package Koha::MetaSearcher; # Copyright 2014 ByWater Solutions # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use base 'Class::Accessor'; use C4::Charset qw( MarcToUTF8Record SetUTF8Flag ); use C4::Search qw( new_record_from_zebra ); use DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator; use IO::Select; use Koha::Caches; use Koha::Database; use Koha::MetadataRecord; use MARC::File::XML; use Storable qw( fd_retrieve store_fd ); use Time::HiRes qw( clock_gettime CLOCK_MONOTONIC ); use UUID; use ZOOM; use sort 'stable'; __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( qw( fetch offset on_error resultset ) ); sub new { my ( $class, $options ) = @_; my ( $uuid, $uuidstring ); UUID::generate($uuid); UUID::unparse( $uuid, $uuidstring ); return bless { offset => 0, fetch => 100, on_error => sub {}, results => [], resultset => $uuidstring, %{ $options || {} } }, $class; } sub handle_hit { my ( $self, $index, $server, $marcrecord ) = @_; my $record = Koha::MetadataRecord->new( { schema => 'marc', record => $marcrecord } ); my %fetch = ( title => 'biblio.title', subtitle => 'biblio.subtitle', seriestitle => 'biblio.seriestitle', author => '', isbn =>'biblioitems.isbn', issn =>'biblioitems.issn', lccn =>'biblioitems.lccn', #LC control number (not call number) edition =>'biblioitems.editionstatement', date => 'biblio.copyrightdate', #MARC21 date2 => 'biblioitems.publicationyear', #UNIMARC ); my $metadata = {}; while ( my ( $key, $kohafield ) = each %fetch ) { $metadata->{$key} = $record->getKohaField($kohafield); } $metadata->{date} //= $metadata->{date2}; push @{ $self->{results} }, { server => $server, index => $index, record => $marcrecord, metadata => $metadata, }; } sub search { my ( $self, $server_ids, $query ) = @_; my $resultset_expiry = 300; my $cache = Koha::Caches->get_instance(); my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema; my $stats = { num_fetched => { map { $_ => 0 } @$server_ids }, num_hits => { map { $_ => 0 } @$server_ids }, total_fetched => 0, total_hits => 0, }; my $start = clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC ); my $select = IO::Select->new; my @cached_sets; my @servers; foreach my $server_id ( @$server_ids ) { if ( $server_id =~ /^\d+$/ ) { # Z39.50 server my $server = $schema->resultset('Z3950server')->find( { id => $server_id }, { result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator' }, ); $server->{type} = 'z3950'; push @servers, $server; } elsif ( $server_id =~ /(\w+)(?::(\w+))?/ ) { # Special server push @servers, { type => $1, extra => $2, id => $server_id, host => $server_id, servername => $server_id, }; } } # HashRefInflator is used so that the information will survive into the fork foreach my $server ( @servers ) { if ( $cache ) { my $set = $cache->get_from_cache( 'z3950-resultset-' . $self->resultset . '-' . $server->{id} ); if ( ref($set) eq 'HASH' ) { $set->{server} = $server; push @cached_sets, $set; next; } } $select->add( $self->_start_worker( $server, $query ) ); } # Handle these while the servers are searching foreach my $set ( @cached_sets ) { $self->_handle_hits( $stats, $set ); } while ( $select->count ) { foreach my $readfh ( $select->can_read() ) { my $result = fd_retrieve( $readfh ); $select->remove( $readfh ); close $readfh; wait; next if ( ref $result ne 'HASH' ); if ( $result->{error} ) { $self->{on_error}->( $result->{server}, $result->{error} ); next; } $self->_handle_hits( $stats, $result ); if ( $cache ) { $cache->set_in_cache( 'z3950-resultset-' . $self->resultset . '-' . $result->{server}->{id}, { hits => $result->{hits}, num_fetched => $result->{num_fetched}, num_hits => $result->{num_hits}, }, { expiry => $resultset_expiry } ); } } } $stats->{time} = clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC ) - $start; return $stats; } sub _start_worker { my ( $self, $server, $query ) = @_; pipe my $readfh, my $writefh; # Accessing the cache or Koha database after the fork is risky, so get any resources we need # here. my $pid; my $marcflavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour'); if ( ( $pid = fork ) ) { # Parent process close $writefh; return $readfh; } elsif ( !defined $pid ) { # Error $self->{on_error}->( $server, 'Failed to fork' ); return; } close $readfh; my $connection; my ( $num_hits, $num_fetched, $hits, $results ); eval { if ( $server->{type} eq 'z3950' ) { my $zoptions = ZOOM::Options->new(); $zoptions->option( 'elementSetName', 'F' ); $zoptions->option( 'databaseName', $server->{db} ); $zoptions->option( 'user', $server->{userid} ) if $server->{userid}; $zoptions->option( 'password', $server->{password} ) if $server->{password}; $zoptions->option( 'preferredRecordSyntax', $server->{syntax} ); $zoptions->option( 'timeout', $server->{timeout} ) if $server->{timeout}; $connection = ZOOM::Connection->create($zoptions); $connection->connect( $server->{host}, $server->{port} ); $results = $connection->search_pqf( $query ); # Starts the search } elsif ( $server->{type} eq 'koha' ) { $connection = C4::Context->Zconn( $server->{extra} ); $results = $connection->search_pqf( $query ); # Starts the search } elsif ( $server->{type} eq 'batch' ) { $server->{encoding} = 'utf-8'; } }; if ($@) { store_fd { error => $connection ? $connection->exception() : $@, server => $server, }, $writefh; exit; } if ( $server->{type} eq 'batch' ) { # TODO: actually handle PQF $query =~ s/@\w+ (?:\d+=\d+ )?//g; $query =~ s/"//g; my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema; $schema->storage->debug(1); my $match_condition = [ map +{ -like => '%' . $_ . '%' }, split( /\s+/, $query ) ]; $hits = [ $schema->resultset('ImportRecord')->search( { import_batch_id => $server->{extra}, -or => [ { 'import_biblios.title' => $match_condition }, { '' => $match_condition }, { 'import_biblios.isbn' => $match_condition }, { 'import_biblios.issn' => $match_condition }, ], }, { join => [ qw( import_biblios ) ], rows => $self->{fetch}, } )->get_column( 'marc' )->all ]; $num_hits = $num_fetched = scalar @$hits; } else { $num_hits = $results->size; $num_fetched = ( $self->{offset} + $self->{fetch} ) < $num_hits ? $self->{fetch} : $num_hits; $hits = [ map { $_->raw() } @{ $results->records( $self->{offset}, $num_fetched, 1 ) } ]; } if ( !@$hits && $connection && $connection->exception() ) { store_fd { error => $connection->exception(), server => $server, }, $writefh; exit; } if ( $server->{type} eq 'koha' ) { $hits = [ map { C4::Search::new_record_from_zebra( $server->{extra}, $_ ) } @$hits ]; } else { $hits = [ map { $self->_import_record( $_, $marcflavour, $server->{encoding} ? $server->{encoding} : "iso-5426" ) } @$hits ]; } store_fd { hits => $hits, num_fetched => $num_fetched, num_hits => $num_hits, server => $server, }, $writefh; exit; } sub _import_record { my ( $self, $raw, $marcflavour, $encoding ) = @_; my ( $marcrecord ) = MarcToUTF8Record( $raw, $marcflavour, $encoding ); #ignores charset return values SetUTF8Flag($marcrecord); return $marcrecord; } sub _handle_hits { my ( $self, $stats, $set ) = @_; my $server = $set->{server}; my $num_hits = $stats->{num_hits}->{ $server->{id} } = $set->{num_hits}; my $num_fetched = $stats->{num_fetched}->{ $server->{id} } = $set->{num_fetched}; $stats->{total_hits} += $num_hits; $stats->{total_fetched} += $num_fetched; foreach my $j ( 0..$#{ $set->{hits} } ) { $self->handle_hit( $self->{offset} + $j, $server, $set->{hits}->[$j] ); } } sub sort { my ( $self, $key, $direction ) = @_; my $empty_flip = -1; # Determines the flip of ordering for records with empty sort keys. foreach my $hit ( @{ $self->{results} } ) { ( $hit->{sort_key} = $hit->{metadata}->{$key} || '' ) =~ s/\W//g; } $self->{results} = [ sort { # Sort empty records at the end return -$empty_flip unless $a->{sort_key}; return $empty_flip unless $b->{sort_key}; $direction * ( $a->{sort_key} cmp $b->{sort_key} ); } @{ $self->{results} } ]; } sub results { my ( $self, $offset, $length ) = @_; my @subset; foreach my $i ( $offset..( $offset + $length - 1 ) ) { push @subset, $self->{results}->[$i] if $self->{results}->[$i]; } return @subset; } 1;