#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id$ #script to recieve orders #written by chris@katipo.co.nz 24/2/2000 # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA use strict; use CGI; use C4::Context; use C4::Acquisition; use C4::Biblio; use C4::Output; use C4::Search; use C4::Auth; use C4::Interface::CGI::Output; use C4::Database; use HTML::Template; use C4::Date; my $input=new CGI; my $supplierid=$input->param('supplierid'); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $search=$input->param('recieve'); my $invoice=$input->param('invoice'); my $freight=$input->param('freight'); my $biblio=$input->param('biblio'); my $catview=$input->param('catview'); my $gst=$input->param('gst'); my ($count,@results)=ordersearch($search,$supplierid,$biblio,$catview); # warn "C:$count for ordersearch($search,$supplierid,$biblio,$catview);"; my ($count2,@booksellers)=bookseller($results[0]->{'booksellerid'}); my $date = $results[0]->{'entrydate'}; my ($template, $loggedinuser, $cookie) = get_template_and_user({template_name => "acqui/acquire.tmpl", query => $input, type => "intranet", authnotrequired => 0, flagsrequired => {acquisition => 1}, debug => 1, }); $template->param($count); if ($count == 1){ my $sth; # my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select itemtype,description from itemtypes order by description"); # $sth->execute; # my @itemtype; # my %itemtypes; # push @itemtype, ""; # $itemtypes{''} = "Please choose"; # while (my ($value,$lib) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { # push @itemtype, $value; # $itemtypes{$value}=$lib; # } # # my $CGIitemtype=CGI::scrolling_list( -name => 'format', # -values => \@itemtype, # -default => $results[0]->{'itemtype'}, # -labels => \%itemtypes, # -size => 1, # -multiple => 0 ); # $sth->finish; my @branches; my @select_branch; my %select_branches; my ($count2,@branches)=branches(); for (my $i=0;$i<$count2;$i++){ push @select_branch, $branches[$i]->{'branchcode'};# $select_branches{$branches[$i]->{'branchcode'}} = $branches[$i]->{'branchname'}; } my $CGIbranch=CGI::scrolling_list( -name => 'branch', -values => \@select_branch, -default => $results[0]->{'branchcode'}, -labels => \%select_branches, -size => 1, -multiple => 0 ); my $auto_barcode = C4::Context->boolean_preference("autoBarcode") || 0; # See whether barcodes should be automatically allocated. # Defaults to 0, meaning "no". my $barcode; if ($auto_barcode eq '1') { $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select max(barcode) from items"); $sth->execute; my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref; $barcode = $results[0]->{'barcode'}+1; $sth->finish; } # my @bookfund; # my @select_bookfund; # my %select_bookfunds; # ($count2,@bookfund)=bookfunds(); # for (my $i=0;$i<$count2;$i++){ # push @select_bookfund, $bookfund[$i]->{'bookfundid'}; # $select_bookfunds{$bookfund[$i]->{'bookfundid'}} = $bookfund[$i]->{'bookfundname'} # } # my $CGIbookfund=CGI::scrolling_list( -name => 'bookfund', # -values => \@select_bookfund, # -default => $results[0]->{'bookfundid'}, # -labels => \%select_bookfunds, # -size => 1, # -multiple => 0 ); if ($results[0]->{'quantityreceived'} == 0){ $results[0]->{'quantityreceived'}=''; } if ($results[0]->{'unitprice'} == 0){ $results[0]->{'unitprice'}=''; } $template->param( count => 1, biblionumber => $results[0]->{'biblionumber'}, ordernumber => $results[0]->{'ordernumber'}, biblioitemnumber => $results[0]->{'biblioitemnumber'}, supplierid => $results[0]->{'booksellerid'}, freight => $freight, gst => $gst, catview => ($catview ne 'yes'?1:0), name => $booksellers[0]->{'name'}, date => format_date($date), title => $results[0]->{'title'}, author => $results[0]->{'author'}, copyrightdate => format_date($results[0]->{'copyrightdate'}), itemtype => $results[0]->{'itemtype'}, CGIbranch => $CGIbranch, isbn => $results[0]->{'isbn'}, seriestitle => $results[0]->{'seriestitle'}, barcode => $barcode, bookfund => $results[0]->{'bookfundid'}, quantity => $results[0]->{'quantity'}, quantityreceived => $results[0]->{'quantityreceived'}, rrp => $results[0]->{'rrp'}, ecost => $results[0]->{'ecost'}, unitprice => $results[0]->{'unitprice'}, invoice => $invoice, notes => $results[0]->{'notes'}, ); } else { my @loop; for (my $i=0;$i<$count;$i++){ my %line; $line{isbn} = $results[$i]->{'isbn'}; $line{basketno} = $results[$i]->{'basketno'}; $line{quantity} = $results[$i]->{'quantity'}; $line{quantityrecieved} = $results[$i]->{'quantityreceived'}; $line{ordernumber} = $results[$i]->{'ordernumber'}; $line{biblionumber} = $results[$i]->{'biblionumber'}; $line{invoice} = $invoice; $line{freight} = $freight; $line{gst} = $gst; $line{title} = $results[$i]->{'title'}; $line{author} = $results[$i]->{'author'}; $line{supplierid} = $supplierid; push @loop,\%line; } $template->param( loop => \@loop, date => format_date($date), name => $booksellers[0]->{'name'}, supplierid => $supplierid, invoice => $invoice, ); } output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;