[% USE raw %] [% USE Asset %] [% USE Context %] [% USE Koha %] [% USE Branches %] [% USE KohaDates %] [% USE Categories %] [% USE TablesSettings %] [% USE ItemTypes %] [% USE Price %] [% USE AuthorisedValues %] [% SET footerjs = 1 %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %] [% Asset.css("lib/jquery/plugins/rowGroup/stylesheets/rowGroup.dataTables.min.css") | $raw %] [% SET destination = "circ" %] [% IF patron %] Checking out to [% INCLUDE 'patron-title.inc' invert_name = 1 no_html = 1 %] › [% END %] Circulation › Koha [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'circ-search.inc' %]
[% IF patron %] [% INCLUDE 'members-toolbar.inc' %] [% END %]


[% IF ( was_renewed ) %]
Patron's account has been renewed until [% expiry | $KohaDates %]
[% END %] [% IF autoswitched %]
Patron was automatically switched by reading the patron card during checking out. Ensure you are working with the right patron.
Note about the accompanying materials: [% ADDITIONAL_MATERIALS | html %]
[% END %] [% IF ( alert.ITEM_LOST ) %]
This item has been lost with a status of "[% alert.ITEM_LOST | html %]".
[% END %] [% IF ( alert.OTHER_CHARGES ) %]
The patron has unpaid charges for holds, rentals etc of [% alert.OTHER_CHARGES | $Price %]
[% END %] [% IF alert.HIGHHOLDS %]
High demand item. Loan period was not shortened due to override. Shortened due date would have been [% alert.HIGHHOLDS.returndate | $KohaDates %] ([% alert.HIGHHOLDS.duration | html %] days).
Item was checked out to [% INCLUDE 'patron-title.inc' patron = alert.RETURNED_FROM_ANOTHER.patron %] and was returned automatically.
[% END %] [% IF ( nopermission ) %]
Staff members are not allowed to discharge borrowers, nor borrowers to request a discharge.
[% IF CAN_user_circulate_force_checkout or ADDITIONAL_MATERIALS %]

Please confirm checkout

[% ELSE %]

Cannot check out

[% END %]
  • Age restriction [% AGE_RESTRICTION | html %]. [% IF CAN_user_circulate_force_checkout %] Check out anyway? [% END %]
  • [% END %] [% IF ( DEBT ) %]
  • The patron has a debt of [% DEBT | $Price %].
  • [% END %] [% IF ( DEBT_GUARANTEES ) %]
  • The patron's guarantees collectively have a debt of [% DEBT_GUARANTEES | $Price %].
  • [% END %] [% IF ( DEBT_GUARANTORS ) %]
  • The patron's guarantors and their other guarantees collectively have a debt of [% DEBT_GUARANTORS | $Price %].
  • [% END %] [% IF ( RENTALCHARGE && RENTALCHARGE > 0 ) %]
  • Rental charge for this item: [% RENTALCHARGE | $Price %]
  • [% END %] [% IF ( RENEW_ISSUE ) %]
  • Item [% getTitleMessageIteminfo | html %] ([% getBarcodeMessageIteminfo | html %]) is currently checked out to this patron. Renew?
  • [% END %] [% IF ( RESERVE_WAITING ) %]
  • Item [% getTitleMessageIteminfo | html %] ([% getBarcodeMessageIteminfo | html %]) has been waiting for [% resfirstname | html %] [% ressurname | html %] ([% rescardnumber | html %]) at [% Branches.GetName( resbranchcode ) | html %] since [% reswaitingdate | $KohaDates %]
  • [% END %] [% IF ( TRANSFERRED ) %]
  • Item [% getTitleMessageIteminfo | html %] ([% getBarcodeMessageIteminfo | html %]) is on hold for [% resfirstname | html %] [% ressurname | html %] ([% rescardnumber | html %]) and being transferred to [% Branches.GetName( resbranchcode ) | html %]
  • [% END %] [% IF ( PROCESSING ) %]
  • Item [% getTitleMessageIteminfo | html %] ([% getBarcodeMessageIteminfo | html %]) is being processed for [% resfirstname | html %] [% ressurname | html %] ([% rescardnumber | html %]) at [% Branches.GetName( resbranchcode ) | html %]
  • [% END %] [% IF ( RESERVED ) %]
  • Item [% getTitleMessageIteminfo | html %] ([% getBarcodeMessageIteminfo | html %]) has been on hold for [% resfirstname | html %] [% ressurname | html %] ([% rescardnumber | html %]) at [% Branches.GetName( resbranchcode ) | html %] since [% resreservedate | $KohaDates %]
  • [% END %] [% IF ( ISSUED_TO_ANOTHER ) %]
  • Item [% getTitleMessageIteminfo | html %] ([% getBarcodeMessageIteminfo | html %]) is checked out to [% issued_firstname | html %] [% issued_surname | html %] ([% issued_cardnumber | html %]). [% IF CAN_user_circulate_force_checkout %] Check in and check out? [% END %]
  • Too many checked out. [% current_loan_count | html %] checked out, only [% max_loans_allowed | html %] are allowed.
  • Too many on-site checked out. [% current_loan_count | html %] on-site checked out, only [% max_loans_allowed | html %] are allowed.
  • [% END %] [% IF ( BORRNOTSAMEBRANCH ) %]
  • This patron is from a different library ([% Branches.GetName( BORRNOTSAMEBRANCH ) | html %])
  • [% END %] [% IF ( PATRON_CANT ) %]
  • This patron can't check out this item per library circulation policy.
  • [% END %] [% IF ( TOO_MANY and TOO_MANY == 'NO_RULE_DEFINED' ) %]
  • No circulation rule is defined for this patron and itemtype combination.
  • [% END %] [% IF ( NOT_FOR_LOAN_FORCING ) %]
  • [% IF ( itemtype_notforloan ) %] Item type is normally not for loan. [% ELSIF ( item_notforloan ) %] [% item_notforloan_lib = AuthorisedValues.GetDescriptionByKohaField( kohafield => 'items.notforloan', authorised_value => item.notforloan ) %] Item is normally not for loan[% IF (item_notforloan_lib) %] ([% item_notforloan_lib | html %])[% END %]. [% END %] [% IF CAN_user_circulate_force_checkout %] Check out anyway? [% END %]
  • Patron has [% USERBLOCKEDOVERDUE %] overdue item(s). [% IF CAN_user_circulate_force_checkout %] Check out anyway? [% END %]
  • [% END %] [% IF ( ITEM_LOST ) %]
  • This item has been lost with a status of "[% ITEM_LOST | html %]". [% IF CAN_user_circulate_force_checkout %] Check out anyway? [% END %]
  • [% END %] [% IF HIGHHOLDS %]
  • High demand item. Loan period shortened to [% HIGHHOLDS.duration | html %] days (due [% HIGHHOLDS.returndate | $KohaDates %]). Check out anyway?
  • [% END %] [% IF PREVISSUE %]
  • Patron has previously checked out this title: [% biblio.title | html %] [% IF biblio.author %] by [% biblio.author | html %][% END %]. Check out anyway?
  • Patron has already checked out another item from this record. [% IF CAN_user_circulate_force_checkout %] Check out anyway? [% END %]
  • Please confirm that the accompanying materials are present: [% ADDITIONAL_MATERIALS | html %]
  • [% END %] [% IF RECALLED %] [% IF RECALLED.waiting %]
  • Item [% RECALLED.biblio.title | html %] ([% RECALLED.item.barcode | html %]) has been waiting for [% RECALLED.patron.firstname | html %] [% RECALLED.patron.surname | html %] ([% RECALLED.patron.cardnumber | html %]) at [% Branches.GetName( RECALLED.pickup_library_id ) | html %] since [% RECALLED.waiting_date | $KohaDates %]
  • [% ELSIF RECALLED.requested or RECALLED.overdue %]
  • Item [% RECALLED.biblio.title | html %] [% IF RECALLED.item %]([% RECALLED.item.barcode | html %])[% END %] has been recalled by [% RECALLED.patron.firstname | html %] [% RECALLED.patron.surname | html %] ([% RECALLED.patron.cardnumber | html %]) at [% Branches.GetName( RECALLED.pickup_library_id ) | html %] since [% RECALLED.created_date | $KohaDates %]
  • [% END %] [% END %]
[% IF CAN_user_circulate_force_checkout or HIGHHOLDS %]
[% IF (forceallow) %][% END %] [% IF HIGHHOLDS %]

[% END %] [% IF ( RESERVED ) %]

[% END %] [% IF ( RESERVE_WAITING ) %]

[% END %] [% IF ( TRANSFERRED ) %]

[% END %] [% IF ( PROCESSING ) %]

[% END %] [% IF ( RECALLED ) %]

[% IF RECALLED.waiting %]

[% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( DEBT ) %][% END %] [% IF ( INVALID_DATE ) %]

[% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF ( RENEW_ISSUE ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %]
[% END # /IF CAN_user_circulate_force_checkout or HIGHHOLDS %] [% IF ( RESERVED or RESERVE_WAITING or TRANSFERRED or PROCESSING ) %]
[% END %] [% IF ( RECALLED ) %]
[% END %]
[% IF (forceallow) %][% END %] [% IF CAN_user_circulate_force_checkout or HIGHHOLDS %] [% IF ( RENEW_ISSUE ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% END %]
[% IF ( RESERVED || ISSUED_TO_ANOTHER || RECALLED ) && (CAN_user_reserveforothers_place_holds ) %] [% UNLESS noissues %] [% END %] [% END %]

Barcode not found

[% END %]
    [% IF ( DEBT_GUARANTORS ) %]
  • The patron's guarantors and their other guarantees collectively have a debt of [% DEBT_GUARANTORS | $Price %].
  • [% END %] [% IF ( STATS ) %]
  • Local use recorded
  • [% END %] [% IF ( INVALID_DATE ) %]
  • The due date "[% INVALID_DATE | html %]" is invalid
  • [% END %] [% IF ( UNKNOWN_BARCODE ) %]
  • The barcode was not found: [% barcode | html %]
    [% IF ( FALLBACK ) %] [% IF options %] [% ELSE %]
    No items were found by searching.
    [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( fast_cataloging ) %] [% IF ( CAN_user_editcatalogue_fast_cataloging ) %] Add record using fast cataloging [% END %] [% END %]
  • [% END %] [% IF ( NOT_FOR_LOAN ) %]
  • [% IF ( itemtype_notforloan ) %] Item type not for loan. [% ELSIF ( item_notforloan ) %] [% item_notforloan_lib = AuthorisedValues.GetDescriptionByKohaField( kohafield => 'items.notforloan', authorised_value => item.notforloan ) %] Item not for loan[% IF (item_notforloan_lib) %] ([% item_notforloan_lib | html %])[% END %]. [% END %]
  • [% END %] [% IF ( WTHDRAWN ) %]
  • Item has been withdrawn [% item_withdrawn_lib = AuthorisedValues.GetDescriptionByKohaField( kohafield => 'items.withdrawn', authorised_value => item.withdrawn ) %] [% IF (item_withdrawn_lib) %]([% item_withdrawn_lib | html %])[% END %]
  • [% END %] [% IF ( RESTRICTED ) %]
  • Item is restricted
  • [% END %] [% IF ( GNA ) %]
  • Patron's address is in doubt
  • [% END %] [% IF ( CARD_LOST ) %]
  • Patron's card is lost
  • [% END %] [% IF ( DEBARRED ) %]
  • Patron is restricted
  • [% END %] [% IF ( NO_MORE_RENEWALS ) %]
  • No more renewals possible
  • This item can not be renewed, it's an on-site checkout
  • [% END %] [%IF ( AGE_RESTRICTION ) %]
  • Age restriction [% AGE_RESTRICTION | html %].
  • [% END %] [% IF ( EXPIRED ) %]
  • Patron's card is expired
  • [% END %] [% IF ( TOO_MANY ) %]
  • Too many checked out. [% current_loan_count | html %] checked out, only [% max_loans_allowed | html %] are allowed.
  • [% END %] [% IF ( ITEMNOTSAMEBRANCH ) %]
  • This item belongs to [% Branches.GetName( itemhomebranch ) | html %] and cannot be checked out from this location.
  • This item must be returned to [% Branches.GetName( branch_to_return ) | html %].
  • Patron has a restriction until [% USERBLOCKEDWITHENDDATE | $KohaDates %].
  • Patron has an indefinite restriction.
  • Checkouts are BLOCKED because patron has overdue items.
  • [% END %] [% IF ( RECALLED_INTRANSIT ) %]
  • Item has been recalled and is in transit for pickup at [% Branches.GetName( RECALLED_INTRANSIT ) | html %].
  • [% END %]
[% IF (forceallow) %]
  • Restriction overridden temporarily.
  • [% END %]
    [% IF ( FALLBACK ) %] [% IF options %] [% END # /IF options %] [% END # /IF FALLBACK %] [% ELSE # IF IMPOSSIBLE %] [% IF (forceallow) %]
    Restriction overridden temporarily
    [% END %] [% END # /IF IMPOSSIBLE %] [% IF ( issued ) %]

    Item checked out

    [% END %] [% IF ( message ) %] [% INCLUDE 'patron-toolbar.inc' %]

    No patron matched [% message | html %]

    [% END %] [% IF patron %] [% IF patron.privacy == 2 AND NOT Koha.Preference('AnonymousPatron') %]
    Error: This patron has requested their circulation history be anonymized on check-in, but the AnonymousPatron system preference is empty or incorrect.
    [% END %]
    [% IF ( !noissues ) || ( Koha.Preference('OnSiteCheckouts') && Koha.Preference('OnSiteCheckoutsForce') )%]
    [% IF ( issue ) %]
    [% ELSE %]
    [% END %] [% IF ( DisplayClearScreenButton ) %] x [% END %] [% IF (forceallow) %][% END %] [% IF Koha.Preference('itemBarcodeFallbackSearch') %]
    Enter item barcode or keyword:
    [% ELSE %]
    Enter item barcode:
    [% END %] [% IF NEEDSCONFIRMATION %] [% ELSE %] [% END %]
    [% UNLESS ( noissues && Koha.Preference('OnSiteCheckoutsForce') ) %] [% IF ( SpecifyDueDate ) %]
    Specify due date [% INCLUDE 'date-format.inc' %]:
    [% IF ( duedatespec ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF ( stickyduedate ) %] [% ELSE %] [% END %]
    [% END %] [% END %] [% UNLESS ( noissues ) %] [% IF Koha.Preference('AllowSetAutomaticRenewal') %]
    [% IF NEEDSCONFIRMATION %] [% IF auto_renew %] [% IF patron.autorenew_checkouts %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% IF ( auto_renew && patron.autorenew_checkouts ) %] [% ELSIF patron.autorenew_checkouts %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% END %]
    [% END %] [% IF Koha.Preference('decreaseLoanHighHolds') %]
    [% IF NEEDSCONFIRMATION %] [% IF override_high_holds %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% IF override_high_holds %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% END %]
    [% END %] [% END %] [% IF Koha.Preference('OnSiteCheckouts') %]
    [% IF noissues %]
    [% ELSE %] [% IF Koha.Preference('OnSiteCheckoutAutoCheck') && onsite_checkout == "on" %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% END %]
    [% END %]
    [% IF ( CHARGES ) %] [% END %]
    [% IF ( issue ) %]

    Checked out: [% issue.item.biblio.title | html %] ([% issue.item.barcode | html %]). Due on [% issue.date_due | $KohaDates as_due_date => 1 %]

    [% END %]
    [% END #/IF !noissues %] [% IF ( noissues ) %] [% IF ( Koha.Preference('OnSiteCheckouts') && Koha.Preference('OnSiteCheckoutsForce') ) %]
    [% ELSE %]
    [% END %] [% ELSE %]
    [% END %] [% IF ( noissues ) %] [% IF ( Koha.Preference('OnSiteCheckouts') && Koha.Preference('OnSiteCheckoutsForce') ) %]
    [% ELSE %]

    Checking out to [% INCLUDE 'patron-title.inc' %]

    [% END %]

    Cannot check out! [% IF ( Koha.Preference('OnSiteCheckouts') && Koha.Preference('OnSiteCheckoutsForce') ) %] Only on-site checkouts are allowed [% END %]

    [% ELSE %]
    [% END %] [% INCLUDE 'patron_messages.inc' %]
    [% INCLUDE "checkouts-table.inc" %] [% INCLUDE "relatives-issues-table.inc" %] [% IF CAN_user_clubs && ( enrollable.count || enrollments.count ) %]
    [% END %] [% INCLUDE borrower_debarments.inc %]
    [% IF ( holds_count ) %]
    Hold date Title Call number Item type Barcode Pickup at Expiration Priority Cancel? Suspend? Status
    [% SET hold_cancellation = AuthorisedValues.GetAuthValueDropbox('HOLD_CANCELLATION') %] [% IF hold_cancellation.count %] [% END %]
    [% IF Koha.Preference('SuspendHoldsIntranet') %]
    [% IF Koha.Preference('AutoResumeSuspendedHolds') %] Specify date on which to resume [% INCLUDE 'date-format.inc' %]: [% END %]
    [% END # /IF SuspendHoldsIntranet %] [% ELSE # IF holds_count %]

    Patron has nothing on hold.

    [% END # /IF holds_count %]
    [% IF Koha.Preference('UseRecalls') %]
    [% INCLUDE 'recalls.inc' %]
    [% END %] [% IF Koha.Preference('ClaimReturnedLostValue') %] [% INCLUDE 'patron-return-claims.inc' %] [% END %] [% IF Koha.Preference('ArticleRequests') %] [% INCLUDE 'patron-article-requests.inc' %] [% END %]
    [% ELSIF borrowernumber # IF patron %]
    Patron not found. Return to search
    [% END # /IF patron %]
    [% IF Koha.Preference('CircSidebar') %] [% IF not( borrowernumber and patron ) %]
    [% END %] [% END %] [% IF borrowernumber and patron %]
    [% END %]
    [% IF Koha.Preference('ClaimReturnedLostValue') %] [% INCLUDE 'modals/resolve_return_claim.inc' %] [% END %] [% MACRO jsinclude BLOCK %] [% INCLUDE 'datatables.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'columns_settings.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'select2.inc' %] [% Asset.js("lib/jquery/plugins/rowGroup/dataTables.rowGroup.min.js") | $raw %] [% INCLUDE 'js-date-format.inc' %] [% Asset.js("js/pages/circulation.js") | $raw %] [% Asset.js("js/checkouts.js") | $raw %] [% IF Koha.Preference('ClaimReturnedLostValue') %] [% Asset.js("js/resolve_claim_modal.js") | $raw %] [% END %] [% Asset.js("js/holds.js") | $raw %] [% INCLUDE 'calendar.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'str/members-menu.inc' %] [% Asset.js("js/members-menu.js") | $raw %] [% Asset.js("js/recalls.js") | $raw %] [% END %] [% INCLUDE 'intranet-bottom.inc' %]