[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %] Koha › Administration › [% IF ( add_form ) %] Koha to MARC mapping › Connect [% tablename %].[% kohafield %] to a MARC subfield[% END %] [% IF ( else ) %]Koha to MARC mapping [% tagfield %][% END %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'cat-search.inc' %] [% IF ( add_form ) %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %] [% IF ( add_form ) %]

Connect [% tablename %].[% kohafield %] to a MARC subfield

Choose and validate 1 MARC subfield for [% tablename %].[% kohafield %].

Note: All frameworks will be modified which is usually what you need, but you have been warned.

    [% FOR i IN [ 0 .. 9 ] %] [% marclist = "marclist$i" %]
  1. [% END %]
[% END %] [% IF ( else ) %]

Koha to MARC mapping [% tagfield %]

[% FOREACH loo IN loop %] [% END %]
Koha field Tag Subfield Lib  
[% loo.kohafield %] [% loo.tagfield %] [% loo.tagsubfield %] [% loo.liblibrarian %] Edit
[% END %]
[% UNLESS ( add_form ) %]
[% INCLUDE 'admin-menu.inc' %]
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'intranet-bottom.inc' %]