#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use Test::More tests => 18; use Test::Warn; use C4::Context; use Koha::Database; use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string ); use t::lib::Dates; use t::lib::TestBuilder; use t::lib::Mocks; BEGIN { use_ok('Koha::Objects'); use_ok('Koha::Patrons'); } # Start transaction my $database = Koha::Database->new(); my $schema = $database->schema(); $schema->storage->txn_begin(); my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; my $categorycode = $builder->build({ source => 'Category' })->{categorycode}; my $branchcode = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' })->{branchcode}; my $b1 = Koha::Patron->new( { surname => 'Test 1', branchcode => $branchcode, categorycode => $categorycode } ); $b1->store(); my $now = dt_from_string; my $b2 = Koha::Patron->new( { surname => 'Test 2', branchcode => $branchcode, categorycode => $categorycode } ); $b2->store(); my $three_days_ago = dt_from_string->add( days => -3 ); my $b3 = Koha::Patron->new( { surname => 'Test 3', branchcode => $branchcode, categorycode => $categorycode, updated_on => $three_days_ago, } ); $b3->store(); my $b1_new = Koha::Patrons->find( $b1->borrowernumber() ); is( $b1->surname(), $b1_new->surname(), "Found matching patron" ); isnt( $b1_new->updated_on, undef, "borrowers.updated_on should be set" ); is( t::lib::Dates::compare( $b1_new->updated_on, $now), 0, "borrowers.updated_on should have been set to now on creating" ); my $b3_new = Koha::Patrons->find( $b3->borrowernumber() ); is( t::lib::Dates::compare( $b3_new->updated_on, $three_days_ago), 0, "borrowers.updated_on should have been kept to what we set on creating" ); $b3_new->set({ firstname => 'Some first name for Test 3' })->store(); $b3_new = Koha::Patrons->find( $b3->borrowernumber() ); is( t::lib::Dates::compare( $b3_new->updated_on, $now), 0, "borrowers.updated_on should have been set to now on updating" ); my @patrons = Koha::Patrons->search( { branchcode => $branchcode } )->as_list; is( @patrons, 3, "Found 3 patrons with Search" ); my $unexistent = Koha::Patrons->find( '1234567890' ); is( $unexistent, undef, 'Koha::Objects->Find should return undef if the record does not exist' ); my $patrons = Koha::Patrons->search( { branchcode => $branchcode } ); is( $patrons->count( { branchcode => $branchcode } ), 3, "Counted 3 patrons with Count" ); my $b = $patrons->next(); is( $b->surname(), 'Test 1', "Next returns first patron" ); $b = $patrons->next(); is( $b->surname(), 'Test 2', "Next returns second patron" ); $b = $patrons->next(); is( $b->surname(), 'Test 3', "Next returns third patron" ); $b = $patrons->next(); is( $b, undef, "Next returns undef" ); # Test Reset and iteration in concert $patrons->reset(); foreach my $b ( $patrons->as_list() ) { is( $b->categorycode(), $categorycode, "Iteration returns a patron object" ); } subtest "Update patron categories" => sub { plan tests => 24; t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'borrowerRelationship', 'test' ); my $c_categorycode = $builder->build({ source => 'Category', value => { category_type=>'C', upperagelimit=>17, dateofbirthrequired=>5, } })->{categorycode}; my $c_categorycode_2 = $builder->build({ source => 'Category', value => { category_type=>'C', upperagelimit=>17, dateofbirthrequired=>5, } })->{categorycode}; my $a_categorycode = $builder->build({ source => 'Category', value => {category_type=>'A'} })->{categorycode}; my $p_categorycode = $builder->build({ source => 'Category', value => {category_type=>'P'} })->{categorycode}; my $i_categorycode = $builder->build({ source => 'Category', value => {category_type=>'I'} })->{categorycode}; my $branchcode1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' })->{branchcode}; my $branchcode2 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' })->{branchcode}; my $adult1 = $builder->build_object({class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { categorycode=>$a_categorycode, branchcode=>$branchcode1, dateenrolled=>'2018-01-01', sort1 =>'quack', } }); my $adult2 = $builder->build_object({class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { categorycode=>$a_categorycode, branchcode=>$branchcode2, dateenrolled=>'2017-01-01', } }); my $inst = $builder->build_object({class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { categorycode=>$i_categorycode, branchcode=>$branchcode2, } }); my $prof = $builder->build_object({class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { categorycode=>$p_categorycode, branchcode=>$branchcode2, } }); $prof->add_guarantor({guarantor_id => $inst->borrowernumber, relationship => 'test'}); my $child1 = $builder->build_object({class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { dateofbirth => dt_from_string->add(years=>-4), categorycode=>$c_categorycode, branchcode=>$branchcode1, } }); $child1->add_guarantor({guarantor_id => $adult1->borrowernumber, relationship => 'test'}); my $child2 = $builder->build_object({class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { dateofbirth => dt_from_string->add(years=>-8), categorycode=>$c_categorycode, branchcode=>$branchcode1, } }); $child2->add_guarantor({guarantor_id => $adult1->borrowernumber, relationship => 'test'}); my $child3 = $builder->build_object({class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { dateofbirth => dt_from_string->add(years=>-18), categorycode=>$c_categorycode, branchcode=>$branchcode1, } }); $child3->add_guarantor({guarantor_id => $adult1->borrowernumber, relationship => 'test'}); $builder->build({source=>'Accountline',value => {amountoutstanding=>4.99,borrowernumber=>$adult1->borrowernumber}}); $builder->build({source=>'Accountline',value => {amountoutstanding=>5.01,borrowernumber=>$adult2->borrowernumber}}); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$c_categorycode})->count,3,'Three patrons in child category'); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$c_categorycode,too_young=>1})->count,1,'One under age patron in child category'); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$c_categorycode,too_young=>1})->next->borrowernumber,$child1->borrowernumber,'Under age patron in child category is expected one'); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$c_categorycode,too_old=>1})->count,1,'One over age patron in child category'); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$c_categorycode,too_old=>1})->next->borrowernumber,$child3->borrowernumber,'Over age patron in child category is expected one'); is( Koha::Patrons->search({branchcode=>$branchcode2})->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$a_categorycode})->count,1,'One patron in branch 2'); is( Koha::Patrons->search({branchcode=>$branchcode2})->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$a_categorycode})->next->borrowernumber,$adult2->borrowernumber,'Adult patron in branch 2 is expected one'); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$a_categorycode,fine_min=>5})->count,1,'One patron with fines over $5'); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$a_categorycode,fine_min=>5})->next->borrowernumber,$adult2->borrowernumber,'One patron with fines over $5 is expected one'); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$a_categorycode,fine_max=>5})->count,1,'One patron with fines under $5'); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$a_categorycode,fine_max=>5})->next->borrowernumber,$adult1->borrowernumber,'One patron with fines under $5 is expected one'); my $adult3 = $builder->build_object({class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { categorycode=>$a_categorycode, branchcode=>$branchcode1, } }); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$a_categorycode,fine_max=>5})->count,2,'Two patrons with fines under $5, patron with no fine history is found'); is( Koha::Patrons->find($adult1->borrowernumber)->guarantee_relationships->guarantees->count,3,'Guarantor has 3 guarantees'); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$c_categorycode})->update_category_to({category=>$c_categorycode_2}),3,'Three child patrons updated to another child category with no params passed'); # FIXME - The script currently allows you to move patrons to a category that is invalid, this test confirms the current behaviour is( Koha::Patrons->find($adult1->borrowernumber)->guarantee_relationships->guarantees->count,3,'Guarantees not removed when made changing child categories'); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$c_categorycode_2,too_young=>1})->next->borrowernumber, $child1->borrowernumber ); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$c_categorycode_2,too_young=>1})->update_category_to({category=>$a_categorycode}),1,'One child patron updated to adult category because too young'); is( Koha::Patrons->find($adult1->borrowernumber)->guarantee_relationships->guarantees->count,2,'Guarantee was removed when made adult'); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$c_categorycode_2,too_old=>1})->next->borrowernumber, $child3->borrowernumber ); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$c_categorycode_2,too_old=>1})->update_category_to({category=>$a_categorycode}),1,'One child patron updated to adult category because too old'); is( Koha::Patrons->find($adult1->borrowernumber)->guarantee_relationships->guarantees->count,1,'Guarantee was removed when made adult'); is( Koha::Patrons->find($inst->borrowernumber)->guarantee_relationships->guarantees->count,1,'Guarantor has 1 guarantees'); is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update_category({from=>$p_categorycode})->update_category_to({category=>$a_categorycode}),1,'One professional patron updated to adult category'); is( Koha::Patrons->find($inst->borrowernumber)->guarantee_relationships->guarantees->count,0,'Guarantee was removed when made adult'); }; $schema->storage->txn_rollback();