Maps Category of material Map Specific material designationSpecial class of cartographic material to which the item belongs. Usually the class of physical object, e.g., a diagram. Atlas Diagram Map Profile Model Remote-sensing image Section Unspecified View Other No attempt to code UndefinedContains a blank (#) or a fill character (|). ColorWhether the item is in one color or multicolored One color Multicolored No attempt to code Physcial DescriptionMaterial out of which the cartographic item is made. Paper Wood Stone Metal Synthetic Skin Textiles Plastic Glass Vinyl Vellum Plaster Flexible base photographic, positive Flexible base photographic, negative Non-flexible base photographic, positive Non-flexible base photographic, negative Unknown Leather Parchment Not applicable Other photographic medium Other No attempt to code Type of reproductionWhether the cartographic item is a facsimile or other type of reproduction. Facsimile Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Production/reproduction detailsPhotographic technique used to produce the cartographic item. Photocopy, blueline print Photocopy Pre-production Film Unknown Other No attempt to code Positive/negative aspectPositive/negative aspect of the photocopy or film of the cartographic item, also referred to as polarity. Positive Negative Mixed polarity Not applicable No attempt to code Electronic resources Category of materialOne-character alphabetic code that indicates the category of material to which the item belongs is electronic resource (e.g, programs, data files, image files, digitized audio and video tapes, etc.). Electronic resource Specific material designationSpecial class of material (usually the class of physical object) to which an item belongs (e.g., a magnetic disk). Tape cartridge Chip cartridge Computer optical disc cartridge Computer disc, type unspecified Computer disc cartridge Tape cassette Tape reel Magnetic disk Computer card Magneto-optical disc Optical disc Remote Standalone device Unspecified Other No attempt to code UndefinedContains a blank (#) or a fill character (|). ColorWhether the item is one color or multicolored. One color Black-and-white Multicolored Gray scale Mixed Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code DimensionsDimensions of the medium used to encode the electronic resource. Only the most common dimensions are indicated. In many cases the dimensions apply to the container in which a magnetic or optical medium is encased. The field 007/04 code corresponding to the dimensions given in the description of the item are used. If no code exactly matches the dimensions of the medium (or container), code z is used. 3 1/2 in. 12 in. 4 3/4 in. or 12 cm. 1 1/8 x 2 3/8 in. 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in. Not applicable 5 1/4 in. Unknown 8 in. Other No attempt to code SoundWhether the production of sound is an integral part of an electronic resource. No sound (silent) Sound Unknown No attempt to code Image bit depthExact bit depth of the scanned image(s) that comprise the electronic resource, or a three-character alphabetic code which indicates that the exact bit depth cannot be recorded. Since only exact bit depth is useful, coding should not include missing digits represented by hyphens (-). Exact bit depth Multiple Not applicable Unknown No attempt to code File formatsWhether the file(s) which comprise the electronic resource are of the same format or type for digitally reformatted materials. One file format Multiple file formats Unknown No attempt to code Quality assurance target(s)Whether quality assurance targets have been included appropriately at the time of reformatting/creation of the electronic resource. Absent Not applicable Present Unknown No attempt to code Antecedent/SourceInformation about the source of a digital file important to the creation, use and management of digitally reformatted materials. File reproduced from original File reproduced from microform File reproduced from an electronic resource File reproduced from an intermediate (not microform) Mixed Not applicable Unknown No attempt to code Level of compressionKind of compression the electronic resource has been subjected to. Used to judge the fidelity of the file to the original. Uncompressed Lossless Lossy Mixed Unknown No attempt to code Reformatting qualityReformatting quality of the electronic resource; an overall assessment of the physical quality of the electronic resource in relation to its intended use. It can be used to judge the level of quality of a file, and an institution's commitment to maintain its availability over time. Access Not applicable Preservation Replacement Unknown No attempt to code Globe Category of materialOne-character alphabetic code that indicates the category of material to which the item belongs is globe, which is defined as the model of a celestial body, usually the Earth or the celestial sphere, depicted on the surface of a sphere. Code d is used when 008/25 (Type of cartographic material) contains code d. A fill character (|) is not allowed in this position. Globe Specific material designationSpecial class of material (usually the class of physical object) to which an item belongs, e.g., a celestial globe. Celestial globe Planetary or lunar globe Terrestrial globe Earth moon globe Unspecified Other No attempt to code UndefinedContains a blank (#) or a fill character (|). ColorWhether the globe is in one color or multicolored. One color Multicolored No attempt to code Physicial mediumMaterial out of which the globe is made. Paper Wood Stone Metal Synthetic Skin Textile Plastic Vinyl Vellum Plaster Unknown Leather Parchment Other No attempt to code Type of reproductionWhether the globe is a facsimile or other type of reproduction. Facsimile Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Tactile material Category of materialOne-character alphabetic code that indicates the category of material to which the item belongs is tactile material. Used for material intended to be read by touch. A fill character (|) is not allowed in this position. Tactile material Specific material designationSpecial class of tactile materialspecific material to which the item belongs. Moon Braille Combination Tactile, with no writing system Unspecified Other No attempt to code UndefinedContains a blank (#) or a fill character (|). Class of braille writingFamily of braille to which the item belongs. This is not the particular braille code, but the type of braille code used, representing different types of written symbols. Up to two braille types may be indicated, or the cataloging agency can choose to encode only the predominate type. Multiple codes are coded in order of predominance, if any. If fewer than two codes are assigned, the codes are left justified and unused positions contain blanks (#). No specified class of braille writing Literary braille Format code braille Mathematics and scientific braille Computer braille Music braille Multiple braille types Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Level of contractionWhether contractions are used. Contractions are abbreviations consisting of one or more braille or Moon characters to represent common letter combinations. Uncontracted Contracted Combination Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Braille music format 1Three-character code that indicates the braille music format of the item. The music formats are the way measures, sections, parts, and related information, such as words, are presented in relation to each other. Up to three formats may be indicated, left justified in order of predominance. If fewer than three codes are assigned, the codes are left justified and unused positions contain blanks (#). No specified braille music format Bar over bar Bar by bar Line over line Paragraph> Single line Section by section Line by line Open score Spanner short form scoring Short form scoring Outline Vertical score Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Braille music format 2 No specified braille music format Bar over bar Bar by bar Line over line Paragraph> Single line Section by section Line by line Open score Spanner short form scoring Short form scoring Outline Vertical score Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Braille music format 3 No specified braille music format Bar over bar Bar by bar Line over line Paragraph> Single line Section by section Line by line Open score Spanner short form scoring Short form scoring Outline Vertical score Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Special physical characteristicsOther special physical characteristics about the braille. Print/braille Jumbo or enlarged braille Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Projected graphic Category of materialOne-character alphabetic code that indicates the category of material to which the item belongs is projected graphic which is defined as a two-dimensional representation intended to be projected without motion by means of an optical device, for example, a filmstrip, slide, or transparency. A fill character (|) is not allowed in this position. Projected graphic Specific material designationSpecial class of projected graphic to which the item belongs, e.g., a slide. Filmstrip cartridge Filmslip Filmstrip, type unspecified Filmstrip roll Slide Transparency Unspecified Other No attempt to code UndefinedContains a blank (#) or a fill character (|). ColorColor characteristics of the nonprojected graphic. One color Black-and-white Multicolored Hand colored Mixed Unknown Other No attempt to code Base of emulsionType of material for the base of the emulsion of a photonegative, filmstrip, slide, or transparency. Glass Synthetic Safety film Film base, other than safety film Mixed collection Paper Unknown Other No attempt to code Sound on medium or separateWhether the sound is on or is separate from the projected graphic (i.e., on the accompanying material). No sound (silent) Sound on medium Sound separate from medium Unknown No attempt to code Medium for soundSpecific medium used to carry the sound of an item (whether the sound is on the projected graphic or separate) and the type of sound playback required for the item. No sound (silent) Optical sound track on motion picture film Magnetic sound track on motion picture film Magnetic audio tape in cartridge Sound disc Magnetic audio tape on reel Magnetic audio tape in cassette Optical and magnetic sound track on motion picture film Videotape Videodisc Unknown Other No attempt to code DimensionsWidth or dimensions of the projected graphic item. Standard 8 mm. film width Super 8 mm./single 8 mm. film width 9.5 mm. film width 16 mm. film width 28 mm. film width 35 mm. film width 70 mm. film width 2x2 in. or 5x5 cm. slide 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 in. or 6x6 cm. slide 4x5 in. or 10x13 cm. transparency 5x7 in. or 13x18 cm. transparency 8x10 in. or 21x26 cm. transparency 9x9 in. or 23x23 cm. transparency 10x10 in. or 26x26 cm. transparency 7x7 in. or 18x18 cm. transparency Unknown Other No attempt to code Secondary support materialType of material of the mount of a slide or transparency for a projected graphic. No secondary support Cardboard Glass Synthetic Metal Metal and glass Synthetic and glass Mixed collection Unknown Other No attempt to code Microform Category of materialOne-character alphabetic code that indicates the category of material to which the item belongs is microform. Microform is a generic term for any medium, transparent or opaque, bearing microimages. A microimage is a unit (e.g., a page) of textual, graphic, or computer-generated material that is contained on aperture cards, microfiche, microfilm, microopaques, or other microformats and that is too small to be read without magnification. Microforms may be reproductions of existing textual or graphic materials or they may be original publications. A fill character (|) is not allowed in this position. Microform Specific material designationSpecial class of microform to which the item belongs. (e.g., a microopaque). Aperture card Microfilm cartridge Microfilm cassette Microfilm reel Microfiche Microfiche cassette Microopaque Microfilm slip Microfilm roll Unspecified Other No attempt to code UndefinedContains a blank (#) or a fill character (|). Positive/negative aspectPositive/negative polarity of the microform. Positive Negative Mixed polarity Unknown No attempt to code DimensionsDimensions of the microform; does not indicate the dimensions of the image. 8 mm. 16 mm. 35 mm. 70 mm. 105 mm. 3x5 in. or 8x13 cm. 4x6 in. or 11x15 cm. 6x9 in. or 16x23 cm. 3 1/4 x 7 3/8 in. or 9x19 cm. Unknown Other No attempt to code Reduction ratio rangeReduction ratio range for a microform. The specific reduction ratio is recorded in 007/06-08 (Reduction ratio). Low reduction ratio Normal reduction High reduction Very high reduction Ultra high reduction Unknown Reduction rate varies No attempt to code Reduction ratioNumber specifying the reduction ratio for a microform, recorded as three digits. The number is right justified and each unused position contains a zero (e.g., 015, 048). A hyphen is used for any unknown portion of the reduction ratio (e.g., 03-, 1--, or ---) Ratio element is not applicable Ratio Ratio Ratio ColorColor of the image for microforms. Black-and-white Multicolored Mixed Unknown Other No attempt to code Emulsion on filmType of light-sensitive material on the film. Silver halide Diazo Vesicular Mixed emulsion Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code GenerationGeneration aspect of a microform. First generation (master) Printing master Service copy Mixed generation Unknown No attempt to code Base of filmBase of the film. Safety base, undetermined Safety base, acetate undetermined Safety base, diacetate Nitrate base Mixed base (nitrate and safety) Not applicable Safety base, polyester Safety base, mixed Safety base, triacetate Unknown Other No attempt to code Nonprojected graphic Category of material Nonprojected graphic Specific material designationSpecial class of nonprojected graphic to which the item belongs, (e.g., a picture). Activity card Collage Drawing Painting Photomechanical print Photonegative Photoprint Picture Print Poster Technical drawing Chart Flash card Postcard Icon Radiograph Study print Unspecified Photograph, type unspecified Other No attempt to code UndefinedContains a blank (#) or a fill character (|). ColorColor characteristics of the nonprojected graphic. One color Black-and-white Multicolored Hand colored Mixed Unknown Other No attempt to code Primary support materialType of material used for the support or base on which an image is printed or executed. Canvas Bristol board Cardboard/illustration board Glass Synthetic Skin Textile Metal Plastic Vinyl Mixed collection Vellum Paper Plaster Hardboard Porcelain Stone Wood Unknown Leather Parchment Other No attempt to code Secondary support materialType of material (other than normal museum matting) to which the primary support (007/04) is attached. No secondary support Canvas Bristol board Cardboard/illustration board Glass Synthetic Skin Textile Metal Plastic Vinyl Mixed collection Vellum Paper Plaster Hardboard Porcelain Stone Wood Unknown Leather Parchment Other No attempt to code Motion picture Category of material Motion picture Specific material designationSpecial class of motion picture to which the item belongs., e.g., a film reel. Film cartridge Film cassette Film roll Film reel Unspecified Other No attempt to code UndefinedContains a blank (#) or a fill character (|). ColorColor characteristics of a motion picture. Black-and-white Multicolored Hand colored Mixed Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Motion picture presentation formatPresentation format for motion pictures. Standard sound aperture (reduced frame) Nonanamorphic (wide-screen) 3D Anamorphic (wide-screen) Other wide-screen format Standard silent aperture (full frame) Unknown Other No attempt to code Sound on medium or separateWhether the sound is on the item or separate from the item. No sound (silent) Sound on medium Sound separate from medium Unknown No attempt to code Medium for soundSpecific medium used to carry the sound of an item (whether that sound is carried on the item itself or is in the form of accompanying material) and the type of sound playback required. No sound (silent) Optical sound track on motion picture film Magnetic sound track on motion picture film Magnetic audio tape in cartridge Sound disc Magnetic audio tape on reel Magnetic audio tape in cassette Optical and magnetic sound track on motion picture film Videotape Videodisc Unknown Other No attempt to code DimensionsWidth of a motion picture. Standard 8 mm. Super 8 mm./single 8 mm. 9.5 mm. 16 mm. 28 mm. 35 mm. 70 mm. Unknown Other No attempt to code Configuration of playback channelsConfiguration of playback channels for the sound portion of a motion picture. Mixed Monaural Not applicable Quadraphonic, multichannel, or surround Stereophonic Unknown Other No attempt to code Production elementsWhether the film is part of a complete production or is a preliminary or post-production element. Workprint Trims Outtakes Rushes Mixing tracks Title bands/inter-title rolls Production rolls Not applicable Other No attempt to code Positive/negative aspectWhether the film is positive or negative. Positive Negative Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code GenerationHow far away from the original material the item is (e.g., the actual negative film or original videotape in the camera). Generation data is used to evaluate the quality of available copies, to make preservation decisions, and to identify materials available for viewing and research. Duplicate Master Original Reference print/viewing copy Unknown Other No attempt to code Base of film Safety base, undetermined Safety base, acetate undetermined Safety base, diacetate Nitrate base Mixed base (nitrate and safety) Not applicable Safety base, polyester Safety base, mixed Safety base, triacetate Unknown Other No attempt to code Refined categories of colorMore specific color characteristics of the moving image than are contained in 007/03 (Color). 3 layer color 2 color, single strip Undetermined 2 color Undetermined 3 color 3 strip color 2 strip color Red strip Blue or green strip Cyan strip Magenta strip Yellow strip S E N 2 S E N 3 Not applicable Sepia tone Other tone Tint Tinted and toned Stencil color Unknown Hand colored Other No attempt to code Kind of color stock or printType of color film stock or color print the item represents. Imbibition dye transfer prints Three-layer stock Three layer stock, low fade Duplitized stock Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Deterioration stageLevel of deterioration of the motion picture film. None apparent Nitrate: suspicious odor Nitrate: pungent odor Nitrate: brownish, discoloration, fading, dusty Nitrate: sticky Nitrate: frothy, bubbles, blisters Nitrate: congealed Nitrate: powder Non-nitrate: detectable deterioration Non-nitrate: advanced deterioration Non-nitrate: disaster No attempt to code CompletenessWhether or not the item being cataloged is judged to be complete. Complete Incomplete Not applicable Unknown No attempt to code Film inspection dateSix characters that indicate the most recent film inspection date; the date is recorded in the pattern ccyymm (century/year/month). A hyphen is used for any unknown portion of the date. Six fill characters (||||||) are used if no attempt is made to code these character positions. Kit Category of material Kit Specific material designationSpecial class of textual material to which an item belongs. Unspecified No attempt to code Notated music Category of material Notated music Specific material designationSpecial class of textual material to which an item belongs. Unspecified No attempt to code Remote-sensing image Category of material Remote-sensing image Specific material designationSpecial class of material, usually the class of physical object, to which an item belongs. Unspecified No attempt to code UndefinedContains blank (#) or a fill character (|). Altitude of sensorGeneral position of the sensor relative to to the object under study. Surface Airborne Spaceborne Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Attitude of sensorGeneral angle of the device from which the remote-sensing image is made. Low oblique High oblique Vertical Not applicable Unknown No attempt to code Cloud coverAmount of cloud cover that was present when a remote-sensing image was made. 0-9% 10-19% 20-29% 30-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-89% 90-100% Not applicable Unknown No attempt to code Platform construction typeType of construction of the platform serving as the base for the remote-sensing device. For the purposes of this data element, "platform" refers to any structure that serves as a base, not only flat surfaces. Balloon Aircraft--low altitude Aircraft--medium altitude Aircraft--high altitude Manned spacecraft Unmanned spacecraft Land-based remote-sensing device Water surface-based remote-sensing device Submersible remote-sensing device Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Platform use categoryPrimary use intended for the platform specified in 007/06 (Platform construction type). Meteorological Surface observing Space observing Mixed uses Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Sensor typeFor the recording mode of the remote-sensing device, specifically, whether the sensor is involved in the creation of the transmission it eventually measures. Active Passive Unknown Other No attempt to code Data typeSpectral, acoustic, or magnetic characteristics of the data received by the device producing the remote-sensing image. It can be used to indicate both the wave length of radiation measured and the type of sensor used to measure it. Visible light Near infrared Middle infrared Far infrared Thermal infrared Shortwave infrared (SWIR) Reflective infrared Combinations Other infrared data Sidelooking airborne radar (SLAR) Synthetic aperture radar (SAR)-Single frequency SAR-multi-frequency (multichannel) SAR-like polarization SAR-cross polarization Infometric SAR polarmetric SAR Passive microwave mapping Other microwave data Far ultraviolet Middle ultraviolet Near ultraviolet Ultraviolet combinations Other ultraviolet data Multi-spectral, multidata Multi-temporal Combination of various data types Not applicable Sonar--water depth Sonar--bottom topography images, sidescan Sonar--bottom topography, near-surface Sonar--bottom topography, near-bottom Seismic surveys Other acoustical data Gravity anomalies (general) Free-air Bouger Isostatic Magnetic field radiometric surveys Unknown Other No attempt to code Sound recording Category of material Sound recording Specific material designationSpecial class of sound recording to which the item belongs (e.g., a cylinder). Belt Sound disc Cylinder Sound cartridge Sound-track film Roll Remote Sound cassette Sound-tape reel Unspecified Wire recording Other No attempt to code UndefinedContains a blank (#) or fill character (|) SpeedPlayback speed of the sound recording. This code is only intended to relate to the playing speed of a sound recording rendered on a mechanical device. Sound disc 16 rpm (discs) 33 1/3 rpm (discs) 45 rpm (discs) 78 rpm (discs) 8 rpm (discs) 1.4 m. per second (discs) 120 rpm (cylinders) 160 rpm (cylinders) 15/16 ips (tapes) 1 7/8 ips (tapes) 3 3/4 ips (tapes) Not applicable 7 1/2 ips (tapes) 15 ips (tapes) 30 ips (tape) Unknown Other No attempt to code Configuration of playback channelsConfiguration of playback channels for a sound recording. Monaural Quadraphonic, multichannel, or surround Stereophonic Unknown Other No attempt to code Groove width/groove pitchWidth of the groove of the recording for discs or the pitch of the groove for cylinders. Microgroove/fine Not applicable Coarse/standard Unknown Other No attempt to code DimensionsDiameter of an open reel or disc, or the dimensions of a cassette, cartridge, or cylinder. 3 in. diameter 5 in. diameter 7 in. diameter 10 in. diameter 12 in. diameter 16 in. diameter 4 3/4 in. or 12 cm. diameter 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in. Not applicable 5 1/4 x 3 7/8 in. 2 3/4 x 4 in. Unknown Other No attempt to code Tape widthWidth of the tape. 1/8 in. 1/4 in. Not applicable 1/2 in. 1 in. Unknown Other No attempt to code Tape configurationNumber of tracks on a tape. Full (1) track Half (2) track Quarter (4) track Eight track Twelve track Sixteen track Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Kind of disc, cylinder or tape Master tape Tape duplication master Disc master (negative) Instantaneous (recorded on the spot) Mass-produced Not applicable Mother (positive) Stamper (negative) Test pressing Unknown Other No attempt to code Kind of materialKind of material used in the manufacture of sound recordings (both instantaneous and mass-produced). This code is only intended to relate to a sound recording rendered on a mechanical device. Lacquer coating Cellulose nitrate Acetate tape with ferrous oxide Glass with lacquer Aluminum with lacquer Metal Plastic with metal Not applicable Plastic Paper with lacquer or ferrous oxide Shellac Wax Unknown Other No attempt to code Kind of cuttingKind of cutting of the grooves used on a disc. Lacquer coating Hill-and-dale cutting Lateral or combined cutting Not applicable Unknown No attempt to code Special playback characteristicsPlayback characteristics for sound recordings, including special equipment or equalization necessary for proper playback. This code is not used to indicate special processes used during recording unless those processes must be applied during playback. Lacquer coating NAB standard CCIR standard Dolby-B encoded dbx encoded Digital recording Dolby-A encoded Dolby-C encoded CX encoded Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Original capture and storage techniqueHow the sound was originally captured and stored. Sound recordings should be coded for the original capture and storage techniques, regardless of the physical format of the manifestation being cataloged or whether the sound content of the manifestation being cataloged has been enhanced using other techniques. Acoustical capture, analog direct storage Electrical capture, analog direct storage Electrical capture, digital storage Electrical capture, analog electrical storage Unknown capture and storage Other No attempt to code Text Category of material Text Specific material designation Regular print Large print Braille Loose-leaf Unspecified Other No attempt to code Videorecording Category of materialOne-character alphabetic code that indicates the category of material to which the item belongs is videorecording, which is defined as a recording on which visual images, usually in motion and accompanied by sound, have been registered. It is designed for playback on a television receiver, or video monitor. A fill character (|) is not allowed in this position. Videorecording Specific material designationSpecial class of videorecording to which an item belongs. Videocartridge Videodisc Videocassette Videoreel Unspecified Other No attempt to code UndefinedContains a blank (#) or a fill character (|). ColorColor characteristics of a videorecording. One color Black-and-white Multicolored Mixed Not applicable Unknown Other No attempt to code Videorecording formatVideotape or videodisc recording format. Beta (1/2 in., videocassette) VHS (1/2 in., videocassette) U-matic (3/4 in., videocasstte) EIAJ (1/2 in., reel) Type C (1 in., reel) Quadruplex (1 in. or 2 in., reel) Laserdisc CED (Capacitance Electronic Disc) videodisc Betacam (1/2 in., videocassette) Betacam SP (1/2 in., videocassette) Super-VHS (1/2 in., videocassette) M-II (1/2 in., videocassette) D-2 (3/4 in., videocassette) 8 mm. Hi-8 mm. Blu-ray disc Unknown DVD Other No attempt to code Sound on medium or separateWhether the sound is on the item or separate from the item (i.e., on the accompanying material). No sound (silent) Sound on medium Sound separate from medium Unknown No attempt to code Medium for soundSpecific medium used to carry the sound of an item, whether that sound is carried on the videorecording or is separate, and the type of sound playback required for the item. No sound (silent) Optical sound track on motion picture film Magnetic sound track on motion picture film Magnetic audio tape in cartridge Sound disc Magnetic audio tape on reel Magnetic audio tape in cassette Optical and magnetic sound track on motion picture film Videotape Videodisc Unknown Other No attempt to code Dimensions Width of the videorecording. For videorecordings, only codes that exactly match the measurements of the item as given in the physical description should be used. If no code exactly matches, code z is used. 8 mm. 1/4 in. 1/2 in. 1 in. 2 in. 3/4 in. Unknown Other No attempt to code Configuration of playback channelsConfiguration of intended playback channels for the sound portion of a videorecording. Mixed Monaural Not applicable Quadraphonic, multichannel, or surround Stereophonic Unknown Other No attempt to code Unspecified Category of materialOne-character alphabetic code that indicates the category of material to which the item belongs is unspecified, which means that the item is not identified by one of the other 007 code values or that its multiple physical forms are not being specifically denoted (for instance, when the item in hand is a collection containing different material categories and an institution chooses not to input separate 007 fields for the various components). A fill character (|) is not allowed in this position. Unspecified Specific material designationSpecial class of material to which the item belongs Multiple physical forms Unspecified Other No attempt to code