koha-sipKoha is the first free software library automation package.
The Koha Communityhttps://koha-community.org/koha-sip8koha-sipHandle SIP server for named Koha instances.UNIX/Linuxkoha-sip||||OptionsAll option switches are mutually exclusiveStarts the SIP server for the specified Koha instances.Stops the SIP server for the specified Koha instances.Restarts the SIP server for the specified Koha instances.Enables the Koha SIP server, installing a default config at /etc/koha/sites/instance/SIPconfig.xml if it doesn't already exist.Disables the SIP server and shuts down running SIP processes.Show status information about the SIP server for the specified Koha instances.|Display progress messages.|This help.DescriptionThis script handles SIP servers for Koha instances.See alsokoha-list(8)