/* global shortcut delBasket Sticky AUDIO_ALERT_PATH Cookies */ /* exported addBibToContext delBibToContext escape_str escape_price openWindow _ removeFocus toUC confirmDelete confirmClone playSound */ if ( KOHA === undefined ) var KOHA = {}; function _(s) { return s; } // dummy function for gettext // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1038746/equivalent-of-string-format-in-jquery/5341855#5341855 String.prototype.format = function() { return formatstr(this, arguments); }; function formatstr(str, col) { col = typeof col === 'object' ? col : Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); var idx = 0; return str.replace(/%%|%s|%(\d+)\$s/g, function (m, n) { if (m == "%%") { return "%"; } if (m == "%s") { return col[idx++]; } return col[n]; }); } var HtmlCharsToEscape = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>' }; String.prototype.escapeHtml = function() { return this.replace(/[&<>]/g, function(c) { return HtmlCharsToEscape[c] || c; }); }; function escape_str(s){ return s != null ? s.escapeHtml() : ""; } /* * Void method for numbers, for consistency */ Number.prototype.escapeHtml = function() { return this; }; function escape_price(p){ return p != null ? p.escapeHtml().format_price() : ""; } // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14859281/select-tab-by-name-in-jquery-ui-1-10-0/16550804#16550804 $.fn.tabIndex = function () { return $(this).parent().children('div').index(this); }; $.fn.selectTabByID = function (tabID) { $("a[href='" + tabID + "']", $(this) ).tab("show"); }; $(document).ready(function() { //check for a hash before setting focus let hash = window.location.hash; if ( ! hash ) { $(".tab-pane.active input:text:first").focus(); } $("#header_search a[data-toggle='tab']").on("shown.bs.tab", function (e) { $( e.target.hash ).find("input:text:first").focus(); }); $(".close, .close_window").on("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); window.close(); }); $("#checkin_search form").preventDoubleFormSubmit(); if($("#header_search #checkin_search").length > 0){ shortcut.add('Alt+r',function (){ $("#header_search").selectTabByID("#checkin_search"); $("#ret_barcode").focus(); }); } else { shortcut.add('Alt+r',function (){ location.href="/cgi-bin/koha/circ/returns.pl"; }); } if($("#header_search #circ_search").length > 0){ shortcut.add('Alt+u',function (){ $("#header_search").selectTabByID("#circ_search"); $("#findborrower").focus(); }); } else { shortcut.add('Alt+u',function(){ location.href="/cgi-bin/koha/circ/circulation.pl"; }); } if($("#header_search #catalog_search").length > 0){ shortcut.add('Alt+q',function (){ $("#header_search").selectTabByID("#catalog_search"); $("#search-form").focus(); }); } else { shortcut.add('Alt+q',function(){ location.href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/search.pl"; }); } if($("#header_search #renew_search").length > 0){ shortcut.add('Alt+w',function (){ $("#header_search").selectTabByID("#renew_search"); $("#ren_barcode").focus(); }); } else { shortcut.add('Alt+w',function(){ location.href="/cgi-bin/koha/circ/renew.pl"; }); } $('#header_search .form-extra-content-toggle').on('click', function () { const extraContent = $(this).closest('form').find('.form-extra-content'); if (extraContent.is(':visible')) { extraContent.hide(); $(this).removeClass("extra-content-open"); } else { extraContent.show(); $(this).addClass("extra-content-open"); } }); $(".focus").focus(); $(".validated").each(function() { $(this).validate(); }); jQuery.validator.addClassRules("decimal", { number: true }); $("#logout").on("click",function(){ logOut(); }); $("#helper").on("click",function(){ openHelp(); return false; }); $("body").on("keypress", ".noEnterSubmit", function(e){ return checkEnter(e); }); $(".keep_text").on("click",function(){ var field_index = $(this).parent().index(); keep_text( field_index ); }); $(".toggle_element").on("click",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $( $(this).data("element") ).toggle(); if (typeof Sticky !== "undefined" && typeof hcSticky === "function") { Sticky.hcSticky('update'); } }); var navmenulist = $("#navmenulist"); if( navmenulist.length > 0 ){ var path = location.pathname.substring(1); var url = window.location.toString(); var params = ''; if ( url.match(/\?(.+)$/) ) { params = "?" + RegExp.$1; } if ($("a[href$=\"/" + path + params + "\"]", navmenulist).length == 0){ $("a[href$=\"/" + path + "\"]", navmenulist).addClass("current"); } else { $("a[href$=\"/" + path + params + "\"]", navmenulist).addClass("current"); } } $("#catalog-search-link a").on("mouseenter mouseleave", function(){ $("#catalog-search-dropdown a").toggleClass("catalog-search-dropdown-hover"); }); if ( localStorage.getItem("previousPatrons") || $("#hiddenborrowernumber").val() ){ var previous_patrons = []; if ( localStorage.getItem("previousPatrons") ) { previous_patrons = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("previousPatrons")); } if ( $("#hiddenborrowernumber").val() ) { // Remove this patron from the list if they are already there previous_patrons = previous_patrons.filter(function (p) { return p["borrowernumber"] != $("#hiddenborrowernumber").val(); }); const previous_patron = { "borrowernumber": $("#hiddenborrowernumber").val(), "name": $("#hiddenborrowername").val(), "card": $("#hiddenborrowercard").val() }; previous_patrons.unshift( previous_patron ); // Limit to number of patrons specified in showLastPatronCount if ( previous_patrons.length > showLastPatronCount ) previous_patrons.pop(); localStorage.setItem("previousPatrons", JSON.stringify(previous_patrons)); } if ( previous_patrons.length ) { let p = previous_patrons[0]; $("#lastborrowerlink").show(); $("#lastborrowerlink").prop("title", `${p["name"]} (${p["card"]})`); $("#lastborrowerlink").prop("href", `/cgi-bin/koha/circ/circulation.pl?borrowernumber=${p["borrowernumber"]}`); $("#lastborrower-window").css("display", "inline-flex"); previous_patrons.reverse(); for ( i in previous_patrons ) { p = previous_patrons[i]; const el = `
  • ${p["name"]} (${p["card"]})
  • `; $("#lastBorrowerList").prepend(el); } } } if( $("#hiddenborrowernumber").val() ){ localStorage.setItem("currentborrowernumber", $("#hiddenborrowernumber").val() ); } $("#lastborrower-remove").click(function() { removeLastBorrower(); $("#lastborrower-window").hide(); }); /* Search results browsing */ /* forms with action leading to search */ $("form[action*='search.pl']").submit(function(){ $('[name^="limit"]').each(function(){ if( $(this).val() == '' ){ $(this).prop("disabled","disabled"); } }); var disabledPrior = false; $(".search-term-row").each(function(){ if( disabledPrior ){ $(this).find('select[name="op"]').prop("disabled","disabled"); disabledPrior = false; } if( $(this).find('input[name="q"]').val() == "" ){ $(this).find('input').prop("disabled","disabled"); $(this).find('select').prop("disabled","disabled"); disabledPrior = true; } }); resetSearchContext(); saveOrClearSimpleSearchParams(); }); /* any link to launch a search except navigation links */ $("[href*='search.pl?']").not(".nav").not('.searchwithcontext').click(function(){ resetSearchContext(); }); /* any link to a detail page from the results page. */ $("#bookbag_form a[href*='detail.pl?']").click(function(){ resetSearchContext(); }); }); function removeLastBorrower(){ localStorage.removeItem("previousPatrons"); } // http://jennifermadden.com/javascript/stringEnterKeyDetector.html function checkEnter(e){ //e is event object passed from function invocation var characterCode; // literal character code will be stored in this variable if(e && e.which){ //if which property of event object is supported (NN4) characterCode = e.which; //character code is contained in NN4's which property } else { characterCode = e.keyCode; //character code is contained in IE's keyCode property } if( characterCode == 13 //if generated character code is equal to ascii 13 (if enter key) && e.target.nodeName == "INPUT" && e.target.type != "submit" // Allow enter to submit using the submit button ){ return false; } else { return true; } } function clearHoldFor(){ Cookies.remove("holdfor", { path: '/', SameSite: 'Lax' }); } function logOut(){ if( typeof delBasket == 'function' ){ delBasket('main', true); } clearHoldFor(); removeLastBorrower(); localStorage.removeItem("sql_reports_activetab"); localStorage.removeItem("searches"); localStorage.removeItem("bibs_selected"); localStorage.removeItem("patron_search_selections"); localStorage.removeItem("item_search_selections"); } function openHelp(){ window.open( "/cgi-bin/koha/help.pl", "_blank"); } jQuery.fn.preventDoubleFormSubmit = function() { jQuery(this).submit(function() { $("body, form input[type='submit'], form button[type='submit'], form a").addClass('waiting'); if (this.beenSubmitted) return false; else this.beenSubmitted = true; }); }; function openWindow(link,name,width,height) { name = (typeof name == "undefined")?'popup':name; width = (typeof width == "undefined")?'600':width; height = (typeof height == "undefined")?'400':height; //IE <= 9 can't handle a "name" with whitespace try { window.open(link,name,'width='+width+',height='+height+',resizable=yes,toolbar=false,scrollbars=yes,top'); } catch(e) { window.open(link,null,'width='+width+',height='+height+',resizable=yes,toolbar=false,scrollbars=yes,top'); } } // Use this function to remove the focus from any element for // repeated scanning actions on errors so the librarian doesn't // continue scanning and miss the error. function removeFocus() { $(':focus').blur(); } function toUC(f) { var x=f.value.toUpperCase(); f.value=x; return true; } function confirmDelete(message) { return (confirm(message) ? true : false); } function confirmClone(message) { return (confirm(message) ? true : false); } function playSound( sound ) { if ( ! ( sound.indexOf('http://') === 0 || sound.indexOf('https://') === 0 ) ) { sound = AUDIO_ALERT_PATH + sound; } document.getElementById("audio-alert").innerHTML = ''; } // For keeping the text when navigating the search tabs function keep_text(clicked_index) { var searchboxes = document.getElementsByClassName("head-searchbox"); var persist = searchboxes[0].value; for (var i = 0; i < searchboxes.length - 1; i++) { if (searchboxes[i].value != searchboxes[i+1].value) { if (i === searchboxes.length-2) { if (searchboxes[i].value != searchboxes[0].value) { persist = searchboxes[i].value; } else if (searchboxes.length === 2) { if (clicked_index === 0) { persist = searchboxes[1].value; } } else { persist = searchboxes[i+1].value; } } else if (searchboxes[i+1].value != searchboxes[i+2].value) { persist = searchboxes[i+1].value; } } } for (i = 0; i < searchboxes.length; i++) { searchboxes[i].value = persist; } } // Extends jQuery API jQuery.extend({uniqueArray:function(array){ return $.grep(array, function(el, index) { return index === $.inArray(el, array); }); }}); function removeByValue(arr, val) { for(var i=0; i 0 ) ) && extendedPatronAttributes) { extended_attribute_codes_to_search = (searched_attribute_fields.length > 0) ? searched_attribute_fields : options.extended_attribute_types; extended_attribute_subquery_and = []; patterns.forEach(function (pattern, i) { let extended_attribute_sub_or = []; extended_attribute_sub_or.push({ "extended_attributes.value": { "like": leading_wildcard + pattern + '%' }, "extended_attributes.code": extended_attribute_codes_to_search }); extended_attribute_subquery_and.push(extended_attribute_sub_or); }); q.push({ "-and": extended_attribute_subquery_and }); } return q; } function selectBsTabByHash( tabs_container_id ){ /* Check for location.hash in the page URL */ /* If present the location hash will be used to activate the correct tab */ var hash = document.location.hash; if( hash !== "" ){ $('#' + tabs_container_id + ' a[href="' + hash + '"]').tab('show'); } else { $('#' + tabs_container_id + ' a:first').tab('show'); } }