter: Add a qualifying request for branch active count."); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('annual', { borrowernumber => $illrq_obj->borrowernumber }), 2, "_limit_counter: Add a qualifying request for patron annual count."); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('active', { borrowernumber => $illrq_obj->borrowernumber }), 2, "_limit_counter: Add a qualifying request for patron active count."); $builder->build({ source => 'Illrequest', value => { branchcode => $illrq_obj->branchcode, borrowernumber => $illrq_obj->borrowernumber, placed => "2005-05-31", } }); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('annual', { branchcode => $illrq_obj->branchcode }), 2, "_limit_counter: Add an out-of-date branch request."); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('active', { branchcode => $illrq_obj->branchcode }), 3, "_limit_counter: Add a qualifying request for branch active count."); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('annual', { borrowernumber => $illrq_obj->borrowernumber }), 2, "_limit_counter: Add an out-of-date patron request."); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('active', { borrowernumber => $illrq_obj->borrowernumber }), 3, "_limit_counter: Add a qualifying request for patron active count."); $builder->build({ source => 'Illrequest', value => { branchcode => $illrq_obj->branchcode, borrowernumber => $illrq_obj->borrowernumber, status => "COMP", } }); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('annual', { branchcode => $illrq_obj->branchcode }), 3, "_limit_counter: Add a qualifying request for branch annual count."); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('active', { branchcode => $illrq_obj->branchcode }), 3, "_limit_counter: Add a completed request for branch active count."); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('annual', { borrowernumber => $illrq_obj->borrowernumber }), 3, "_limit_counter: Add a qualifying request for patron annual count."); is($illrq_obj->_limit_counter('active', { borrowernumber => $illrq_obj->borrowernumber }), 3, "_limit_counter: Add a completed request for patron active count."); # check_limits: # We've tested _limit_counter, so all we need to test here is whether the # current counts of 3 for each work as they should against different # configuration declarations. # No limits $config->set_always('getLimitRules', undef); is($illrq_obj->check_limits({patron => $illrq_obj->patron, librarycode => $illrq_obj->branchcode}), 1, "check_limits: no configuration => no limits."); # Branch tests $config->set_always('getLimitRules', { $illrq_obj->branchcode => { count => 1, method => 'active' } }); is($illrq_obj->check_limits({patron => $illrq_obj->patron, librarycode => $illrq_obj->branchcode}), 0, "check_limits: branch active limit exceeded."); $config->set_always('getLimitRules', { $illrq_obj->branchcode => { count => 1, method => 'annual' } }); is($illrq_obj->check_limits({patron => $illrq_obj->patron, librarycode => $illrq_obj->branchcode}), 0, "check_limits: branch annual limit exceeded."); $config->set_always('getLimitRules', { $illrq_obj->branchcode => { count => 4, method => 'active' } }); is($illrq_obj->check_limits({patron => $illrq_obj->patron, librarycode => $illrq_obj->branchcode}), 1, "check_limits: branch active limit OK."); $config->set_always('getLimitRules', { $illrq_obj->branchcode => { count => 4, method => 'annual' } }); is($illrq_obj->check_limits({patron => $illrq_obj->patron, librarycode => $illrq_obj->branchcode}), 1, "check_limits: branch annual limit OK."); # Patron tests $config->set_always('getLimitRules', { $illrq_obj->patron->categorycode => { count => 1, method => 'active' } }); is($illrq_obj->check_limits({patron => $illrq_obj->patron, librarycode => $illrq_obj->branchcode}), 0, "check_limits: patron category active limit exceeded."); $config->set_always('getLimitRules', { $illrq_obj->patron->categorycode => { count => 1, method => 'annual' } }); is($illrq_obj->check_limits({patron => $illrq_obj->patron, librarycode => $illrq_obj->branchcode}), 0, "check_limits: patron category annual limit exceeded."); $config->set_always('getLimitRules', { $illrq_obj->patron->categorycode => { count => 4, method => 'active' } }); is($illrq_obj->check_limits({patron => $illrq_obj->patron, librarycode => $illrq_obj->branchcode}), 1, "check_limits: patron category active limit OK."); $config->set_always('getLimitRules', { $illrq_obj->patron->categorycode => { count => 4, method => 'annual' } }); is($illrq_obj->check_limits({patron => $illrq_obj->patron, librarycode => $illrq_obj->branchcode}), 1, "check_limits: patron category annual limit OK."); # One rule cancels the other $config->set_series('getLimitRules', # Branch rules allow request { $illrq_obj->branchcode => { count => 4, method => 'active' } }, # Patron rule forbids it { $illrq_obj->patron->categorycode => { count => 1, method => 'annual' } }); is($illrq_obj->check_limits({patron => $illrq_obj->patron, librarycode => $illrq_obj->branchcode}), 0, "check_limits: patron category veto overrides branch OK."); $config->set_series('getLimitRules', # Branch rules allow request { $illrq_obj->branchcode => { count => 1, method => 'active' } }, # Patron rule forbids it { $illrq_obj->patron->categorycode => { count => 4, method => 'annual' } }); is($illrq_obj->check_limits({patron => $illrq_obj->patron, librarycode => $illrq_obj->branchcode}), 0, "check_limits: branch veto overrides patron category OK."); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'TO_JSON() tests' => sub { plan tests => 10; my $illreqmodule = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Illrequest'); # Mock ->capabilities $illreqmodule->mock( 'capabilities', sub { return 'capable'; } ); # Mock ->metadata $illreqmodule->mock( 'metadata', sub { return 'metawhat?'; } ); $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $library = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $patron = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons' } ); my $illreq = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Illrequests', value => { branchcode => $library->branchcode, borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber } } ); my $illreq_json = $illreq->TO_JSON; is( $illreq_json->{patron}, undef, '%embed not passed, no \'patron\' attribute' ); is( $illreq_json->{metadata}, undef, '%embed not passed, no \'metadata\' attribute' ); is( $illreq_json->{capabilities}, undef, '%embed not passed, no \'capabilities\' attribute' ); is( $illreq_json->{library}, undef, '%embed not passed, no \'library\' attribute' ); $illreq_json = $illreq->TO_JSON( { patron => 1, metadata => 1, capabilities => 1, library => 1 } ); is( $illreq_json->{patron}->{firstname}, $patron->firstname, '%embed passed, \'patron\' attribute correct (firstname)' ); is( $illreq_json->{patron}->{surname}, $patron->surname, '%embed passed, \'patron\' attribute correct (surname)' ); is( $illreq_json->{patron}->{cardnumber}, $patron->cardnumber, '%embed passed, \'patron\' attribute correct (cardnumber)' ); is( $illreq_json->{metadata}, 'metawhat?', '%embed passed, \'metadata\' attribute correct' ); is( $illreq_json->{capabilities}, 'capable', '%embed passed, \'capabilities\' attribute correct' ); is( $illreq_json->{library}->{branchcode}, $library->branchcode, '%embed not passed, no \'library\' attribute' ); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; };