# Copyright 2015 Catalyst IT # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use Test::More tests => 15; use t::lib::Mocks; use Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::QueryBuilder; use Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Indexer; my $builder = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::QueryBuilder->new( { index => 'mydb' } ); use_ok('Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Search'); ok( my $searcher = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Search->new( { 'nodes' => ['localhost:9200'], 'index' => 'mydb' } ), 'Creating a Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Search object' ); is( $searcher->index, 'mydb', 'Testing basic accessor' ); ok( my $query = $builder->build_query('easy'), 'Build a search query'); SKIP: { eval { $builder->get_elasticsearch_params; }; skip 'ElasticSeatch configuration not available', 8 if $@; Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Indexer->new({ index => 'mydb' })->drop_index; ok( my $results = $searcher->search( $query) , 'Do a search ' ); ok( my $marc = $searcher->json2marc( $results->first ), 'Convert JSON to MARC'); is (my $count = $searcher->count( $query ), 0 , 'Get a count of the results, without returning results '); ok ($results = $searcher->search_compat( $query ), 'Test search_compat' ); ok (($results,$count) = $searcher->search_auth_compat ( $query ), 'Test search_auth_compat' ); is ( $count = $searcher->count_auth_use($searcher,1), 0, 'Testing count_auth_use'); is ($searcher->max_result_window, 10000, 'By default, max_result_window is 10000'); $searcher->store->es->indices->put_settings(index => $searcher->store->index_name, body => { 'index' => { 'max_result_window' => 12000, }, }); is ($searcher->max_result_window, 12000, 'max_result_window returns the correct value'); } subtest 'json2marc' => sub { plan tests => 4; my $leader = '00626nam a2200193 4500'; my $_001 = 42; my $_010a = '123456789'; my $_010d = 145; my $_200a = 'a title'; my $json = [ # It's not a JSON, see the POD of json2marc [ 'LDR', undef, undef, '_', $leader ], [ '001', undef, undef, '_', $_001 ], [ '010', ' ', ' ', 'a', $_010a, 'd', $_010d ], [ '200', '1', ' ', 'a', $_200a, ], # Yes UNIMARC but we don't mind here ]; my $marc = $searcher->json2marc( $json ); is( $marc->leader, $leader, ); is( $marc->field('001')->data, $_001, ); is( $marc->subfield('010', 'a'), $_010a, ); is( $marc->subfield('200', 'a'), $_200a, ); }; subtest 'build_query tests' => sub { plan tests => 24; t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('DisplayLibraryFacets','both'); my $query = $builder->build_query(); ok( defined $query->{aggregations}{homebranch}, 'homebranch added to facets if DisplayLibraryFacets=both' ); ok( defined $query->{aggregations}{holdingbranch}, 'holdingbranch added to facets if DisplayLibraryFacets=both' ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('DisplayLibraryFacets','holding'); $query = $builder->build_query(); ok( !defined $query->{aggregations}{homebranch}, 'homebranch not added to facets if DisplayLibraryFacets=holding' ); ok( defined $query->{aggregations}{holdingbranch}, 'holdingbranch added to facets if DisplayLibraryFacets=holding' ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('DisplayLibraryFacets','home'); $query = $builder->build_query(); ok( defined $query->{aggregations}{homebranch}, 'homebranch added to facets if DisplayLibraryFacets=home' ); ok( !defined $query->{aggregations}{holdingbranch}, 'holdingbranch not added to facets if DisplayLibraryFacets=home' ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'QueryAutoTruncate', '' ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['donald duck'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, "(donald duck)", "query not altered if QueryAutoTruncate disabled" ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'QueryAutoTruncate', '1' ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['donald duck'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, "(donald* duck*)", "simple query is auto truncated when QueryAutoTruncate enabled" ); # Ensure reserved words are not truncated ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['donald or duck and mickey not mouse'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, "(donald* or duck* and mickey* not mouse*)", "reserved words are not affected by QueryAutoTruncate" ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['donald* duck*'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, "(donald* duck*)", "query with '*' is unaltered when QueryAutoTruncate is enabled" ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['donald duck and the mouse'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, "(donald* duck* and the* mouse*)", "individual words are all truncated and stopwords ignored" ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['*'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, "(*)", "query of just '*' is unaltered when QueryAutoTruncate is enabled" ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['"donald duck"'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, '("donald duck")', "query with quotes is unaltered when QueryAutoTruncate is enabled" ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['"donald duck" and "the mouse"'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, '("donald duck" and "the mouse")', "all quoted strings are unaltered if more than one in query" ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['barcode:123456'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, '(barcode:123456*)', "query of specific field is truncated" ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['Local-number:"123456"'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, '(Local-number:"123456")', "query of specific field including hyphen and quoted is not truncated" ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['Local-number:123456'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, '(Local-number:123456*)', "query of specific field including hyphen and not quoted is truncated" ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['Local-number.raw:123456'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, '(Local-number.raw:123456*)', "query of specific field including period and not quoted is truncated" ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['Local-number.raw:"123456"'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, '(Local-number.raw:"123456")', "query of specific field including period and quoted is not truncated" ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['J.R.R'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, '(J.R.R*)', "query including period is truncated but not split at periods" ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['title:"donald duck"'] ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, '(title:"donald duck")', "query of specific field is not truncated when surrouned by quotes" ); ( undef, $query ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['title:"donald duck"'], undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, { suppress => 1 } ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, '(title:"donald duck") AND suppress:0', "query of specific field is added AND suppress:0" ); my ($simple_query, $query_cgi); ( undef, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi ) = $builder->build_query_compat( undef, ['title:"donald duck"'], undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, { suppress => 0 } ); is( $query->{query}{query_string}{query}, '(title:"donald duck")', "query of specific field is not added AND suppress:0" ); is($query_cgi, 'q=title%3A%22donald%20duck%22', 'query cgi'); }; subtest "_convert_sort_fields" => sub { plan tests => 2; my @sort_by = $builder->_convert_sort_fields(qw( call_number_asc author_dsc )); is_deeply( \@sort_by, [ { field => 'callnum', direction => 'asc' }, { field => 'author', direction => 'desc' } ], 'sort fields should have been split correctly' ); # We could expect this to pass, but direction is undef instead of 'desc' @sort_by = $builder->_convert_sort_fields(qw( call_number_asc author_desc )); is_deeply( \@sort_by, [ { field => 'callnum', direction => 'asc' }, { field => 'author', direction => 'desc' } ], 'sort fields should have been split correctly' ); };