#!/usr/bin/perl # Import an iso2709 file into Koha 3 use strict; use warnings; #use diagnostics; BEGIN { # find Koha's Perl modules # test carefully before changing this use FindBin; eval { require "$FindBin::Bin/../kohalib.pl" }; } # Koha modules used use MARC::File::USMARC; use MARC::File::XML; use MARC::Record; use MARC::Batch; use MARC::Charset; use C4::Context; use C4::Biblio; use C4::Koha; use C4::Debug; use C4::Charset; use C4::Items; use YAML; use Unicode::Normalize; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; use Pod::Usage; use open qw( :std :encoding(UTF-8) ); binmode( STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)" ); my ( $input_marc_file, $number, $offset) = ('',0,0); my ($version, $delete, $test_parameter, $skip_marc8_conversion, $char_encoding, $verbose, $commit, $fk_off,$format,$biblios,$authorities,$keepids,$match, $isbn_check, $logfile); my ( $insert, $filters, $update, $all, $yamlfile, $authtypes ); my $cleanisbn = 1; my ($sourcetag,$sourcesubfield,$idmapfl, $dedup_barcode); my $framework = ''; $|=1; GetOptions( 'commit:f' => \$commit, 'file:s' => \$input_marc_file, 'n:f' => \$number, 'o|offset:f' => \$offset, 'h' => \$version, 'd' => \$delete, 't|test' => \$test_parameter, 's' => \$skip_marc8_conversion, 'c:s' => \$char_encoding, 'v:s' => \$verbose, 'fk' => \$fk_off, 'm:s' => \$format, 'l:s' => \$logfile, 'k|keepids:s' => \$keepids, 'b|biblios' => \$biblios, 'a|authorities' => \$authorities, 'authtypes:s' => \$authtypes, 'filter=s@' => \$filters, 'insert' => \$insert, 'update' => \$update, 'all' => \$all, 'match=s@' => \$match, 'i|isbn' => \$isbn_check, 'x:s' => \$sourcetag, 'y:s' => \$sourcesubfield, 'idmap:s' => \$idmapfl, 'cleanisbn!' => \$cleanisbn, 'yaml:s' => \$yamlfile, 'dedupbarcode' => \$dedup_barcode, 'framework=s' => \$framework, ); $biblios ||= !$authorities; $insert ||= !$update; if ($all) { $insert = 1; $update = 1; } if ($version || ($input_marc_file eq '')) { pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ); exit; } my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $heading_fields=get_heading_fields(); if (defined $idmapfl) { open(IDMAP,">$idmapfl") or die "cannot open $idmapfl \n"; } if ((not defined $sourcesubfield) && (not defined $sourcetag)){ $sourcetag="910"; $sourcesubfield="a"; } # save the CataloguingLog property : we don't want to log a bulkmarcimport. It will slow the import & # will create problems in the action_logs table, that can't handle more than 1 entry per second per user. my $CataloguingLog = C4::Context->preference('CataloguingLog'); $dbh->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=0 WHERE variable='CataloguingLog'"); if ($fk_off) { $dbh->do("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0"); } if ($delete) { if ($biblios){ print "deleting biblios\n"; $dbh->do("truncate biblio"); $dbh->do("truncate biblioitems"); $dbh->do("truncate items"); } else { print "deleting authorities\n"; $dbh->do("truncate auth_header"); } $dbh->do("truncate zebraqueue"); } if ($test_parameter) { print "TESTING MODE ONLY\n DOING NOTHING\n===============\n"; } my $marcFlavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') || 'MARC21'; print "Characteristic MARC flavour: $marcFlavour\n" if $verbose; my $starttime = gettimeofday; my $batch; my $fh = IO::File->new($input_marc_file); # don't let MARC::Batch open the file, as it applies the ':utf8' IO layer if (defined $format && $format =~ /XML/i) { # ugly hack follows -- MARC::File::XML, when used by MARC::Batch, # appears to try to convert incoming XML records from MARC-8 # to UTF-8. Setting the BinaryEncoding key turns that off # TODO: see what happens to ISO-8859-1 XML files. # TODO: determine if MARC::Batch can be fixed to handle # XML records properly -- it probably should be # be using a proper push or pull XML parser to # extract the records, not using regexes to look # for .*. $MARC::File::XML::_load_args{BinaryEncoding} = 'utf-8'; my $recordformat= ($marcFlavour eq "MARC21"?"USMARC":uc($marcFlavour)); #UNIMARC Authorities have a different way to manage encoding than UNIMARC biblios. $recordformat=$recordformat."AUTH" if ($authorities and $marcFlavour ne "MARC21"); $MARC::File::XML::_load_args{RecordFormat} = $recordformat; $batch = MARC::Batch->new( 'XML', $fh ); } else { $batch = MARC::Batch->new( 'USMARC', $fh ); } $batch->warnings_off(); $batch->strict_off(); my $i=0; my $commitnum = $commit ? $commit : 50; my $yamlhash; # Skip file offset if ( $offset ) { print "Skipping file offset: $offset records\n"; $batch->next() while ($offset--); } my ($tagid,$subfieldid); if ($authorities){ $tagid='001'; } else { ( $tagid, $subfieldid ) = GetMarcFromKohaField( "biblio.biblionumber", $framework ); $tagid||="001"; } # the SQL query to search on isbn my $sth_isbn = $dbh->prepare("SELECT biblionumber,biblioitemnumber FROM biblioitems WHERE isbn=?"); $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; my $loghandle; if ($logfile){ $loghandle= IO::File->new($logfile,"w") ; print $loghandle "id;operation;status\n"; } RECORD: while ( ) { my $record; # get records eval { $record = $batch->next() }; if ( $@ ) { print "Bad MARC record $i: $@ skipped\n"; # FIXME - because MARC::Batch->next() combines grabbing the next # blob and parsing it into one operation, a correctable condition # such as a MARC-8 record claiming that it's UTF-8 can't be recovered # from because we don't have access to the original blob. Note # that the staging import can deal with this condition (via # C4::Charset::MarcToUTF8Record) because it doesn't use MARC::Batch. next; } # skip if we get an empty record (that is MARC valid, but will result in AddBiblio failure last unless ( $record ); $i++; print "."; print "\n$i" unless $i % 100; # transcode the record to UTF8 if needed & applicable. if ($record->encoding() eq 'MARC-8' and not $skip_marc8_conversion) { # FIXME update condition my ($guessed_charset, $charset_errors); ($record, $guessed_charset, $charset_errors) = MarcToUTF8Record($record, $marcFlavour.(($authorities and $marcFlavour ne "MARC21")?'AUTH':'')); if ($guessed_charset eq 'failed') { warn "ERROR: failed to perform character conversion for record $i\n"; next RECORD; } } SetUTF8Flag($record); my $isbn; # remove trailing - in isbn (only for biblios, of course) if ($biblios && $cleanisbn) { my $tag = $marcFlavour eq 'UNIMARC' ? '010' : '020'; my $field = $record->field($tag); my $isbn = $field && $field->subfield('a'); if ( $isbn ) { $isbn =~ s/-//g; $field->update('a' => $isbn); } } my $id; # search for duplicates (based on Local-number) my $originalid; $originalid = GetRecordId( $record, $tagid, $subfieldid ); if ($match) { require C4::Search; my $query = build_query( $match, $record ); my $server = ( $authorities ? 'authorityserver' : 'biblioserver' ); $debug && warn $query; my ( $error, $results, $totalhits ) = C4::Search::SimpleSearch( $query, 0, 3, [$server] ); die "unable to search the database for duplicates : $error" if ( defined $error ); $debug && warn "$query $server : $totalhits"; if ( $results && scalar(@$results) == 1 ) { my $marcrecord = MARC::File::USMARC::decode( $results->[0] ); SetUTF8Flag($marcrecord); $id = GetRecordId( $marcrecord, $tagid, $subfieldid ); if ( $authorities && $marcFlavour ) { #Skip if authority in database is the same as the on in database if ( $marcrecord->field('005')->data >= $record->field('005')->data ) { if ($yamlfile) { $yamlhash->{$originalid}->{'authid'} = $id; # we recover all subfields of the heading authorities my @subfields; foreach my $field ( $marcrecord->field("2..") ) { push @subfields, map { ( $_->[0] =~ /[a-z]/ ? $_->[1] : () ) } $field->subfields(); } $yamlhash->{$originalid}->{'subfields'} = \@subfields; } next; } } } elsif ( $results && scalar(@$results) > 1 ) { $debug && warn "more than one match for $query"; } else { $debug && warn "nomatch for $query"; } } if ($keepids && $originalid) { my $storeidfield; if ( length($keepids) == 3 ) { $storeidfield = MARC::Field->new( $keepids, $originalid ); } else { $storeidfield = MARC::Field->new( substr( $keepids, 0, 3 ), "", "", substr( $keepids, 3, 1 ), $originalid ); } $record->insert_fields_ordered($storeidfield); $record->delete_field( $record->field($tagid) ); } foreach my $stringfilter (@$filters) { if ( length($stringfilter) == 3 ) { foreach my $field ( $record->field($stringfilter) ) { $record->delete_field($field); $debug && warn "removed : ", $field->as_string; } } elsif ($stringfilter =~ /([0-9]{3})([a-z0-9])(.*)/) { my $removetag = $1; my $removesubfield = $2; my $removematch = $3; if ( ( $removetag > "010" ) && $removesubfield ) { foreach my $field ( $record->field($removetag) ) { $field->delete_subfield( code => "$removesubfield", match => $removematch ); $debug && warn "Potentially removed : ", $field->subfield($removesubfield); } } } } unless ($test_parameter) { if ($authorities){ use C4::AuthoritiesMarc; my $authtypecode=GuessAuthTypeCode($record, $heading_fields); my $authid= ($id?$id:GuessAuthId($record)); if ($authid && GetAuthority($authid) && $update ){ ## Authority has an id and is in database : Replace eval { ( $authid ) = ModAuthority($authid,$record, $authtypecode) }; if ($@){ warn "Problem with authority $authid Cannot Modify"; printlog({id=>$originalid||$id||$authid, op=>"edit",status=>"ERROR"}) if ($logfile); } else{ printlog({id=>$originalid||$id||$authid, op=>"edit",status=>"ok"}) if ($logfile); } } elsif (defined $authid) { ## An authid is defined but no authority in database : add eval { ( $authid ) = AddAuthority($record,$authid, $authtypecode) }; if ($@){ warn "Problem with authority $authid Cannot Add ".$@; printlog({id=>$originalid||$id||$authid, op=>"insert",status=>"ERROR"}) if ($logfile); } else{ printlog({id=>$originalid||$id||$authid, op=>"insert",status=>"ok"}) if ($logfile); } } else { ## True insert in database eval { ( $authid ) = AddAuthority($record,"", $authtypecode) }; if ($@){ warn "Problem with authority $authid Cannot Add".$@; printlog({id=>$originalid||$id||$authid, op=>"insert",status=>"ERROR"}) if ($logfile); } else{ printlog({id=>$originalid||$id||$authid, op=>"insert",status=>"ok"}) if ($logfile); } } if ($yamlfile) { $yamlhash->{$originalid}->{'authid'} = $authid; my @subfields; foreach my $field ( $record->field("2..") ) { push @subfields, map { ( $_->[0] =~ /[a-z]/ ? $_->[1] : () ) } $field->subfields(); } $yamlhash->{$originalid}->{'subfields'} = \@subfields; } } else { my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, $itemnumbers_ref, $errors_ref ); $biblionumber = $id; # check for duplicate, based on ISBN (skip it if we already have found a duplicate with match parameter if (!$biblionumber && $isbn_check && $isbn) { # warn "search ISBN : $isbn"; $sth_isbn->execute($isbn); ($biblionumber,$biblioitemnumber) = $sth_isbn->fetchrow; } if (defined $idmapfl) { if ($sourcetag < "010"){ if ($record->field($sourcetag)){ my $source = $record->field($sourcetag)->data(); printf(IDMAP "%s|%s\n",$source,$biblionumber); } } else { my $source=$record->subfield($sourcetag,$sourcesubfield); printf(IDMAP "%s|%s\n",$source,$biblionumber); } } # create biblio, unless we already have it ( either match or isbn ) if ($biblionumber) { eval{$biblioitemnumber=GetBiblioData($biblionumber)->{biblioitemnumber};}; if ($update) { eval { ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) = ModBiblio( $record, $biblionumber, GetFrameworkcode($biblionumber) ) }; if ($@) { warn "ERROR: Edit biblio $biblionumber failed: $@\n"; printlog( { id => $id || $originalid || $biblionumber, op => "update", status => "ERROR" } ) if ($logfile); next RECORD; } else { printlog( { id => $id || $originalid || $biblionumber, op => "update", status => "ok" } ) if ($logfile); } } else { printlog( { id => $id || $originalid || $biblionumber, op => "insert", status => "warning : already in database" } ) if ($logfile); } } else { if ($insert) { eval { ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) = AddBiblio( $record, '', { defer_marc_save => 1 } ) }; if ($@) { warn "ERROR: Adding biblio $biblionumber failed: $@\n"; printlog( { id => $id || $originalid || $biblionumber, op => "insert", status => "ERROR" } ) if ($logfile); next RECORD; } else { printlog( { id => $id || $originalid || $biblionumber, op => "insert", status => "ok" } ) if ($logfile); } } else { printlog( { id => $id || $originalid || $biblionumber, op => "update", status => "warning : not in database" } ) if ($logfile); } } eval { ( $itemnumbers_ref, $errors_ref ) = AddItemBatchFromMarc( $record, $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, '' ); }; my $error_adding = $@; # Work on a clone so that if there are real errors, we can maybe # fix them up later. my $clone_record = $record->clone(); C4::Biblio::_strip_item_fields($clone_record, ''); # This sets the marc fields if there was an error, and also calls # defer_marc_save. ModBiblioMarc( $clone_record, $biblionumber, $framework ); if ( $error_adding ) { warn "ERROR: Adding items to bib $biblionumber failed: $error_adding"; printlog({id=>$id||$originalid||$biblionumber, op=>"insertitem",status=>"ERROR"}) if ($logfile); # if we failed because of an exception, assume that # the MARC columns in biblioitems were not set. next RECORD; } else{ printlog({id=>$id||$originalid||$biblionumber, op=>"insert",status=>"ok"}) if ($logfile); } if ($dedup_barcode && grep { exists $_->{error_code} && $_->{error_code} eq 'duplicate_barcode' } @$errors_ref) { # Find the record called 'barcode' my ($tag, $sub) = C4::Biblio::GetMarcFromKohaField('items.barcode', $framework); # Now remove any items that didn't have a duplicate_barcode error, # erase the barcodes on items that did, and re-add those items. my %dupes; foreach my $i (0 .. $#{$errors_ref}) { my $ref = $errors_ref->[$i]; if ($ref && ($ref->{error_code} eq 'duplicate_barcode')) { $dupes{$ref->{item_sequence}} = 1; # Delete the error message because we're going to # retry this one. delete $errors_ref->[$i]; } } my $seq = 0; foreach my $field ($record->field($tag)) { $seq++; if ($dupes{$seq}) { # Here we remove the barcode $field->delete_subfield(code => $sub); } else { # otherwise we delete the field because we don't want # two of them $record->delete_fields($field); } } # Now re-add the record as before, adding errors to the prev list my $more_errors; eval { ( $itemnumbers_ref, $more_errors ) = AddItemBatchFromMarc( $record, $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, '' ); }; if ( $@ ) { warn "ERROR: Adding items to bib $biblionumber failed: $@\n"; printlog({id=>$id||$originalid||$biblionumber, op=>"insertitem",status=>"ERROR"}) if ($logfile); # if we failed because of an exception, assume that # the MARC columns in biblioitems were not set. ModBiblioMarc( $record, $biblionumber, $framework ); next RECORD; } else { printlog({id=>$id||$originalid||$biblionumber, op=>"insert",status=>"ok"}) if ($logfile); } push @$errors_ref, @{ $more_errors }; } if ($#{ $errors_ref } > -1) { report_item_errors($biblionumber, $errors_ref); } $yamlhash->{$originalid} = $biblionumber if ($yamlfile); } $dbh->commit() if (0 == $i % $commitnum); } last if $i == $number; } $dbh->commit(); if ($fk_off) { $dbh->do("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1"); } # restore CataloguingLog $dbh->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=$CataloguingLog WHERE variable='CataloguingLog'"); my $timeneeded = gettimeofday - $starttime; print "\n$i MARC records done in $timeneeded seconds\n"; if ($logfile){ print $loghandle "file : $input_marc_file\n"; print $loghandle "$i MARC records done in $timeneeded seconds\n"; $loghandle->close; } if ($yamlfile) { open my $yamlfileout, q{>}, "$yamlfile" or die "cannot open $yamlfile \n"; print $yamlfileout Dump($yamlhash); } exit 0; sub GetRecordId{ my $marcrecord=shift; my $tag=shift; my $subfield=shift; my $id; if ($tag lt "010"){ return $marcrecord->field($tag)->data() if $marcrecord->field($tag); } elsif ($subfield){ if ($marcrecord->field($tag)){ return $marcrecord->subfield($tag,$subfield); } } return $id; } sub build_query { my $match = shift; my $record=shift; my @searchstrings; foreach my $matchingpoint (@$match){ my $string = build_simplequery($matchingpoint,$record); push @searchstrings,$string if (length($string)>0); } my $QParser; $QParser = C4::Context->queryparser if (C4::Context->preference('UseQueryParser')); my $op; if ($QParser) { $op = '&&'; } else { $op = 'and'; } return join(" $op ",@searchstrings); } sub build_simplequery { my $element=shift; my $record=shift; my @searchstrings; my ($index,$recorddata)=split /,/,$element; if ($recorddata=~/(\d{3})(.*)/) { my ($tag,$subfields) =($1,$2); foreach my $field ($record->field($tag)){ if (length($field->as_string("$subfields"))>0){ push @searchstrings,"$index:\"".$field->as_string("$subfields")."\""; } } } my $QParser; $QParser = C4::Context->queryparser if (C4::Context->preference('UseQueryParser')); my $op; if ($QParser) { $op = '&&'; } else { $op = 'and'; } return join(" $op ",@searchstrings); } sub report_item_errors { my $biblionumber = shift; my $errors_ref = shift; foreach my $error (@{ $errors_ref }) { next if !$error; my $msg = "Item not added (bib $biblionumber, item tag #$error->{'item_sequence'}, barcode $error->{'item_barcode'}): "; my $error_code = $error->{'error_code'}; $error_code =~ s/_/ /g; $msg .= "$error_code $error->{'error_information'}"; print $msg, "\n"; } } sub printlog{ my $logelements=shift; print $loghandle join( ";", map { defined $_ ? $_ : "" } @$logelements{qw} ), "\n"; } sub get_heading_fields{ my $headingfields; if ($authtypes){ $headingfields=YAML::LoadFile($authtypes); $headingfields={C4::Context->preference('marcflavour')=>$headingfields}; $debug && warn YAML::Dump($headingfields); } unless ($headingfields){ $headingfields=$dbh->selectall_hashref("SELECT auth_tag_to_report, authtypecode from auth_types",'auth_tag_to_report',{Slice=>{}}); $headingfields={C4::Context->preference('marcflavour')=>$headingfields}; } return $headingfields; } =head1 NAME bulkmarcimport.pl - Import bibliographic/authority records into Koha =head1 USAGE $ export KOHA_CONF=/etc/koha.conf $ perl misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl -d -commit 1000 \\ -file /home/jmf/koha.mrc -n 3000 =head1 WARNING Don't use this script before you've entered and checked your MARC parameters tables twice (or more!). Otherwise, the import won't work correctly and you will get invalid data. =head1 DESCRIPTION =over =item B<-h> This version/help screen =item B<-b, -biblios> Type of import: bibliographic records =item B<-a, -authorities> Type of import: authority records =item B<-file>=I The I to import =item B<-v> Verbose mode. 1 means "some infos", 2 means "MARC dumping" =item B<-fk> Turn off foreign key checks during import. =item B<-n>=I The I of records to import. If missing, all the file is imported =item B<-o, -offset>=I File offset before importing, ie I of records to skip. =item B<-commit>=I The I of records to wait before performing a 'commit' operation =item B<-l> File logs actions done for each record and their status into file =item B<-t, -test> Test mode: parses the file, saying what he would do, but doing nothing. =item B<-s> Skip automatic conversion of MARC-8 to UTF-8. This option is provided for debugging. =item B<-c>=I The I MARC flavour. At the moment, only I and I are supported. MARC21 by default. =item B<-d> Delete EVERYTHING related to biblio in koha-DB before import. Tables: biblio, biblioitems, items =item B<-m>=I Input file I: I or I (defaults to ISO2709) =item B<-authtypes> file yamlfile with authoritiesTypes and distinguishable record field in order to store the correct authtype =item B<-yaml> yaml file format a yaml file with ids =item B<-filter> list of fields that will not be imported. Can be any from 000 to 999 or field, subfield and subfield's matching value such as 200avalue =item B<-insert> if set, only insert when possible =item B<-update> if set, only updates (any biblio should have a matching record) =item B<-all> if set, do whatever is required =item B<-k, -keepids>= Field store ids in I (usefull for authorities, where 001 contains the authid for Koha, that can contain a very valuable info for authorities coming from LOC or BNF. useless for biblios probably) =item B<-match>= I matchindex,fieldtomatch matchpoint to use to deduplicate fieldtomatch can be either 001 to 999 or field and list of subfields as such 100abcde =item B<-i,-isbn> If set, a search will be done on isbn, and, if the same isbn is found, the biblio is not added. It's another method to deduplicate. B<-match> & B<-isbn> can be both set. =item B<-cleanisbn> Clean ISBN fields from entering biblio records, ie removes hyphens. By default, ISBN are cleaned. --nocleanisbn will keep ISBN unchanged. =item B<-x>=I Source bib I for reporting the source bib number =item B<-y>=I Source I for reporting the source bib number =item B<-idmap>=I I for the koha bib and source id =item B<-keepids> Store ids in 009 (usefull for authorities, where 001 contains the authid for Koha, that can contain a very valuable info for authorities coming from LOC or BNF. useless for biblios probably) =item B<-dedupbarcode> If set, whenever a duplicate barcode is detected, it is removed and the attempt to add the record is retried, thereby giving the record a blank barcode. This is useful when something has set barcodes to be a biblio ID, or similar (usually other software.) =item B<-framework> This is the code for the framework that the requested records will have attached to them when they are created. If not specified, then the default framework will be used. =back =cut