koha-mysql Koha is the first free software library automation package. The Koha Community http://koha-community.org/ koha-mysql 8 koha-mysql Provide a mysql shell set up for the specified Koha instance. UNIX/Linux koha-mysql instancename mysql option Description Provide a mysql shell set up for the specified Koha instance. Example usage Run interactive mysql shell for speicified Koha instance koha-mysql instancename Run a query given as an argument without launching mysql shell koha-mysql instancename -e "SOME SQL QUERY" Run a query, skip column names on output koha-mysql instancename -e "SOME SQL QUERY" --skip-column-names Load a database dump (e.g. one produced by mysqldump) into the database of the given instance koha-mysql instancename < /path/to/mysqldump.sql See also mysql (1) koha-dump-defaults(8) koha-reset-passwd(8) koha-upgrade-schema(8)