#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; #use warnings; FIXME - Bug 2505 use C4::Context; use Getopt::Long; use Fcntl qw(:flock); use File::Temp qw/ tempdir /; use File::Path; use C4::Biblio; use C4::AuthoritiesMarc; use C4::Items; use Koha::RecordProcessor; use XML::LibXML; use constant LOCK_FILENAME => 'rebuild..LCK'; # script that checks zebradir structure & create directories & mandatory files if needed # # $|=1; # flushes output # If the cron job starts us in an unreadable dir, we will break without # this. chdir $ENV{HOME} if (!(-r '.')); my $daemon_mode; my $daemon_sleep = 5; my $directory; my $nosanitize; my $skip_export; my $keep_export; my $skip_index; my $reset; my $biblios; my $authorities; my $noxml; my $noshadow; my $want_help; my $as_xml; my $process_zebraqueue; my $process_zebraqueue_skip_deletes; my $do_not_clear_zebraqueue; my $length; my $where; my $offset; my $run_as_root; my $run_user = (getpwuid($<))[0]; my $wait_for_lock = 0; my $use_flock; my $verbose_logging = 0; my $zebraidx_log_opt = " -v none,fatal,warn "; my $result = GetOptions( 'daemon' => \$daemon_mode, 'sleep:i' => \$daemon_sleep, 'd:s' => \$directory, 'r|reset' => \$reset, 's' => \$skip_export, 'k' => \$keep_export, 'I|skip-index' => \$skip_index, 'nosanitize' => \$nosanitize, 'b' => \$biblios, 'noxml' => \$noxml, 'w' => \$noshadow, 'a' => \$authorities, 'h|help' => \$want_help, 'x' => \$as_xml, 'y' => \$do_not_clear_zebraqueue, 'z' => \$process_zebraqueue, 'skip-deletes' => \$process_zebraqueue_skip_deletes, 'where:s' => \$where, 'length:i' => \$length, 'offset:i' => \$offset, 'v+' => \$verbose_logging, 'run-as-root' => \$run_as_root, 'wait-for-lock' => \$wait_for_lock, ); if (not $result or $want_help) { print_usage(); exit 0; } if( not defined $run_as_root and $run_user eq 'root') { my $msg = "Warning: You are running this script as the user 'root'.\n"; $msg .= "If this is intentional you must explicitly specify this using the -run-as-root switch\n"; $msg .= "Please do '$0 --help' to see usage.\n"; die $msg; } if ( !$as_xml and $nosanitize ) { my $msg = "Cannot specify both -no_xml and -nosanitize\n"; $msg .= "Please do '$0 --help' to see usage.\n"; die $msg; } if ($process_zebraqueue and ($skip_export or $reset)) { my $msg = "Cannot specify -r or -s if -z is specified\n"; $msg .= "Please do '$0 --help' to see usage.\n"; die $msg; } if ($process_zebraqueue and $do_not_clear_zebraqueue) { my $msg = "Cannot specify both -y and -z\n"; $msg .= "Please do '$0 --help' to see usage.\n"; die $msg; } if ($reset) { $noshadow = 1; } if ($noshadow) { $noshadow = ' -n '; } if ($daemon_mode) { # incompatible flags handled above: help, reset, and do_not_clear_zebraqueue if ($skip_export or $keep_export or $skip_index or $where or $length or $offset) { my $msg = "Cannot specify -s, -k, -I, -where, -length, or -offset with -daemon.\n"; $msg .= "Please do '$0 --help' to see usage.\n"; die $msg; } $authorities = 1; $biblios = 1; $process_zebraqueue = 1; } if (not $biblios and not $authorities) { my $msg = "Must specify -b or -a to reindex bibs or authorities\n"; $msg .= "Please do '$0 --help' to see usage.\n"; die $msg; } # -v is for verbose, which seems backwards here because of how logging is set # on the CLI of zebraidx. It works this way. The default is to not log much if ($verbose_logging >= 2) { $zebraidx_log_opt = '-v none,fatal,warn,all'; } my $use_tempdir = 0; unless ($directory) { $use_tempdir = 1; $directory = tempdir(CLEANUP => ($keep_export ? 0 : 1)); } my $biblioserverdir = C4::Context->zebraconfig('biblioserver')->{directory}; my $authorityserverdir = C4::Context->zebraconfig('authorityserver')->{directory}; my $kohadir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir'); my $bib_index_mode = C4::Context->config('zebra_bib_index_mode') // 'dom'; my $auth_index_mode = C4::Context->config('zebra_auth_index_mode') // 'dom'; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my ($biblionumbertagfield,$biblionumbertagsubfield) = &GetMarcFromKohaField("biblio.biblionumber",""); my ($biblioitemnumbertagfield,$biblioitemnumbertagsubfield) = &GetMarcFromKohaField("biblioitems.biblioitemnumber",""); # Protect again simultaneous update of the zebra index by using a lock file. # Create our own lock directory if its missing. This shouild be created # by koha-zebra-ctl.sh or at system installation. If the desired directory # does not exist and cannot be created, we fall back on /tmp - which will # always work. my ($lockfile, $LockFH); foreach ( C4::Context->config("zebra_lockdir"), '/var/lock/zebra_' . C4::Context->config('database'), '/tmp/zebra_' . C4::Context->config('database') ) { #we try three possibilities (we really want to lock :) next if !$_; ($LockFH, $lockfile) = _create_lockfile($_.'/rebuild'); last if defined $LockFH; } if( !defined $LockFH ) { print "WARNING: Could not create lock file $lockfile: $!\n"; print "Please check your koha-conf.xml for ZEBRA_LOCKDIR.\n"; print "Verify file permissions for it too.\n"; $use_flock = 0; # we disable file locking now and will continue # without it # note that this mimics old behavior (before we used # the lockfile) }; if ( $verbose_logging ) { print "Zebra configuration information\n"; print "================================\n"; print "Zebra biblio directory = $biblioserverdir\n"; print "Zebra authorities directory = $authorityserverdir\n"; print "Koha directory = $kohadir\n"; print "Lockfile = $lockfile\n" if $lockfile; print "BIBLIONUMBER in : $biblionumbertagfield\$$biblionumbertagsubfield\n"; print "BIBLIOITEMNUMBER in : $biblioitemnumbertagfield\$$biblioitemnumbertagsubfield\n"; print "================================\n"; } my $tester = XML::LibXML->new(); # The main work is done here by calling do_one_pass(). We have added locking # avoid race conditions between full rebuilds and incremental updates either from # daemon mode or periodic invocation from cron. The race can lead to an updated # record being overwritten by a rebuild if the update is applied after the export # by the rebuild and before the rebuild finishes (more likely to affect large # catalogs). # # We have chosen to exit immediately by default if we cannot obtain the lock # to prevent the potential for a infinite backlog from cron invocations, but an # option (wait-for-lock) is provided to let the program wait for the lock. # See http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11078 for details. if ($daemon_mode) { while (1) { # For incremental updates, skip the update if the updates are locked if (_flock($LockFH, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)) { do_one_pass() if ( zebraqueue_not_empty() ); _flock($LockFH, LOCK_UN); } sleep $daemon_sleep; } } else { # all one-off invocations my $lock_mode = ($wait_for_lock) ? LOCK_EX : LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB; if (_flock($LockFH, $lock_mode)) { do_one_pass(); _flock($LockFH, LOCK_UN); } else { print "Skipping rebuild/update because flock failed on $lockfile: $!\n"; } } if ( $verbose_logging ) { print "====================\n"; print "CLEANING\n"; print "====================\n"; } if ($keep_export) { print "NOTHING cleaned : the export $directory has been kept.\n"; print "You can re-run this script with the -s "; if ($use_tempdir) { print " and -d $directory parameters"; } else { print "parameter"; } print "\n"; print "if you just want to rebuild zebra after changing the record.abs\n"; print "or another zebra config file\n"; } else { unless ($use_tempdir) { # if we're using a temporary directory # created by File::Temp, it will be removed # automatically. rmtree($directory, 0, 1); print "directory $directory deleted\n"; } } sub do_one_pass { if ($authorities) { index_records('authority', $directory, $skip_export, $skip_index, $process_zebraqueue, $as_xml, $noxml, $nosanitize, $do_not_clear_zebraqueue, $verbose_logging, $zebraidx_log_opt, $authorityserverdir); } else { print "skipping authorities\n" if ( $verbose_logging ); } if ($biblios) { index_records('biblio', $directory, $skip_export, $skip_index, $process_zebraqueue, $as_xml, $noxml, $nosanitize, $do_not_clear_zebraqueue, $verbose_logging, $zebraidx_log_opt, $biblioserverdir); } else { print "skipping biblios\n" if ( $verbose_logging ); } } # Check the zebra update queue and return true if there are records to process # This routine will handle each of -ab, -a, or -b, but in practice we force # -ab when in daemon mode. sub zebraqueue_not_empty { my $where_str; if ($authorities && $biblios) { $where_str = 'done = 0;'; } elsif ($biblios) { $where_str = 'server = "biblioserver" AND done = 0;'; } else { $where_str = 'server = "authorityserver" AND done = 0;'; } my $query = $dbh->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM zebraqueue WHERE ' . $where_str ); $query->execute; my $count = $query->fetchrow_arrayref->[0]; print "queued records: $count\n" if $verbose_logging > 0; return $count > 0; } # This checks to see if the zebra directories exist under the provided path. # If they don't, then zebra is likely to spit the dummy. This returns true # if the directories had to be created, false otherwise. sub check_zebra_dirs { my ($base) = shift() . '/'; my $needed_repairing = 0; my @dirs = ( '', 'key', 'register', 'shadow', 'tmp' ); foreach my $dir (@dirs) { my $bdir = $base . $dir; if (! -d $bdir) { $needed_repairing = 1; mkdir $bdir || die "Unable to create '$bdir': $!\n"; print "$0: needed to create '$bdir'\n"; } } return $needed_repairing; } # ---------- end of subroutine check_zebra_dirs ---------- sub index_records { my ($record_type, $directory, $skip_export, $skip_index, $process_zebraqueue, $as_xml, $noxml, $nosanitize, $do_not_clear_zebraqueue, $verbose_logging, $zebraidx_log_opt, $server_dir) = @_; my $num_records_exported = 0; my $records_deleted = {}; my $need_reset = check_zebra_dirs($server_dir); if ($need_reset) { print "$0: found broken zebra server directories: forcing a rebuild\n"; $reset = 1; } if ($skip_export && $verbose_logging) { print "====================\n"; print "SKIPPING $record_type export\n"; print "====================\n"; } else { if ( $verbose_logging ) { print "====================\n"; print "exporting $record_type\n"; print "====================\n"; } mkdir "$directory" unless (-d $directory); mkdir "$directory/$record_type" unless (-d "$directory/$record_type"); if ($process_zebraqueue) { my $entries; unless ( $process_zebraqueue_skip_deletes ) { $entries = select_zebraqueue_records($record_type, 'deleted'); mkdir "$directory/del_$record_type" unless (-d "$directory/del_$record_type"); $records_deleted = generate_deleted_marc_records($record_type, $entries, "$directory/del_$record_type", $as_xml); mark_zebraqueue_batch_done($entries); } $entries = select_zebraqueue_records($record_type, 'updated'); mkdir "$directory/upd_$record_type" unless (-d "$directory/upd_$record_type"); $num_records_exported = export_marc_records_from_list($record_type,$entries, "$directory/upd_$record_type", $as_xml, $noxml, $records_deleted); mark_zebraqueue_batch_done($entries); } else { my $sth = select_all_records($record_type); $num_records_exported = export_marc_records_from_sth($record_type, $sth, "$directory/$record_type", $as_xml, $noxml, $nosanitize); unless ($do_not_clear_zebraqueue) { mark_all_zebraqueue_done($record_type); } } } # # and reindexing everything # if ($skip_index) { if ($verbose_logging) { print "====================\n"; print "SKIPPING $record_type indexing\n"; print "====================\n"; } } else { if ( $verbose_logging ) { print "====================\n"; print "REINDEXING zebra\n"; print "====================\n"; } my $record_fmt = ($as_xml) ? 'marcxml' : 'iso2709' ; if ($process_zebraqueue) { do_indexing($record_type, 'adelete', "$directory/del_$record_type", $reset, $noshadow, $record_fmt, $zebraidx_log_opt) if %$records_deleted; do_indexing($record_type, 'update', "$directory/upd_$record_type", $reset, $noshadow, $record_fmt, $zebraidx_log_opt) if $num_records_exported; } else { do_indexing($record_type, 'update', "$directory/$record_type", $reset, $noshadow, $record_fmt, $zebraidx_log_opt) if ($num_records_exported or $skip_export); } } } sub select_zebraqueue_records { my ($record_type, $update_type) = @_; my $server = ($record_type eq 'biblio') ? 'biblioserver' : 'authorityserver'; my $op = ($update_type eq 'deleted') ? 'recordDelete' : 'specialUpdate'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, biblio_auth_number FROM zebraqueue WHERE server = ? AND operation = ? AND done = 0 ORDER BY id DESC"); $sth->execute($server, $op); my $entries = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); } sub mark_all_zebraqueue_done { my ($record_type) = @_; my $server = ($record_type eq 'biblio') ? 'biblioserver' : 'authorityserver'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE zebraqueue SET done = 1 WHERE server = ? AND done = 0"); $sth->execute($server); } sub mark_zebraqueue_batch_done { my ($entries) = @_; $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE zebraqueue SET done = 1 WHERE id = ?"); $dbh->commit(); foreach my $id (map { $_->{id} } @$entries) { $sth->execute($id); } $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1; } sub select_all_records { my $record_type = shift; return ($record_type eq 'biblio') ? select_all_biblios() : select_all_authorities(); } sub select_all_authorities { my $strsth=qq{SELECT authid FROM auth_header}; $strsth.=qq{ WHERE $where } if ($where); $strsth.=qq{ LIMIT $length } if ($length && !$offset); $strsth.=qq{ LIMIT $offset,$length } if ($length && $offset); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($strsth); $sth->execute(); return $sth; } sub select_all_biblios { my $strsth = qq{ SELECT biblionumber FROM biblioitems }; $strsth.=qq{ WHERE $where } if ($where); $strsth.=qq{ LIMIT $length } if ($length && !$offset); $strsth.=qq{ LIMIT $offset,$length } if ($offset); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($strsth); $sth->execute(); return $sth; } sub include_xml_wrapper { my $as_xml = shift; my $record_type = shift; return 0 unless $as_xml; return 1 if $record_type eq 'biblio' and $bib_index_mode eq 'dom'; return 1 if $record_type eq 'authority' and $auth_index_mode eq 'dom'; return 0; } sub export_marc_records_from_sth { my ($record_type, $sth, $directory, $as_xml, $noxml, $nosanitize) = @_; my $num_exported = 0; open my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8) ', "$directory/exported_records" or die $!; if (include_xml_wrapper($as_xml, $record_type)) { # include XML declaration and root element print {$fh} ''; } my $i = 0; my ( $itemtag, $itemsubfield ) = GetMarcFromKohaField("items.itemnumber",''); while (my ($record_number) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { print "." if ( $verbose_logging ); print "\r$i" unless ($i++ %100 or !$verbose_logging); if ( $nosanitize ) { my $marcxml = $record_type eq 'biblio' ? GetXmlBiblio( $record_number ) : GetAuthorityXML( $record_number ); if ($record_type eq 'biblio'){ my @items = GetItemsInfo($record_number); if (@items){ my $record = MARC::Record->new; $record->encoding('UTF-8'); my @itemsrecord; foreach my $item (@items){ my $record = Item2Marc($item, $record_number); push @itemsrecord, $record->field($itemtag); } $record->insert_fields_ordered(@itemsrecord); my $itemsxml = $record->as_xml_record(); $marcxml = substr($marcxml, 0, length($marcxml)-10) . substr($itemsxml, index($itemsxml, "\n", 0) + 10); } } # extra test to ensure that result is valid XML; otherwise # Zebra won't parse it in DOM mode eval { my $doc = $tester->parse_string($marcxml); }; if ($@) { warn "Error exporting record $record_number ($record_type): $@\n"; next; } if ( $marcxml ) { $marcxml =~ s!<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?>\n!!; print {$fh} $marcxml; $num_exported++; } next; } my ($marc) = get_corrected_marc_record($record_type, $record_number, $noxml); if (defined $marc) { eval { my $rec; if ($as_xml) { $rec = $marc->as_xml_record(C4::Context->preference('marcflavour')); eval { my $doc = $tester->parse_string($rec); }; if ($@) { die "invalid XML: $@"; } $rec =~ s!<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?>\n!!; } else { $rec = $marc->as_usmarc(); } print {$fh} $rec; $num_exported++; }; if ($@) { warn "Error exporting record $record_number ($record_type) ".($noxml ? "not XML" : "XML"); warn "... specific error is $@" if $verbose_logging; } } } print "\nRecords exported: $num_exported\n" if ( $verbose_logging ); print {$fh} '' if (include_xml_wrapper($as_xml, $record_type)); close $fh; return $num_exported; } sub export_marc_records_from_list { my ($record_type, $entries, $directory, $as_xml, $noxml, $records_deleted) = @_; my $num_exported = 0; open my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', "$directory/exported_records" or die $!; if (include_xml_wrapper($as_xml, $record_type)) { # include XML declaration and root element print {$fh} ''; } my $i = 0; # Skip any deleted records. We check for this anyway, but this reduces error spam my %found = %$records_deleted; foreach my $record_number ( map { $_->{biblio_auth_number} } grep { !$found{ $_->{biblio_auth_number} }++ } @$entries ) { print "." if ( $verbose_logging ); print "\r$i" unless ($i++ %100 or !$verbose_logging); my ($marc) = get_corrected_marc_record($record_type, $record_number, $noxml); if (defined $marc) { eval { my $rec; if ($as_xml) { $rec = $marc->as_xml_record(C4::Context->preference('marcflavour')); $rec =~ s!<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?>\n!!; } else { $rec = $marc->as_usmarc(); } print {$fh} $rec; $num_exported++; }; if ($@) { warn "Error exporting record $record_number ($record_type) ".($noxml ? "not XML" : "XML"); } } } print "\nRecords exported: $num_exported\n" if ( $verbose_logging ); print {$fh} '' if (include_xml_wrapper($as_xml, $record_type)); close $fh; return $num_exported; } sub generate_deleted_marc_records { my ($record_type, $entries, $directory, $as_xml) = @_; my $records_deleted = {}; open my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', "$directory/exported_records" or die $!; if (include_xml_wrapper($as_xml, $record_type)) { # include XML declaration and root element print {$fh} ''; } my $i = 0; foreach my $record_number (map { $_->{biblio_auth_number} } @$entries ) { print "\r$i" unless ($i++ %100 or !$verbose_logging); print "." if ( $verbose_logging ); my $marc = MARC::Record->new(); if ($record_type eq 'biblio') { fix_biblio_ids($marc, $record_number, $record_number); } else { fix_authority_id($marc, $record_number); } if (C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") eq "UNIMARC") { fix_unimarc_100($marc); } my $rec; if ($as_xml) { $rec = $marc->as_xml_record(C4::Context->preference('marcflavour')); $rec =~ s!<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?>\n!!; } else { $rec = $marc->as_usmarc(); } print {$fh} $rec; $records_deleted->{$record_number} = 1; } print "\nRecords exported: $i\n" if ( $verbose_logging ); print {$fh} '' if (include_xml_wrapper($as_xml, $record_type)); close $fh; return $records_deleted; } sub get_corrected_marc_record { my ($record_type, $record_number, $noxml) = @_; my $marc = get_raw_marc_record($record_type, $record_number, $noxml); if (defined $marc) { fix_leader($marc); if ($record_type eq 'authority') { fix_authority_id($marc, $record_number); } elsif ($record_type eq 'biblio' && C4::Context->preference('IncludeSeeFromInSearches')) { my $normalizer = Koha::RecordProcessor->new( { filters => 'EmbedSeeFromHeadings' } ); $marc = $normalizer->process($marc); } if (C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") eq "UNIMARC") { fix_unimarc_100($marc); } } return $marc; } sub get_raw_marc_record { my ($record_type, $record_number, $noxml) = @_; my $marc; if ($record_type eq 'biblio') { if ($noxml) { my $fetch_sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("SELECT marc FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber = ?"); $fetch_sth->execute($record_number); if (my ($blob) = $fetch_sth->fetchrow_array) { $marc = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($blob); unless ($marc) { warn "error creating MARC::Record from $blob"; } } # failure to find a bib is not a problem - # a delete could have been done before # trying to process a record update $fetch_sth->finish(); return unless $marc; } else { eval { $marc = GetMarcBiblio($record_number, 1); }; if ($@ || !$marc) { # here we do warn since catching an exception # means that the bib was found but failed # to be parsed warn "error retrieving biblio $record_number"; return; } } } else { eval { $marc = GetAuthority($record_number); }; if ($@) { warn "error retrieving authority $record_number"; return; } } return $marc; } sub fix_leader { # FIXME - this routine is suspect # It blanks the Leader/00-05 and Leader/12-16 to # force them to be recalculated correct when # the $marc->as_usmarc() or $marc->as_xml() is called. # But why is this necessary? It would be a serious bug # in MARC::Record (definitely) and MARC::File::XML (arguably) # if they are emitting incorrect leader values. my $marc = shift; my $leader = $marc->leader; substr($leader, 0, 5) = ' '; substr($leader, 10, 7) = '22 '; $marc->leader(substr($leader, 0, 24)); } sub fix_biblio_ids { # FIXME - it is essential to ensure that the biblionumber is present, # otherwise, Zebra will choke on the record. However, this # logic belongs in the relevant C4::Biblio APIs. my $marc = shift; my $biblionumber = shift; my $biblioitemnumber; if (@_) { $biblioitemnumber = shift; } else { my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT biblioitemnumber FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber=?"); $sth->execute($biblionumber); ($biblioitemnumber) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish; unless ($biblioitemnumber) { warn "failed to get biblioitemnumber for biblio $biblionumber"; return 0; } } # FIXME - this is cheating on two levels # 1. C4::Biblio::_koha_marc_update_bib_ids is meant to be an internal function # 2. Making sure that the biblionumber and biblioitemnumber are correct and # present in the MARC::Record object ought to be part of GetMarcBiblio. # # On the other hand, this better for now than what rebuild_zebra.pl used to # do, which was duplicate the code for inserting the biblionumber # and biblioitemnumber C4::Biblio::_koha_marc_update_bib_ids($marc, '', $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber); return 1; } sub fix_authority_id { # FIXME - as with fix_biblio_ids, the authid must be present # for Zebra's sake. However, this really belongs # in C4::AuthoritiesMarc. my ($marc, $authid) = @_; unless ($marc->field('001') and $marc->field('001')->data() eq $authid){ $marc->delete_field($marc->field('001')); $marc->insert_fields_ordered(MARC::Field->new('001',$authid)); } } sub fix_unimarc_100 { # FIXME - again, if this is necessary, it belongs in C4::AuthoritiesMarc. my $marc = shift; my $string; if ( length($marc->subfield( 100, "a" )) == 36 ) { $string = $marc->subfield( 100, "a" ); my $f100 = $marc->field(100); $marc->delete_field($f100); } else { $string = POSIX::strftime( "%Y%m%d", localtime ); $string =~ s/\-//g; $string = sprintf( "%-*s", 35, $string ); } substr( $string, 22, 6, "frey50" ); unless ( length($marc->subfield( 100, "a" )) == 36 ) { $marc->delete_field($marc->field(100)); $marc->insert_grouped_field(MARC::Field->new( 100, "", "", "a" => $string )); } } sub do_indexing { my ($record_type, $op, $record_dir, $reset_index, $noshadow, $record_format, $zebraidx_log_opt) = @_; my $zebra_server = ($record_type eq 'biblio') ? 'biblioserver' : 'authorityserver'; my $zebra_db_name = ($record_type eq 'biblio') ? 'biblios' : 'authorities'; my $zebra_config = C4::Context->zebraconfig($zebra_server)->{'config'}; my $zebra_db_dir = C4::Context->zebraconfig($zebra_server)->{'directory'}; system("zebraidx -c $zebra_config $zebraidx_log_opt -g $record_format -d $zebra_db_name init") if $reset_index; system("zebraidx -c $zebra_config $zebraidx_log_opt $noshadow -g $record_format -d $zebra_db_name $op $record_dir"); system("zebraidx -c $zebra_config $zebraidx_log_opt -g $record_format -d $zebra_db_name commit") unless $noshadow; } sub _flock { # test if flock is present; if so, use it; if not, return true # op refers to the official flock operations including LOCK_EX, # LOCK_UN, etc. # combining LOCK_EX with LOCK_NB returns immediately my ($fh, $op)= @_; if( !defined($use_flock) ) { #check if flock is present; if not, you will have a fatal error my $lock_acquired = eval { flock($fh, $op) }; # assuming that $fh and $op are fine(..), an undef $lock_acquired # means no flock $use_flock = defined($lock_acquired) ? 1 : 0; print "Warning: flock could not be used!\n" if $verbose_logging && !$use_flock; return 1 if !$use_flock; return $lock_acquired; } else { return 1 if !$use_flock; return flock($fh, $op); } } sub _create_lockfile { #returns undef on failure my $dir= shift; unless (-d $dir) { eval { mkpath($dir, 0, oct(755)) }; return if $@; } return if !open my $fh, q{>}, $dir.'/'.LOCK_FILENAME; return ( $fh, $dir.'/'.LOCK_FILENAME ); } sub print_usage { print <<_USAGE_; $0: reindex MARC bibs and/or authorities in Zebra. Use this batch job to reindex all biblio or authority records in your Koha database. Parameters: -b index bibliographic records -a index authority records -daemon Run in daemon mode. The program will loop checking for entries on the zebraqueue table, processing them incrementally if present, and then sleep for a few seconds before repeating the process Checking the zebraqueue table is done with a cheap SQL query. This allows for near realtime update of the zebra search index with low system overhead. Use -sleep to control the checking interval. Daemon mode implies -z, -a, -b. The program will refuse to start if options are present that do not make sense while running as an incremental update daemon (e.g. -r or -offset). -sleep 10 Seconds to sleep between checks of the zebraqueue table in daemon mode. The default is 5 seconds. -z select only updated and deleted records marked in the zebraqueue table. Cannot be used with -r or -s. --skip-deletes only select record updates, not record deletions, to avoid potential excessive I/O when zebraidx processes deletions. If this option is used for normal indexing, a cronjob should be set up to run rebuild_zebra.pl -z without --skip-deletes during off hours. Only effective with -z. -r clear Zebra index before adding records to index. Implies -w. -d Temporary directory for indexing. If not specified, one is automatically created. The export directory is automatically deleted unless you supply the -k switch. -k Do not delete export directory. -s Skip export. Used if you have already exported the records in a previous run. -noxml index from ISO MARC blob instead of MARC XML. This option is recommended only for advanced user. -x export and index as xml instead of is02709 (biblios only). use this if you might have records > 99,999 chars, -nosanitize export biblio/authority records directly from DB marcxml field without sanitizing records. It speed up dump process but could fail if DB contains badly encoded records. Works only with -x, -w skip shadow indexing for this batch -y do NOT clear zebraqueue after indexing; normally, after doing batch indexing, zebraqueue should be marked done for the affected record type(s) so that a running zebraqueue_daemon doesn't try to reindex the same records - specify -y to override this. Cannot be used with -z. -v increase the amount of logging. Normally only warnings and errors from the indexing are shown. Use log level 2 (-v -v) to include all Zebra logs. --length 1234 how many biblio you want to export --offset 1243 offset you want to start to example: --offset 500 --length=500 will result in a LIMIT 500,1000 (exporting 1000 records, starting by the 500th one) note that the numbers are NOT related to biblionumber, that's the intended behaviour. --where let you specify a WHERE query, like itemtype='BOOK' or something like that --run-as-root explicitily allow script to run as 'root' user --wait-for-lock when not running in daemon mode, the default behavior is to abort a rebuild if the rebuild lock is busy. This option will cause the program to wait for the lock to free and then continue processing the rebuild request, --help or -h show this message. _USAGE_ }