Installation Guide for Installing Koha on Fedora Core 7

Copyright (C) 2008, Department of Computer and Information
Science, Library of the University Lyon 2, France

Translated by: Google with help from Joshua Ferraro
(jmf AT liblime DOT com)

Feedback/bug reports: Koha Developer's List:

This document last modified: 30 April 2008

Installation Instructions
This document was prepared in order to help you discover (or
test) Koha (Integrated Library System).

The installation of Linux system described below is a basic, 
it is not designed for a production server (e.g., security, 
load balancing .. are not described).

This document describes the different stages of installing 
the software to version 3.00 koha beta on a Fedora 7 Linux.
Your mileage may vary with different RedHat distributions.


System: Linux Fedora 7 (May 2007) Linux Redhat
The Linux distribution Fedora 7 is downloadable from the 
Fedora website:

The Fedora website also offers additional content such as
documentation, FAQ, etc.

Using the entire disk (removal of existing partitions and 
therefore permanent loss of data stored on the disk) is
the easiest method; This is not the best practice for a 
production system, but is useful for testing purposes.

Check that the computer is able to boot from a CD or DVD,
perhaps by changing the boot order in the bios.

Place the CD or DVD in the drive and restart the machine.

Settings when installing Linux (French specific, may not apply)

Language: French (French)
Choice of keyboard: French (Latin9) recognized by default.
Removal of existing Linux partitions
Host Name:
Time zone: Europe/Paris. Click on the map or select from the
list and check system clock to UTC.
Informing the root password, which is the administrator account.

The installation of the system will automatically start and may
take between 15 to 30 minutes to complete.

Click Restart.

Enter the default options.
For Firewall, check www http server (configuration of the firewall).
Create a user koha with the password kohakoha (eg)
The koha is therefore created and the group koha which this user belongs.

Setting the homepage
Enter root, then the password root.

With Fedora, GNOME is the default environment.

To use KDE default (as we at Lyon 2 have done), close the session,
having recovered the KDE packages on Add/Remove software. For the
french interface,  go through the package manager and seek, then
install kde-french.

On the login prompt, go to Options è Select Session and choose KDE. A
the next connection, the system will ask if you want to use KDE or 
GNOME by default. Also on the login prompt, go to Languages and 
choose the French.

The installation of Linux system is complete. 

1.2 Verification of system settings

You must be logged in as administrator of the system (root).

-- Make sure the environment is KDE. The taskbar is at the
bottom of the screen and left of this bar is the menu K.

-- Check that the system is in french and click on K.

-- Create a few shortcuts in making a drag and drop the following
items in the taskbar:

Menu K è è Internet Firefox Web Browser
Menu K è è Terminal System
Menu K è è Services System Management Services

-- Check that the koha and the group koha are created:
Menu K è è System Users and Groups

-- Check that web servers Apache and MySQL are installed.
Menu K è è Services System Management Services

The lines httpd (demon Apache) and mysqld (demon MySQL) must be 
included in the line of services. You must configure these two 
services so that they are lançés automatically at boot. Check th
e box to the left of the service, click the Start button at the 
top of the list, if the two services start without any problem, 
validate the change of manager services by clicking on Save or 
File menu è save changes

Close the services manager.

If one or both services are absent, it is necessary to install Apache
and/or MySQL. To do so, go in the Package Manager, choose and 
select Apache server and/or MySQL. In the case of MySQL, we must
not forget MySQL-devel (available in packages optional). Finally,
start the installation.

1.3 Installation of additional software

The software installation Koha requires adding additional programs
to your system linux based on a standard installation. This list may
be slightly different depending on the version and support (Live
CD or DVD).

List of software to add
Libicu (see below)
git- [is not necessary for the installation of koha, but
  useful if one participates in the development of koha.]

To add software Linux Fedora, you have two tools

A graphical tool
Menu K è è System Add/Remove software

Click on the Search tab
Enter the name of the software in the zone entry and click the
Search button;

The software that match your search are listed.
Make sure the check box is checked if the tick and click Apply to
add software to your system.

A tool mode Terminal YUM
The YUM documentation is available on the Fedora site

Open a terminal window (K Menu è è Terminal System)

Examples of using YUM:
Is the web browser Firefox installed?
Type the command: yum list firefox
This command will launch the software yum, and asked it to list
the information on the Firefox.
Yum visit the various deposits of software for Fedora (fedora,
updates, etc.). And said that the firefox software is installed
on this machine (version and there is a
downloadable version newer ( version

************************************************** ****************
[root @ nomduserveur ~] # yum list firefox
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
fedora 100% |=========================| 2.1 kB 00:00
updates 100% |=========================| 2.3 kB 00:00
Installed Packages
firefox.i386 installed
Packages Available
firefox.i386 updates
************************************************** ****************

Updated software firefox by the command yum update firefox.
YUM inspect the system to check whether it is necessary to update
other software used by firefox.
confirm your request y

Installation of new software by the command yum install firefox.

Check whether these programs are installed using the command rpm
with option-q followed by the name of the software, possibly separated
by a space.
rpm-q libxml2-devel libxslt-devel tcl bzip2-devel gcc mysql-devel-perl CPAN perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstall ncftp wget gdbm devel-expat-devel tcp_wrappers-devel

NB: The tool rpm (Redhat Package Manager) allows facilities
management software under the Linux distribution Fedora.

Special case: the library libicu under Fedora 8
Under Fedora 8:
The library libicu, is standard in the distribution Fedora.
Version 3.8 of this library installed with Fedora 8 is too recent
and poses a problem when installing software and ZEBRA YAZ, the
company Indexdata who compiled these two programs with version 3.6
of the library, it is therefore necessary to remove the libicu 3.8
library and replace it with version 3.6.

Uninstall the library libicu - 3.8-1.fc8

With the web browser, download the library libicu-3.6-18.fc7.i386.rpm
(old version, choose the version Fedora 7 for i386) here:


Download the package rpm
Open a terminal window, a menu K> System> Terminal
find the file libicu-3.6-18.fc7.i386.rpm
Desktop CD

decompress the archive with the command: rpm-ivh libicu-3.6-18.fc7.i386.rpm

Setting 1.4 for the use of unicode

UNICODE must be set up correctly before installing Koha.

1.4.1 The Linux system is it configured to use UNICODE?

For more information:

To check, open a terminal window and type the locale.
You must obtain:
LANG = en_GB.UTF-8

1.4.2 The web server Apache 2 is it configured to use UNICODE?

To verify, using a text editor, open the httpd.conf file located
in /etc/httpd/conf and look if it contains the directive:

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

1.4.3 The MySQL server is it configured to use UNICODE?

NB: mysqld service must be started.
In a Terminal window, type the command mysql, then an SQL
to display variables content server configuration.
Text of query:

show where variable_name variables like 'char%';

mysql> show where variable_name variables like 'char%';
| Variable_name            | Value |
| Character_set_client     | latin1 |
| Character_set_connection | latin1 |
| Character_set_database   | latin1 |
| Character_set_filesystem | Binary |
| Character_set_results    | latin1 |
| Character_set_server     | latin1 |
| Character_set_system     | utf8   |
| Character_sets_dir       | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Some variables are not properly configured (latin1), so we have to
change the configuration file server MySQL.
Leaving the mysql client by the command quit.

Using a text editor, open the file my.cnf located in the directory /
etc and add these 3 lines in the section [mysqld]:

default-character-set = utf8
character-set-server = utf8

To ensure that this change is taken into account, restart the server
Mysql using the following command in a terminal window:
mysqld restart service

Check that changing the parameters was taken into account by reconnecting
the MySQL server with the command mysql, then typing the query:

show where variable_name variables like 'char%';
The variables contain well utf8 /
Quit MySQL by the command quit

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.0.45 Source distribution

Type 'help,' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> show where variable_name variables like 'char%';
| Variable_name            | Value |
| Character_set_client     | utf8   |
| Character_set_connection | utf8   |
| Character_set_database   | utf8   |
| Character_set_filesystem | Binary |
| Character_set_results    | utf8   |
| Character_set_server     | utf8   |
| Character_set_system     | utf8   |
| Character_sets_dir       | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL> quit

Some information for the use of MySQL here: HYPERLINK ""


For libraries that must manage several tens of thousands of bib records
it is recommended that you install the server indexing ZEBRA. Otherwise
(far fewer records to manage), it is not necessary to install ZEBRA.

The software installation ZEBRA requires prior installation of software
modules YAZ client and server Z3950.

The installation is as administrator (root).

NB: the creation of files yaz and zebra is only necessary if you use
the graphical

Website for downloads: HYPERLINK ""

2.1 Installation of the software YAZ

Creating a file needed for the installation of Yaz
Create files redhat in the directory /usr/src
SOURCES Create a folder in the directory /usr/src/redhat
NB: redhat lowercase and uppercase SOURCES.

Installing Yaz by the command:
rpm-ivh *- 3.0.24 *.*. rpm
Check the final published version and replace -3.0.24 by the number
of the current version.

Check the installation by the command:
rpm-q libyaz3 libyaz3-devel yaz yaz-debuginfo yaz-icu-yaz illclient yaz-3.0.24-1.src

2.2 Installation of the software ZEBRA

To install packages from the version 2.0.26-1:
rpm-ivh *- 2.0.26-1 .*. rpm
Check dernère published version and replace -2.0.26-1 by the
number of the current version.

Check the installation by the command:
rpm-q libidzebra-2.0-2.0-libidzebra modules idzebra-2.0 idzebra-2.0-debuginfo libidzebra-2.0-devel idzebra-2.0


Important Reminder:
Make sure, BEFORE you install koha, that the system Linux, the MySQL
server and the Apache server are configured to use the Unicode
format (cf. 1.4).

Download koha here: HYPERLINK ""

3.1 Decompression of the archive koha 3.0

Save the file in the directory /usr/share.
Opening a window Terminal, and placing himself in the directory /usr/share by the command:
cd /usr/share
verify the presence of compressed file koha by the command:
ls-l * Koha
Unzip the file with the command tar:
tar-xvf koha-3.00.00-beta2.tar.gz
You get a folder koha-3.00.00-beta2, which contains folders and files needed for the installation of software koha.

NB: the installation procedure is described in the text files "INSTALL"
and "INSTALL debian", the second is more complete.

3.2 Protect access to the database server MySQL

Update the password root server MySQL (by default, unprotected access to databases)
In a Terminal window:
sudo password mysqladmin Koha

3.3 Creation of a database MySQL test

The basic test is immediately under Fedora. We must remove the existing basic
test and then create a basic test MySQL provisional, which will be deleted
after installing koha.

mysql-u root-p
Enter password: kohakoha (eg)

mysql> drop test database;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)

mysql> create database test;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> grant all on test .* to 'test' @ 'localhost' identified by 'test';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

MySQL> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

MySQL> quit

3.4 Creation of the MySQL database koha

Creation of the database, a user kohaadmin with password and defining its

In a Terminal window:
mysql-u root-p
Enter password: type kohakoha (eg a password for root)
Create Database Koha;
grant all on koha .* to 'kohaadmin' @ 'localhost' identified by 'kohakoha';
flush privileges;

3.5 Configuration CPAN

The koha software is written in Perl. You have access to deposits modules
written in perl (CPAN) to download some libraries on your system. The Perl
language of origin is installed on most Linux distributions, but some modules
must be installed.
During the first use of cpan, you must configure.

Open a terminal window and type the command cpan

During the installation of modules, validate the additions of modules when
necessary. Indicate the continent and the country. Select 3 or 4 CPAN deposits
in the proposed list.

It is possible to force the installation of a module. In this case, in a
Terminal window, type:

then force install NomDuModule
then quit

/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/CPAN/ initialized.

CPAN is the world-wide archive of perl resources. It consists of about
100 sites that all replicate the same contents all around the globe.
Many countries have at least one CPAN site already. The resources
found on CPAN are easily accessible with the module. If you
want to use, you have to configure it properly.

If you do not want to enter a dialog now, you can answer 'no' to this
question and I'll try to autoconfigure. (Note: you can revisit this
dialog anytime later by typing 'o conf init' at the cpan prompt.)

Are you ready for manual configuration? [yes]

The following questions are intended to help you with the
configuration. The CPAN module needs a directory of its own to cache
important index files and maybe keep a temporary mirror of CPAN files.
This may be a site-wide directory or a personal directory.

First of all, I'd like to create this directory. Where?

CPAN build and cache directory? [/ root/.cpan]

If you want, I can keep the source files after a build in the cpan
Home directory. If you choose so then future builds will take the
files from there. If you do not want to keep them, answer to the 0
Next question.

How big should the disk cache be for keeping the build directories
with all the intermediate files?

Cache size for build directory (in MB)? [10]

By default, each time the CPAN module is started, scanning cache
is performed to keep the cache size in sync. To prevent from this,
disable the cache scanning with 'never'.

Perform cache scanning (atstart or never)? [atstart]

To considerably speed up the initial CPAN shell startup, it is
Storable possible to use to create a cache of metadata. If Storable
is not available, the normal index mechanism will be used.

Cache metadata (yes/no)? [yes]

The next option deals with the charset your terminal supports. In
general CPAN is English speaking territory, thus the charset does not
matter much, but some of the aliens out there who upload their
software to CPAN bear names that are outside the ASCII range. If your
terminal supports UTF-8, you say no to the next question, if it
supports ISO-8859-1 (also known as LATIN1) then you say yes, and if it
neither supports nor, your answer does not matter, you will not be
able to read the names of some authors anyway. If you answer no, names
will be output in UTF-8.
Your terminal expects iso-8859-1 (yes/no) [yes]

If you have one of the readline packages (Term: ReadLine: Perl,
Term: ReadLine: Gnu, possibly others) installed, the interactive CPAN
Shell will have history support. The next two questions deal with the
filename of the history file and with its size. If you do not want to
set this variable, please hit SPACE RETURN to the following question.

File to save your history? [/root/.cpan/histfile]
Number of lines to save? [100]

The CPAN module can detect when a module that which you are trying to
build depends on prerequisites. If this happens, it can build the
prerequisites for you automatically ('follow'), ask you for
confirmation ('ask'), or just ignore them ('ignore'). Please set your
policy to one of the three values.

Policy on building prerequisites (follow, ask or ignore)? [ask]

The CPAN module will need a few external programs to work properly.
Please correct me, if I guess the wrong path for a program. Do not
panic if you do not have some of them, just press ENTER for those. To
disable the use of a download program, you can type a space followed

Where is your gzip program?          [/bin/gzip]
Where is your tar program?           [/bin/tar]
Where is your unzip program?         [/usr/bin/unzip]
Where is your make program?          [/usr/bin/make]
Where is your links program?         [/usr/bin/links]
Where is your wget program?          [/usr/bin/wget]
Where is your ncftpget program?      [/usr/bin/ncftpget]
Where is your ftp program?           [/usr/bin/ftp]
Where is your gpg program?           [/usr/bin/gpg]
What is your favorite pager program? [/usr/bin/less]
What is your favorite shell?         [/bin/bash]

Every Makefile.PL is run by perl in a separate process. Likewise we
run 'make' and 'make install' in processes. If you have any
parameters (eg PREFIX, LIB, UNINST or the like) you want to pass
to the calls, please specify them here.

If you do not understand this question, just press ENTER.

Parameters for the 'perl Makefile.PL' command?
Typical frequently used settings:

     PREFIX = ~/perl non-root users (please see manual for more hints)

Every Makefile.PL is run by perl in a separate process. Likewise we
run 'make' and 'make install' in processes. If you have any
parameters (eg PREFIX, LIB, UNINST or the like) you want to pass
to the calls, please specify them here.

If you do not understand this question, just press ENTER.

Parameters for the 'perl Makefile.PL' command?
Typical frequently used settings:

     PREFIX = ~/perl non-root users (please see manual for more hints)

Your choice: []
Parameters for the 'make' command?
Typical frequently used setting:

     J3 dual-processor system

Your choice: []
Parameters for the 'make install' command?
Typical frequently used setting:

     UNINST = 1 to always uninstall potentially conflicting files

Your choice: []

Sometimes you may wish to leave the processes run by CPAN alone
without caring about them. As sometimes contains the Makefile.PL
question you're expected to answer, you can set a timer that will
kill a 'perl Makefile.PL' process after the specified time in seconds.

If you set this value to 0, these processes will wait forever. This is
the default and recommended setting.

Timeout for inactivity during Makefile.PL? [0]

If you're accessing the net via proxies, you can specify them in the
CPAN configuration or via environment variables. The variable in
the $ CPAN:: Config takes precedence.

Your ftp_proxy?
Your http_proxy?
Your no_proxy?
You have no/root/.cpan/sources/MIRRORED.BY
   I'm trying to fetch one
CPAN: LWP:: UserAgent loaded ok
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with Net: FTP:

Now we need to know where your favorite CPAN sites are located. Push
a few sites onto the array (just in case the first on the array will not
work). If you are mirroring CPAN to your local workstation, specify a
file: URL.

First, pick a nearby continent and country (you can pick several of
each, separated by spaces, or none if you just want to keep your
existing selections). Then, you will be presented with a list of URLs
CPAN of mirrors in the countries you selected, along with previously
selected URLs. Select some of those URLs, or just keep the old list.
Finally, you will be prompted for any extra URLs - file:, ftp:, or
http:-- that host a CPAN mirror.

(1) Africa
(2) Asia
(3) Central America
(4) Europe
(5) North America
(6) Oceania
(7) South America
Select your continent (or several nearby continents) [] 4
Sorry! since you do not have any existing picks, you must make a
Geographic selection.

(1) Austria
(2) Belgium
(3) Bosnia and Herzegovina
(4) Bulgaria
(5) Croatia
(6) Czech Republic
(7) Denmark
(8) Finland
(9) France
(10) Germany
(11) Greece
(12) Hungary
(13) Iceland
(14) Ireland
(15) Italy
(16) Latvia
15 more items, hit SPACE RETURN to show them
Select your country (or several nearby countries) [] 9
Sorry! since you do not have any existing picks, you must make a
Geographic selection.

Select URLs as many as you like (by number),
put them on one line, separated by blanks, e.g. '1 4 5 [] 1 2 4 10

Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: []
New set of picks:

commit: wrote /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/CPAN/
Terminal does not support AddHistory.

cpan shell - CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.7602)
ReadLine support available (try 'install Bundle: CPAN')

cpan> quit
************************************************** ****************

Type quit to break cpan

3.6 Installation of additional modules from CPAN

3.6.1 modules installation

Install Command: cpan NomDuModule to install and validate the default
choice for each question.

List of modules required to koha need to install:

3.6.2 Installation of modules - Cases difficult

In some cases, we must force the installation of modules. The two
modules (and sometimes others) need to force the installation.
Type the command cpan, then:

force install Mail: Sendmail ======= force install ok For this unit
should be Ctrl + C, when he attempted to send an e-mail.
force install Net:: LDAP ======= force install ok

3.6.3 Installing module access MySQL DBMS

Installation of the connector DBD::mysql for perl

We will have to rebuild this module because koha requires the latest version.

In a window Terminal:
cpan> o conf makepl_arg
     (search parameters for the CPAN)

cpan> o conf makepl_arg "- testdb = test - testuser = test - testpass = test"

cpan> install DBD:: mysql

cpan> o conf makepl_arg''
     (clean to avoid interference with future installations modules).

cpan> quit

Destruction of the basis of test MySQL

In a terminal window
mysql-u root-p
Enter password: kohakoha
Database drop test;

3.7 Test SAX Parser

In a Terminal window, go to the installation directory koha.
CD /usr/share/koha-3.00.00-alpha/misc
launch the script
which returns: XML::LibXML::SAX = HASH (0x895a3fc)

The file /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/XML/SAX/ParserDetails.ini should be amended to
contain the final (save the other lines to comment or delete):
Http:// = 1

3.8 Installation of Koha

Opening a window Terminal and placed in the directory koha
CD /usr/share/koha-3.00.00-alpha
launch the script Makefile.PL
perl Makefile.PL

Most options are to be validated by default. The data to information are
password based koha, format Marc (Marc21 or Unimarc), language indexing
Zebra (or en). It should be noted that the three ports will be open:
3306, 9998, 9999.

************************************************** ****************
By default, Koha can be installed in one of three ways:

Standard: Install files in conformance with the Filesystem
           Hierarchy Standard (FHS). This is the default mode
           and should be used when installing a production
           Koha system. On Unix systems, root access is
           needed to complete a standard installation.

single: Install files under a single directory. This option
           is useful for installing Koha without root access, eg,
           on a web host that allows CGI scripts and MySQL databases
           but requires the user to keep all files under the user's
           HOME directory.

dev: Create a set of symbolic links and configuration files to
           Koha allow to run directly from the source distribution.
           This mode is useful for developers who want to run
           Koha from a git clone.

Installation mode (dev, single, standard) [standard]

Please specify the directory under which most Koha files
will be installed.

Note that if you are planning in installing more than
one instance of Koha, you may want to modify the last
component of the directory path, which will be used
as the package name in the FHS layout.

Base installation directory [/usr/share/koha]

Since you are using the 'standard' install
mode, you should run 'make install' as root.
However, it is recommended that a non-root
user (on Unix and Linux platforms) have
ownership of Koha's files, including the
Zebra indexes if applicable.

Please specify a user account. This
user account does not need to exist
right now, but it needs to exist
before you run 'make install'. Please
note that for security reasons, this
user should not be the same as the user
account Apache runs under.

User account [koha]

Please specify the group that should own
Koha's files. As above, this group need
not exist right now, but should be created
before you run 'make install'.

Group [koha]

Please specify which database engine you will use
to store data in Koha. The choices are MySQL and
PostgreSQL; please note that at the moment
PostgreSQL support is highly experimental.

DBMS to use (Pg, mysql) [mysql]

Please specify the name or address of your
database server. Note that the database
does not have to exist at this point, it
can be created after running 'make install'
and before you try using Koha for the first time.

Database server [localhost]

Please specify the port used to connect to the
DMBS [3306]

Please specify the name of the database to be
used by Koha [koha]

Please specify the user that owns the database to be
used by Koha [kohaadmin]

Please specify the password of the user that owns the
database to be used by Koha [katikoan] kohakoha

Koha can use the Zebra search engine for high-performance
searching of bibliographic and authority records. If you
have installed the Zebra software and would like to use it,
please answer 'yes' to the following question. Otherwise,
Koha will default to using its internal search engine.

Please note that if you choose *NOT* to install Zebra,
koha-conf.xml will still contain some references to Zebra
settings. Those references will be ignored by Koha.

Install the Zebra configuration files? (no, yes) [yes]

Since you've chosen to use Zebra with Koha,
you must specify the primary MARC format of the
records to be indexed by Zebra.

Koha provides Zebra configuration files for MARC 21

MARC format for Zebra indexing (marc21, unimarc) [marc21] unimarc

Koha supplies Zebra configuration files tuned for
searching either English (en) or French (fr) MARC

Primary language for Zebra indexing (en, fr) [en] fr

Please specify Zebra database user [kohauser]

Please specify the Zebra database password [zebrastripes]

Since you've chosen to use Zebra, you can enable the SRU/
Z39.50 Server if you so choose, but you must specify a
few configuration options for it.

Please note that if you choose *NOT* to configure SRU,
koha-conf.xml will still contain some references to SRU
settings. Those references will be ignored by Koha.

Install the SRU configuration files? (no, yes) [yes]

SRU Database host? [localhost]

SRU port for bibliographic data? [9998]

SRU port for authority data? [9999]

Koha will be installed with the following configuration parameters:

DB_HOST localhost
DB_NAME koha
DB_PASS koha
DB_PORT 3306
DB_TYPE mysql
DB_USER kohaadmin
INSTALL_BASE /usr/share/koha
ZEBRA_PASS zebrastripes
ZEBRA_SRU_HOST localhost
ZEBRA_USER kohauser

and in the following directories:

DOC_DIR /usr/share/koha/doc
INTRANET_CGI_DIR /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin
INTRANET_TMPL_DIR /usr/share/koha/intranet/htdocs/intranet-tmpl
INTRANET_WWW_DIR /usr/share/koha/intranet/htdocs
KOHA_CONF_DIR /etc/koha
LOG_DIR /var/log/koha
MAN_DIR /usr/share/koha/man
MISC_DIR /usr/share/koha/misc
OPAC_CGI_DIR /usr/share/koha/opac/cgi-bin
OPAC_TMPL_DIR /usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl
OPAC_WWW_DIR /usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs
PERL_MODULE_DIR /usr/share/koha/lib
SCRIPT_DIR /usr/share/koha/bin
ZEBRA_CONF_DIR /etc/koha/zebradb
ZEBRA_DATA_DIR /var/lib/koha/zebradb
ZEBRA_LOCK_DIR /var/lock/koha/zebradb
ZEBRA_RUN_DIR /var/run/koha/zebradb

To change any configuration setting, please run
perl Makefile.PL again. To override one of the target
directories, you can do so on the command line like this:

perl Makefile.PL PERL_MODULE_DIR=/usr/share/perl/5.8

You can also set different default values for parameters
or override directory locations by using environment variables.

For example:

export DB_USER=my_koha
perl Makefile.PL


DB_USER=my_koha DOC_DIR=/usr/local/info perl Makefile.PL

Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for koha
************************************************** ****************

Taper la commande make

Taper la commande make test (ne pas tenir compte des erreurs listées)

Taper la commande make install


.1 Saving environment variables

As indicated at the end of the installation (see screen shot), we must add two environment variables:

Entering the two lines below a window in Terminal:
export KOHA_CONF=/etc/koha/koha-conf.xml
export PERL5LIB=/usr/share/koha/lib

Seizures of this event, both variables are recorded on a temporary basis. If these variables are definitely enr
egistrées we must add these two lines in the file. bash_profile or. bashrc users root and koha.

4.2 Creation of the database
The base is not created. It is a bug, we must launch a script to recreate it. In a Terminal window, type:
mysql -user=kohaadmin -password=kohakoha koha </usr/share/koha-3.00.00-alpha/installer/data/mysql/kohastructure.sql;

mysql è launches client mysql
-- user = kohaadmin è behalf of the user base
-- password = kohakoha è password for this user
koha è the name of the database
<È means setting the result of a script (here, the base koha)
/usr/share/koha-3.00.00-alpha/installer/data/mysql/kohastructure.sql è address sql script to execute
Do not forget the sign at the end of the investigation.

To check if the base is well rebuilt: mysql-u-p kohaadmin
Enter password: kohakoha

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 51
Server version: 5.0.45 Source distribution

Type 'help,' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

MySQL> use Koha;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with A -

Database changed
MySQL> show tables;
| Tables_in_koha |
| accountlines |
| accountoffsets |
| action_logs |
| alert |
| aqbasket |
| aqbookfund |
| aqbooksellers |
| aqbudget |
| aqorderbreakdown |
| aqorderdelivery |
| aqorders |
| auth_header |
| auth_subfield_structure |
| auth_tag_structure |
| auth_types |
| authorised_values |
| biblio |
| biblio_framework |
| biblioitems |
| borrowers |
| branchcategories |
| branches |
| branchrelations |
| branchtransfers |
| browser |
| categories |
| cities |
| class_sort_rules |
| class_sources |
| currency |
| deletedbiblio |
| deletedbiblioitems |
| deletedborrowers |
| deleteditems |
| ethnicity |
| import_batches |
| import_biblios |
| import_items |
| import_record_matches |
| import_records |
| issues |
| issuingrules |
| items |
| itemtypes |
| labels |
| labels_conf |
| labels_templates |
| language_descriptions |
| language_rfc4646_to_iso639 |
| language_script_bidi |
| language_script_mapping |
| language_subtag_registry |
| letter |
| marc_matchers |
| marc_subfield_structure |
| marc_tag_structure |
| matchchecks |
| matcher_matchpoints |
| matchpoint_component_norms |
| matchpoint_components |
| matchpoints |
| notifys |
| opac_news |
| overduerules |
| printers |
| repeatable_holidays |
| reports_dictionary |
| reserveconstraints |
| reserves |
| reviews |
| roadtype |
| saved_reports |
| saved_sql |
| serial |
| services_throttle |
| sessions |
| special_holidays |
| statistics |
| stopwords |
| subscription |
| subscriptionhistory |
| subscriptionroutinglist |
| suggestions |
| systempreferences |
| tags |
| userflags |
| virtualshelfcontents |
| virtualshelves |
| z3950servers |
| zebraqueue |
94 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> quit

4.3 Changing the configuration of the Apache server

Create a link koha in the directory /etc/httpd/conf.d/ pointing to the configuration file of koha for apache.
Open /etc/koha/koha-httpd.conf and paste the contents of this file at the end of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Editing httpd.conf located in the directory /etc/httpd/conf, so the Apache web server is reachable on port 8
0 (standard) and also on port 8080.
Find string Listen 80 and add a new line below with the string Listen 8080
Restarting the service httpd. On a Terminal window, type service httpd restart.

Lancer Zebra Server
zebrasrv east /usr/bin
with the name zebrasrv-2.0
go to the directory /usr/bin
cd /usr/bin
koha become user by typing the command su:
su Koha
zebra start the server by the command:
./zebrasrv-2.0-f /etc/koha/koha-conf.xml

Starting the daemon Zebraqueue is in /usr/share/koha/bin
go in /usr/share/koha/bin
cd /usr/share/koha/bin
and launch the script
. /

4.4 loading data for tests

This step helps to have some input in Koha for testing purposes (table cataloguing default, etc.).

Disable temporarily SElinux
SE-LINUX blocking access to KOHA.
Menu K Hotel è è SElinux
Then turn off Selinux and relaunch the service iptables

Unlocking ports
It must grant access to ports 3306, 9998 and 9999
Menu K Hotel è è Firewall and SElinux
Other ports and click Add button.
When the 3 ports are added, click Apply, then click the button.

Using the Web installer
We must move the fr located in /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/data/mysql en-US (installer points to the directory
en-ing and not en).

Connect to Koha: HYPERLINK "http://localhost:8080/" http://localhost:8080 and use the Web installer french (en-US).

-- Validate Step 1 (dependencies);
-- Step 2 (settings of the database on two screens);
-- A Phase 3, click on Install the basic settings (screen 1), select the declination Marc (Unimarc_complet in our
Where Unimarc_lecture_pub; screen 2), select default settings and then click on Import (only settings obligat
oires are checked by default; screen 3);
-- The screen 4 summarizes what has been imported;
-- Finally, the screen 5 indicates the end of the installation; then you just have to click Finish.

Connect to PhPMyadmin: HYPERLINK "http://localhost/phpmyadmin" http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Connect to interface professional Koha: HYPERLINK "http://localhost:8080/" http://localhost:8080
Connect to online catalogue Koha: HYPERLINK "http://localhost:80/" http://localhost:80

Zebra is in /etc/koha
The files perl Koha professional can be found in /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin (then a large repertoire by fonctionnal
ities of SIGB)
The files perl Koha public are in /usr/share/koha/koha/cgi-bin