package C4::Record; # # Copyright 2006 (C) LibLime # Parts copyright 2010 BibLibre # Part copyright 2015 Universidad de El Salvador # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . # # use strict; #use warnings; FIXME - Bug 2505 # please specify in which methods a given module is used use MARC::Record; # marc2marcxml, marcxml2marc, changeEncoding use MARC::File::XML; # marc2marcxml, marcxml2marc, changeEncoding use Biblio::EndnoteStyle; use Unicode::Normalize; # _entity_encode use C4::Biblio; #marc2bibtex use C4::Csv; #marc2csv use C4::Koha; #marc2csv use C4::XSLT (); use YAML; #marcrecords2csv use Template; use Text::CSV::Encoded; #marc2csv use Koha::SimpleMARC qw(read_field); use Koha::XSLT_Handler; use Carp; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT); # set the version for version checking $VERSION =; @ISA = qw(Exporter); # only export API methods @EXPORT = qw( &marc2endnote &marc2marc &marc2marcxml &marcxml2marc &marc2dcxml &marc2modsxml &marc2madsxml &marc2bibtex &marc2csv &changeEncoding ); =head1 NAME C4::Record - MARC, MARCXML, DC, MODS, XML, etc. Record Management Functions and API =head1 SYNOPSIS New in Koha 3.x. This module handles all record-related management functions. =head1 API (EXPORTED FUNCTIONS) =head2 marc2marc - Convert from one flavour of ISO-2709 to another my ($error,$newmarc) = marc2marc($marc,$to_flavour,$from_flavour,$encoding); Returns an ISO-2709 scalar =cut sub marc2marc { my ($marc,$to_flavour,$from_flavour,$encoding) = @_; my $error; if ($to_flavour =~ m/marcstd/) { my $marc_record_obj; if ($marc =~ /^MARC::Record/) { # it's already a MARC::Record object $marc_record_obj = $marc; } else { # it's not a MARC::Record object, make it one eval { $marc_record_obj = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($marc) }; # handle exceptions # conversion to MARC::Record object failed, populate $error if ($@) { $error .="\nCreation of MARC::Record object failed: ".$MARC::File::ERROR }; } unless ($error) { my @privatefields; foreach my $field ($marc_record_obj->fields()) { if ($field->tag() =~ m/9/ && ($field->tag() != '490' || C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") eq 'UNIMARC')) { push @privatefields, $field; } elsif (! ($field->is_control_field())) { $field->delete_subfield(code => '9') if ($field->subfield('9')); } } $marc_record_obj->delete_field($_) for @privatefields; $marc = $marc_record_obj->as_usmarc(); } } else { $error = "Feature not yet implemented\n"; } return ($error,$marc); } =head2 marc2marcxml - Convert from ISO-2709 to MARCXML my ($error,$marcxml) = marc2marcxml($marc,$encoding,$flavour); Returns a MARCXML scalar C<$marc> - an ISO-2709 scalar or MARC::Record object C<$encoding> - UTF-8 or MARC-8 [UTF-8] C<$flavour> - MARC21 or UNIMARC C<$dont_entity_encode> - a flag that instructs marc2marcxml not to entity encode the xml before returning (optional) =cut sub marc2marcxml { my ($marc,$encoding,$flavour,$dont_entity_encode) = @_; my $error; # the error string my $marcxml; # the final MARCXML scalar # test if it's already a MARC::Record object, if not, make it one my $marc_record_obj; if ($marc =~ /^MARC::Record/) { # it's already a MARC::Record object $marc_record_obj = $marc; } else { # it's not a MARC::Record object, make it one eval { $marc_record_obj = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($marc) }; # handle exceptions # conversion to MARC::Record object failed, populate $error if ($@) { $error .="\nCreation of MARC::Record object failed: ".$MARC::File::ERROR }; } # only proceed if no errors so far unless ($error) { # check the record for warnings my @warnings = $marc_record_obj->warnings(); if (@warnings) { warn "\nWarnings encountered while processing ISO-2709 record with title \"".$marc_record_obj->title()."\":\n"; foreach my $warn (@warnings) { warn "\t".$warn }; } unless($encoding) {$encoding = "UTF-8"}; # set default encoding unless($flavour) {$flavour = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour")}; # set default MARC flavour # attempt to convert the record to MARCXML eval { $marcxml = $marc_record_obj->as_xml_record($flavour) }; #handle exceptions # record creation failed, populate $error if ($@) { $error .= "Creation of MARCXML failed:".$MARC::File::ERROR; $error .= "Additional information:\n"; my @warnings = $@->warnings(); foreach my $warn (@warnings) { $error.=$warn."\n" }; # record creation was successful } else { # check the record for warning flags again (warnings() will be cleared already if there was an error, see above block @warnings = $marc_record_obj->warnings(); if (@warnings) { warn "\nWarnings encountered while processing ISO-2709 record with title \"".$marc_record_obj->title()."\":\n"; foreach my $warn (@warnings) { warn "\t".$warn }; } } # only proceed if no errors so far unless ($error) { # entity encode the XML unless instructed not to unless ($dont_entity_encode) { my ($marcxml_entity_encoded) = _entity_encode($marcxml); $marcxml = $marcxml_entity_encoded; } } } # return result to calling program return ($error,$marcxml); } =head2 marcxml2marc - Convert from MARCXML to ISO-2709 my ($error,$marc) = marcxml2marc($marcxml,$encoding,$flavour); Returns an ISO-2709 scalar C<$marcxml> - a MARCXML record C<$encoding> - UTF-8 or MARC-8 [UTF-8] C<$flavour> - MARC21 or UNIMARC =cut sub marcxml2marc { my ($marcxml,$encoding,$flavour) = @_; my $error; # the error string my $marc; # the final ISO-2709 scalar unless($encoding) {$encoding = "UTF-8"}; # set the default encoding unless($flavour) {$flavour = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour")}; # set the default MARC flavour # attempt to do the conversion eval { $marc = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($marcxml,$encoding,$flavour) }; # handle exceptions # record creation failed, populate $error if ($@) {$error .="\nCreation of MARCXML Record failed: ".$@; $error.=$MARC::File::ERROR if ($MARC::File::ERROR); }; # return result to calling program return ($error,$marc); } =head2 marc2dcxml - Convert from ISO-2709 to Dublin Core my dcxml = marc2dcxml ($marc, $xml, $biblionumber, $format); EXAMPLE my dcxml = marc2dcxml (undef, undef, 1, "oaidc"); Convert MARC or MARCXML to Dublin Core metadata (XSLT Transformation), optionally can get an XML directly from database (biblioitems.marcxml) without item information. This method take into consideration the syspref 'marcflavour' (UNIMARC, MARC21 and NORMARC). Return an XML file with the format defined in C<$format> C<$marc> - an ISO-2709 scalar or MARC::Record object C<$xml> - a MARCXML file C<$biblionumber> - obtain the record directly from database (biblioitems.marcxml) C<$format> - accept three type of DC formats (oaidc, srwdc, and rdfdc ) =cut sub marc2dcxml { my ( $marc, $xml, $biblionumber, $format ) = @_; # global variables my ( $marcxml, $record, $output ); # set the default path for intranet xslts # differents xslts to process (OAIDC, SRWDC and RDFDC) my $xsl = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs') . '/prog/en/xslt/' . C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') . 'slim2' . uc ( $format ) . '.xsl'; if ( defined $marc ) { # no need to catch errors or warnings marc2marcxml do it instead $marcxml = C4::Record::marc2marcxml( $marc ); } elsif ( not defined $xml and defined $biblionumber ) { # get MARCXML biblio directly from biblioitems.marcxml without item information $marcxml = C4::Biblio::GetXmlBiblio( $biblionumber ); } else { $marcxml = $xml; } # only proceed if MARC21 or UNIMARC; else clause is executed if marcflavour set it to NORMARC # generate MARC::Record object to see if not a marcxml record unless ( C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') eq 'NORMARC' ) { eval { $record = MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $marcxml, 'UTF-8', C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') ); }; } else { eval { $record = MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $marcxml, 'UTF-8', 'MARC21' ); }; } # conversion to MARC::Record object failed if ( $@ ) { croak "Creation of MARC::Record object failed."; } elsif ( $record->warnings() ) { carp "Warnings encountered while processing ISO-2709 record.\n"; my @warnings = $record->warnings(); foreach my $warn (@warnings) { carp "\t". $warn; }; } elsif ( $record =~ /^MARC::Record/ ) { # if OK makes xslt transformation my $xslt_engine = Koha::XSLT_Handler->new; if ( $format =~ /oaidc|srwdc|rdfdc/ ) { $output = $xslt_engine->transform( $marcxml, $xsl ); } else { croak "The format argument ($format) not accepted.\n" . "Please pass a valid format (oaidc, srwdc, or rdfdc)\n"; } my $err = $xslt_engine->err; # error number my $errstr = $xslt_engine->errstr; # error message if ( $err ) { croak "Error when processing $errstr Error number: $err\n"; } else { return $output; } } } =head2 marc2modsxml - Convert from ISO-2709 to MODS my $modsxml = marc2modsxml($marc); Returns a MODS scalar =cut sub marc2modsxml { my ($marc) = @_; return _transformWithStylesheet($marc, "/prog/en/xslt/MARC21slim2MODS3-1.xsl"); } =head2 marc2madsxml - Convert from ISO-2709 to MADS my $madsxml = marc2madsxml($marc); Returns a MADS scalar =cut sub marc2madsxml { my ($marc) = @_; return _transformWithStylesheet($marc, "/prog/en/xslt/MARC21slim2MADS.xsl"); } =head2 _transformWithStylesheet - Transform a MARC record with a stylesheet my $xml = _transformWithStylesheet($marc, $stylesheet) Returns the XML scalar result of the transformation. $stylesheet should contain the path to a stylesheet under intrahtdocs. =cut sub _transformWithStylesheet { my ($marc, $stylesheet) = @_; # grab the XML, run it through our stylesheet, push it out to the browser my $xmlrecord = marc2marcxml($marc); my $xslfile = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs') . $stylesheet; return C4::XSLT::engine->transform($xmlrecord, $xslfile); } sub marc2endnote { my ($marc) = @_; my $marc_rec_obj = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($marc); my ( $abstract, $f260a, $f710a ); my $f260 = $marc_rec_obj->field('260'); if ($f260) { $f260a = $f260->subfield('a') if $f260; } my $f710 = $marc_rec_obj->field('710'); if ($f710) { $f710a = $f710->subfield('a'); } my $f500 = $marc_rec_obj->field('500'); if ($f500) { $abstract = $f500->subfield('a'); } my $fields = { DB => C4::Context->preference("LibraryName"), Title => $marc_rec_obj->title(), Author => $marc_rec_obj->author(), Publisher => $f710a, City => $f260a, Year => $marc_rec_obj->publication_date, Abstract => $abstract, }; my $endnote; my $style = new Biblio::EndnoteStyle(); my $template; $template.= "DB - DB\n" if C4::Context->preference("LibraryName"); $template.="T1 - Title\n" if $marc_rec_obj->title(); $template.="A1 - Author\n" if $marc_rec_obj->author(); $template.="PB - Publisher\n" if $f710a; $template.="CY - City\n" if $f260a; $template.="Y1 - Year\n" if $marc_rec_obj->publication_date; $template.="AB - Abstract\n" if $abstract; my ($text, $errmsg) = $style->format($template, $fields); return ($text); } =head2 marc2csv - Convert several records from UNIMARC to CSV my ($csv) = marc2csv($biblios, $csvprofileid, $itemnumbers); Pre and postprocessing can be done through a YAML file Returns a CSV scalar C<$biblio> - a list of biblionumbers C<$csvprofileid> - the id of the CSV profile to use for the export (see export_format.export_format_id and the GetCsvProfiles function in C4::Csv) C<$itemnumbers> - a list of itemnumbers to export =cut sub marc2csv { my ($biblios, $id, $itemnumbers) = @_; $itemnumbers ||= []; my $output; my $csv = Text::CSV::Encoded->new(); # Getting yaml file my $configfile = "../tools/csv-profiles/$id.yaml"; my ($preprocess, $postprocess, $fieldprocessing); if (-e $configfile){ ($preprocess,$postprocess, $fieldprocessing) = YAML::LoadFile($configfile); } # Preprocessing eval $preprocess if ($preprocess); my $firstpass = 1; if ( @$itemnumbers ) { for my $itemnumber ( @$itemnumbers) { my $biblionumber = GetBiblionumberFromItemnumber $itemnumber; $output .= marcrecord2csv( $biblionumber, $id, $firstpass, $csv, $fieldprocessing, [$itemnumber] ); $firstpass = 0; } } else { foreach my $biblio (@$biblios) { $output .= marcrecord2csv( $biblio, $id, $firstpass, $csv, $fieldprocessing ); $firstpass = 0; } } # Postprocessing eval $postprocess if ($postprocess); return $output; } =head2 marcrecord2csv - Convert a single record from UNIMARC to CSV my ($csv) = marcrecord2csv($biblio, $csvprofileid, $header); Returns a CSV scalar C<$biblio> - a biblionumber C<$csvprofileid> - the id of the CSV profile to use for the export (see export_format.export_format_id and the GetCsvProfiles function in C4::Csv) C<$header> - true if the headers are to be printed (typically at first pass) C<$csv> - an already initialised Text::CSV object C<$fieldprocessing> C<$itemnumbers> a list of itemnumbers to export =cut sub marcrecord2csv { my ($biblio, $id, $header, $csv, $fieldprocessing, $itemnumbers) = @_; my $output; # Getting the record my $record = GetMarcBiblio($biblio); return unless $record; C4::Biblio::EmbedItemsInMarcBiblio( $record, $biblio, $itemnumbers ); # Getting the framework my $frameworkcode = GetFrameworkCode($biblio); # Getting information about the csv profile my $profile = GetCsvProfile($id); # Getting output encoding my $encoding = $profile->{encoding} || 'utf8'; # Getting separators my $csvseparator = $profile->{csv_separator} || ','; my $fieldseparator = $profile->{field_separator} || '#'; my $subfieldseparator = $profile->{subfield_separator} || '|'; # TODO: Be more generic (in case we have to handle other protected chars or more separators) if ($csvseparator eq '\t') { $csvseparator = "\t" } if ($fieldseparator eq '\t') { $fieldseparator = "\t" } if ($subfieldseparator eq '\t') { $subfieldseparator = "\t" } if ($csvseparator eq '\n') { $csvseparator = "\n" } if ($fieldseparator eq '\n') { $fieldseparator = "\n" } if ($subfieldseparator eq '\n') { $subfieldseparator = "\n" } $csv = $csv->encoding_out($encoding) ; $csv->sep_char($csvseparator); # Getting the marcfields my $marcfieldslist = $profile->{content}; # Getting the marcfields as an array my @marcfieldsarray = split('\|', $marcfieldslist); # Separating the marcfields from the user-supplied headers my @csv_structures; foreach (@marcfieldsarray) { my @result = split('=', $_, 2); my $content = ( @result == 2 ) ? $result[1] : $result[0]; my @fields; while ( $content =~ m|(\d{3})\$?(.)?|g ) { my $fieldtag = $1; my $subfieldtag = $2 || undef; push @fields, { fieldtag => $fieldtag, subfieldtag => $subfieldtag }; } if ( @result == 2) { push @csv_structures, { header => $result[0], content => $content, fields => \@fields }; } else { push @csv_structures, { content => $content, fields => \@fields } } } my ( @marcfieldsheaders, @csv_rows ); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $field_list; for my $field ( $record->fields ) { my $fieldtag = $field->tag; my $values; if ( $field->is_control_field ) { $values = $field->data(); } else { $values->{indicator}{1} = $field->indicator(1); $values->{indicator}{2} = $field->indicator(2); for my $subfield ( $field->subfields ) { my $subfieldtag = $subfield->[0]; my $value = $subfield->[1]; push @{ $values->{$subfieldtag} }, $value; } } # We force the key as an integer (trick for 00X and OXX fields) push @{ $field_list->{fields}{0+$fieldtag} }, $values; } # For each field or subfield foreach my $csv_structure (@csv_structures) { my @field_values; my $tags = $csv_structure->{fields}; my $content = $csv_structure->{content}; if ( $header ) { # If we have a user-supplied header, we use it if ( exists $csv_structure->{header} ) { push @marcfieldsheaders, $csv_structure->{header}; } else { # If not, we get the matching tag name from koha my $tag = $tags->[0]; if ( $tag->{subfieldtag} ) { my $query = "SELECT liblibrarian FROM marc_subfield_structure WHERE tagfield=? AND tagsubfield=?"; my @results = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $tag->{fieldtag}, $tag->{subfieldtag} ); push @marcfieldsheaders, $results[0]; } else { my $query = "SELECT liblibrarian FROM marc_tag_structure WHERE tagfield=?"; my @results = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $tag->{fieldtag} ); push @marcfieldsheaders, $results[0]; } } } # TT tags exist if ( $content =~ m|\[\%.*\%\]| ) { my $tt = Template->new(); my $template = $content; my $vars; # Replace 00X and 0XX with X or XX $content =~ s|fields.00(\d)|fields.$1|g; $content =~ s|fields.0(\d{2})|fields.$1|g; my $tt_output; $tt->process( \$content, $field_list, \$tt_output ); push @csv_rows, $tt_output; } else { for my $tag ( @$tags ) { my @fields = $record->field( $tag->{fieldtag} ); # If it is a subfield my @loop_values; if ( $tag->{subfieldtag} ) { # For each field foreach my $field (@fields) { my @subfields = $field->subfield( $tag->{subfieldtag} ); foreach my $subfield (@subfields) { my $authvalues = GetKohaAuthorisedValuesFromField( $tag->{fieldtag}, $tag->{subfieldtag}, $frameworkcode, undef); push @loop_values, (defined $authvalues->{$subfield}) ? $authvalues->{$subfield} : $subfield; } } # Or a field } else { my $authvalues = GetKohaAuthorisedValuesFromField( $tag->{fieldtag}, undef, $frameworkcode, undef); foreach my $field ( @fields ) { my $value; # If it is a control field if ($field->is_control_field) { $value = defined $authvalues->{$field->as_string} ? $authvalues->{$field->as_string} : $field->as_string; } else { # If it is a field, we gather all subfields, joined by the subfield separator my @subvaluesarray; my @subfields = $field->subfields; foreach my $subfield (@subfields) { push (@subvaluesarray, defined $authvalues->{$subfield->[1]} ? $authvalues->{$subfield->[1]} : $subfield->[1]); } $value = join ($subfieldseparator, @subvaluesarray); } # Field processing my $marcfield = $tag->{fieldtag}; # This line fixes a retrocompatibility concern # The "processing" could be based on the $marcfield variable. eval $fieldprocessing if ($fieldprocessing); push @loop_values, $value; } } push @field_values, { fieldtag => $tag->{fieldtag}, subfieldtag => $tag->{subfieldtag}, values => \@loop_values, }; } for my $field_value ( @field_values ) { if ( $field_value->{subfieldtag} ) { push @csv_rows, join( $subfieldseparator, @{ $field_value->{values} } ); } else { push @csv_rows, join( $fieldseparator, @{ $field_value->{values} } ); } } } } if ( $header ) { $csv->combine(@marcfieldsheaders); $output = $csv->string() . "\n"; } $csv->combine(@csv_rows); $output .= $csv->string() . "\n"; return $output; } =head2 changeEncoding - Change the encoding of a record my ($error, $newrecord) = changeEncoding($record,$format,$flavour,$to_encoding,$from_encoding); Changes the encoding of a record C<$record> - the record itself can be in ISO-2709, a MARC::Record object, or MARCXML for now (required) C<$format> - MARC or MARCXML (required) C<$flavour> - MARC21 or UNIMARC, if MARC21, it will change the leader (optional) [defaults to Koha system preference] C<$to_encoding> - the encoding you want the record to end up in (optional) [UTF-8] C<$from_encoding> - the encoding the record is currently in (optional, it will probably be able to tell unless there's a problem with the record) FIXME: the from_encoding doesn't work yet FIXME: better handling for UNIMARC, it should allow management of 100 field FIXME: shouldn't have to convert to and from xml/marc just to change encoding someone needs to re-write MARC::Record's 'encoding' method to actually alter the encoding rather than just changing the leader =cut sub changeEncoding { my ($record,$format,$flavour,$to_encoding,$from_encoding) = @_; my $newrecord; my $error; unless($flavour) {$flavour = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour")}; unless($to_encoding) {$to_encoding = "UTF-8"}; # ISO-2709 Record (MARC21 or UNIMARC) if (lc($format) =~ /^marc$/o) { # if we're converting encoding of an ISO2709 file, we need to roundtrip through XML # because MARC::Record doesn't directly provide us with an encoding method # It's definitely less than idea and should be fixed eventually - kados my $marcxml; # temporary storage of MARCXML scalar ($error,$marcxml) = marc2marcxml($record,$to_encoding,$flavour); unless ($error) { ($error,$newrecord) = marcxml2marc($marcxml,$to_encoding,$flavour); } # MARCXML Record } elsif (lc($format) =~ /^marcxml$/o) { # MARCXML Record my $marc; ($error,$marc) = marcxml2marc($record,$to_encoding,$flavour); unless ($error) { ($error,$newrecord) = marc2marcxml($record,$to_encoding,$flavour); } } else { $error.="Unsupported record format:".$format; } return ($error,$newrecord); } =head2 marc2bibtex - Convert from MARC21 and UNIMARC to BibTex my ($bibtex) = marc2bibtex($record, $id); Returns a BibTex scalar C<$record> - a MARC::Record object C<$id> - an id for the BibTex record (might be the biblionumber) =cut sub marc2bibtex { my ($record, $id) = @_; my $tex; my $marcflavour = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour"); # Authors my $author; my @texauthors; my @authorFields = ('100','110','111','700','710','711'); @authorFields = ('700','701','702','710','711','721') if ( $marcflavour eq "UNIMARC" ); foreach my $field ( @authorFields ) { # author formatted surname, firstname my $texauthor = ''; if ( $marcflavour eq "UNIMARC" ) { $texauthor = join ', ', ( $record->subfield($field,"a"), $record->subfield($field,"b") ); } else { $texauthor = $record->subfield($field,"a"); } push @texauthors, $texauthor if $texauthor; } $author = join ' and ', @texauthors; # Defining the conversion array according to the marcflavour my @bh; if ( $marcflavour eq "UNIMARC" ) { # FIXME, TODO : handle repeatable fields # TODO : handle more types of documents # Unimarc to bibtex array @bh = ( # Mandatory author => $author, title => $record->subfield("200", "a") || "", editor => $record->subfield("210", "g") || "", publisher => $record->subfield("210", "c") || "", year => $record->subfield("210", "d") || $record->subfield("210", "h") || "", # Optional volume => $record->subfield("200", "v") || "", series => $record->subfield("225", "a") || "", address => $record->subfield("210", "a") || "", edition => $record->subfield("205", "a") || "", note => $record->subfield("300", "a") || "", url => $record->subfield("856", "u") || "" ); } else { # Marc21 to bibtex array @bh = ( # Mandatory author => $author, title => $record->subfield("245", "a") || "", editor => $record->subfield("260", "f") || "", publisher => $record->subfield("264", "b") || $record->subfield("260", "b") || "", year => $record->subfield("264", "c") || $record->subfield("260", "c") || $record->subfield("260", "g") || "", # Optional # unimarc to marc21 specification says not to convert 200$v to marc21 series => $record->subfield("490", "a") || "", address => $record->subfield("264", "a") || $record->subfield("260", "a") || "", edition => $record->subfield("250", "a") || "", note => $record->subfield("500", "a") || "", url => $record->subfield("856", "u") || "" ); } my $BibtexExportAdditionalFields = C4::Context->preference('BibtexExportAdditionalFields'); my $additional_fields; if ($BibtexExportAdditionalFields) { $BibtexExportAdditionalFields = "$BibtexExportAdditionalFields\n\n"; $additional_fields = eval { YAML::Load($BibtexExportAdditionalFields); }; if ($@) { warn "Unable to parse BibtexExportAdditionalFields : $@"; $additional_fields = undef; } } if ( $additional_fields && $additional_fields->{'@'} ) { my ( $f, $sf ) = split( /\$/, $additional_fields->{'@'} ); my ( $type ) = read_field( { record => $record, field => $f, subfield => $sf, field_numbers => [1] } ); if ($type) { $tex .= '@' . $type . '{'; } else { $tex .= "\@book{"; } } else { $tex .= "\@book{"; } my @elt; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar( @bh ) ; $i = $i + 2 ) { next unless $bh[$i+1]; push @elt, qq|\t$bh[$i] = {$bh[$i+1]}|; } $tex .= join(",\n", $id, @elt); if ($additional_fields) { $tex .= ",\n"; foreach my $bibtex_tag ( keys %$additional_fields ) { next if $bibtex_tag eq '@'; my @fields = ref( $additional_fields->{$bibtex_tag} ) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $additional_fields->{$bibtex_tag} } : $additional_fields->{$bibtex_tag}; for my $tag (@fields) { my ( $f, $sf ) = split( /\$/, $tag ); my @values = read_field( { record => $record, field => $f, subfield => $sf } ); foreach my $v (@values) { $tex .= qq(\t$bibtex_tag = {$v}\n); } } } } else { $tex .= "\n"; } $tex .= "}\n"; return $tex; } =head1 INTERNAL FUNCTIONS =head2 _entity_encode - Entity-encode an array of strings my ($entity_encoded_string) = _entity_encode($string); or my (@entity_encoded_strings) = _entity_encode(@strings); Entity-encode an array of strings =cut sub _entity_encode { my @strings = @_; my @strings_entity_encoded; foreach my $string (@strings) { my $nfc_string = NFC($string); $nfc_string =~ s/([\x{0080}-\x{fffd}])/sprintf('&#x%X;',ord($1))/sgoe; push @strings_entity_encoded, $nfc_string; } return @strings_entity_encoded; } END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor) 1; __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Joshua Ferraro =head1 MODIFICATIONS =cut