use Modern::Perl; return { bug_number => "35626", description => "Add statuses to catalog concerns", up => sub { my ($args) = @_; my ( $dbh, $out ) = @$args{qw(dbh out)}; unless ( column_exists( 'tickets', 'status' ) ) { $dbh->do( q{ ALTER TABLE tickets ADD COLUMN status varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'current status of the ticket' AFTER body } ); say $out "Added column 'tickets.status'"; } unless ( column_exists( 'ticket_updates', 'status' ) ) { $dbh->do( q{ ALTER TABLE ticket_updates ADD COLUMN status varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'status of ticket at this update' AFTER message } ); say $out "Added column 'ticket_updates.status'"; } $dbh->do( q{ INSERT IGNORE INTO authorised_value_categories( category_name, is_system ) VALUES ('TICKET_STATUS', 1); } ); say $out "Added TICKET_STATUS authorised value category"; }, };