#!/usr/bin/perl # Test C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue() for both transport cost matrix # and StaticHoldsQueueWeight array (no RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight, no point) # Wraps tests in transaction that's rolled back, so no data is destroyed # MySQL WARNING: This makes sense only if your tables are InnoDB, otherwise # transactions are not supported and mess is left behind use Modern::Perl; use Test::More tests => 57; use Data::Dumper; use C4::Calendar qw( new insert_single_holiday ); use C4::Context; use C4::Members; use C4::Circulation qw( AddIssue AddReturn ); use Koha::Database; use Koha::DateUtils; use Koha::Items; use Koha::Holds; use Koha::CirculationRules; use t::lib::TestBuilder; use t::lib::Mocks; BEGIN { use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin; use_ok('C4::Reserves', qw( AddReserve ModReserve ModReserveAffect )); use_ok('C4::HoldsQueue', qw( TransportCostMatrix GetHoldsQueueItems CreateQueue UpdateTransportCostMatrix GetPendingHoldRequestsForBib )); } my $schema = Koha::Database->schema; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $dbh->do("DELETE FROM circulation_rules"); my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'UseBranchTransferLimits', '0' ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'BranchTransferLimitsType', 'itemtype' ); my $library1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch', }); my $library2 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch', }); my $library3 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch', }); my $TITLE = "Test Holds Queue XXX"; my $borrower = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', value => { branchcode => $library1->{branchcode}, } }); my $borrowernumber = $borrower->{borrowernumber}; # Set special (for this test) branches my $borrower_branchcode = $borrower->{branchcode}; my @branchcodes = ( $library1->{branchcode}, $library2->{branchcode}, $library3->{branchcode} ); my @other_branches = ( $library2->{branchcode}, $library3->{branchcode} ); my $least_cost_branch_code = pop @other_branches; my $itemtype = $builder->build({ source => 'Itemtype', value => { notforloan => 0 } })->{itemtype}; #Set up the stage # Sysprefs and cost matrix t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('HoldsQueueSkipClosed', 0); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('LocalHoldsPriority', 0); $dbh->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value = ? WHERE variable = 'StaticHoldsQueueWeight'", undef, join( ',', @other_branches, $borrower_branchcode, $least_cost_branch_code)); $dbh->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value = '0' WHERE variable = 'RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight'"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM transport_cost"); my $transport_cost_insert_sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into transport_cost (frombranch, tobranch, cost) values (?, ?, ?)"); # Favour $least_cost_branch_code $transport_cost_insert_sth->execute($borrower_branchcode, $least_cost_branch_code, 0.2); $transport_cost_insert_sth->execute($least_cost_branch_code, $borrower_branchcode, 0.2); my @b = @other_branches; while ( my $b1 = shift @b ) { foreach my $b2 ($borrower_branchcode, $least_cost_branch_code, @b) { $transport_cost_insert_sth->execute($b1, $b2, 0.5); $transport_cost_insert_sth->execute($b2, $b1, 0.5); } } # Loanable items - all possible combinations of homebranch and holdingbranch $dbh->do("INSERT INTO biblio (frameworkcode, author, title, datecreated) VALUES ('SER', 'Koha test', '$TITLE', '2011-02-01')"); my $biblionumber = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT biblionumber FROM biblio WHERE title = '$TITLE'") or BAIL_OUT("Cannot find newly created biblio record"); $dbh->do("INSERT INTO biblioitems (biblionumber, itemtype) VALUES ($biblionumber, '$itemtype')"); my $biblioitemnumber = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT biblioitemnumber FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber = $biblionumber") or BAIL_OUT("Cannot find newly created biblioitems record"); my $items_insert_sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO items (biblionumber, biblioitemnumber, barcode, homebranch, holdingbranch, notforloan, damaged, itemlost, withdrawn, onloan, itype) VALUES ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, ?, ?, ?, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, '$itemtype')"); # CURRENT_DATE - 3)"); my $first_barcode = int(rand(1000000000000)); # XXX my $barcode = $first_barcode; foreach ( $borrower_branchcode, $least_cost_branch_code, @other_branches ) { $items_insert_sth->execute($barcode++, $borrower_branchcode, $_); $items_insert_sth->execute($barcode++, $_, $_); $items_insert_sth->execute($barcode++, $_, $borrower_branchcode); } # Remove existing reserves, makes debugging easier $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves"); my $bibitems = undef; my $priority = 1; # Make a reserve AddReserve( { branchcode => $borrower_branchcode, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => $priority, } ); # $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found $dbh->do("UPDATE reserves SET reservedate = DATE_SUB( reservedate, INTERVAL 1 DAY )"); # Tests my $use_cost_matrix_sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE systempreferences SET value = ? WHERE variable = 'UseTransportCostMatrix'"); my $test_sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM hold_fill_targets JOIN tmp_holdsqueue USING (borrowernumber, biblionumber, itemnumber) JOIN items USING (itemnumber) WHERE borrowernumber = $borrowernumber"); # We have a book available homed in borrower branch, no point fiddling with AutomaticItemReturn t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AutomaticItemReturn', 0); test_queue ('take from homebranch', 0, $borrower_branchcode, $borrower_branchcode); test_queue ('take from homebranch', 1, $borrower_branchcode, $borrower_branchcode); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM issues WHERE itemnumber IN (SELECT itemnumber FROM items WHERE homebranch = '$borrower_branchcode' AND holdingbranch = '$borrower_branchcode')"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM items WHERE homebranch = '$borrower_branchcode' AND holdingbranch = '$borrower_branchcode'"); # test_queue will flush t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AutomaticItemReturn', 1); # Not sure how to make this test more difficult - holding branch does not matter $dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM issues WHERE itemnumber IN (SELECT itemnumber FROM items WHERE homebranch = '$borrower_branchcode')"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM items WHERE homebranch = '$borrower_branchcode'"); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AutomaticItemReturn', 0); # We have a book available held in borrower branch test_queue ('take from holdingbranch', 0, $borrower_branchcode, $borrower_branchcode); test_queue ('take from holdingbranch', 1, $borrower_branchcode, $borrower_branchcode); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM issues WHERE itemnumber IN (SELECT itemnumber FROM items WHERE holdingbranch = '$borrower_branchcode')"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM items WHERE holdingbranch = '$borrower_branchcode'"); # No book available in borrower branch, pick according to the rules # Frst branch from StaticHoldsQueueWeight test_queue ('take from lowest cost branch', 0, $borrower_branchcode, $other_branches[0]); test_queue ('take from lowest cost branch', 1, $borrower_branchcode, $least_cost_branch_code); my $queue = C4::HoldsQueue::GetHoldsQueueItems($least_cost_branch_code) || []; my $queue_item = $queue->[0]; ok( $queue_item && $queue_item->{pickbranch} eq $borrower_branchcode && $queue_item->{holdingbranch} eq $least_cost_branch_code, "GetHoldsQueueItems" ) or diag( "Expected item for pick $borrower_branchcode, hold $least_cost_branch_code, got ".Dumper($queue_item) ); ok( exists($queue_item->{itype}), 'item type included in queued items list (bug 5825)' ); ok( C4::HoldsQueue::least_cost_branch( 'B', [ 'A', 'B', 'C' ] ) eq 'B', 'C4::HoldsQueue::least_cost_branch returns the local branch if it is in the list of branches to pull from' ); # XXX All this tests are for borrower branch pick-up. # Maybe needs expanding to homebranch or holdingbranch pick-up. $schema->txn_rollback; $schema->txn_begin; ### Test holds queue builder does not violate holds policy ### # Clear out existing rules relating to holdallowed $dbh->do("DELETE FROM circulation_rules"); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('UseTransportCostMatrix', 0); $itemtype = $builder->build({ source => 'Itemtype', value => { notforloan => 0 } })->{itemtype}; $library1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch', }); $library2 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch', }); $library3 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch', }); @branchcodes = ( $library1->{branchcode}, $library2->{branchcode}, $library3->{branchcode} ); my $category = $builder->build({ source => 'Category', value => {exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0} } ); my $borrower1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', value => { branchcode => $branchcodes[0], categorycode => $category->{categorycode}, }, }); my $borrower2 = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', value => { branchcode => $branchcodes[1], categorycode => $category->{categorycode}, }, }); my $borrower3 = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', value => { branchcode => $branchcodes[2], categorycode => $category->{categorycode}, }, }); $dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO biblio ( frameworkcode, author, title, datecreated ) VALUES ( 'SER', 'Koha test', '$TITLE', '2011-02-01' ) }); $biblionumber = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT biblionumber FROM biblio WHERE title = '$TITLE'") or BAIL_OUT("Cannot find newly created biblio record"); $dbh->do(qq{ INSERT INTO biblioitems ( biblionumber, itemtype ) VALUES ( $biblionumber, '$itemtype' ) }); $biblioitemnumber = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT biblioitemnumber FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber = $biblionumber") or BAIL_OUT("Cannot find newly created biblioitems record"); $items_insert_sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{ INSERT INTO items ( biblionumber, biblioitemnumber, barcode, homebranch, holdingbranch, notforloan, damaged, itemlost, withdrawn, onloan, itype, exclude_from_local_holds_priority ) VALUES ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, ?, ?, ?, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, '$itemtype', 0 ) }); # Create 3 items from 2 branches ( branches are for borrowers 1 and 2 respectively ) $barcode = int( rand(1000000000000) ); $items_insert_sth->execute( $barcode + 0, $branchcodes[0], $branchcodes[0] ); $items_insert_sth->execute( $barcode + 1, $branchcodes[1], $branchcodes[1] ); $items_insert_sth->execute( $barcode + 2, $branchcodes[1], $branchcodes[1] ); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{ INSERT INTO reserves ( borrowernumber, biblionumber, branchcode, priority, reservedate ) VALUES ( ?,?,?,?, CURRENT_DATE() ) }); $sth->execute( $borrower1->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[0], 1 ); $sth->execute( $borrower2->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[0], 2 ); $sth->execute( $borrower3->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[0], 3 ); my $holds_queue; $dbh->do("DELETE FROM circulation_rules"); Koha::CirculationRules->set_rule( { rule_name => 'holdallowed', rule_value => 'from_home_library', branchcode => undef, itemtype => undef, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} }); is( @$holds_queue, 2, "Holds queue filling correct number for default holds policy 'from home library'" ); is( $holds_queue->[0]->{cardnumber}, $borrower1->{cardnumber}, "Holds queue filling 1st correct hold for default holds policy 'from home library'"); is( $holds_queue->[1]->{cardnumber}, $borrower2->{cardnumber}, "Holds queue filling 2nd correct hold for default holds policy 'from home library'"); # Test skipping hold picks for closed libraries. # At this point in the test, we have 2 rows in the holds queue # 1 of which is coming from MPL. Let's enable HoldsQueueSkipClosed # and make today a holiday for MPL. When we run it again we should only # have 1 row in the holds queue t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('HoldsQueueSkipClosed', 1); my $today = dt_from_string(); C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branchcodes[0] )->insert_single_holiday( day => $today->day(), month => $today->month(), year => $today->year(), title => "$today", description => "$today", ); # If the test below is removed, aother tests using the holiday will fail. For some reason if we call is_holiday now # the holiday will get set in cache correctly, but not if we let C4::HoldsQueue call is_holiday instead. is( Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branchcodes[0] )->is_holiday( $today ), 1, 'Is today a holiday for pickup branch' ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} }); is( scalar( @$holds_queue ), 1, "Holds not filled with items from closed libraries" ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('HoldsQueueSkipClosed', 0); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM circulation_rules"); Koha::CirculationRules->set_rule( { rule_name => 'holdallowed', rule_value => 'from_any_library', branchcode => undef, itemtype => undef, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} }); is( @$holds_queue, 3, "Holds queue filling correct number for holds for default holds policy 'from any library'" ); # Test skipping hold picks for closed libraries without transport cost matrix # At this point in the test, we have 3 rows in the holds queue # one of which is coming from MPL. Let's enable HoldsQueueSkipClosed # and use our previously created holiday for MPL # When we run it again we should only have 2 rows in the holds queue t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'HoldsQueueSkipClosed', 1 ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} }); is( scalar( @$holds_queue ), 2, "Holds not filled with items from closed libraries" ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'HoldsQueueSkipClosed', 0 ); ## Test LocalHoldsPriority t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('LocalHoldsPriority', 1); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM circulation_rules"); Koha::CirculationRules->set_rule( { rule_name => 'holdallowed', rule_value => 'from_any_library', branchcode => undef, itemtype => undef, } ); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM issues"); # Test homebranch = patron branch t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl', 'HomeLibrary'); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'homebranch'); C4::Context->clear_syspref_cache(); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves"); $sth->execute( $borrower1->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[0], 1 ); $sth->execute( $borrower2->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[0], 2 ); $sth->execute( $borrower3->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[0], 3 ); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM items"); # barcode, homebranch, holdingbranch, itemtype $items_insert_sth->execute( $barcode + 4, $branchcodes[2], $branchcodes[0] ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} }); is( $holds_queue->[0]->{cardnumber}, $borrower3->{cardnumber}, "Holds queue giving priority to patron who's home library matches item's home library"); ### Test branch transfer limits ### t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl', 'HomeLibrary'); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'holdingbranch'); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'UseBranchTransferLimits', '1' ); C4::Context->clear_syspref_cache(); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves"); $sth->execute( $borrower1->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[0], 1 ); $sth->execute( $borrower2->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[1], 2 ); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM items"); # barcode, homebranch, holdingbranch, itemtype $items_insert_sth->execute( $barcode, $branchcodes[2], $branchcodes[2] ); my $item = Koha::Items->find( { barcode => $barcode } ); my $limit1 = Koha::Item::Transfer::Limit->new( { toBranch => $branchcodes[0], fromBranch => $branchcodes[2], itemtype => $item->effective_itemtype, } )->store(); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} }); is( $holds_queue->[0]->{cardnumber}, $borrower2->{cardnumber}, "Holds queue skips hold transfer that would violate branch transfer limits"); my $limit2 = Koha::Item::Transfer::Limit->new( { toBranch => $branchcodes[1], fromBranch => $branchcodes[2], itemtype => $item->effective_itemtype, } )->store(); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} }); is( $holds_queue->[0]->{cardnumber}, undef, "Holds queue doesn't fill hold where all available items would violate branch transfer limits"); $limit1->delete(); $limit2->delete(); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'UseBranchTransferLimits', '0' ); ### END Test branch transfer limits ### # Test holdingbranch = patron branch t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl', 'HomeLibrary'); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'holdingbranch'); C4::Context->clear_syspref_cache(); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves"); $sth->execute( $borrower1->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[0], 1 ); $sth->execute( $borrower2->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[0], 2 ); $sth->execute( $borrower3->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[0], 3 ); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM items"); # barcode, homebranch, holdingbranch, itemtype $items_insert_sth->execute( $barcode + 4, $branchcodes[0], $branchcodes[2] ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} }); is( $holds_queue->[0]->{cardnumber}, $borrower3->{cardnumber}, "Holds queue giving priority to patron who's home library matches item's holding library"); # Test holdingbranch = pickup branch t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl', 'PickupLibrary'); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'holdingbranch'); C4::Context->clear_syspref_cache(); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves"); $sth->execute( $borrower1->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[0], 1 ); $sth->execute( $borrower2->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[0], 2 ); $sth->execute( $borrower3->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[2], 3 ); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM items"); # barcode, homebranch, holdingbranch, itemtype $items_insert_sth->execute( $barcode + 4, $branchcodes[0], $branchcodes[2] ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} }); is( $holds_queue->[0]->{cardnumber}, $borrower3->{cardnumber}, "Holds queue giving priority to patron who's home library matches item's holding library"); # Test homebranch = pickup branch t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl', 'PickupLibrary'); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'homebranch'); C4::Context->clear_syspref_cache(); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves"); $sth->execute( $borrower1->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[0], 1 ); $sth->execute( $borrower2->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[0], 2 ); $sth->execute( $borrower3->{borrowernumber}, $biblionumber, $branchcodes[2], 3 ); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM items"); # barcode, homebranch, holdingbranch, itemtype $items_insert_sth->execute( $barcode + 4, $branchcodes[2], $branchcodes[0] ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} }); is( $holds_queue->[0]->{cardnumber}, $borrower3->{cardnumber}, "Holds queue giving priority to patron who's home library matches item's holding library"); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('LocalHoldsPriority', 0); ## End testing of LocalHoldsPriority # Bug 14297 $itemtype = $builder->build({ source => 'Itemtype', value => { notforloan => 0 } })->{itemtype}; $borrowernumber = $borrower3->{borrowernumber}; my $library_A = $library1->{branchcode}; my $library_B = $library2->{branchcode}; my $library_C = $borrower3->{branchcode}; $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM issues"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM items"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM biblio"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM biblioitems"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM transport_cost"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets"); $dbh->do(" INSERT INTO biblio (frameworkcode, author, title, datecreated) VALUES ('', 'Koha test', '$TITLE', '2011-02-01') "); $biblionumber = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT biblionumber FROM biblio WHERE title = '$TITLE'") or BAIL_OUT("Cannot find newly created biblio record"); $dbh->do("INSERT INTO biblioitems (biblionumber, itemtype) VALUES ($biblionumber, '$itemtype')"); $biblioitemnumber = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT biblioitemnumber FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber = $biblionumber") or BAIL_OUT("Cannot find newly created biblioitems record"); $dbh->do(" INSERT INTO items (biblionumber, biblioitemnumber, homebranch, holdingbranch, notforloan, damaged, itemlost, withdrawn, onloan, itype, exclude_from_local_holds_priority) VALUES ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, '$library_A', '$library_A', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, '$itemtype', 0) "); $dbh->do(" INSERT INTO items (biblionumber, biblioitemnumber, homebranch, holdingbranch, notforloan, damaged, itemlost, withdrawn, onloan, itype, exclude_from_local_holds_priority) VALUES ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, '$library_B', '$library_B', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, '$itemtype', 0) "); Koha::CirculationRules->set_rules( { branchcode => $library_A, itemtype => $itemtype, rules => { holdallowed => 'from_any_library', returnbranch => 'homebranch', } } ); $dbh->do( "UPDATE systempreferences SET value = ? WHERE variable = 'StaticHoldsQueueWeight'", undef, join( ',', $library_B, $library_A, $library_C ) ); $dbh->do( "UPDATE systempreferences SET value = 0 WHERE variable = 'RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight'" ); my $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library_C, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => 1, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} }); is( @$holds_queue, 1, "Bug 14297 - Holds Queue building ignoring holds where pickup & home branch don't match and item is not from le"); # End Bug 14297 # Bug 15062 $itemtype = $builder->build({ source => 'Itemtype', value => { notforloan => 0 } })->{itemtype}; $borrowernumber = $borrower2->{borrowernumber}; $library_A = $library1->{branchcode}; $library_B = $library2->{branchcode}; $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM issues"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM items"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM biblio"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM biblioitems"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM transport_cost"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets"); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference("UseTransportCostMatrix",1); my $tc_rs = $schema->resultset('TransportCost'); $tc_rs->create({ frombranch => $library_A, tobranch => $library_B, cost => 0, disable_transfer => 1 }); $tc_rs->create({ frombranch => $library_B, tobranch => $library_A, cost => 0, disable_transfer => 1 }); $dbh->do(" INSERT INTO biblio (frameworkcode, author, title, datecreated) VALUES ('', 'Koha test', '$TITLE', '2011-02-01') "); $biblionumber = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT biblionumber FROM biblio WHERE title = '$TITLE'") or BAIL_OUT("Cannot find newly created biblio record"); $dbh->do("INSERT INTO biblioitems (biblionumber, itemtype) VALUES ($biblionumber, '$itemtype')"); $biblioitemnumber = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT biblioitemnumber FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber = $biblionumber") or BAIL_OUT("Cannot find newly created biblioitems record"); $dbh->do(" INSERT INTO items (biblionumber, biblioitemnumber, homebranch, holdingbranch, notforloan, damaged, itemlost, withdrawn, onloan, itype, exclude_from_local_holds_priority) VALUES ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, '$library_A', '$library_A', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, '$itemtype', 0) "); $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library_B, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => 1, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} }); is( @$holds_queue, 0, "Bug 15062 - Holds queue with Transport Cost Matrix will transfer item even if transfers disabled"); # End Bug 15062 # Test hold_fulfillment_policy t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( "UseTransportCostMatrix", 0 ); $borrowernumber = $borrower3->{borrowernumber}; $library_A = $library1->{branchcode}; $library_B = $library2->{branchcode}; $library_C = $library3->{branchcode}; $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM issues"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM items"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM biblio"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM biblioitems"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM transport_cost"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets"); $dbh->do("INSERT INTO biblio (frameworkcode, author, title, datecreated) VALUES ('', 'Koha test', '$TITLE', '2011-02-01')"); $biblionumber = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT biblionumber FROM biblio WHERE title = '$TITLE'") or BAIL_OUT("Cannot find newly created biblio record"); $dbh->do("INSERT INTO biblioitems (biblionumber, itemtype) VALUES ($biblionumber, '$itemtype')"); $biblioitemnumber = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT biblioitemnumber FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber = $biblionumber") or BAIL_OUT("Cannot find newly created biblioitems record"); $dbh->do(" INSERT INTO items (biblionumber, biblioitemnumber, homebranch, holdingbranch, notforloan, damaged, itemlost, withdrawn, onloan, itype, exclude_from_local_holds_priority) VALUES ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, '$library_A', '$library_B', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, '$itemtype', 0) "); # With hold_fulfillment_policy = homebranch, hold should only be picked up if pickup branch = homebranch $dbh->do("DELETE FROM circulation_rules"); Koha::CirculationRules->set_rules( { branchcode => undef, itemtype => undef, rules => { holdallowed => 'from_any_library', hold_fulfillment_policy => 'homebranch', } } ); # Home branch matches pickup branch $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library_A, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => 1, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} } ); is( @$holds_queue, 1, "Hold where pickup branch matches home branch targeted" ); my $target_rs = $schema->resultset('HoldFillTarget'); is( $target_rs->next->reserve_id, $reserve_id, "Reserve id correctly set in hold fill target for title level hold" ); Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id )->cancel; # Holding branch matches pickup branch $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library_B, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => 1, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} } ); is( @$holds_queue, 0, "Hold where pickup ne home, pickup eq home not targeted" ); Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id )->cancel; # Neither branch matches pickup branch $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library_C, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => 1, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} } ); is( @$holds_queue, 0, "Hold where pickup ne home, pickup ne holding not targeted" ); Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id )->cancel; # With hold_fulfillment_policy = holdingbranch, hold should only be picked up if pickup branch = holdingbranch $dbh->do("DELETE FROM circulation_rules"); Koha::CirculationRules->set_rules( { branchcode => undef, itemtype => undef, rules => { holdallowed => 'from_any_library', hold_fulfillment_policy => 'holdingbranch', } } ); # Home branch matches pickup branch $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library_A, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => 1, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} } ); is( @$holds_queue, 0, "Hold where pickup eq home, pickup ne holding not targeted" ); Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id )->cancel; # Holding branch matches pickup branch $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library_B, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => 1, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} } ); is( @$holds_queue, 1, "Hold where pickup ne home, pickup eq holding targeted" ); Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id )->cancel; # Neither branch matches pickup branch $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library_C, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => 1, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} } ); is( @$holds_queue, 0, "Hold where pickup ne home, pickup ne holding not targeted" ); Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id )->cancel; # With hold_fulfillment_policy = any, hold should be pikcup up reguardless of matching home or holding branch $dbh->do("DELETE FROM circulation_rules"); Koha::CirculationRules->set_rules( { branchcode => undef, itemtype => undef, rules => { holdallowed => 'from_any_library', hold_fulfillment_policy => 'any', } } ); # Home branch matches pickup branch $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library_A, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => 1, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} } ); is( @$holds_queue, 1, "Hold where pickup eq home, pickup ne holding targeted" ); Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id )->cancel; # Holding branch matches pickup branch $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library_B, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => 1, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} } ); is( @$holds_queue, 1, "Hold where pickup ne home, pickup eq holding targeted" ); Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id )->cancel; # Neither branch matches pickup branch $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library_C, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => 1, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} } ); is( @$holds_queue, 1, "Hold where pickup ne home, pickup ne holding targeted" ); Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id )->cancel; # End testing hold_fulfillment_policy # Test hold itemtype limit t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( "UseTransportCostMatrix", 0 ); my $wrong_itemtype = $builder->build({ source => 'Itemtype', value => { notforloan => 0 } })->{itemtype}; my $right_itemtype = $builder->build({ source => 'Itemtype', value => { notforloan => 0 } })->{itemtype}; $borrowernumber = $borrower3->{borrowernumber}; my $branchcode = $library1->{branchcode}; $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM issues"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM items"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM biblio"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM biblioitems"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM transport_cost"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets"); $dbh->do("INSERT INTO biblio (frameworkcode, author, title, datecreated) VALUES ('', 'Koha test', '$TITLE', '2011-02-01')"); $biblionumber = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT biblionumber FROM biblio WHERE title = '$TITLE'") or BAIL_OUT("Cannot find newly created biblio record"); $dbh->do("INSERT INTO biblioitems (biblionumber, itemtype) VALUES ($biblionumber, '$itemtype')"); $biblioitemnumber = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT biblioitemnumber FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber = $biblionumber") or BAIL_OUT("Cannot find newly created biblioitems record"); $dbh->do(" INSERT INTO items (biblionumber, biblioitemnumber, homebranch, holdingbranch, notforloan, damaged, itemlost, withdrawn, onloan, itype, exclude_from_local_holds_priority) VALUES ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, '$library_A', '$library_B', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, '$right_itemtype', 0) "); # With hold_fulfillment_policy = homebranch, hold should only be picked up if pickup branch = homebranch $dbh->do("DELETE FROM circulation_rules"); Koha::CirculationRules->set_rules( { branchcode => undef, itemtype => undef, rules => { holdallowed => 'from_any_library', hold_fulfillment_policy => 'any', } } ); # Home branch matches pickup branch $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library_A, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => 1, itemtype => $wrong_itemtype, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} } ); is( @$holds_queue, 0, "Item with incorrect itemtype not targeted" ); Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id )->cancel; # Holding branch matches pickup branch $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library_A, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => 1, itemtype => $right_itemtype, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} } ); is( @$holds_queue, 1, "Item with matching itemtype is targeted" ); Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id )->cancel; # Neither branch matches pickup branch $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library_A, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblionumber, priority => 1, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $holds_queue = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM tmp_holdsqueue", { Slice => {} } ); is( @$holds_queue, 1, "Item targeted when hold itemtype is not set" ); Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id )->cancel; # End testing hold itemtype limit subtest "Test Local Holds Priority - Bib level" => sub { plan tests => 3; Koha::Biblios->delete(); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriority', 1 ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl', 'PickupLibrary' ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'homebranch' ); my $branch = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $branch2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $category = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories', value => {exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0} }); my $local_patron = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $branch->branchcode, categorycode => $category->categorycode } } ); my $other_patron = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $branch2->branchcode, categorycode => $category->categorycode } } ); my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio(); my $item = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $branch->branchcode, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0, } ); my $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $branch2->branchcode, borrowernumber => $other_patron->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, priority => 1, } ); my $reserve_id2 = AddReserve( { branchcode => $item->homebranch, borrowernumber => $local_patron->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, priority => 2, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); my $queue_rs = $schema->resultset('TmpHoldsqueue'); my $target_rs = $schema->resultset('HoldFillTarget'); is( $queue_rs->count(), 1, "Hold queue contains one hold" ); is( $queue_rs->next->borrowernumber->borrowernumber, $local_patron->borrowernumber, "We should pick the local hold over the next available" ); is( $target_rs->next->reserve_id, $reserve_id2, "Reserve id correctly set in hold fill target" ); }; subtest "Test Local Holds Priority - Item level" => sub { plan tests => 2; Koha::Biblios->delete(); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriority', 1 ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl', 'PickupLibrary' ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'homebranch' ); my $branch = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $branch2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $category = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories', value => {exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0} }); my $local_patron = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $branch->branchcode, categorycode => $category->categorycode } } ); my $other_patron = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $branch2->branchcode, categorycode => $category->categorycode } } ); my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio(); my $item = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $branch->branchcode, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0, } ); my $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $branch2->branchcode, borrowernumber => $other_patron->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, priority => 1, itemnumber => $item->id, } ); my $reserve_id2 = AddReserve( { branchcode => $item->homebranch, borrowernumber => $local_patron->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, priority => 2, itemnumber => $item->id, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); my $queue_rs = $schema->resultset('TmpHoldsqueue'); my $q = $queue_rs->next; is( $queue_rs->count(), 1, "Hold queue contains one hold" ); is( $q->borrowernumber->borrowernumber, $local_patron->borrowernumber, "We should pick the local hold over the next available" ); }; subtest "Test Local Holds Priority - Item level hold over Record level hold (Bug 23934)" => sub { plan tests => 2; Koha::Biblios->delete(); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriority', 1 ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl', 'PickupLibrary' ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'homebranch' ); my $branch = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $branch2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $category = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories', value => {exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0} }); my $local_patron = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $branch->branchcode, categorycode => $category->categorycode, } } ); my $other_patron = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $branch2->branchcode, categorycode => $category->categorycode, } } ); my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio(); my $item = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $branch->branchcode, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0, } ); my $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $branch2->branchcode, borrowernumber => $other_patron->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, priority => 1, } ); my $reserve_id2 = AddReserve( { branchcode => $item->homebranch, borrowernumber => $local_patron->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, priority => 2, itemnumber => $item->id, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); my $queue_rs = $schema->resultset('TmpHoldsqueue'); my $q = $queue_rs->next; is( $queue_rs->count(), 1, "Hold queue contains one hold" ); is( $q->borrowernumber->borrowernumber, $local_patron->borrowernumber, "We should pick the local hold over the next available" ); }; subtest "Test Local Holds Priority - Get correct item for item level hold" => sub { plan tests => 3; Koha::Biblios->delete(); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriority', 1 ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl', 'PickupLibrary' ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'homebranch' ); my $branch = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $branch2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $category = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories', value => {exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0} }); my $local_patron = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $branch->branchcode, categorycode => $category->categorycode, } } ); my $other_patron = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $branch2->branchcode, categorycode => $category->categorycode, } } ); my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio(); my $item1 = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $branch->branchcode, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0, } ); my $item2 = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $branch->branchcode, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0, } ); my $item3 = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $branch->branchcode, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0, } ); my $reserve_id2 = AddReserve( { branchcode => $item2->homebranch, borrowernumber => $local_patron->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, priority => 2, itemnumber => $item2->id, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); my $queue_rs = $schema->resultset('TmpHoldsqueue'); my $q = $queue_rs->next; is( $queue_rs->count(), 1, "Hold queue contains one hold" ); is( $q->borrowernumber->borrowernumber, $local_patron->borrowernumber, "We should pick the local hold over the next available" ); is( $q->itemnumber->id, $item2->id, "Got the correct item for item level local holds priority" ); }; subtest "Test Local Holds Priority - Ensure no duplicate requests in holds queue (Bug 18001)" => sub { plan tests => 1; $dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM circulation_rules"); Koha::Biblios->delete(); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriority', 1 ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl', 'PickupLibrary' ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'homebranch' ); my $branch = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $branch2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $category = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories', value => {exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0} }); my $patron = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $branch->branchcode, categorycode => $category->categorycode, } } ); my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio(); my $item1 = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $branch->branchcode, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0, } ); my $item2 = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $branch->branchcode, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0, } ); my $item3 = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $branch->branchcode, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0, } ); $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $item1->homebranch, borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblio->id, priority => 1 } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); my $queue_rs = $schema->resultset('TmpHoldsqueue'); is( $queue_rs->count(), 1, "Hold queue contains one hold from chosen from three possible items" ); }; subtest "Item level holds info is preserved (Bug 25738)" => sub { plan tests => 4; $dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves"); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM circulation_rules"); my $library = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' }); my $category = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories', value => {exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0} }); my $patron_1 = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $library->branchcode, categorycode => $category->categorycode } } ); my $patron_2 = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $library->branchcode, categorycode => $category->categorycode } } ); my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio(); my $item_1 = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $library->branchcode, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0, } ); my $item_2 = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $library->branchcode, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0, } ); # Add item-level hold for patron_1 my $reserve_id_1 = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library->branchcode, borrowernumber => $patron_1->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblio->id, itemnumber => $item_1->itemnumber, priority => 1 } ); my $reserve_id_2 = AddReserve( { branchcode => $library->branchcode, borrowernumber => $patron_2->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblio->id, priority => 2 } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); my $queue_rs = $schema->resultset('TmpHoldsqueue'); is( $queue_rs->count(), 2, "Hold queue contains two holds" ); my $queue_line_1 = $queue_rs->next; is( $queue_line_1->item_level_request, 1, 'Request is correctly advertised as item-level' ); my $target_rs = $schema->resultset('HoldFillTarget')->search({borrowernumber=>$patron_1->borrowernumber});; is( $target_rs->next->reserve_id, $reserve_id_1, "Reserve id correctly set in hold fill target for item level hold" ); my $queue_line_2 = $queue_rs->next; is( $queue_line_2->item_level_request, 0, 'Request is correctly advertised as biblio-level' ); }; subtest 'Trivial test for UpdateTransportCostMatrix' => sub { plan tests => 1; my $recs = [ { frombranch => $library1->{branchcode}, tobranch => $library2->{branchcode}, cost => 1, disable_transfer => 0 }, { frombranch => $library2->{branchcode}, tobranch => $library3->{branchcode}, cost => 0, disable_transfer => 1 }, ]; C4::HoldsQueue::UpdateTransportCostMatrix( $recs ); is( $schema->resultset('TransportCost')->count, 2, 'UpdateTransportCostMatrix added two records' ); }; subtest 'Excludes from local holds priority' => sub { plan tests => 8; Koha::Holds->delete; t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriority', 1 ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl', 'PickupLibrary' ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'homebranch' ); my $branch = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $branch2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $category = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories', value => {exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0} }); my $excluded_category = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories', value => {exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 1} }); my $local_patron_excluded = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $branch->branchcode, categorycode => $excluded_category->categorycode } } ); my $local_patron_not_excluded = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $branch->branchcode, categorycode => $category->categorycode } } ); my $other_patron = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $branch2->branchcode, categorycode => $category->categorycode } } ); my $item1 = $builder->build_sample_item( { library => $branch->branchcode, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0, } ); AddReserve( { branchcode => $other_patron->branchcode, borrowernumber => $other_patron->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $item1->biblionumber, priority => 1, itemtype => $item1->effective_itemtype } ); AddReserve( { branchcode => $local_patron_excluded->branchcode, borrowernumber => $local_patron_excluded->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $item1->biblionumber, priority => 2, itemtype => $item1->effective_itemtype } ); AddReserve( { branchcode => $local_patron_not_excluded->branchcode, borrowernumber => $local_patron_not_excluded->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $item1->biblionumber, priority => 3, itemtype => $item1->effective_itemtype } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); my $queue_rs = $schema->resultset('TmpHoldsqueue'); my $next = $queue_rs->next; is($queue_rs->count, 1, 'Only 1 patron queueud' ); is($next->borrowernumber->borrowernumber, $local_patron_not_excluded->borrowernumber, 'Not excluded local patron is queued'); my $item2 = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $item1->biblionumber, library => $branch->branchcode, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 1, } ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $queue_rs = $schema->resultset('TmpHoldsqueue'); is( $queue_rs->count, 2, '2 patrons queued' ); $next = $queue_rs->next; is($next->borrowernumber->borrowernumber, $local_patron_not_excluded->borrowernumber, 'Not excluded local patron is queued'); $next = $queue_rs->next; is($next->borrowernumber->borrowernumber, $other_patron->borrowernumber, 'Other patron is queued'); $item1->exclude_from_local_holds_priority(1)->store; C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $queue_rs = $schema->resultset('TmpHoldsqueue'); is( $queue_rs->count, 2, '2 patrons queued' ); $next = $queue_rs->next; is($next->borrowernumber->borrowernumber, $other_patron->borrowernumber, 'Other patron is queued'); $next = $queue_rs->next; is($next->borrowernumber->borrowernumber, $local_patron_excluded->borrowernumber, 'Excluded local patron is queued'); }; # Cleanup $schema->storage->txn_rollback; ### END Test holds queue builder does not violate holds policy ### sub test_queue { my ($test_name, $use_cost_matrix, $pick_branch, $hold_branch) = @_; $test_name = "$test_name (".($use_cost_matrix ? "" : "don't ")."use cost matrix)"; $use_cost_matrix_sth->execute($use_cost_matrix); C4::Context->clear_syspref_cache(); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($test_sth, { Slice => {} }); # should be only one my $r = $results->[0]; my $ok = is( $r->{pickbranch}, $pick_branch, "$test_name pick up branch"); $ok &&= is( $r->{holdingbranch}, $hold_branch, "$test_name holding branch") if $hold_branch; diag( "Wrong pick-up/hold for first target (pick_branch, hold_branch, reserves, hold_fill_targets, tmp_holdsqueue): " . Dumper ($pick_branch, $hold_branch, map dump_records($_), qw(reserves hold_fill_targets tmp_holdsqueue)) ) unless $ok; # Test enforcement of branch transfer limit if ( $r->{pickbranch} ne $r->{holdingbranch} ) { t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'UseBranchTransferLimits', '1' ); my $limit = Koha::Item::Transfer::Limit->new( { toBranch => $r->{pickbranch}, fromBranch => $r->{holdingbranch}, itemtype => $r->{itype}, } )->store(); C4::Context->clear_syspref_cache(); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( $test_sth, { Slice => {} } ) ; # should be only one my $s = $results->[0]; isnt( $r->{holdingbranch}, $s->{holdingbranch}, 'Hold is not trapped for pickup at a branch that cannot be transferred to'); $limit->delete(); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'UseBranchTransferLimits', '0' ); C4::Context->clear_syspref_cache(); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); } } subtest "Test _checkHoldPolicy" => sub { plan tests => 25; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $library1 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $library2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $library_nongroup = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $category = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories', value => {exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0} }); my $patron = $builder->build_object( { class => "Koha::Patrons", value => { branchcode => $library1->branchcode, categorycode => $category->categorycode, } } ); my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio(); my $item1 = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $library1->branchcode, exclude_from_local_holds_priority => 0, } ); $reserve_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $item1->homebranch, borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $biblio->id, priority => 1 } ); ok( $reserve_id, "Hold was created"); my $requests = C4::HoldsQueue::GetPendingHoldRequestsForBib($biblio->biblionumber); is( @$requests, 1, "Got correct number of holds"); my $request = $requests->[0]; is( $request->{biblionumber}, $biblio->id, "Hold has correct biblio"); is( $request->{borrowernumber}, $patron->id, "Hold has correct borrower"); is( $request->{borrowerbranch}, $patron->branchcode, "Hold has correct borrowerbranch"); my $hold = Koha::Holds->find( $reserve_id ); ok( $hold, "Found hold" ); my $item = { holdallowed => 'from_home_library', homebranch => $request->{borrowerbranch}, # library1 hold_fulfillment_policy => 'any' }; # Base case should work is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 1, "_checkHoldPolicy returns true" ); # Test holdallowed = 'not_allowed' $item->{holdallowed} = 'not_allowed'; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 0, "_checkHoldPolicy returns false if holdallowed = not_allowed" ); # Test holdallowed = 'from_home_library' $item->{holdallowed} = 'from_home_library'; $item->{homebranch} = $library_nongroup->id; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 0, "_checkHoldPolicy returns false if holdallowed = from_home_library and branches do not match" ); $item->{homebranch} = $request->{borrowerbranch}; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 1, "_checkHoldPolicy returns true if holdallowed = from_home_library and branches do match" ); # Test holdallowed = 3 $item->{holdallowed} = 'from_local_hold_group'; $item->{homebranch} = $library_nongroup->id; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 0, "_checkHoldPolicy returns false if branchode doesn't match, holdallowed = from_local_hold_group and no group branches exist" ); $item->{homebranch} = $request->{borrowerbranch}; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 1, "_checkHoldPolicy returns true if branchode matches, holdallowed = from_local_hold_group and no group branches exist" ); # Create library groups hierarchy my $rootgroup = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Library::Groups', value => {ft_local_hold_group => 1} } ); my $group1 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Library::Groups', value => {parent_id => $rootgroup->id, branchcode => $library1->branchcode}} ); my $group2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Library::Groups', value => {parent_id => $rootgroup->id, branchcode => $library2->branchcode}} ); is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 1, "_checkHoldPolicy returns true if holdallowed = from_local_hold_group and no group branches exist" ); $group1->delete; # Test hold_fulfillment_policy = holdgroup $item->{hold_fulfillment_policy} = 'holdgroup'; $item->{homebranch} = $library_nongroup->id; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 0, "_checkHoldPolicy returns true if library is not part of hold group, branches don't match and hfp = holdgroup" ); $item->{homebranch} = $request->{borrowerbranch}; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 1, "_checkHoldPolicy returns true if library is not part of hold group, branches match and hfp = holdgroup" ); $group1 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Library::Groups', value => {parent_id => $rootgroup->id, branchcode => $library1->branchcode}} ); is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 1, "_checkHoldPolicy returns true if library is part of hold group with hfp = holdgroup" ); $item->{homebranch} = $library2->id; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 1, "_checkHoldPolicy returns true if library is part of hold group with hfp = holdgroup" ); $item->{homebranch} = $library1->id; $group1->delete; # Test hold_fulfillment_policy = homebranch $item->{hold_fulfillment_policy} = 'homebranch'; $item->{homebranch} = $library_nongroup->id; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 0, "_checkHoldPolicy returns false if hfp = homebranch and pickup branch != item homebranch" ); $item->{homebranch} = $request->{borrowerbranch}; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 1, "_checkHoldPolicy returns true if hfp = homebranch and pickup branch = item homebranch" ); # Test hold_fulfillment_policy = holdingbranch $item->{hold_fulfillment_policy} = 'holdingbranch'; $item->{holdingbranch} = $library_nongroup->id; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 0, "_checkHoldPolicy returns false if hfp = holdingbranch and pickup branch != item holdingbranch" ); $item->{holdingbranch} = $request->{borrowerbranch}; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 1, "_checkHoldPolicy returns true if hfp = holdingbranch and pickup branch = item holdingbranch" ); # Test hold_fulfillment_policy = patrongroup $item->{hold_fulfillment_policy} = 'patrongroup'; $item->{borrowerbranch} = $library1->id; $item->{homebranch} = $library_nongroup->id; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 0, "_checkHoldPolicy returns false if library is not part of hold group, branches don't match, hfp = patrongroup" ); $item->{homebranch} = $request->{borrowerbranch}; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 1, "_checkHoldPolicy returns false if library is not part of hold group, branches match, hfp = patrongroup" ); $group1 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Library::Groups', value => {parent_id => $rootgroup->id, branchcode => $library1->branchcode}} ); is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 1, "_checkHoldPolicy returns true if library is part of hold group with hfp = holdgroup" ); $item->{borrowerbranch} = $library2->id; is( C4::HoldsQueue::_checkHoldPolicy( $item, $request ), 1, "_checkHoldPolicy returns true if library is part of hold group with hfp = holdgroup" ); $item->{borrowerbranch} = $library1->id; $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; sub dump_records { my ($tablename) = @_; return $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * from $tablename where borrowernumber = ?", { Slice => {} }, $borrowernumber); } subtest 'Remove holds on check-in match' => sub { plan tests => 2; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $lib = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } ); my $patron1 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { branchcode => $lib->branchcode } } ); my $patron2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { branchcode => $lib->branchcode } } ); my $item = $builder->build_sample_item( { homebranch => $lib->branchcode, holdingbranch => $lib->branchcode } ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_userenv( { branchcode => $lib->branchcode } ); AddIssue( $patron1->unblessed, $item->barcode, dt_from_string ); my $hold_id = AddReserve( { branchcode => $item->homebranch, borrowernumber => $patron2->borrowernumber, biblionumber => $item->biblionumber, itemnumber => undef, priority => 1 } ); my $hold = Koha::Holds->find($hold_id); AddReturn( $item->barcode, $item->homebranch ); C4::HoldsQueue::CreateQueue(); my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tmp_holdsqueue q INNER JOIN hold_fill_targets t ON q.borrowernumber = t.borrowernumber AND q.biblionumber = t.biblionumber AND q.itemnumber = t.itemnumber AND q.item_level_request = t.item_level_request AND q.holdingbranch = t.source_branchcode WHERE t.reserve_id = ? }); $sth->execute($hold->reserve_id); my ($count_1) = $sth->fetchrow_array; is( $count_1, 1, "Holds queue has one element" ); AddReturn( $item->barcode, $item->homebranch, undef, dt_from_string ); ModReserveAffect( $item->itemnumber, $hold->borrowernumber, 0, $hold->reserve_id ); $sth->execute($hold->reserve_id); my ($count_2) = $sth->fetchrow_array; is( $count_2, 0, "Holds queue has no elements, even when queue was not rebuilt" ); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; };