use Modern::Perl; return { bug_number => "33547", description => "Add a new notice template 'PRES_TRAIN_ITEM'", up => sub { my ($args) = @_; my ( $dbh, $out ) = @$args{qw(dbh out)}; unless ( column_exists( 'preservation_processings', 'letter_code' ) ) { $dbh->do( q{ ALTER TABLE preservation_processings ADD COLUMN `letter_code` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Foreign key to the letters table' AFTER `name` } ); } my $notice_template = q{[%~ USE AuthorisedValues ~%] [%~ SET train = train_item.train ~%] [%~ SET item = train_item.catalogue_item ~%] Train name: [% %] Sent on: [% train.sent_on | $KohaDates %] [% %] Item number #[% train_item.user_train_item_id %] [% FOREACH item_attribute IN train_item.attributes %] [%~ SET value = item_attribute.value ~%] [%~ IF item_attribute.processing_attribute.type == 'authorised_value' ~%] [%~ SET value = AuthorisedValues.GetByCode(item_attribute.processing_attribute.option_source, item_attribute.value) ~%] [%~ END ~%] [% %]: [% value %] [% END %]}; $dbh->do( q{ INSERT IGNORE INTO letter (module,code,branchcode,name,is_html,title,content,message_transport_type,lang) VALUES ('preservation','PRES_TRAIN_ITEM','','Train item slip',0,'Train item slip',?, 'print','default')}, undef, $notice_template ); say $out "Added new letter 'PRES_TRAIN_ITEM' (print)"; }, };