(function( w ){ // if the class is already set, the font has already been loaded if( w.document.documentElement.className.indexOf( "fonts-loaded" ) > -1 ){ return; } var PrimaryFont = new w.FontFaceObserver( "NotoSans", { weight: 400 }); PrimaryFont.load(null, 5000).then(function(){ w.document.documentElement.className += " fonts-loaded"; }, function(){ console.log("Failed"); }); }( this )); // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1038746/equivalent-of-string-format-in-jquery/5341855#5341855 String.prototype.format = function() { return formatstr(this, arguments) } function formatstr(str, col) { col = typeof col === 'object' ? col : Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); var idx = 0; return str.replace(/%%|%s|%(\d+)\$s/g, function (m, n) { if (m == "%%") { return "%"; } if (m == "%s") { return col[idx++]; } return col[n]; }); }; function confirmDelete(message) { return (confirm(message) ? true : false); } function Dopop(link) { newin=window.open(link,'popup','width=500,height=400,toolbar=false,scrollbars=yes,resizeable=yes'); } jQuery.fn.preventDoubleFormSubmit = function() { jQuery(this).submit(function() { if (this.beenSubmitted) return false; else this.beenSubmitted = true; }); }; function prefixOf (s, tok) { var index = s.indexOf(tok); return s.substring(0, index); } function suffixOf (s, tok) { var index = s.indexOf(tok); return s.substring(index + 1); } // Adapted from https://gist.github.com/jnormore/7418776 function confirmModal(message, title, yes_label, no_label, callback) { $("#bootstrap-confirm-box-modal").data('confirm-yes', false); if($("#bootstrap-confirm-box-modal").length == 0) { $("body").append(''); $("#bootstrap-confirm-box-modal-submit").on('click', function () { $("#bootstrap-confirm-box-modal").data('confirm-yes', true); $("#bootstrap-confirm-box-modal").modal('hide'); return false; }); $("#bootstrap-confirm-box-modal").on('hide.bs.modal', function () { if(callback) callback($("#bootstrap-confirm-box-modal").data('confirm-yes')); }); } $("#bootstrap-confirm-box-modal .modal-header h4").text( title || "" ); $("#bootstrap-confirm-box-modal .modal-body p").text( message || "" ); $("#bootstrap-confirm-box-modal-submit").text( yes_label || 'Confirm' ); $("#bootstrap-confirm-box-modal-cancel").text( no_label || 'Cancel' ); $("#bootstrap-confirm-box-modal").modal('show'); }