Upload Patron Images
[% IF ( ERRORS ) %]
The upload file does not appear to be a zip file. The extension is not '.zip'.
[% ELSIF ( ERROR.NOWRITETEMP ) %]This script is not able to create/write to the necessary temporary directory.
[% ELSIF ( ERROR.EMPTYUPLOAD ) %]The upload file appears to be empty.
[% ELSIF ( ERROR.OPNLINK ) %]Cannot open [% ERROR.OPNLINK %] to read.
Please verify that it exists.
[% ELSIF ( ERROR.OPNIMG ) %]Cannot open [% ERROR.OPNIMG %] to read.
Please verify that it exists.
[% ELSIF ( ERROR.DELERR ) %]Unrecognized or missing field delimiter.
Please verify that you are using either a single quote or a tab.
[% ELSIF ( ERROR.UZIPFAIL ) %][% ERROR.UZIPFAIL %] failed to unpack.
Please verify the integrity of the zip file and retry.
[% ELSE %][% ERROR.CORERR %] An unknown error has occurred.
Please review the error log for more details.[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]