#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright 2008-2009 BibLibre SARL # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . #script to administer the aqbudgets0 table #written 20/02/2002 by paul.poulain@free.fr # This software is placed under the gnu General Public License, v2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) use Modern::Perl; use CGI qw ( -utf8 ); use Date::Calc qw( Delta_YMD ); use Date::Manip qw( DateCalc UnixDate ); use Text::CSV_XS; use C4::Budgets qw( CanUserUseBudget GetBudgetAuthCats GetBudgetHierarchy GetBudgetPeriod GetBudgetsPlanCell GetCols GetPeriodsCount HideCols ModBudgetPlan ); use C4::Context; use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers ); use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user ); use Koha::Acquisition::Currencies; our $input = CGI->new; #### $input my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie, $staff_flags ) = get_template_and_user( { template_name => "admin/aqplan.tt", query => $input, type => "intranet", flagsrequired => { acquisition => 'planning_manage' }, } ); my $budget_period_id = $input->param('budget_period_id'); # ' ------- get periods stuff ------------------' # IF PERIOD_ID IS DEFINED, GET THE PERIOD - ELSE GET THE ACTIVE PERIOD BY DEFAULT my $period = GetBudgetPeriod($budget_period_id); my $count = GetPeriodsCount(); my $active_currency = Koha::Acquisition::Currencies->get_active; if ( $active_currency ) { $template->param( symbol => $active_currency->symbol, currency => $active_currency->currency, ); } $template->param( period_button_only => 1 ) if $count == 0; # authcats_loop populates the YUI planning button my $auth_cats_loop = GetBudgetAuthCats($budget_period_id); $budget_period_id = $period->{'budget_period_id'}; my $budget_period_startdate = $period->{'budget_period_startdate'}; my $budget_period_enddate = $period->{'budget_period_enddate'}; my $budget_period_locked = $period->{'budget_period_locked'}; my $budget_period_description = $period->{'budget_period_description'}; $template->param( budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_period_locked => $budget_period_locked, budget_period_description => $budget_period_description, auth_cats_loop => $auth_cats_loop, ); # ------- get periods stuff ------------------ my $borrower_branchcode = my $branch_code = C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'}; my $authcat = $input->param('authcat'); my $show_active = $input->param('show_active') // 0; my $show_actual = $input->param('show_actual'); my $show_percent = $input->param('show_percent'); my $output = $input->param("output") // q{}; our $basename = $input->param("basename"); our $del = C4::Context->csv_delimiter(scalar $input->param("sep")); my $show_mine = $input->param('show_mine') ; my @hide_cols = $input->multi_param('hide_cols'); if ( $budget_period_locked == 1 && not defined $show_actual ) { $show_actual = 1; } $authcat = 'Asort1' if not defined $authcat; # defaults to Asort if no authcat given my $budget_id = $input->param('budget_id'); my $op = $input->param("op") // q{}; my $budgets_ref = GetBudgetHierarchy( $budget_period_id, $show_mine ? $borrower_branchcode : '', $show_mine ? $borrowernumber : '' ); # build categories list my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select distinct category from authorised_values where category like 'A%' "); $sth->execute; # the list my @category_list; # a hash, to check that some hardcoded categories exist. my %categories; while ( my ($category) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) { push( @category_list, $category ); $categories{$category} = 1; } # push koha system categories push( @category_list, 'MONTHS' ); push( @category_list, 'ITEMTYPES' ); push( @category_list, 'BRANCHES' ); push( @category_list, $_ ) foreach @$auth_cats_loop; #reorder the list @category_list = sort { $a cmp $b } @category_list; $template->param( authcat_dropbox => { values => \@category_list, default => $authcat, }); my @budgets = @$budgets_ref; my @authvals; my %labels; my @names = $input->multi_param(); # ------------------------------------------------------------ if ( $op eq 'cud-save' ) { #get budgets my ( @buds, @auth_values ); foreach my $n (@names) { next if $n =~ m/^[^0-9]/; my @moo = split( ',', $n ); push @buds, $moo[0]; push @auth_values, $moo[1]; } #uniq buds and auth my %seen; @buds = grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @buds; @auth_values = grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @auth_values; my @budget_lines; foreach my $budget (@buds) { my %budget_line; my @cells_line; my %cell_hash; foreach my $authvalue (@auth_values) { # get actual stats my $cell_name = "$budget,$authvalue"; my $estimated_amount = $input->param("$cell_name"); my %cell_hash = ( estimated_amount => $estimated_amount, authvalue => $authvalue, authcat => $authcat, budget_id => $budget, budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, ); push( @cells_line, \%cell_hash ); } %budget_line = ( lines => \@cells_line, ); push( @budget_lines, \%budget_line ); } my $plan = \@budget_lines; ModBudgetPlan( $plan, $budget_period_id, $authcat ); HideCols($authcat, @hide_cols); } # ------------------------------------------------------------ if ( $authcat =~ m/^Asort/ ) { my $query = qq{ SELECT * FROM authorised_values WHERE category=? order by lib }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($authcat ); if ( $sth->rows > 0 ) { for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $sth->rows ; $i++ ) { my $results = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; push @authvals, $results->{authorised_value}; $labels{ $results->{authorised_value} } = $results->{lib}; } } $sth->finish; @authvals = sort { $a <=> $b } @authvals; } elsif ( $authcat eq 'MONTHS' && $budget_period_startdate && $budget_period_enddate ) { # build months my @start_date = UnixDate( $budget_period_startdate, ( '%Y', '%m', '%d' ) ); my @end_date = UnixDate( $budget_period_enddate, ( '%Y', '%m', '%d' ) ); my ( $Dy, $Dm, $Dd ) = Delta_YMD( @start_date, @end_date ); #calc number of months between my $months = ( $Dy * 12 ) + $Dm; my $start_month = $start_date[1]; my $end_month = ( $Dy * 12 ) + $Dm; for my $mth ( 0 ... $months ) { $mth = DateCalc( $budget_period_startdate, "+ $mth months" ); $mth = UnixDate( $mth, "%Y-%m" ); push( @authvals, $mth ); } foreach my $vv (@authvals) { $labels{$vv} = $vv; } } elsif ( $authcat eq 'ITEMTYPES' ) { my $query = qq| SELECT itemtype, description FROM itemtypes |; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( ); if ( $sth->rows > 0 ) { for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $sth->rows ; $i++ ) { my $results = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; push @authvals, $results->{itemtype}; $labels{ $results->{itemtype} } = $results->{description}; } } $sth->finish; } elsif ( $authcat eq 'BRANCHES' ) { my $query = qq| SELECT branchcode, branchname FROM branches |; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(); if ( $sth->rows > 0 ) { for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $sth->rows ; $i++ ) { my $results = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; push @authvals, $results->{branchcode}; $labels{ $results->{branchcode} } = $results->{branchname}; } } $sth->finish; } elsif ($authcat) { my $query = qq{ SELECT * FROM authorised_values WHERE category=? order by lib }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($authcat); if ( $sth->rows > 0 ) { for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $sth->rows ; $i++ ) { my $results = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; push @authvals, $results->{authorised_value}; $labels{ $results->{authorised_value} } = $results->{lib}; } } $sth->finish; } my @authvals_row; my $i=1; foreach my $val (@authvals) { my %auth_hash; $auth_hash{val} = $labels{$val}; $auth_hash{code} = $val; $auth_hash{colnum} = $i++; # display lookup $auth_hash{display} = GetCols( $authcat, $auth_hash{code}); push( @authvals_row, \%auth_hash ); } #get budgets my ( @buds, @auth_values ); foreach my $n (@names) { next if $n =~ m/^[^0-9]/; $n =~ m/(\d*),(.*)/; push @buds, $1; push @auth_values, $2; } # ------------------------------------------------------------ # DEFAULT DISPLAY BEGINS my $CGIextChoice = ( 'CSV' ); # FIXME translation my $CGIsepChoice = ( C4::Context->csv_delimiter ); my ( @budget_lines, %cell_hash ); foreach my $budget (@budgets) { my $budget_lock; unless (CanUserUseBudget($borrowernumber, $budget, $staff_flags)) { $budget_lock = 1 } # check budget permission if ( $period->{budget_period_locked} == 1 ) { $budget_lock = 1; } elsif ( $budget->{budget_permission} == 1 ) { $budget_lock = 1 if $borrowernumber != $budget->{'budget_owner_id'}; } elsif ( $budget->{budget_permission} == 2 ) { $budget_lock = 1 if $borrower_branchcode ne $budget->{budget_branchcode}; } # allow hard-coded itemtype and branch planning unless ( $authcat eq 'ITEMTYPES' or $authcat eq 'BRANCHES' or $authcat eq 'MONTHS' ) { # but skip budgets that don't match the current auth-category next if ( $budget->{'sort1_authcat'} ne $authcat && $budget->{'sort2_authcat'} ne $authcat ); } my %budget_line; # each row of the table my @cells_line; my $actual_spent; my $estimated_spent; my $i = 0; foreach my $authvalue (@authvals) { # get actual stats my %cell = ( budget_id => $budget->{'budget_id'}, budget_period_id => $budget->{'budget_period_id'}, cell_name => $budget->{'budget_id'} . ',' . $authvalue, authvalue => $authvalue, authcat => $authcat, cell_authvalue => $authvalue, budget_lock => $budget_lock, ); my ( $actual, $estimated, $display ) = GetBudgetsPlanCell( \%cell, $period, $budget ); $cell{actual_amount} = sprintf( "%.2f", $actual // 0 ); $cell{estimated_amount} = sprintf( "%.2f", $estimated // 0 ); $cell{display} = $authvals_row[$i]{display}; $cell{colnum} = $i; $actual_spent += $cell{actual_amount}; $estimated_spent += $cell{estimated_amount}; push( @cells_line, \%cell ); $i++; } my $budget_act_remain = $budget->{budget_amount} - $actual_spent; my $budget_est_remain = $budget->{budget_amount} - $estimated_spent; %budget_line = ( lines => \@cells_line, budget_name => $budget->{budget_name}, budget_amount => $budget->{budget_amount}, budget_alloc => $budget->{budget_alloc}, budget_act_remain => sprintf( "%.2f", $budget_act_remain ), budget_est_remain => sprintf( "%.2f", $budget_est_remain ), budget_id => $budget->{budget_id}, budget_lock => $budget_lock, ); $budget_line{est_negative} = '1' if $budget_est_remain < 0; $budget_line{est_positive} = '1' if $budget_est_remain > 0; $budget_line{act_negative} = '1' if $budget_act_remain < 0; $budget_line{act_positive} = '1' if $budget_act_remain > 0; # skip if active set , and spent == 0 next if ( $show_active == '1' && ( $actual_spent == 0 ) ); push( @budget_lines, \%budget_line ); } if ( $output eq "file" ) { _print_to_csv(\@authvals_row, \@budget_lines); exit(); } $template->param( authvals_row => \@authvals_row, budget_lines => \@budget_lines, budget_period_description => $period->{'budget_period_description'}, budget_period_locked => $period->{'budget_period_locked'}, budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, authcat => $authcat, show_active => $show_active, show_actual => $show_actual, show_percent => $show_percent, show_mine => $show_mine, CGIextChoice => $CGIextChoice, CGIsepChoice => $CGIsepChoice, authvals => \@authvals_row, hide_cols_loop => \@hide_cols, ); output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output; sub _print_to_csv { my ( $header, $results ) = @_; binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)'; my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new( { sep_char => $del, always_quote => 'TRUE', } ); print $input->header( -type => 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc', -encoding => 'utf-8', -attachment => "$basename.csv", -name => "$basename.csv" ); my @col = ( 'Budget name', 'Budget total' ); foreach my $row (@$header) { push @col, $row->{'val'}; } push @col, 'Budget remaining'; $csv->combine(@col); my $str = $csv->string; print "$str\n"; foreach my $row (@$results) { my @col = ( $row->{'budget_name'}, $row->{'budget_amount'} ); my $l = $row->{'lines'}; foreach my $line (@$l) { push @col, $line->{'estimated_amount'}; } push @col, $row->{'budget_est_remain'}; $csv->combine(@col); my $str = $csv->string; print "$str\n"; } }