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Notices & Slips
All notices and circulation receipts (or slips) generated by Koha can be customized using the Notices & Slips Tool. The system comes with several predefined templates that will appear when you first visit this tool.
Each notice can be edited, but only a few can be deleted, this is to prevent system errors should a message try to send without a template. Each notice and slip can be edited on a per library basis, by default you will see the notices for all libraries.
If you have a style you'd like applied to all slips you can point the SlipCSS preference to a stylesheet. The same is true for notices, using the NoticeCSS preference to define a stylesheet.
Adding Notices & Slips
To add a new notice or slip
- Click 'New Notice'
- Choose which library this notice or slip is for
- Choose the module this notice is related to
- The Code is limited to 20 characters
- Use the name field to expand on your Code
- If you plan on writing the notice or slip in HTML check the 'HTML Message' box, otherwise the content will be generated as plain text
- Message Subject is what will appear in the subject line of the email
- In the message body feel free to type whatever message you feel is best, use the fields on the left hand side to enter individualized data from the from database.
- Important: Overdue notices can use <<items.content>> tags by themselves, or use <item></item> to span all of the tags. Learn more about the Overdue Notice Markup
- On overdue notices make sure to use <<items.content>> tags to print out the data related to all items that are overdue.
- The other option, only for overdue notices, is to use the <item></item> tags to span the line so that it will print out multiple lines One example for the <item></item> tag option is:<item>"<<biblio.title>>" by <<biblio.author>>, <<items.itemcallnumber>>, Barcode: <<items.barcode>> , Checkout date: <<issues.issuedate>>, Due date: <<issues.date_due>> Fine: <fine>USD</fine> Due date: <<issues.date_due>> </item>
- Important: Only the overdue notices take advantage of the <item></item> tags, all other notices referencing items need to use <<items.content>>
Overdue Notice Markup
When creating your overdue notices there are two tags in addition to the various database fields that you can use in your notices.
Important These new tags only work on the overdue notices, not other circulation related notices at this time.
- <item></item> which should enclose all fields from the biblio, biblioitems, and items tables.
- <fine></fine> which should be enclosed by the item tag and should enclose a currency identifier per ISO 4217. If this tag is present with a proper identifier, the fine for that item will be displayed in the proper currency format.
- Note: ISO 4217 changes from time to time therefore all currencies may not be supported. If you find one that is not supported, please file a bug with the Locale::Currency::Format author Tan D Nguyen <tnguyen at cpan doe org>
An example of using these two tags in a notice template might be like:
The following item(s) is/are currently overdue:
<item>"<<biblio.title>>" by <<biblio.author>>, <<items.itemcallnumber>>, Barcode: <<items.barcode>> Fine: <fine>GBP</fine></item>
Which, assuming two items were overdue, would result in a notice like:
The following item(s) is/are currently overdue:
"A Short History of Western Civilization" by Harrison, John B, 909.09821 H2451, Barcode: 08030003 Fine: £3.50
"History of Western Civilization" by Hayes, Carlton Joseph Huntley, 909.09821 H3261 v.1, Barcode: 08030004 Fine: £3.50
Existing Notices & Slips
Among the default notices are notices for several common actions within Koha. All of these notices can be customized by altering their text via the Notices & Slips tool and their style using the NoticeCSS preference to define a stylesheet. Here are some of what those notices do
- Sent to patrons when their account is set up if the AutoEmailOPACUser preference is set to 'Send'
- ACQCLAIM (Acquisition Claim)
- Used in the claim acquisition module
- Get there: More > Acquisitions > Late issues
- HOLD (Hold Available for Pickup)
- This notice is used if two criteria are met:
- The EnhancedMessagingPreferences is set to 'Allow'
- The patron has requested to receive this notice
- Get there: OPAC > Login > my messaging
- Get there: Staff Client > Patron Record > Notices
- When this notice references the branches table it is referring to the pickup branch information.
- HOLDPLACED (a notice to the library staff that a hold has been placed)
- This notice requires the emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced system preference to be set to 'Enable'
- When this notice references the branches table it is referring to the pickup branch information.
- HOLD_PRINT (Printed notice when hold available for pickup)
- This notice is used for hold confirmation notices that are sent out in print format. This will not effect what the email notice looks like.
- When this notice references the branches table it is referring to the pickup branch information.
- ODUE (Overdue Notice)
- This notice is used to send Overdue Notices to Patrons
- See a Sample Overdue Notice
- Requires that you set Overdue Notice/Status Triggers
- RLIST (Routing List)
- Used in the serials module to notify patrons/staff of new issues of a serial
- Get there: More > Serials > New Subscription
- You have the option to select the 'Routing List' notice when creating a new subscription (Choose from the 'Patron notification' drop down).
- Tip: Notice also that if you'd like to notify patrons of new serial issues, you can click on 'define a notice' which will take you to the 'Notices' tool
There are also a set of predefined slips (or receipts) listed on this page. All of these slips can be customized by altering their text via the Notices & Slips tool and their style using the SlipCSS preference to define a stylesheet.
Here is what those slips are used for:
- Used to print the quick slip in circulation
- The quick slip only includes items that were checked out today
- Used to print a full slip in circulation
- The slip or receipt will show items checked out today as well as items that are still checked out
- Used to print a holds slip
- The holds slip is generated when a hold is confirmed
- Used to print a transfer slip
- The transfer sliip is printed when you confirm a transfer from one branch to another in your system
See the full documentation for Notices in the manual (online).
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