let dataFetched = false; let bookable_items, bookings, checkouts, booking_id, booking_item_id, booking_patron; $('#placeBookingModal').on('show.bs.modal', function(e) { // Get context let button = $(e.relatedTarget); let biblionumber = button.data('biblionumber'); $('#booking_biblio_id').val(biblionumber); let patron_id = button.data('patron') || 0; booking_item_id = button.data('itemnumber'); let start_date = button.data('start_date'); let end_date = button.data('end_date'); // Get booking id if this is an edit booking_id = button.data('booking'); if (booking_id) { $('#placeBookingLabel').html(__("Edit booking")); $('#booking_id').val(booking_id); } else { $('#placeBookingLabel').html(__("Place booking")); // Ensure we don't accidentally update a booking $('#booking_id').val(''); } // Patron select2 $("#booking_patron_id").kohaSelect({ dropdownParent: $(".modal-content", "#placeBookingModal"), width: '50%', dropdownAutoWidth: true, allowClear: true, minimumInputLength: 3, ajax: { url: '/api/v1/patrons', delay: 250, dataType: 'json', headers: { "x-koha-embed": "library" }, data: function(params) { let q = buildPatronSearchQuery(params.term); let query = { 'q': JSON.stringify(q), '_page': params.page, '_order_by': '+me.surname,+me.firstname', }; return query; }, processResults: function(data, params) { let results = []; data.results.forEach(function(patron) { patron.id = patron.patron_id; results.push(patron); }); return { "results": results, "pagination": { "more": data.pagination.more } }; }, }, templateResult: function (patron) { if (patron.library_id == loggedInLibrary) { loggedInClass = "ac-currentlibrary"; } else { loggedInClass = ""; } let $patron = $("") .append( "" + (patron.surname ? escape_str(patron.surname) + ", " : "") + (patron.firstname ? escape_str(patron.firstname) + " " : "") + (patron.cardnumber ? " (" + escape_str(patron.cardnumber) + ")" : "") + "" + (patron.date_of_birth ? ' ' + $get_age(patron.date_of_birth) + " " + __("years") + "" : "") + (patron.library ? " " + escape_str(patron.library.name) + "" : "") + "" ) .addClass(loggedInClass); return $patron; }, templateSelection: function (patron) { if (!patron.surname) { return patron.text; } return ( patron.surname + ", " + patron.firstname ); }, placeholder: __("Search for a patron") }); $('#booking_patron_id').on('select2:select', function (e) { booking_patron = e.params.data; }); // Adopt periodPicker let periodPicker = $("#period").get(0)._flatpickr; if ( !dataFetched ) { // Fetch list of bookable items let itemsFetch = $.ajax({ url: '/api/v1/biblios/' + biblionumber + '/items?bookable=1' + '&_per_page=-1', dataType: 'json', type: 'GET' }); // Fetch list of existing bookings let bookingsFetch = $.ajax({ url: '/api/v1/bookings?biblio_id=' + biblionumber, dataType: 'json', type: 'GET' }); // Fetch list of current checkouts let checkoutsFetch = $.ajax({ url: '/api/v1/biblios/' + biblionumber + '/checkouts?_per_page=-1', dataType: 'json', type: 'GET' }); // Update item select2 and period flatpickr $.when(itemsFetch, bookingsFetch, checkoutsFetch).then( function(itemsFetch,bookingsFetch, checkoutsFetch){ // Set variables bookable_items = itemsFetch[0]; bookings = bookingsFetch[0]; checkouts = checkoutsFetch[0]; // Merge current checkouts into bookings for (checkout of checkouts) { let booking = { biblio_id: biblionumber, booking_id: null, end_date: checkout.due_date, item_id: checkout.item_id, patron_id: checkout.patron_id, start_date: new Date().toISOString(), }; bookings.unshift(booking); } // Item select2 $("#booking_item_id").select2({ dropdownParent: $(".modal-content", "#placeBookingModal"), width: '50%', dropdownAutoWidth: true, minimumResultsForSearch: 20, placeholder: __("Select item") }); // Update flatpickr mode periodPicker.set('mode', 'range'); // Total bookable items let bookable = 0; for (item of bookable_items) { bookable++; // Populate item select (NOTE: Do we still need this check for pre-existing select option here?) if (!($('#booking_item_id').find("option[value='" + item.item_id + "']").length)) { // Create a DOM Option and de-select by default let newOption = new Option(escape_str(item.external_id), item.item_id, false, false); // Append it to the select $('#booking_item_id').append(newOption); } } // Set disable function for periodPicker let disableExists = periodPicker.config.disable.filter(f => f.name === 'dateDisable'); if ( disableExists.length === 0 ) { periodPicker.config.disable.push(function dateDisable(date){ // set local copy of selectedDates let selectedDates = periodPicker.selectedDates; // set booked counter let booked = 0; // reset the unavailable items array let unavailable_items = []; // reset the biblio level bookings array let biblio_bookings = []; // disable dates before selected date if (!selectedDates[1] && (selectedDates[0] && selectedDates[0] > date)) { return true; } // iterate existing bookings for (booking of bookings) { // Skip if we're editing this booking if (booking_id && booking_id == booking.booking_id){ continue; } let start_date = flatpickr.parseDate(booking.start_date); let end_date = flatpickr.parseDate(booking.end_date); // patron has selected a start date (end date checks) if (selectedDates[0]) { // new booking start date is between existing booking start and end dates if (selectedDates[0] >= start_date && selectedDates[0] <= end_date) { if (booking.item_id) { if (unavailable_items.indexOf(booking.item_id) === -1) { unavailable_items.push(booking.item_id); } } else { if (biblio_bookings.indexOf(booking.booking_id) === -1) { biblio_bookings.push(booking.booking_id); } } } // new booking end date would be between existing booking start and end dates else if (date >= start_date && date <= end_date) { if (booking.item_id) { if (unavailable_items.indexOf(booking.item_id) === -1) { unavailable_items.push(booking.item_id); } } else { if (biblio_bookings.indexOf(booking.booking_id) === -1) { biblio_bookings.push(booking.booking_id); } } } // new booking would span existing booking else if (selectedDates[0] <= start_date && date >= end_date) { if (booking.item_id) { if (unavailable_items.indexOf(booking.item_id) === -1) { unavailable_items.push(booking.item_id); } } else { if (biblio_bookings.indexOf(booking.booking_id) === -1) { biblio_bookings.push(booking.booking_id); } } } // new booking would not conflict else { continue; } // check that there are available items // available = all bookable items - booked items - booked biblios let total_available = bookable_items.length - unavailable_items.length - biblio_bookings.length; if (total_available === 0) { return true; } } // patron has not yet selected a start date (start date checks) else if (date <= end_date && date >= start_date) { // same item, disable date if (booking.item_id && booking.item_id == booking_item_id) { return true; } // count all clashes, both item and biblio level booked++; if (booked == bookable) { return true; } // FIXME: The above is not intelligent enough to spot // cases where an item must be used for a biblio level booking // due to all other items being booking within the biblio level // booking period... we end up with a clash // To reproduce: // * One bib with two bookable items. // * Add item level booking // * Add biblio level booking that extends one day beyond the item level booking // * Try to book the item without an item level booking from the day before the biblio level // booking is to be returned. Note this is a clash, the only item available for the biblio // level booking is the item you just booked out overlapping the end date. } } }); }; // Setup listener for item select2 $('#booking_item_id').on('select2:select', function(e) { booking_item_id = e.params.data.id ? e.params.data.id : null; // redraw pariodPicker taking selected item into account periodPicker.redraw(); }); // Set onChange for flatpickr let changeExists = periodPicker.config.onChange.filter(f => f.name ==='periodChange'); if(changeExists.length === 0) { periodPicker.config.onChange.push(function periodChange(selectedDates, dateStr, instance) { // Range set, update hidden fields and set available items if ( selectedDates[0] && selectedDates[1] ) { // set form fields from picker let picker_start = dayjs(selectedDates[0]); let picker_end = dayjs(selectedDates[1]).endOf('day'); $('#booking_start_date').val(picker_start.toISOString()); $('#booking_end_date').val(picker_end.toISOString()); // set available items in select2 let booked_items = bookings.filter(function(booking) { let start_date = flatpickr.parseDate(booking.start_date); let end_date = flatpickr.parseDate(booking.end_date); // This booking ends before the start of the new booking if ( end_date <= selectedDates[0] ) { return false; } // This booking starts after then end of the new booking if ( start_date >= selectedDates[1] ) { return false; } // This booking overlaps return true; }); $("#booking_item_id > option").each(function() { let option = $(this); if ( booking_item_id && booking_item_id == option.val() ) { option.prop('disabled',false); } else if ( booked_items.some(function(booked_item){ return option.val() == booked_item.item_id; }) ) { option.prop('disabled',true); } else { option.prop('disabled',false); } }); $('#booking_item_id').trigger('change.select2'); } // Range not set, reset field options else { $('#booking_item_id > option').each(function() { $(this).prop('disabled', false); }); $('#booking_item_id').trigger('change.select2'); } }); }; // Enable flatpickr now we have date function populated periodPicker.redraw(); $("#period_fields :input").prop('disabled', false); // Redraw select with new options and enable $('#booking_item_id').trigger('change'); $("#booking_item_id").prop("disabled", false); // Set the flag to indicate that data has been fetched dataFetched = true; // Set form values setFormValues(patron_id,booking_item_id,start_date,end_date,periodPicker); }, function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ console.log("Fetch failed"); } ); } else { setFormValues(patron_id,booking_item_id,start_date,end_date,periodPicker); }; }); function setFormValues(patron_id,booking_item_id,start_date,end_date,periodPicker){ // If passed patron, pre-select if (patron_id) { let patronSelect = $('#booking_patron_id'); let patron = $.ajax({ url: '/api/v1/patrons/' + patron_id, dataType: 'json', type: 'GET' }); $.when(patron).done( function(patron){ // clone patron_id to id (select2 expects an id field) patron.id = patron.patron_id; patron.text = escape_str(patron.surname) + ", " + escape_str(patron.firstname); // Add and select new option let newOption = new Option(patron.text, patron.id, true, true); patronSelect.append(newOption).trigger('change'); // manually trigger the `select2:select` event patronSelect.trigger({ type: 'select2:select', params: { data: patron } }); } ); } // Set booking start & end if this is an edit if ( start_date ) { // Allow invalid pre-load so setDate can set date range // periodPicker.set('allowInvalidPreload', true); // FIXME: Why is this the case.. we're passing two valid Date objects let start = new Date(start_date); let end = new Date(end_date); let dates = [ new Date(start_date), new Date(end_date) ]; periodPicker.setDate(dates, true); } // Reset periodPicker, biblio_id may have been nulled else { periodPicker.redraw(); }; // If passed an itemnumber, pre-select if (booking_item_id) { $('#booking_item_id').val(booking_item_id).trigger('change'); } } $("#placeBookingForm").on('submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); let url = '/api/v1/bookings'; let start_date = $('#booking_start_date').val(); let end_date = $('#booking_end_date').val(); let item_id = $('#booking_item_id').val(); if (!booking_id) { let posting = $.post( url, JSON.stringify({ "start_date": start_date, "end_date": end_date, "biblio_id": $('#booking_biblio_id').val(), "item_id": item_id != 0 ? item_id : null, "patron_id": $('#booking_patron_id').find(':selected').val() }) ); posting.done(function(data) { // Update bookings store for subsequent bookings bookings.push(data); // Update bookings page as required if (typeof bookings_table !== 'undefined' && bookings_table !== null) { bookings_table.api().ajax.reload(); } if (typeof timeline !== 'undefined' && timeline !== null) { timeline.itemsData.add({ id: data.booking_id, booking: data.booking_id, patron: data.patron_id, start: dayjs(data.start_date).toDate(), end: dayjs(data.end_date).toDate(), content: $patron_to_html(booking_patron, { display_cardnumber: true, url: false }), editable: { remove: true, updateTime: true }, type: 'range', group: data.item_id ? data.item_id : 0 }); timeline.focus(data.booking_id); } // Update bookings counts $('.bookings_count').html(parseInt($('.bookings_count').html(), 10)+1); // Close modal $('#placeBookingModal').modal('hide'); }); posting.fail(function(data) { $('#booking_result').replaceWith('
'); }); } else { url += '/' + booking_id; let putting = $.ajax({ 'method': 'PUT', 'url': url, 'data': JSON.stringify({ "booking_id": booking_id, "start_date": start_date, "end_date": end_date, "biblio_id": $('#booking_biblio_id').val(), "item_id": item_id != 0 ? item_id : null, "patron_id": $('#booking_patron_id').find(':selected').val() }) }); putting.done(function(data) { update_success = 1; // Update bookings store for subsequent bookings let target = bookings.find((obj) => obj.booking_id === data.booking_id); Object.assign(target,data); // Update bookings page as required if (typeof bookings_table !== 'undefined' && bookings_table !== null) { bookings_table.api().ajax.reload(); } if (typeof timeline !== 'undefined' && timeline !== null) { timeline.itemsData.update({ id: data.booking_id, booking: data.booking_id, patron: data.patron_id, start: dayjs(data.start_date).toDate(), end: dayjs(data.end_date).toDate(), content: $patron_to_html(booking_patron, { display_cardnumber: true, url: false }), editable: { remove: true, updateTime: true }, type: 'range', group: data.item_id ? data.item_id : 0 }); timeline.focus(data.booking_id); } // Close modal $('#placeBookingModal').modal('hide'); }); putting.fail(function(data) { $('#booking_result').replaceWith('
'); }); } }); $('#placeBookingModal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) { $('#booking_patron_id').val(null).trigger('change'); $('#booking_patron_id').empty(); $('#booking_item_id').val(0).trigger('change'); $('#period').get(0)._flatpickr.clear(); $('#booking_start_date').val(''); $('#booking_end_date').val(''); $('#booking_id').val(''); });