#!/usr/bin/perl # This script loops through each overdue item, determines the fine, # and updates the total amount of fines due by each user. It relies on # the existence of /tmp/fines, which is created by ??? # Doesnt really rely on it, it relys on being able to write to /tmp/ # It creates the fines file # # This script is meant to be run nightly out of cron. # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # $Id: sendoverdues.pl,v 2007/03/26 22:38:09 tgarip1957 Exp $ #use strict; #use warnings; FIXME - Bug 2505 BEGIN { # find Koha's Perl modules # test carefully before changing this use FindBin; eval { require "$FindBin::Bin/../kohalib.pl" }; } use C4::Context; use C4::Search; use C4::Circulation; use C4::Circulation::Fines; use C4::Members; use C4::Dates qw/format_date/; use HTML::Template::Pro; use Mail::Sendmail; use Mail::RFC822::Address; use C4::SMS; use utf8; my ($res,$ua);##variables for SMS my $date=get_today(); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; notifyOverdues(); sub notifyOverdues { # Look up the overdues for today. # Capture overdues which fall on our dates of interest. #################################################################################################### # Creating a big hash of available templates my %email; %email->{'template'}='email-2.txt'; my %sms; %sms->{'template'}='sms-2.txt'; my %firstReminder->{'email'} = \%email; %firstReminder->{'sms'} = \%sms; my %email2; %email2->{'template'}='email-7.txt'; my %secondReminder->{'email'} = \%email2; my %sms2; %sms2->{'template'}='sms-7.txt'; %secondReminder->{'sms'} = \%sms2; my %letter2; %letter2->{'template'}='letter-7.html'; %secondReminder->{'letter'} = \%letter2; my %email3; %email3->{'template'}='email-29.txt'; my %sms3; %sms3->{'template'}='sms-29.txt'; my %letter3; %letter3->{'template'}='letter-29.html'; my %finalReminder->{'email'} = \%email3; %finalReminder->{'letter'} = \%letter3; %finalReminder->{'sms'} = \%sms3; my %actions; %actions->{'1'}=\%firstReminder; %actions->{'3'}=\%secondReminder;###This was 7 days changed to 3 days %actions->{'20'}=\%finalReminder;###This was 29 days changed to 20 days ################################################################################################################## my @overdues2;#an array for each actiondate my @overdues7; my @overdues29; my $filename; # Retrieve an array of overdues. my ($count, $overduesReference) = Getoverdues(); my @overdues=@$overduesReference; # We're going to build a hash of arrays, containing the items requiring action. # ->borrowernumber, date, @overdues my %actionItems; foreach my $overdue (@overdues) { my $due_day=$overdue->{'date_due'}; my $difference=DATE_subtract($date,$due_day); # If does this item fall on a day of interest? $overdue->{'difference'}=$difference; foreach my $actiondate (keys(%actions)) { if ($actiondate == $difference) { $filename='overdues'.$actiondate; push @$$filename,$overdue; #print "$actiondate,-,$overdue->{borrowernumber}\n"; } $actionItems{$actiondate} = \@$$filename; } } # We now have a hash containing overdues which need actioning, we can step through each set. # Work from earilest to latest. We only wish to send the most urgent message. my %messages; my %borritem; foreach my $actiondate (keys %actions) { # print "\n\nThe following items are $actiondate days overdue.\n"; my $items = $actionItems{$actiondate}; $filename='overdues'.$actiondate; foreach my $overdue (@$$filename) { # Detemine which borrower is responsible for this overdue; # if the offender is a child, then the guarantor is the person to notify my $borrowernumber=$overdue->{borrowernumber}; my $borrower=responsibleBorrower($borrowernumber); my ($method, $address) = preferedContactMethod($borrower); if ($method && $address) { # Do we have to send something, using this method on this day? if (%actions->{$actiondate}->{$method}->{'template'}) { my $intranetdir=C4::Context->config('intranetdir'); # Template the message my $template = HTML::Template::Pro->new(filename => $intranetdir.'/scripts/misc/notifys/templates/'.%actions->{$actiondate}->{$method}->{'template'}, die_on_bad_params => 0); my @bookdetails; my %row_data; my $item = getiteminformation("", $overdue->{'itemnumber'}); $row_data{'BARCODE'}=$item->{'barcode'}; my $title=substr($item->{'title'},0,25)."..."; $title=changecharacter($title); $row_data{'TITLE'}=$title; $row_data{'DATE_DUE'}=format_date($overdue->{'date_due'}); $row_data{'cardnumber'}=$borrower->{'cardnumber'}; push(@bookdetails, \%row_data); $template->param(BOOKDETAILS => \@bookdetails); my $name= "$borrower->{'firstname'} $borrower->{'surname'}"; $template->param(NAME=> $name); %messages->{$borrower->{'borrowernumber'}} = $template->output(); if ($method eq 'email') { $result = sendEmail($address, 'library@library.neu.edu.tr', 'Overdue Library Items', %messages->{$borrowernumber}); logContact($borrowernumber, $method, $address, $result, %messages->{$borrowernumber}); } elsif ($method eq 'sms') { $result = sendSMS($address, %messages->{$borrowernumber}); logContact($borrowernumber, $method, $address, $result, %messages->{$borrowernumber}); } elsif ($method eq 'letter') { $result = printLetter($address, %messages->{$borrowernumber}); } }##template exists }else{ print "$borrowernumber has an overdue item, but no means of contact\n"; }##$method } #end of 'foreach overdue' } # end of foreach actiondate } sub responsibleBorrower { # Given an overdue item, return the details of the borrower responible as a hash of database columns. my $borrowernumber=shift; if ($borrowernumber) { my $borrower=BorType($borrowernumber); # Overdue books assigned to children have notices sent to the guarantor. if ($borrower->{'categorycode'} eq 'C') { my $guarantor=BorType($borrower->{'guarantor'}); $borrower = $guarantor; } return $borrower; } } sub preferedContactMethod { # Given a reference to borrower details, in the format # returned by BorType(), determine the prefered contact method, and address to use. my $borrower=$_[0]; my $borrcat = getborrowercategoryinfo($borrower->{'categorycode'}); if( !$borrcat->{'overduenoticerequired'}){ return (undef,undef); } my $method=''; my $address=''; ## if borrower has a phone set that as our preferrred contact if ($borrower->{'phoneday'}) { if (parse_phone($borrower->{phoneday})){ $address = parse_phone($borrower->{phoneday}); $method="sms"; return ($method, $address); } } if (($borrower->{'emailaddress'}) and (Mail::RFC822::Address::valid($borrower->{'emailaddress'}))) { $address = $borrower->{'emailaddress'}; $method="email"; return ($method, $address); } if ($borrower->{'streetaddress'}) { $address = mailingAddress($borrower); $method = 'letter'; } #print "$method, $address\n"; return ($method, $address); } sub logContact { # Given the details of an attempt to contact a borrower, # log them in the attempted_contacts table of the koha database. my ($borrowernumber, $method, $address, $result, $message) = @_; my $querystring = " insert into attempted_contacts (borrowernumber, method, address, result, message, date) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, now())"; my $sth= $dbh->prepare($querystring); $sth->execute($borrowernumber, $method, $address, $result, $message); $sth->finish(); } sub mailingAddress { # Given a hash of borrower information, such as that returned by BorType, # return a mailing address. my $borrower=$_[0]; my $address = $borrower->{'firstname'}."\n". $borrower->{'streetaddress'}."\n". $borrower->{'streetcity'}; return $address; } sub sendEmail { # Given an email address, and a subject and message, attempt to send email. my $to=$_[0]; my $from=$_[1]; my $subject=$_[2]; my $message=$_[3]; # print "in email area"; # print "\nSending Email To: $to\n$message\n"; my %mail = ( To => $to, CC => 'library@library.neu.edu.tr', From => $from, Subject => $subject, Message => $message); if (not(sendmail %mail)) { warn $Mail::Sendmail::error; warn "sendEmail to $to failed."; return 0; } return 1; } sub sendSMS { my ($phone, $message)=@_; ($res,$ua)=get_sms_auth() unless $res; # Given a cell number and a message, attempt to send an SMS message. my $sendresult=send_sms($ua,$phone,$message,$res->{pSessionId}); my $error=error_codes($sendresult->{pErrCode}); return 1 unless $error; return $error; } sub printLetter { print "letter\n"; # Print a letter # FIXME - decide where to print return 1; } sub changecharacter { my ($string)=@_; $_=$string; s/ş/s/g; s/Ş/S/g; s/ü/u/g; s/Ü/U/g; s/ç/c/g; s/Ç/C/g; s/ö/o/g; s/Ö/O/g; s/ı/i/g; s/İ/I/g; s/ğ/g/g; s/Ğ/G/g; $string=$_; return $string; } $dbh->disconnect();