use Modern::Perl; use Test::More tests => 17; use C4::Acquisition; use C4::Budgets; use Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers; use_ok('C4::Serials'); use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string output_pref ); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM issues|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM subscription|); my $branchcode = 'CPL'; my $bpid = AddBudgetPeriod({ budget_period_startdate => '2015-01-01', budget_period_enddate => '2015-12-31', budget_period_description => "budget desc" }); my $budget_id = AddBudget({ budget_code => "ABCD", budget_amount => "123.132", budget_name => "Périodiques", budget_notes => "This is a note", budget_period_id => $bpid }); my $record = MARC::Record->new(); my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) = C4::Biblio::AddBiblio($record, ''); my $sample_supplier1 = { name => 'Name1', address1 => 'address1_1', address2 => 'address1-2', address3 => 'address1_2', address4 => 'address1_2', postal => 'postal1', phone => 'phone1', accountnumber => 'accountnumber1', fax => 'fax1', url => 'url1', active => 1, gstreg => 1, listincgst => 1, invoiceincgst => 1, tax_rate => '1.0000', discount => '1.0000', notes => 'notes1', deliverytime => undef }; my $sample_supplier2 = { name => 'Name2', address1 => 'address1_2', address2 => 'address2-2', address3 => 'address3_2', address4 => 'address4_2', postal => 'postal2', phone => 'phone2', accountnumber => 'accountnumber2', fax => 'fax2', url => 'url2', active => 1, gstreg => 1, listincgst => 1, invoiceincgst => 1, tax_rate => '2.0000', discount => '2.0000', notes => 'notes2', deliverytime => 2 }; my $supplier1 = Koha::Acquisition::Bookseller->new($sample_supplier1)->store; my $supplier2 = Koha::Acquisition::Bookseller->new($sample_supplier2)->store; my $supplier_id1 = $supplier1->id; my $supplier_id2 = $supplier2->id; my $supplierlist = eval { GetSuppliersWithLateIssues() }; is( length($@), 0, "No SQL problem in GetSuppliersWithLateIssues" ); is ( scalar(@$supplierlist), 0, 'There is no late issues yet'); my $subscriptionid_not_late = NewSubscription( undef, $branchcode, $supplier_id1, undef, $budget_id, $biblionumber, '2013-01-01', undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, 1, "notes",undef, '9999-01-01', undef, undef, undef, undef, 0, "intnotes", 0, undef, undef, 0, undef, '2013-12-31', 0 ); $supplierlist = GetSuppliersWithLateIssues(); is ( scalar(@$supplierlist), 0, 'There is still no late issues yet'); my $subscriptionid_inlate1 = NewSubscription( undef, $branchcode, $supplier_id1, undef, $budget_id, $biblionumber, '2013-01-01', undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, 1, "notes",undef, '2013-01-01', undef, undef, undef, undef, 0, "intnotes", 0, undef, undef, 0, undef, '2013-12-31', 0 ); my $subscriptionid_inlate2 = NewSubscription( undef, $branchcode, $supplier_id2, undef, $budget_id, $biblionumber, '2013-01-01', undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, 1, "notes",undef, '2013-01-01', undef, undef, undef, undef, 0, "intnotes", 0, undef, undef, 0, undef, '2013-12-31', 0 ); my $subscriptionid_inlate3 = NewSubscription( undef, $branchcode, $supplier_id2, undef, $budget_id, $biblionumber, '2013-01-02', undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, 1, "notes",undef, '2013-01-02', undef, undef, undef, undef, 0, "intnotes", 0, undef, undef, 0, undef, '2013-12-31', 0 ); $supplierlist = GetSuppliersWithLateIssues(); is ( scalar(@$supplierlist), 2, '2 suppliers should have issues in late'); is( GetLateOrMissingIssues(), undef, 'GetLateOrMissingIssues should return undef without parameter' ); my @late_or_missing_issues = GetLateOrMissingIssues( $supplier_id1 ); is( scalar(@late_or_missing_issues), 1, 'supplier 1 should have 1 issue in late' ); @late_or_missing_issues = GetLateOrMissingIssues( $supplier_id2); is( scalar(@late_or_missing_issues), 2, 'supplier 2 should have 2 issues in late' ); is( exists $late_or_missing_issues[0]->{claimdate}, 1, 'GetLateOrMissingIssues returns claimdate' ); is( exists $late_or_missing_issues[0]->{claims_count}, 1, 'GetLateOrMissingIssues returns claims_count' ); is( $late_or_missing_issues[0]->{claims_count}, 0, 'The issues should not habe been claimed yet' ); is( updateClaim(), undef, 'updateClaim should return undef if not param passed' ); my $serialid_to_claim = $late_or_missing_issues[0]->{serialid}; updateClaim( $serialid_to_claim ); @late_or_missing_issues = GetLateOrMissingIssues( $supplier_id2); is( scalar(@late_or_missing_issues), 2, 'supplier 2 should have 2 issues in late (already claimed issues are returns)' ); my ( $serial_claimed ) = grep { ($_->{serialid} == $serialid_to_claim) ? $_ : () } @late_or_missing_issues; is( $serial_claimed->{claims_count}, 1, 'The serial should have been claimed' ); my @serials_to_claim = map { $_->{serialid} } @late_or_missing_issues; updateClaim( \@serials_to_claim ); @late_or_missing_issues = GetLateOrMissingIssues( $supplier_id2); is( scalar(@late_or_missing_issues), 2, 'supplier 2 should have 2 issues in late' ); ( $serial_claimed ) = grep { ($_->{serialid} == $serials_to_claim[0]) ? $_ : () } @late_or_missing_issues; is( $serial_claimed->{claims_count}, 2, 'The serial should have been claimed' ); ( $serial_claimed ) = grep { ($_->{serialid} == $serials_to_claim[1]) ? $_ : () } @late_or_missing_issues; is( $serial_claimed->{claims_count}, 1, 'The serial should have been claimed' ); my $today = output_pref({ dt => dt_from_string, dateformat => 'iso', dateonly => 1 }); # FIXME: This test should pass. The GetLateOrMissingIssues should not deal with date format! #is( $serial_claimed->{claimdate}, $today, 'The serial should have been claimed today' );