#!/usr/bin/perl use Modern::Perl; use DBI; use Test::More tests => 27; use Test::MockModule; BEGIN { use_ok('C4::ItemType'); } my $module = new Test::MockModule('C4::Context'); $module->mock( '_new_dbh', sub { my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'DBI:Mock:', '', '' ) || die "Cannot create handle: $DBI::errstr\n"; return $dbh; } ); # Mock data my $itemtypes = [ [ 'itemtype', 'description', 'rentalcharge', 'notforloan', 'imageurl', 'summary', 'checkinmsg' ], [ 'BK', 'Books', 0, 0, '', '', 'foo' ], [ 'CD', 'CDRom', 0, 0, '', '', 'bar' ] ]; my $itemtypes_empty = [ [ 'itemtype', 'description', 'rentalcharge', 'notforloan', 'imageurl', 'summary', 'checkinmsg' ], ]; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh(); $dbh->{mock_add_resultset} = $itemtypes_empty; my @itemtypes = C4::ItemType->all(); is( @itemtypes, 0, 'Testing all itemtypes is empty' ); # This should run exactly one query so we can test my $history = $dbh->{mock_all_history}; is( scalar( @{$history} ), 1, 'Correct number of statements executed' ); # Now lets mock some data $dbh->{mock_add_resultset} = $itemtypes; @itemtypes = C4::ItemType->all(); $history = $dbh->{mock_all_history}; is( scalar( @{$history} ), 2, 'Correct number of statements executed' ); is( @itemtypes, 2, 'ItemType->all should return an array with 2 elements' ); is( $itemtypes[0]->fish, undef, 'Calling a bad descriptor gives undef' ); is( $itemtypes[0]->itemtype, 'BK', 'First itemtype is bk' ); is( $itemtypes[1]->itemtype, 'CD', 'second itemtype is cd' ); is( $itemtypes[0]->description, 'Books', 'First description is books' ); is( $itemtypes[1]->description, 'CDRom', 'second description is CDRom' ); is( $itemtypes[0]->rentalcharge, '0', 'first rental charge is 0' ); is( $itemtypes[1]->rentalcharge, '0', 'second rental charge is 0' ); is( $itemtypes[0]->notforloan, '0', 'first not for loan is 0' ); is( $itemtypes[1]->notforloan, '0', 'second not for loan is 0' ); is( $itemtypes[0]->imageurl, '', 'first imageurl is undef' ); is( $itemtypes[1]->imageurl, '', 'second imageurl is undef' ); is( $itemtypes[0]->checkinmsg, 'foo', 'first checkinmsg is foo' ); is( $itemtypes[1]->checkinmsg, 'bar', 'second checkinmsg is bar' ); # Mock the data again $dbh->{mock_add_resultset} = $itemtypes; # Test get(), which should return one itemtype my $itemtype = C4::ItemType->get( 'BK' ); $history = $dbh->{mock_all_history}; is( scalar( @{$history} ), 3, 'Correct number of statements executed' ); is( $itemtype->fish, undef, 'Calling a bad descriptor gives undef' ); is( $itemtype->itemtype, 'BK', 'itemtype is bk' ); is( $itemtype->description, 'Books', 'description is books' ); is( $itemtype->rentalcharge, '0', 'rental charge is 0' ); is( $itemtype->notforloan, '0', 'not for loan is 0' ); is( $itemtype->imageurl, '', ' not for loan is undef' ); is( $itemtype->checkinmsg, 'foo', 'checkinmsg is foo' ); $itemtype = C4::ItemType->get; is( $itemtype, undef, 'C4::ItemType->get should return unless if no parameter is given' );