var Sticky; function tickAll(section){ $("input[type='checkbox'][name='" + section + "']").prop("checked", true); $("#" + section.slice(0,-1) + "ALL").prop("checked", true); $("input[type='checkbox'][name='" + section + "']").prop("disabled", true); $("#" + section.slice(0,-1) + "ALL").prop("disabled", false); } function untickAll(section){ $("input[type='checkbox'][name='" + section + "']").prop("checked", false); $("input[type='checkbox'][name='" + section + "']").prop("disabled", false); } function limitCheckboxes() { var checkboxes = $(".compare"); var limit = 2; var compare_link = ' ' + __("View comparison") + ''; checkboxes.each(function(){ $(this).on("change", function(){ var checked = []; checkboxes.each(function () { if( $(this).prop("checked") ){ checked.push( $(this).data("actionid") ); } }); if (checked.length > 0) { $("#select_none").removeClass("disabled"); } else { $("#select_none").addClass("disabled"); $("#logst").DataTable().search("").draw(); } if( checked.length == 1 ){ $("#logst").DataTable().search($(this).data("filter")).draw(); humanMsg.displayAlert( __("Showing results for %s").format( $(this).data("filter") ) ); } if( checked.length == 2 ){ $("#compare_info" + checked[0]).prepend( compare_link ); $("#compare_info" + checked[1]).prepend( compare_link ); $("button.compare_link").removeClass("disabled"); } else if (checked.length > limit) { humanMsg.displayAlert( __("You can select maximum of two checkboxes") ); $(this).prop("checked", false ); } else if (checked.length < limit) { $("a.compare_link").remove(); $("button.compare_link").addClass("disabled"); } }); }); } $(document).ready(function(){ limitCheckboxes(); if( $(".compare_info").length == 0 ){ /* Remove toolbar if there are no system preference entries to compare */ $("#toolbar").remove(); } if ($('#toolbar').length) { Sticky = $("#toolbar"); Sticky.hcSticky({ stickTo: "main", stickyClass: "floating" }); } if ( $('input[type="checkbox"][name="modules"]:checked').length == 0 ) { tickAll('modules'); } $("#moduleALL").change(function(){ if ( this.checked == true ){ tickAll('modules'); } else { untickAll('modules'); } }); $("input[type='checkbox'][name='modules']").change(function(){ if ( $("input[name='modules']:checked").length == $("input[name='modules']").length - 1 ){ tickAll('modules'); } }); if ( $('input[name="actions"]:checked').length == 0 ) { tickAll('actions'); } $("#actionALL").change(function(){ if ( this.checked == true ){ tickAll('actions'); } else { untickAll('actions'); } }); $("input[name='actions']").change(function(){ if ( $("input[name='actions']:checked").length == $("input[name='actions']").length - 1 ){ tickAll('actions'); } }); if ( $('input[name="interfaces"]:checked').length == 0 ) { tickAll('interfaces'); } $("#interfaceALL").change(function(){ if ( this.checked == true ){ tickAll('interfaces'); } else { untickAll('interfaces'); } }); $("input[name='interfaces']").change(function(){ if ( $("input[name='interfaces']:checked").length == $("input[name='interfaces']").length - 1 ){ tickAll('interfaces'); } }); var logst = KohaTable("logst", { "autoWidth": false, "order": [[0, "desc"]], "pagingType" : "full" }, table_settings); $("body").on("click", ".compare_link", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if( $(this).hasClass('disabled') ){ humanMsg.displayAlert( __("You must select two entries to compare") ); } else { var firstid = $(".compare:checked").eq(0).data("actionid"); var secondid = $(".compare:checked").eq(1).data("actionid"); var firstvalue = $("#loginfo" + firstid).text(); var secondvalue = $("#loginfo" + secondid).text(); var diffs = diffString(secondvalue, firstvalue); $("#col1 pre,#col2 pre").html(diffs); $("#compareInfo").modal("show"); } }); $("#compareInfo").on("", function(){ $("#col1 pre,#col2 pre").html(""); }); $("#select_none").on("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(".compare:checked").prop("checked", false).change(); }); patron_autocomplete($("#user"), { 'on-select-callback': function ( event, ui ) { $("#user").val( ui.item.patron_id ); return false; } }); });