/* global __ */ // These default options are for translation but can be used // for any other datatables settings // To use it, write: // $("#table_id").dataTable($.extend(true, {}, dataTableDefaults, { // // other settings // } ) ); var dataTablesDefaults = { "language": { "paginate": { "first" : __("First"), "last" : __("Last"), "next" : __("Next"), "previous" : __("Previous") }, "emptyTable" : __("No data available in table"), "info" : __("Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries"), "infoEmpty" : __("No entries to show"), "infoFiltered" : __("(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)"), "lengthMenu" : __("Show _MENU_ entries"), "loadingRecords" : __("Loading..."), "processing" : __("Processing..."), "search" : __("Search:"), "zeroRecords" : __("No matching records found"), buttons: { "copyTitle" : __("Copy to clipboard"), "copyKeys" : __("Press ctrl or + C to copy the table data
to your system clipboard.

To cancel, click this message or press escape."), "copySuccess": { _: __("Copied %d rows to clipboard"), 1: __("Copied one row to clipboard"), }, "print": __("Print") } }, "dom": 't', "buttons": [ 'clearFilter', 'copy', 'csv', 'print' ], "paginate": false, initComplete: function( settings) { var tableId = settings.nTable.id // When the DataTables search function is triggered, // enable or disable the "Clear filter" button based on // the presence of a search string $("#" + tableId ).on( 'search.dt', function ( e, settings ) { if( settings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch == "" ){ $("#" + tableId + "_wrapper").find(".dt_button_clear_filter").addClass("disabled"); } else { $("#" + tableId + "_wrapper").find(".dt_button_clear_filter").removeClass("disabled"); } }); } }; $.fn.dataTable.ext.buttons.clearFilter = { fade: 100, className: "dt_button_clear_filter", titleAttr: __("Clear filter"), enabled: false, text: ' ' + __("Clear filter") + '', available: function ( dt ) { // The "clear filter" button is made available if this test returns true if( dt.settings()[0].aanFeatures.f ){ // aanFeatures.f is null if there is no search form return true; } }, action: function ( e, dt, node ) { dt.search( "" ).draw("page"); node.addClass("disabled"); } }; (function() { /* Plugin to allow text sorting to ignore articles * * In DataTables config: * "aoColumns": [ * { "sType": "anti-the" }, * ] * Based on the plugin found here: * http://datatables.net/plug-ins/sorting#anti_the * Modified to exclude HTML tags from sorting * Extended to accept a string of space-separated articles * from a configuration file (in English, "a," "an," and "the") */ var config_exclude_articles_from_sort = __("a an the"); if (config_exclude_articles_from_sort){ var articles = config_exclude_articles_from_sort.split(" "); var rpattern = ""; for( var i=0; i/g, "" ); var y = x.trim(); var z = y.replace(re, "").toLowerCase(); return z; }, "anti-the-asc": function ( a, b ) { return ((a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0)); }, "anti-the-desc": function ( a, b ) { return ((a < b) ? 1 : ((a > b) ? -1 : 0)); } }); }()); (function($) { $.fn.api = function(options, columns_settings, add_filters) { var settings = null; if(options) { if(!options.criteria || ['contains', 'starts_with', 'ends_with', 'exact'].indexOf(options.criteria.toLowerCase()) === -1) options.criteria = 'contains'; options.criteria = options.criteria.toLowerCase(); settings = $.extend(true, {}, dataTablesDefaults, { 'deferRender': true, "paging": true, 'serverSide': true, 'searching': true, 'processing': true, 'language': { 'emptyTable': (options.emptyTable) ? options.emptyTable : "No data available in table" }, 'pagingType': 'full', 'ajax': { 'type': 'GET', 'cache': true, 'dataSrc': 'data', 'beforeSend': function(xhr, settings) { this._xhr = xhr; if(options.embed) { xhr.setRequestHeader('x-koha-embed', Array.isArray(options.embed)?options.embed.join(','):options.embed); } }, 'dataFilter': function(data, type) { var json = {data: JSON.parse(data)}; if(total = this._xhr.getResponseHeader('x-total-count')) { json.recordsTotal = total; json.recordsFiltered = total; } if(total = this._xhr.getResponseHeader('x-base-total-count')) { json.recordsTotal = total; } return JSON.stringify(json); }, 'data': function( data, settings ) { var length = data.length; var start = data.start; var dataSet = { _page: Math.floor(start/length) + 1, _per_page: length }; var filter = data.search.value; var query_parameters = settings.aoColumns .filter(function(col) { return col.bSearchable && typeof col.data == 'string' && (data.columns[col.idx].search.value != '' || filter != '') }) .map(function(col) { var part = {}; var value = data.columns[col.idx].search.value != '' ? data.columns[col.idx].search.value : filter; part[!col.data.includes('.')?'me.'+col.data:col.data] = options.criteria === 'exact'?value:{like: (['contains', 'ends_with'].indexOf(options.criteria) !== -1?'%':'')+value+(['contains', 'starts_with'].indexOf(options.criteria) !== -1?'%':'')}; return part; }); if(query_parameters.length) { query_parameters = JSON.stringify(query_parameters.length === 1?query_parameters[0]:query_parameters); dataSet.q = query_parameters; delete options.query_parameters; } else { delete options.query_parameters; } dataSet._match = options.criteria; if(options.columns) { var order = data.order; order.forEach(function (e,i) { var order_col = e.column; var order_by = options.columns[order_col].data; var order_dir = e.dir == 'asc' ? '+' : '-'; dataSet._order_by = order_dir + (!order_by.includes('.')?'me.'+order_by:order_by); }); } return dataSet; } } }, options); } var counter = 0; var hidden_ids = []; var included_ids = []; $(columns_settings).each( function() { var named_id = $( 'thead th[data-colname="' + this.columnname + '"]', this ).index( 'th' ); var used_id = settings.bKohaColumnsUseNames ? named_id : counter; if ( used_id == -1 ) return; if ( this['is_hidden'] == "1" ) { hidden_ids.push( used_id ); } if ( this['cannot_be_toggled'] == "0" ) { included_ids.push( used_id ); } counter++; }); var exportColumns = ":visible:not(.noExport)"; if( settings.hasOwnProperty("exportColumns") ){ // A custom buttons configuration has been passed from the page exportColumns = settings["exportColumns"]; } var export_format = { body: function ( data, row, column, node ) { var newnode = $(node); if ( newnode.find(".noExport").length > 0 ) { newnode = newnode.clone(); newnode.find(".noExport").remove(); } return newnode.text().replace( /\n/g, ' ' ).trim(); } }; var export_buttons = [ { extend: 'excelHtml5', text: __("Excel"), exportOptions: { columns: exportColumns, format: export_format }, }, { extend: 'csvHtml5', text: __("CSV"), exportOptions: { columns: exportColumns, format: export_format }, }, { extend: 'copyHtml5', text: __("Copy"), exportOptions: { columns: exportColumns, format: export_format }, }, { extend: 'print', text: __("Print"), exportOptions: { columns: exportColumns, format: export_format }, } ]; settings[ "buttons" ] = [ { fade: 100, className: "dt_button_clear_filter", titleAttr: __("Clear filter"), enabled: false, text: ' ' + __("Clear filter") + '', action: function ( e, dt, node ) { dt.search( "" ).draw("page"); node.addClass("disabled"); } } ]; if( included_ids.length > 0 ){ settings[ "buttons" ].push( { extend: 'colvis', fade: 100, columns: included_ids, className: "columns_controls", titleAttr: __("Columns settings"), text: ' ' + __("Columns") + '', exportOptions: { columns: exportColumns } } ); } settings[ "buttons" ].push( { extend: 'collection', autoClose: true, fade: 100, className: "export_controls", titleAttr: __("Export or print"), text: ' ' + __("Export") + '', buttons: export_buttons } ); $(".dt_button_clear_filter, .columns_controls, .export_controls").tooltip(); return $(this).dataTable(settings); }; })(jQuery);