use Modern::Perl; return { bug_number => "24387", description => "Rename opac_news with additional_contents", up => sub { my ($args) = @_; my $dbh = $args->{dbh}; if( TableExists('opac_news') ) { $dbh->do(q| ALTER TABLE opac_news RENAME additional_contents |); } if ( foreign_key_exists('additional_contents', 'opac_news_branchcode_ibfk') ) { $dbh->do(q| ALTER TABLE additional_contents DROP KEY borrowernumber_fk, DROP KEY opac_news_branchcode_ibfk, DROP FOREIGN KEY borrowernumber_fk, DROP FOREIGN KEY opac_news_branchcode_ibfk |); $dbh->do(q| ALTER TABLE additional_contents ADD CONSTRAINT additional_contents_borrowernumber_fk FOREIGN KEY (borrowernumber) REFERENCES borrowers (borrowernumber) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE |); $dbh->do(q| ALTER TABLE additional_contents ADD CONSTRAINT additional_contents_branchcode_ibfk FOREIGN KEY (branchcode) REFERENCES branches (branchcode) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE |); } $dbh->do(q| UPDATE letter SET content = REGEXP_REPLACE(content, '<<\\\\s*opac_news\.', '<do(q| UPDATE letter SET content = REGEXP_REPLACE(content, '\\\\[%\\\\s*opac_news\.', '[% additional_contents.') |); $dbh->do(q| UPDATE systempreferences SET variable="AdditionalContentsEditor" WHERE variable="NewsToolEditor" |); $dbh->do(q| UPDATE permissions SET code="edit_additional_contents" WHERE code="edit_news" |); unless ( column_exists('additional_contents', 'category' ) ) { $dbh->do(q| ALTER TABLE additional_contents ADD COLUMN `category` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'category for the additional content' AFTER `idnew` |); } unless ( column_exists('additional_contents', 'location' ) ) { $dbh->do(q| ALTER TABLE additional_contents ADD COLUMN `location` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'location of the additional content' AFTER `category` |); } unless ( column_exists('additional_contents', 'code' ) ) { $dbh->do(q| ALTER TABLE additional_contents ADD COLUMN `code` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'code to group content per lang' AFTER `category` |); } my $contents = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(q|SELECT * FROM additional_contents|, { Slice => {} }); for my $c ( @$contents ) { my ( $category, $location, $new_lang ); if ( $c->{lang} eq '' ) { $category = 'news'; $location = 'staff_and_opac'; $new_lang = 'default'; } elsif ( $c->{lang} eq 'koha' ) { $category = 'news'; $location = 'staff_only'; $new_lang = 'default'; } elsif ( $c->{lang} eq 'slip' ) { $category = 'news'; $location = 'slip'; $new_lang = 'default'; } elsif ( $c->{lang} =~ m|_| ) { ( $location, $new_lang ) = split '_', $c->{lang}; $category = 'html_customizations' } else { $category = 'news'; $location = 'opac_only'; $new_lang = $c->{lang}; } die "There is something wrong here, we didn't find a valid category for idnew=" . $c->{idnew} unless $category; # Now this is getting weird # We are adding an extra news with the same code when the lang is not "default" (/"en") my $sth_update = $dbh->prepare(q| UPDATE additional_contents SET category=?, location=?, lang=? WHERE idnew=? |); my $parent_idnew; if ( $new_lang ne 'default' ) { $dbh->do(q| INSERT INTO additional_contents(category, code, location, branchcode, title, content, lang, published_on, updated_on, expirationdate, number, borrowernumber) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) |, undef, $category, 'tmp_code', $location, $c->{branchcode}, $c->{title}, '', 'default', $c->{published_on}, $c->{updated_on}, $c->{expirationdate}, $c->{number}, $c->{borrowernumber}); $parent_idnew = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef, undef, 'additional_contents', undef); } $sth_update->execute($category, $location, $new_lang, $c->{idnew}); my $idnew = $parent_idnew || $c->{idnew}; my $code = ( grep {$_ eq $location} qw( staff_and_opac staff_only opac_only slip ) ) ? "${location}_$idnew" : "News_$idnew"; $dbh->do(q|UPDATE additional_contents SET code=? WHERE idnew = ?|, undef, $code, $parent_idnew) if $parent_idnew; $dbh->do(q|UPDATE additional_contents SET code=? WHERE idnew = ?|, undef, $code, $c->{idnew}); } $dbh->do(q| ALTER TABLE additional_contents ADD UNIQUE KEY additional_contents_uniq (`category`,`code`,`branchcode`,`lang`) |); }, }