[% INCLUDE 'labels-toolbar.inc' %]
[% IF ( err ) %]
[% BLOCK xlate_errtype %]
[% SWITCH errtype %]
Item(s) not removed from batch [% batch_id %].
Batch [% batch_id %] was not deleted.
Item(s) not added to batch [% batch_id %].
Library is not set, please set your library before adding items to a batch.
Batch [% batch_id %] not fully de-duplicated.
[% CASE %]
Unknown error type [% errtype %].
[% END %]
[% END %]
WARNING: An error was encountered: [% PROCESS xlate_errtype %] Please have your system administrator check the error log for details.
[% ELSIF ( duplicate_message ) %]
Duplicate item(s) removed from batch number [% batch_id %]: [% duplicate_count %]
[% END %]
Current library: [% LoginBranchname %]
[% IF ( table_loop ) %]
[% ELSE %]
There are no items in this batch yet
Add items by using the text area above or leave empty to add via item search.
[% END %]