package C4::External::Syndetics; # Copyright (C) 2006 LibLime # # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use XML::Simple; use XML::LibXML; use LWP::Simple; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT); BEGIN { require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( &get_syndetics_index &get_syndetics_summary &get_syndetics_toc &get_syndetics_editions &get_syndetics_excerpt &get_syndetics_reviews &get_syndetics_anotes ); } # package-level variable my $parser = XML::LibXML->new(); =head1 NAME C4::External::Syndetics - Functions for retrieving Syndetics content in Koha =head1 FUNCTIONS This module provides facilities for retrieving content in Koha =head2 get_syndetics_summary my $syndetics_summary= &get_syndetics_summary( $isbn ); Get Summary data from Syndetics =cut sub get_syndetics_index { my ( $isbn, $upc, $oclc ) = @_; return unless ( $isbn || $upc || $oclc ); my $response = _fetch_syndetics_content('INDEX.XML', $isbn, $upc, $oclc); unless ($response->content_type =~ /xml/) { return; } my $content = $response->content; my $xmlsimple = XML::Simple->new(); $response = $xmlsimple->XMLin( $content, ) unless !$content; my $syndetics_elements; for my $available_type ('SUMMARY','TOC','FICTION','AWARDS1','SERIES1','SPSUMMARY','SPREVIEW', 'AVPROFILE', 'AVSUMMARY','DBCHAPTER','LJREVIEW','PWREVIEW','SLJREVIEW','CHREVIEW','BLREVIEW','HBREVIEW','KIREVIEW','CRITICASREVIEW','ANOTES') { if (exists $response->{$available_type} && $response->{$available_type} =~ /$available_type/) { $syndetics_elements->{$available_type} = $available_type; } } return $syndetics_elements if $syndetics_elements; } sub get_syndetics_summary { my ( $isbn, $upc, $oclc, $syndetics_elements ) = @_; my $summary_type = exists($syndetics_elements->{'AVSUMMARY'}) ? 'AVSUMMARY.XML' : 'SUMMARY.XML'; my $response = _fetch_syndetics_content($summary_type, $isbn, $upc, $oclc); unless ($response->content_type =~ /xml/) { return; } my $content = $response->content; my $summary; eval { my $doc = $parser->parse_string($content); $summary = $doc->findvalue('//Fld520'); }; if ($@) { warn "Error parsing Syndetics $summary_type"; } return $summary if $summary; } sub get_syndetics_toc { my ( $isbn,$upc,$oclc ) = @_; my $response = _fetch_syndetics_content('TOC.XML', $isbn, $upc, $oclc); unless ($response->content_type =~ /xml/) { return; } my $content = $response->content; my $xmlsimple = XML::Simple->new(); $response = $xmlsimple->XMLin( $content, forcearray => [ qw(Fld970) ], ) unless !$content; # manipulate response USMARC VarFlds VarDFlds Notes Fld520 a my $toc; $toc = \@{$response->{VarFlds}->{VarDFlds}->{SSIFlds}->{Fld970}} if $response; return $toc if $toc; } sub get_syndetics_excerpt { my ( $isbn,$upc,$oclc ) = @_; my $response = _fetch_syndetics_content('DBCHAPTER.XML', $isbn, $upc, $oclc); unless ($response->content_type =~ /xml/) { return; } my $content = $response->content; my $xmlsimple = XML::Simple->new(); $response = $xmlsimple->XMLin( $content, forcearray => [ qw(Fld520) ], ) unless !$content; # manipulate response USMARC VarFlds VarDFlds Notes Fld520 a my $excerpt; $excerpt = \@{$response->{VarFlds}->{VarDFlds}->{Notes}->{Fld520}} if $response; return XMLout($excerpt, NoEscape => 1) if $excerpt; } sub get_syndetics_reviews { my ( $isbn,$upc,$oclc,$syndetics_elements ) = @_; my @reviews; my $review_sources = [ {title => 'Library Journal Review', file => 'LJREVIEW.XML', element => 'LJREVIEW'}, {title => 'Publishers Weekly Review', file => 'PWREVIEW.XML', element => 'PWREVIEW'}, {title => 'School Library Journal Review', file => 'SLJREVIEW.XML', element => 'SLJREVIEW'}, {title => 'CHOICE Review', file => 'CHREVIEW.XML', element => 'CHREVIEW'}, {title => 'Booklist Review', file => 'BLREVIEW.XML', element => 'BLREVIEW'}, {title => 'Horn Book Review', file => 'HBREVIEW.XML', element => 'HBREVIEW'}, {title => 'Kirkus Book Review', file => 'KIREVIEW.XML', element => 'KIREVIEW'}, {title => 'Criticas Review', file => 'CRITICASREVIEW.XML', element => 'CRITICASREVIEW'}, {title => 'Spanish Review', file => 'SPREVIEW.XML', element => 'SPREVIEW'}, ]; for my $source (@$review_sources) { if ($syndetics_elements->{$source->{element}} and $source->{element} =~ $syndetics_elements->{$source->{element}}) { } else { #warn "Skipping $source->{element} doesn't match $syndetics_elements->{$source->{element}} \n"; next; } my $response = _fetch_syndetics_content($source->{file}, $isbn, $upc, $oclc); unless ($response->content_type =~ /xml/) { next; } my $content = $response->content; eval { my $doc = $parser->parse_string($content); # note that using findvalue strips any HTML elements embedded # in that review. That helps us handle slight differences # in the output provided by Syndetics 'old' and 'new' versions # of their service and cleans any questionable HTML that # may be present in the reviews, but does mean that any # and tags used to format the review are also gone. my $result = $doc->findvalue('//Fld520'); push @reviews, {title => $source->{title}, reviews => [ { content => $result } ]} if $result; }; if ($@) { warn "Error parsing Syndetics $source->{title} review"; } } return \@reviews; } sub get_syndetics_editions { my ( $isbn,$upc,$oclc ) = @_; my $response = _fetch_syndetics_content('FICTION.XML', $isbn, $upc, $oclc); unless ($response->content_type =~ /xml/) { return; } my $content = $response->content; my $xmlsimple = XML::Simple->new(); $response = $xmlsimple->XMLin( $content, forcearray => [ qw(Fld020) ], ) unless !$content; # manipulate response USMARC VarFlds VarDFlds Notes Fld520 a my $similar_items; $similar_items = \@{$response->{VarFlds}->{VarDFlds}->{NumbCode}->{Fld020}} if $response; return $similar_items if $similar_items; } sub get_syndetics_anotes { my ( $isbn,$upc,$oclc) = @_; my $response = _fetch_syndetics_content('ANOTES.XML', $isbn, $upc, $oclc); unless ($response->content_type =~ /xml/) { return; } my $content = $response->content; my $xmlsimple = XML::Simple->new(); $response = $xmlsimple->XMLin( $content, forcearray => [ qw(Fld980) ], ForceContent => 1, ) unless !$content; my @anotes; for my $fld980 (@{$response->{VarFlds}->{VarDFlds}->{SSIFlds}->{Fld980}}) { # this is absurd, but sometimes this data serializes differently if(ref($fld980->{a}->{content}) eq 'ARRAY') { for my $content (@{$fld980->{a}->{content}}) { push @anotes, {content => $content}; } } else { push @anotes, {content => $fld980->{a}->{content}}; } } return \@anotes; } sub _fetch_syndetics_content { my ( $element, $isbn, $upc, $oclc ) = @_; $isbn = '' unless defined $isbn; $upc = '' unless defined $upc; $oclc = '' unless defined $oclc; my $syndetics_client_code = C4::Context->preference('SyndeticsClientCode'); my $url = "$isbn/$element&client=$syndetics_client_code&type=xw10&upc=$upc&oclc=$oclc"; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout(10); $ua->env_proxy; my $response = $ua->get($url); warn "could not retrieve $url" unless $response->content; return $response; } 1; __END__ =head1 NOTES =cut =head1 AUTHOR Joshua Ferraro =cut