package C4::Budgets; # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use JSON; use C4::Context; use Koha::Database; use Koha::Patrons; use Koha::Acquisition::Invoice::Adjustments; use C4::Acquisition; use C4::Log qw(logaction); our (@ISA, @EXPORT_OK); BEGIN { require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( GetBudget GetBudgetByOrderNumber GetBudgetByCode GetBudgets BudgetsByActivity GetBudgetsReport GetBudgetReport GetBudgetsByActivity GetBudgetHierarchy AddBudget ModBudget DelBudget GetBudgetSpent GetBudgetOrdered GetBudgetName GetPeriodsCount GetBudgetHierarchySpent GetBudgetHierarchyOrdered GetBudgetUsers ModBudgetUsers CanUserUseBudget CanUserModifyBudget GetBudgetPeriod GetBudgetPeriods ModBudgetPeriod AddBudgetPeriod DelBudgetPeriod ModBudgetPlan GetBudgetsPlanCell AddBudgetPlanValue GetBudgetAuthCats BudgetHasChildren GetBudgetChildren SetOwnerToFundHierarchy CheckBudgetParent CheckBudgetParentPerm HideCols GetCols CloneBudgetPeriod CloneBudgetHierarchy MoveOrders ); } # ----------------------------BUDGETS.PM-----------------------------"; =head1 FUNCTIONS ABOUT BUDGETS =cut sub HideCols { my ( $authcat, @hide_cols ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare( qq| UPDATE aqbudgets_planning SET display = 0 WHERE authcat = ? AND authvalue = ? | ); foreach my $authvalue (@hide_cols) { # $sth1->{TraceLevel} = 3; $sth1->execute( $authcat, $authvalue ); } } sub GetCols { my ( $authcat, $authvalue ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( qq| SELECT count(display) as cnt from aqbudgets_planning WHERE authcat = ? AND authvalue = ? and display = 0 | ); # $sth->{TraceLevel} = 3; $sth->execute( $authcat, $authvalue ); my $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; return $res->{cnt} > 0 ? 0: 1 } sub CheckBudgetParentPerm { my ( $budget, $borrower_id ) = @_; my $depth = $budget->{depth}; my $parent_id = $budget->{budget_parent_id}; while ($depth) { my $parent = GetBudget($parent_id); $parent_id = $parent->{budget_parent_id}; if ( $parent->{budget_owner_id} == $borrower_id ) { return 1; } $depth-- } return 0; } sub AddBudgetPeriod { my ($budgetperiod) = @_; return unless($budgetperiod->{budget_period_startdate} && $budgetperiod->{budget_period_enddate}); undef $budgetperiod->{budget_period_id}; my $resultset = Koha::Database->new()->schema->resultset('Aqbudgetperiod'); return $resultset->create($budgetperiod)->id; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetPeriodsCount { my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare(" SELECT COUNT(*) AS sum FROM aqbudgetperiods "); $sth->execute(); my $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; return $res->{'sum'}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub CheckBudgetParent { my ( $new_parent, $budget ) = @_; my $new_parent_id = $new_parent->{'budget_id'}; my $budget_id = $budget->{'budget_id'}; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $parent_id_tmp = $new_parent_id; # check new-parent is not a child (or a child's child ;) my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq| SELECT budget_parent_id FROM aqbudgets where budget_id = ? | ); while (1) { $sth->execute($parent_id_tmp); my $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; if ( $res->{'budget_parent_id'} == $budget_id ) { return 1; } if ( not defined $res->{'budget_parent_id'} ) { return 0; } $parent_id_tmp = $res->{'budget_parent_id'}; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub BudgetHasChildren { my ( $budget_id ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq| SELECT count(*) as sum FROM aqbudgets WHERE budget_parent_id = ? | ); $sth->execute( $budget_id ); my $sum = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; return $sum->{'sum'}; } sub GetBudgetChildren { my ( $budget_id ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; return $dbh->selectall_arrayref(q| SELECT * FROM aqbudgets WHERE budget_parent_id = ? |, { Slice => {} }, $budget_id ); } sub SetOwnerToFundHierarchy { my ( $budget_id, $borrowernumber ) = @_; my $budget = GetBudget( $budget_id ); $budget->{budget_owner_id} = $borrowernumber; ModBudget( $budget ); my $children = GetBudgetChildren( $budget_id ); for my $child ( @$children ) { SetOwnerToFundHierarchy( $child->{budget_id}, $borrowernumber ); } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetBudgetsPlanCell { my ( $cell, $period, $budget ) = @_; #FIXME we don't use $period my ($actual, $sth); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $roundsql = C4::Acquisition::get_rounding_sql(qq|ecost_tax_included|); if ( $cell->{'authcat'} eq 'MONTHS' ) { # get the actual amount # FIXME we should consider quantity $sth = $dbh->prepare( qq| SELECT SUM(| . $roundsql . qq|) AS actual FROM aqorders WHERE budget_id = ? AND entrydate like "$cell->{'authvalue'}%" | ); $sth->execute( $cell->{'budget_id'} ); } elsif ( $cell->{'authcat'} eq 'BRANCHES' ) { # get the actual amount # FIXME we should consider quantity $sth = $dbh->prepare( qq| SELECT SUM(| . $roundsql . qq|) FROM aqorders LEFT JOIN aqorders_items ON (aqorders.ordernumber = aqorders_items.ordernumber) LEFT JOIN items ON (aqorders_items.itemnumber = items.itemnumber) WHERE budget_id = ? AND homebranch = ? | ); $sth->execute( $cell->{'budget_id'}, $cell->{'authvalue'} ); } elsif ( $cell->{'authcat'} eq 'ITEMTYPES' ) { # get the actual amount $sth = $dbh->prepare( qq| SELECT SUM( | . $roundsql . qq| * quantity) AS actual FROM aqorders JOIN biblioitems ON (biblioitems.biblionumber = aqorders.biblionumber ) WHERE aqorders.budget_id = ? and itemtype = ? | ); $sth->execute( $cell->{'budget_id'}, $cell->{'authvalue'} ); } # ELSE GENERIC ORDERS SORT1/SORT2 STAT COUNT. else { # get the actual amount $sth = $dbh->prepare( qq| SELECT SUM(| . $roundsql . qq| * quantity) AS actual FROM aqorders JOIN aqbudgets ON (aqbudgets.budget_id = aqorders.budget_id ) WHERE aqorders.budget_id = ? AND ((aqbudgets.sort1_authcat = ? AND sort1 =?) OR (aqbudgets.sort2_authcat = ? AND sort2 =?)) | ); $sth->execute( $cell->{'budget_id'}, $budget->{'sort1_authcat'}, $cell->{'authvalue'}, $budget->{'sort2_authcat'}, $cell->{'authvalue'} ); } $actual = $sth->fetchrow_array; # get the estimated amount $sth = $dbh->prepare( qq| SELECT estimated_amount AS estimated, display FROM aqbudgets_planning WHERE budget_period_id = ? AND budget_id = ? AND authvalue = ? AND authcat = ? | ); $sth->execute( $cell->{'budget_period_id'}, $cell->{'budget_id'}, $cell->{'authvalue'}, $cell->{'authcat'}, ); my $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; # my $display = $res->{'display'}; my $estimated = $res->{'estimated'}; return $actual, $estimated; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ModBudgetPlan { my ( $budget_plan, $budget_period_id, $authcat ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; foreach my $buds (@$budget_plan) { my $lines = $buds->{lines}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( qq| DELETE FROM aqbudgets_planning WHERE budget_period_id = ? AND budget_id = ? AND authcat = ? | ); #delete a aqplan line of cells, then insert new cells, # these could be UPDATES rather than DEL/INSERTS... $sth->execute( $budget_period_id, $lines->[0]{budget_id} , $authcat ); foreach my $cell (@$lines) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare( qq| INSERT INTO aqbudgets_planning SET budget_id = ?, budget_period_id = ?, authcat = ?, estimated_amount = ?, authvalue = ? | ); $sth->execute( $cell->{'budget_id'}, $cell->{'budget_period_id'}, $cell->{'authcat'}, $cell->{'estimated_amount'}, $cell->{'authvalue'}, ); } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetBudgetSpent { my ($budget_id) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; # unitprice_tax_included should always been set here # we should not need to retrieve ecost_tax_included my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq| SELECT SUM( | . C4::Acquisition::get_rounding_sql("COALESCE(unitprice_tax_included, ecost_tax_included)") . qq| * quantity ) AS sum FROM aqorders WHERE budget_id = ? AND quantityreceived > 0 AND datecancellationprinted IS NULL |); $sth->execute($budget_id); my $sum = ( $sth->fetchrow_array || 0 ) + 0; $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq| SELECT SUM(shipmentcost) AS sum FROM aqinvoices WHERE shipmentcost_budgetid = ? |); $sth->execute($budget_id); my ($shipmentcost_sum) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sum += ( $shipmentcost_sum || 0 ) + 0; my $adjustments = Koha::Acquisition::Invoice::Adjustments->search({budget_id => $budget_id, closedate => { '!=' => undef } },{ join => 'invoiceid' }); while ( my $adj = $adjustments->next ){ $sum += $adj->adjustment; } return $sum; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetBudgetOrdered { my ($budget_id) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq| SELECT SUM(| . C4::Acquisition::get_rounding_sql(qq|ecost_tax_included|) . qq| * quantity) AS sum FROM aqorders WHERE budget_id = ? AND quantityreceived = 0 AND datecancellationprinted IS NULL |); $sth->execute($budget_id); my $sum = ( $sth->fetchrow_array || 0 ) + 0; my $adjustments = Koha::Acquisition::Invoice::Adjustments->search({budget_id => $budget_id, encumber_open => 1, closedate => undef},{ join => 'invoiceid' }); while ( my $adj = $adjustments->next ){ $sum += $adj->adjustment; } return $sum; } =head2 GetBudgetName my $budget_name = &GetBudgetName($budget_id); get the budget_name for a given budget_id =cut sub GetBudgetName { my ( $budget_id ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( qq| SELECT budget_name FROM aqbudgets WHERE budget_id = ? |); $sth->execute($budget_id); return $sth->fetchrow_array; } =head2 GetBudgetAuthCats my $auth_cats = &GetBudgetAuthCats($budget_period_id); Return the list of authcat for a given budget_period_id =cut sub GetBudgetAuthCats { my ($budget_period_id) = shift; # now, populate the auth_cats_loop used in the budget planning button # we must retrieve all auth values used by at least one budget my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth=$dbh->prepare("SELECT sort1_authcat,sort2_authcat FROM aqbudgets WHERE budget_period_id=?"); $sth->execute($budget_period_id); my %authcats; while (my ($sort1_authcat,$sort2_authcat) = $sth->fetchrow) { $authcats{$sort1_authcat}=1 if $sort1_authcat; $authcats{$sort2_authcat}=1 if $sort2_authcat; } return [ sort keys %authcats ]; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetBudgetPeriods { my ($filters,$orderby) = @_; my $rs = Koha::Database->new()->schema->resultset('Aqbudgetperiod'); $rs = $rs->search( $filters, { order_by => $orderby } ); $rs->result_class('DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator'); return [ $rs->all ]; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetBudgetPeriod { my ($budget_period_id) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( qq| SELECT * FROM aqbudgetperiods WHERE budget_period_id=? | ); $sth->execute($budget_period_id); return $sth->fetchrow_hashref; } sub DelBudgetPeriod{ my ($budget_period_id) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; ; ## $total = number of records linked to the record that must be deleted my $total = 0; ## get information about the record that will be deleted my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq| DELETE FROM aqbudgetperiods WHERE budget_period_id=? | ); return $sth->execute($budget_period_id); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ModBudgetPeriod { my ($budget_period) = @_; my $result = Koha::Database->new()->schema->resultset('Aqbudgetperiod')->find($budget_period); return unless($result); $result = $result->update($budget_period); return $result->in_storage; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetBudgetHierarchy { my ( $budget_period_id, $branchcode, $owner ) = @_; my @bind_params; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq| SELECT aqbudgets.*, aqbudgetperiods.budget_period_active, aqbudgetperiods.budget_period_description, b.firstname as budget_owner_firstname, b.surname as budget_owner_surname, b.borrowernumber as budget_owner_borrowernumber FROM aqbudgets LEFT JOIN borrowers b on b.borrowernumber = aqbudgets.budget_owner_id JOIN aqbudgetperiods USING (budget_period_id)|; my @where_strings; # show only period X if requested if ($budget_period_id) { push @where_strings," aqbudgets.budget_period_id = ?"; push @bind_params, $budget_period_id; } # show only budgets owned by me, my branch or everyone if ($owner) { if ($branchcode) { push @where_strings, qq{ (budget_owner_id = ? OR budget_branchcode = ? OR ((budget_branchcode IS NULL or budget_branchcode="") AND (budget_owner_id IS NULL OR budget_owner_id="")))}; push @bind_params, ( $owner, $branchcode ); } else { push @where_strings, ' (budget_owner_id = ? OR budget_owner_id IS NULL or budget_owner_id ="") '; push @bind_params, $owner; } } else { if ($branchcode) { push @where_strings," (budget_branchcode =? or budget_branchcode is NULL OR budget_branchcode='')"; push @bind_params, $branchcode; } } $query.=" WHERE ".join(' AND ', @where_strings) if @where_strings; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(@bind_params); my %links; # create hash with budget_id has key while ( my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { $links{ $data->{'budget_id'} } = $data; } # link child to parent my @first_parents; foreach my $budget ( sort { $a->{budget_code} cmp $b->{budget_code} } values %links ) { my $child = $links{$budget->{budget_id}}; if ( $child->{'budget_parent_id'} ) { my $parent = $links{ $child->{'budget_parent_id'} }; if ($parent) { unless ( $parent->{'children'} ) { # init child arrayref $parent->{'children'} = []; } # add as child push @{ $parent->{'children'} }, $child; } } else { push @first_parents, $child; } } my @sort = (); foreach my $first_parent (@first_parents) { _add_budget_children(\@sort, $first_parent, 0); } # Get all the budgets totals in as few queries as possible my $hr_budget_spent = $dbh->selectall_hashref(q| SELECT aqorders.budget_id, aqbudgets.budget_parent_id, SUM( | . C4::Acquisition::get_rounding_sql(qq|COALESCE(unitprice_tax_included, ecost_tax_included)|) . q| * quantity ) AS budget_spent FROM aqorders JOIN aqbudgets USING (budget_id) WHERE quantityreceived > 0 AND datecancellationprinted IS NULL GROUP BY budget_id, budget_parent_id |, 'budget_id'); my $hr_budget_ordered = $dbh->selectall_hashref(q| SELECT aqorders.budget_id, aqbudgets.budget_parent_id, SUM( | . C4::Acquisition::get_rounding_sql(qq|ecost_tax_included|) . q| * quantity) AS budget_ordered FROM aqorders JOIN aqbudgets USING (budget_id) WHERE quantityreceived = 0 AND datecancellationprinted IS NULL GROUP BY budget_id, budget_parent_id |, 'budget_id'); my $hr_budget_spent_shipment = $dbh->selectall_hashref(q| SELECT shipmentcost_budgetid as budget_id, SUM(shipmentcost) as shipmentcost FROM aqinvoices GROUP BY shipmentcost_budgetid |, 'budget_id'); my $hr_budget_spent_adjustment = $dbh->selectall_hashref(q| SELECT budget_id, SUM(adjustment) as adjustments FROM aqinvoice_adjustments JOIN aqinvoices USING (invoiceid) WHERE closedate IS NOT NULL GROUP BY budget_id |, 'budget_id'); my $hr_budget_ordered_adjustment = $dbh->selectall_hashref(q| SELECT budget_id, SUM(adjustment) as adjustments FROM aqinvoice_adjustments JOIN aqinvoices USING (invoiceid) WHERE closedate IS NULL AND encumber_open = 1 GROUP BY budget_id |, 'budget_id'); foreach my $budget (@sort) { if ( not defined $budget->{budget_parent_id} ) { _recursiveAdd( $budget, undef, $hr_budget_spent, $hr_budget_spent_shipment, $hr_budget_ordered, $hr_budget_spent_adjustment, $hr_budget_ordered_adjustment ); } } return \@sort; } sub _recursiveAdd { my ($budget, $parent, $hr_budget_spent, $hr_budget_spent_shipment, $hr_budget_ordered, $hr_budget_spent_adjustment, $hr_budget_ordered_adjustment ) = @_; foreach my $child (@{$budget->{children}}){ _recursiveAdd($child, $budget, $hr_budget_spent, $hr_budget_spent_shipment, $hr_budget_ordered, $hr_budget_spent_adjustment, $hr_budget_ordered_adjustment ); } $budget->{budget_spent} += $hr_budget_spent->{$budget->{budget_id}}->{budget_spent} || 0; $budget->{budget_spent} += $hr_budget_spent_shipment->{$budget->{budget_id}}->{shipmentcost} || 0; $budget->{budget_spent} += $hr_budget_spent_adjustment->{$budget->{budget_id}}->{adjustments} || 0; $budget->{budget_ordered} += $hr_budget_ordered->{$budget->{budget_id}}->{budget_ordered} || 0; $budget->{budget_ordered} += $hr_budget_ordered_adjustment->{$budget->{budget_id}}->{adjustments} || 0; $budget->{total_spent} += $budget->{budget_spent}; $budget->{total_ordered} += $budget->{budget_ordered}; if ($parent) { $parent->{total_spent} += $budget->{total_spent}; $parent->{total_ordered} += $budget->{total_ordered}; } } # Recursive method to add a budget and its chidren to an array sub _add_budget_children { my $res = shift; my $budget = shift; $budget->{budget_level} = shift; push @$res, $budget; my $children = $budget->{'children'} || []; return unless @$children; # break recursivity foreach my $child (@$children) { _add_budget_children($res, $child, $budget->{budget_level} + 1); } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # FIXME Must be replaced by Koha::Acquisition::Fund->store sub AddBudget { my ($budget) = @_; return unless ($budget); undef $budget->{budget_encumb} if defined $budget->{budget_encumb} && $budget->{budget_encumb} eq ''; undef $budget->{budget_owner_id} if defined $budget->{budget_owner_id} && $budget->{budget_owner_id} eq ''; my $resultset = Koha::Database->new()->schema->resultset('Aqbudget'); my $id = $resultset->create($budget)->id; # Log the addition if (C4::Context->preference("AcquisitionLog")) { my $infos = { budget_amount => $budget->{budget_amount}, budget_encumb => $budget->{budget_encumb}, budget_expend => $budget->{budget_expend} }; logaction( 'ACQUISITIONS', 'CREATE_FUND', $id, encode_json($infos) ); } return $id; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # FIXME Must be replaced by Koha::Acquisition::Fund->store sub ModBudget { my ($budget) = @_; my $result = Koha::Database->new()->schema->resultset('Aqbudget')->find($budget); return unless($result); # Log this modification if (C4::Context->preference("AcquisitionLog")) { my $infos = { budget_amount_new => $budget->{budget_amount}, budget_encumb_new => $budget->{budget_encumb}, budget_expend_new => $budget->{budget_expend}, budget_amount_old => $result->budget_amount, budget_encumb_old => $result->budget_encumb, budget_expend_old => $result->budget_expend, budget_amount_change => 0 - ($result->budget_amount - $budget->{budget_amount}) }; logaction( 'ACQUISITIONS', 'MODIFY_FUND', $budget->{budget_id}, encode_json($infos) ); } undef $budget->{budget_encumb} if defined $budget->{budget_encumb} && $budget->{budget_encumb} eq ''; undef $budget->{budget_owner_id} if defined $budget->{budget_owner_id} && $budget->{budget_owner_id} eq ''; $result = $result->update($budget); return $result->in_storage; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # FIXME Must be replaced by Koha::Acquisition::Fund->delete sub DelBudget { my ($budget_id) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from aqbudgets where budget_id=?"); my $rc = $sth->execute($budget_id); # Log the deletion if (C4::Context->preference("AcquisitionLog")) { logaction( 'ACQUISITIONS', 'DELETE_FUND', $budget_id ); } return $rc; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 GetBudget &GetBudget($budget_id); get a specific budget =cut sub GetBudget { my ( $budget_id ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = " SELECT * FROM aqbudgets WHERE budget_id=? "; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $budget_id ); my $result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; return $result; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 GetBudgetByOrderNumber &GetBudgetByOrderNumber($ordernumber); get a specific budget by order number =cut sub GetBudgetByOrderNumber { my ( $ordernumber ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = " SELECT aqbudgets.* FROM aqbudgets, aqorders WHERE ordernumber=? AND aqorders.budget_id = aqbudgets.budget_id "; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $ordernumber ); my $result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; return $result; } =head2 GetBudgetReport &GetBudgetReport( [$budget_id] ); Get all orders for a specific budget, without cancelled orders. Returns an array of hashrefs. =cut # -------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetBudgetReport { my ( $budget_id ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = ' SELECT o.*, b.budget_name FROM aqbudgets b INNER JOIN aqorders o ON b.budget_id = o.budget_id WHERE b.budget_id=? AND (o.orderstatus != "cancelled") ORDER BY b.budget_name'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $budget_id ); my @results = (); while ( my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { push( @results, $data ); } return @results; } =head2 GetBudgetsByActivity &GetBudgetsByActivity( $budget_period_active ); Get all active or inactive budgets, depending of the value of the parameter. 1 = active 0 = inactive =cut # -------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetBudgetsByActivity { my ( $budget_period_active ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = " SELECT DISTINCT b.* FROM aqbudgetperiods bp INNER JOIN aqbudgets b ON bp.budget_period_id = b.budget_period_id WHERE bp.budget_period_active=? "; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $budget_period_active ); my @results = (); while ( my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { push( @results, $data ); } return @results; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 GetBudgetsReport &GetBudgetsReport( [$activity] ); Get all but cancelled orders for all funds. If the optionnal activity parameter is passed, returns orders for active/inactive budgets only. active = 1 inactive = 0 Returns an array of hashrefs. =cut sub GetBudgetsReport { my ($activity) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = ' SELECT o.*, b.budget_name FROM aqbudgetperiods bp INNER JOIN aqbudgets b ON bp.budget_period_id = b.budget_period_id INNER JOIN aqorders o ON b.budget_id = o.budget_id '; if ( $activity && $activity ne '' ) { $query .= 'WHERE bp.budget_period_active=? '; } $query .= 'AND (o.orderstatus != "cancelled") ORDER BY b.budget_name'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); if ( $activity && $activity ne '' ) { $sth->execute($activity); } else{ $sth->execute; } my @results = (); while ( my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { push( @results, $data ); } return @results; } =head2 GetBudgetByCode my $budget = &GetBudgetByCode($budget_code); Retrieve all aqbudgets fields as a hashref for the budget that has given budget_code =cut sub GetBudgetByCode { my ( $budget_code ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq{ SELECT aqbudgets.* FROM aqbudgets JOIN aqbudgetperiods USING (budget_period_id) WHERE budget_code = ? ORDER BY budget_period_active DESC, budget_id DESC LIMIT 1 }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $query ); $sth->execute( $budget_code ); return $sth->fetchrow_hashref; } =head2 GetBudgetHierarchySpent my $spent = GetBudgetHierarchySpent( $budget_id ); Gets the total spent of the level and sublevels of $budget_id =cut sub GetBudgetHierarchySpent { my ( $budget_id ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $children_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q| SELECT budget_id FROM aqbudgets WHERE budget_parent_id = ? |, {}, $budget_id ); my $total_spent = GetBudgetSpent( $budget_id ); for my $child_id ( @$children_ids ) { $total_spent += GetBudgetHierarchySpent( $child_id ); } return $total_spent; } =head2 GetBudgetHierarchyOrdered my $ordered = GetBudgetHierarchyOrdered( $budget_id ); Gets the total ordered of the level and sublevels of $budget_id =cut sub GetBudgetHierarchyOrdered { my ( $budget_id ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $children_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(q| SELECT budget_id FROM aqbudgets WHERE budget_parent_id = ? |, {}, $budget_id ); my $total_ordered = GetBudgetOrdered( $budget_id ); for my $child_id ( @$children_ids ) { $total_ordered += GetBudgetHierarchyOrdered( $child_id ); } return $total_ordered; } =head2 GetBudgets &GetBudgets($filter, $order_by); gets all budgets =cut # ------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetBudgets { my ($filters, $orderby) = @_; $orderby = 'budget_name' unless($orderby); my $rs = Koha::Database->new()->schema->resultset('Aqbudget'); $rs = $rs->search( $filters, { order_by => $orderby } ); $rs->result_class('DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator'); return [ $rs->all ]; } =head2 GetBudgetUsers my @borrowernumbers = &GetBudgetUsers($budget_id); Return the list of borrowernumbers linked to a budget =cut sub GetBudgetUsers { my ($budget_id) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq{ SELECT borrowernumber FROM aqbudgetborrowers WHERE budget_id = ? }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($budget_id); my @borrowernumbers; while (my ($borrowernumber) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { push @borrowernumbers, $borrowernumber } return @borrowernumbers; } =head2 ModBudgetUsers &ModBudgetUsers($budget_id, @borrowernumbers); Modify the list of borrowernumbers linked to a budget =cut sub ModBudgetUsers { my ($budget_id, @budget_users_id) = @_; return unless $budget_id; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = "DELETE FROM aqbudgetborrowers WHERE budget_id = ?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($budget_id); $query = qq{ INSERT INTO aqbudgetborrowers (budget_id, borrowernumber) VALUES (?,?) }; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); foreach my $borrowernumber (@budget_users_id) { next unless $borrowernumber; $sth->execute($budget_id, $borrowernumber); } } sub CanUserUseBudget { my ($borrower, $budget, $userflags) = @_; if (not ref $borrower) { $borrower = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrower ); return 0 unless $borrower; $borrower = $borrower->unblessed; } if (not ref $budget) { $budget = GetBudget($budget); } return 0 unless ($borrower and $budget); if (not defined $userflags) { $userflags = C4::Auth::getuserflags($borrower->{flags}, $borrower->{userid}); } unless ($userflags->{superlibrarian} || (ref $userflags->{acquisition} && $userflags->{acquisition}->{budget_manage_all}) || (!ref $userflags->{acquisition} && $userflags->{acquisition})) { if (not exists $userflags->{acquisition}) { return 0; } if (!ref $userflags->{acquisition} && !$userflags->{acquisition}) { return 0; } # Budget restricted to owner if ( $budget->{budget_permission} == 1 ) { if ( $budget->{budget_owner_id} and $budget->{budget_owner_id} != $borrower->{borrowernumber} ) { return 0; } } # Budget restricted to owner, users and library elsif ( $budget->{budget_permission} == 2 ) { my @budget_users = GetBudgetUsers( $budget->{budget_id} ); if ( ( $budget->{budget_owner_id} and $budget->{budget_owner_id} != $borrower->{borrowernumber} or not $budget->{budget_owner_id} ) and ( 0 == grep { $borrower->{borrowernumber} == $_ } @budget_users ) and defined $budget->{budget_branchcode} and $budget->{budget_branchcode} ne C4::Context->userenv->{branch} ) { return 0; } } # Budget restricted to owner and users elsif ( $budget->{budget_permission} == 3 ) { my @budget_users = GetBudgetUsers( $budget->{budget_id} ); if ( ( $budget->{budget_owner_id} and $budget->{budget_owner_id} != $borrower->{borrowernumber} or not $budget->{budget_owner_id} ) and ( 0 == grep { $borrower->{borrowernumber} == $_ } @budget_users ) ) { return 0; } } } return 1; } sub CanUserModifyBudget { my ($borrower, $budget, $userflags) = @_; if (not ref $borrower) { $borrower = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrower ); return 0 unless $borrower; $borrower = $borrower->unblessed; } if (not ref $budget) { $budget = GetBudget($budget); } return 0 unless ($borrower and $budget); if (not defined $userflags) { $userflags = C4::Auth::getuserflags($borrower->{flags}, $borrower->{userid}); } unless ($userflags->{superlibrarian} || (ref $userflags->{acquisition} && $userflags->{acquisition}->{budget_manage_all}) || (!ref $userflags->{acquisition} && $userflags->{acquisition})) { if (!CanUserUseBudget($borrower, $budget, $userflags)) { return 0; } if (ref $userflags->{acquisition} && !$userflags->{acquisition}->{budget_modify}) { return 0; } } return 1; } sub _round { my ($value, $increment) = @_; if ($increment && $increment != 0) { $value = int($value / $increment) * $increment; } return $value; } =head2 CloneBudgetPeriod my $new_budget_period_id = CloneBudgetPeriod({ budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_period_startdate => $budget_period_startdate, budget_period_enddate => $budget_period_enddate, mark_original_budget_as_inactive => 1n reset_all_budgets => 1, }); Clone a budget period with all budgets. If the mark_origin_budget_as_inactive is set (0 by default), the original budget will be marked as inactive. If the reset_all_budgets is set (0 by default), all budget (fund) amounts will be reset. =cut sub CloneBudgetPeriod { my ($params) = @_; my $budget_period_id = $params->{budget_period_id}; my $budget_period_startdate = $params->{budget_period_startdate}; my $budget_period_enddate = $params->{budget_period_enddate}; my $budget_period_description = $params->{budget_period_description}; my $amount_change_percentage = $params->{amount_change_percentage}; my $amount_change_round_increment = $params->{amount_change_round_increment}; my $mark_original_budget_as_inactive = $params->{mark_original_budget_as_inactive} || 0; my $reset_all_budgets = $params->{reset_all_budgets} || 0; my $budget_period = GetBudgetPeriod($budget_period_id); $budget_period->{budget_period_startdate} = $budget_period_startdate; $budget_period->{budget_period_enddate} = $budget_period_enddate; $budget_period->{budget_period_description} = $budget_period_description; # The new budget (budget_period) should be active by default $budget_period->{budget_period_active} = 1; if ($amount_change_percentage) { my $total = $budget_period->{budget_period_total}; $total += $total * $amount_change_percentage / 100; $total = _round($total, $amount_change_round_increment); $budget_period->{budget_period_total} = $total; } my $original_budget_period_id = $budget_period->{budget_period_id}; delete $budget_period->{budget_period_id}; my $new_budget_period_id = AddBudgetPeriod( $budget_period ); my $budgets = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id); CloneBudgetHierarchy( { budgets => $budgets, new_budget_period_id => $new_budget_period_id } ); if ($mark_original_budget_as_inactive) { ModBudgetPeriod( { budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_period_active => 0, } ); } if ( $reset_all_budgets ) { my $budgets = GetBudgets({ budget_period_id => $new_budget_period_id }); for my $budget ( @$budgets ) { $budget->{budget_amount} = 0; ModBudget( $budget ); } } elsif ($amount_change_percentage) { my $budgets = GetBudgets({ budget_period_id => $new_budget_period_id }); for my $budget ( @$budgets ) { my $amount = $budget->{budget_amount}; $amount += $amount * $amount_change_percentage / 100; $amount = _round($amount, $amount_change_round_increment); $budget->{budget_amount} = $amount; ModBudget( $budget ); } } return $new_budget_period_id; } =head2 CloneBudgetHierarchy CloneBudgetHierarchy({ budgets => $budgets, new_budget_period_id => $new_budget_period_id; }); Clone a budget hierarchy. =cut sub CloneBudgetHierarchy { my ($params) = @_; my $budgets = $params->{budgets}; my $new_budget_period_id = $params->{new_budget_period_id}; next unless @$budgets or $new_budget_period_id; my $children_of = $params->{children_of}; my $new_parent_id = $params->{new_parent_id}; my @first_level_budgets = ( not defined $children_of ) ? map { ( not $_->{budget_parent_id} ) ? $_ : () } @$budgets : map { ( defined $_->{budget_parent_id} && $_->{budget_parent_id} == $children_of ) ? $_ : () } @$budgets; # get only the columns of aqbudgets my @columns = Koha::Database->new()->schema->source('Aqbudget')->columns; for my $budget ( sort { $a->{budget_id} <=> $b->{budget_id} } @first_level_budgets ) { my $tidy_budget = { map { join( ' ', @columns ) =~ /$_/ ? ( $_ => $budget->{$_} ) : () } keys %$budget }; delete $tidy_budget->{timestamp}; my $new_budget_id = AddBudget( { %$tidy_budget, budget_id => undef, budget_parent_id => $new_parent_id, budget_period_id => $new_budget_period_id } ); CloneBudgetHierarchy( { budgets => $budgets, new_budget_period_id => $new_budget_period_id, children_of => $budget->{budget_id}, new_parent_id => $new_budget_id } ); } } =head2 MoveOrders my $report = MoveOrders({ from_budget_period_id => $from_budget_period_id, to_budget_period_id => $to_budget_period_id, }); Move orders from one budget period to another. =cut sub MoveOrders { my ($params) = @_; my $from_budget_period_id = $params->{from_budget_period_id}; my $to_budget_period_id = $params->{to_budget_period_id}; my $move_remaining_unspent = $params->{move_remaining_unspent}; return if not $from_budget_period_id or not $to_budget_period_id or $from_budget_period_id == $to_budget_period_id; # Can't move orders to an inactive budget (budgetperiod) my $budget_period = GetBudgetPeriod($to_budget_period_id); return unless $budget_period->{budget_period_active}; my @report; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth_update_aqorders = $dbh->prepare( q| UPDATE aqorders SET budget_id = ? WHERE ordernumber = ? | ); my $sth_update_budget_amount = $dbh->prepare( q| UPDATE aqbudgets SET budget_amount = ? WHERE budget_id = ? | ); my $from_budgets = GetBudgetHierarchy($from_budget_period_id); for my $from_budget (@$from_budgets) { my $new_budget_id = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref( q| SELECT budget_id FROM aqbudgets WHERE budget_period_id = ? AND budget_code = ? |, {}, $to_budget_period_id, $from_budget->{budget_code} ); $new_budget_id = $new_budget_id->[0]; my $new_budget = GetBudget( $new_budget_id ); unless ( $new_budget ) { push @report, { moved => 0, budget => $from_budget, error => 'budget_code_not_exists', }; next; } my $orders_to_move = C4::Acquisition::SearchOrders( { budget_id => $from_budget->{budget_id}, pending => 1, } ); my @orders_moved; for my $order (@$orders_to_move) { $sth_update_aqorders->execute( $new_budget->{budget_id}, $order->{ordernumber} ); push @orders_moved, $order; } my $unspent_moved = 0; if ($move_remaining_unspent) { my $spent = GetBudgetHierarchySpent( $from_budget->{budget_id} ); my $unspent = $from_budget->{budget_amount} - $spent; my $new_budget_amount = $new_budget->{budget_amount}; if ( $unspent > 0 ) { $new_budget_amount += $unspent; $unspent_moved = $unspent; } $new_budget->{budget_amount} = $new_budget_amount; $sth_update_budget_amount->execute( $new_budget_amount, $new_budget->{budget_id} ); } push @report, { budget => $new_budget, orders_moved => \@orders_moved, moved => 1, unspent_moved => $unspent_moved, }; } return \@report; } END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor) 1; __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Koha Development Team =cut