#!/usr/bin/perl use Modern::Perl; $| = 1; use Test::More tests => 31; use Test::Warn; BEGIN { use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin; use_ok('C4::Scrubber'); } sub pretty_line { my $max = 54; (@_) or return "#" x $max . "\n"; my $phrase = " " . shift() . " "; my $half = "#" x (($max - length($phrase))/2); return $half . $phrase . $half . "\n"; } my ($scrubber,$html,$result,@types,$collapse); $collapse = 1; @types = qw(default comment tag staff); $html = q|
I am ITALICS with fake="attribute"
I am em with fake="attribute"
I am a span w/ style. Bad style. I am a span trying to inject a link: <a href="badlink.html"> link </a>
I am a link firing javascript.
At the end here, I actually have some regular text. |; ok($scrubber = C4::Scrubber->new(), "Constructor: C4::Scrubber->new()"); isa_ok($scrubber, 'HTML::Scrubber', 'Constructor returns HTML::Scrubber object'); warning_like { $scrubber->default() } '', "\$scrubber->default ran without fault."; warning_like { $scrubber->comment() } '', "\$scrubber->comment ran without fault."; warning_like { $scrubber->process() } '', "\$scrubber->process ran without fault."; ok($result = $scrubber->scrub($html), "Getting scrubbed text (type: [default])"); foreach(@types) { ok($scrubber = C4::Scrubber->new($_), "testing Constructor: C4::Scrubber->new($_)"); warning_like { $scrubber->default() } '', "\$scrubber->default ran without fault."; warning_like { $scrubber->comment() } '', "\$scrubber->comment ran without fault."; warning_like { $scrubber->process() } '', "\$scrubber->process ran without fault."; ok($result = $scrubber->scrub($html), "Getting scrubbed text (type: $_)"); } #Test for invalid new entry eval{ C4::Scrubber->new(""); fail("test should fail on entry of ''"); }; if ($@) { pass("Test should have failed on entry of '' (empty string) and it did. YAY!"); } eval{ C4::Scrubber->new("Client"); fail("test should fail on entry of 'Client'"); }; if ($@) { pass("Test should have failed on entry of 'Client' and it did. YAY!"); } my $scrub_text = '


'; my $scrub_comment = 'bolditalemphaticembiggenshrinkstrongbad
under'; is( C4::Scrubber->new('comment')->scrub($scrub_text), $scrub_comment, "Comment scrubber removes expected elements" ); is( C4::Scrubber->new('note')->scrub($scrub_text), $scrub_text, "Note scrubber removes (additional) expected elements" );