#!/usr/bin/perl use Modern::Perl; use CGI; use Test::More tests => 5; use C4::Acquisition qw( NewBasket GetBasket GetBasketAsCSV ); use C4::Biblio qw( AddBiblio ); use Koha::Database; use Koha::CsvProfiles; use Koha::Acquisition::Orders; use Koha::Biblios; use t::lib::Mocks; use Try::Tiny; my $schema = Koha::Database->new()->schema(); $schema->storage->txn_begin(); my $query = CGI->new(); my $vendor = Koha::Acquisition::Bookseller->new({ name => 'my vendor', address1 => 'vendor address', active => 1, deliverytime => 5, })->store; my $budget_id = C4::Budgets::AddBudget({ budget_code => 'my_budget_code', budget_name => 'My budget name', }); my $budget = C4::Budgets::GetBudget( $budget_id ); my $csv_profile = Koha::CsvProfile->new({ profile => 'my user profile', type => 'export_basket', csv_separator => ',', content => 'autor=biblio.author|title=biblio.title|quantity=aqorders.quantity', description => 'csv profile', })->store; my $csv_profile2 = Koha::CsvProfile->new({ profile => 'my user profile', type => 'export_basket', csv_separator => ',', content => 'biblio.author | title = biblio.title|quantity=aqorders.quantity', description => 'csv profile 2', })->store; my $basketno; $basketno = NewBasket($vendor->id, 1); my $biblio = MARC::Record->new(); $biblio->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '100', ' ', ' ', a => 'King, Stephen' ), MARC::Field->new( '245', ' ', ' ', a => 'Test Record' ), ); my ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = AddBiblio($biblio, ''); my $order = Koha::Acquisition::Order->new({ basketno => $basketno, quantity => 3, biblionumber => $biblionumber, budget_id => $budget_id, entrydate => '2016-01-02', })->store; # Use user CSV profile my $basket_csv1 = C4::Acquisition::GetBasketAsCSV($basketno, $query, $csv_profile->export_format_id); is($basket_csv1, 'autor,title,quantity "King, Stephen","Test Record",3 ', 'CSV should be generated with user profile'); # Use default template t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'CSVDelimiter', ',' ); my $basket_csv2 = C4::Acquisition::GetBasketAsCSV( $basketno, $query ); is( $basket_csv2, '"Contract name","Order number","Entry date","ISBN","Author","Title","Publication year","Publisher","Collection title","Note for vendor","Quantity","RRP","Delivery place","Billing place" "",' . $order->ordernumber . ',2016-01-02,,"King, Stephen","Test Record",,"","","",3,,"","" ', 'CSV should be generated with default template' ); my $basket_csv3 = C4::Acquisition::GetBasketAsCSV($basketno, $query, $csv_profile2->export_format_id); is($basket_csv3, 'biblio.author,title,quantity "King, Stephen","Test Record",3 ', 'CSV should be generated with user profile which does not have all headers defined'); try { my $basket_csv4 = C4::Acquisition::GetBasketAsCSV($basketno, $query, 'non_existant_profile_id'); fail("It is not possible to export basket using non-existant profile"); } catch { ok($_->isa("Koha::Exceptions::ObjectNotFound"), "Using non-existant profile should throw ObjectNotFound exception"); }; Koha::Biblios->find($biblionumber)->delete; my $basket_csv4 = C4::Acquisition::GetBasketAsCSV( $basketno, $query ); is( $basket_csv4, '"Contract name","Order number","Entry date","ISBN","Author","Title","Publication year","Publisher","Collection title","Note for vendor","Quantity","RRP","Delivery place","Billing place" "",' . $order->ordernumber . ',2016-01-02,,"","",,"","","",3,,"","" ', 'CSV should not fail if biblio does not exist' ); $schema->storage->txn_rollback();