#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # Copyright 2006-2010 BibLibre # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; require Exporter; use CGI qw ( -utf8 ); use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user ); use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers output_and_exit_if_error ); use C4::Suggestions; use C4::Koha qw( GetAuthorisedValues ); use C4::Budgets qw( GetBudget GetBudgets GetBudgetHierarchy CanUserUseBudget ); use C4::Search qw( FindDuplicate GetDistinctValues ); use C4::Members; use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string ); use Koha::AuthorisedValues; use Koha::Acquisition::Currencies; use Koha::Libraries; use Koha::Patrons; use Koha::Suggestions; use Koha::Token; use URI::Escape qw( uri_escape ); sub Init{ my $suggestion= shift @_; # "Managed by" is used only when a suggestion is being edited (not when created) if ($suggestion->{'suggesteddate'} eq "") { # new suggestion $suggestion->{suggesteddate} = dt_from_string; $suggestion->{'suggestedby'} = C4::Context->userenv->{"number"} unless ($suggestion->{'suggestedby'}); } else { # editing of an existing suggestion $suggestion->{manageddate} = dt_from_string; $suggestion->{'managedby'} = C4::Context->userenv->{"number"} unless ($suggestion->{'managedby'}); } $suggestion->{'branchcode'}=C4::Context->userenv->{"branch"} unless ($suggestion->{'branchcode'}); } sub GetCriteriumDesc{ my ($criteriumvalue,$displayby)=@_; if ($displayby =~ /status/i) { unless ( grep { /$criteriumvalue/ } qw(ASKED ACCEPTED REJECTED CHECKED ORDERED AVAILABLE) ) { my $av = Koha::AuthorisedValues->search({ category => 'SUGGEST_STATUS', authorised_value => $criteriumvalue }); return $av->count ? $av->next->lib : 'Unknown'; } return ($criteriumvalue eq 'ASKED'?"Pending":ucfirst(lc( $criteriumvalue))) if ($displayby =~/status/i); } if ( $displayby =~ /branchcode/ ) { return $criteriumvalue ? Koha::Libraries->find($criteriumvalue)->branchname : "__ANY__"; } if ( $displayby =~ /itemtype/ ) { my $av = Koha::AuthorisedValues->search({ category => 'SUGGEST_FORMAT', authorised_value => $criteriumvalue }); return $av->count ? $av->next->lib : 'Unknown'; } if ($displayby =~/suggestedby/||$displayby =~/managedby/||$displayby =~/acceptedby/){ my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $criteriumvalue ); return "" unless $patron; return $patron->surname . ", " . $patron->firstname; } if ( $displayby =~ /budgetid/) { my $budget = GetBudget($criteriumvalue); return "" unless $budget; return $$budget{budget_name}; } } my $input = CGI->new; my $redirect = $input->param('redirect'); my $suggestedbyme = (defined $input->param('suggestedbyme')? $input->param('suggestedbyme'):1); my $op = $input->param('op')||'else'; my @editsuggestions = $input->multi_param('suggestionid'); my $suggestedby = $input->param('suggestedby'); my $returnsuggestedby = $input->param('returnsuggestedby'); my $returnsuggested = $input->param('returnsuggested'); my $managedby = $input->param('managedby'); my $displayby = $input->param('displayby') || ''; my $tabcode = $input->param('tabcode'); my $save_confirmed = $input->param('save_confirmed') || 0; my $notify = $input->param('notify'); my $filter_archived = $input->param('filter_archived') || 0; my $reasonsloop = GetAuthorisedValues("SUGGEST"); # filter informations which are not suggestion related. my $suggestion_ref = { %{$input->Vars} }; # Copying, otherwise $input will be modified delete $suggestion_ref->{csrf_token}; # get only the columns of Suggestion my $schema = Koha::Database->new()->schema; my $columns = ' '.join(' ', $schema->source('Suggestion')->columns).' '; my $suggestion_only = { map { $columns =~ / $_ / ? ($_ => $suggestion_ref->{$_}) : () } keys %$suggestion_ref }; $suggestion_only->{STATUS} = $suggestion_ref->{STATUS}; delete $$suggestion_ref{$_} foreach qw( suggestedbyme op displayby tabcode notify filter_archived koha_login_context auth_forwarded_hash password userid ); foreach (keys %$suggestion_ref){ delete $$suggestion_ref{$_} if (!$$suggestion_ref{$_} && ($op eq 'else' )); } delete $suggestion_only->{branchcode} if $suggestion_only->{branchcode} eq '__ANY__'; delete $suggestion_only->{budgetid} if $suggestion_only->{budgetid} eq '__ANY__'; while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %$suggestion_only ) { delete $suggestion_only->{$k} if $v eq ''; } my ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie, $userflags ) = get_template_and_user( { template_name => "suggestion/suggestion.tt", query => $input, type => "intranet", flagsrequired => { suggestions => 'suggestions_manage' }, } ); $borrowernumber = $input->param('borrowernumber') if ( $input->param('borrowernumber') ); $template->param('borrowernumber' => $borrowernumber); my $branchfilter = $input->param('branchcode') || C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'}; ######################################### ## Operations ## if ( $op =~ /save/i ) { output_and_exit_if_error($input, $cookie, $template, { check => 'csrf_token' }); my @messages; my $biblio = MarcRecordFromNewSuggestion({ title => $suggestion_only->{title}, author => $suggestion_only->{author}, itemtype => $suggestion_only->{itemtype}, isbn => $suggestion_only->{isbn}, }); my $manager = Koha::Patrons->find( $suggestion_only->{managedby} ); if ( $manager && not $manager->has_permission({suggestions => 'suggestions_manage'})) { push @messages, { type => 'error', code => 'manager_not_enough_permissions' }; $template->param( messages => \@messages, ); delete $suggestion_ref->{suggesteddate}; delete $suggestion_ref->{manageddate}; delete $suggestion_ref->{managedby}; Init($suggestion_ref); } elsif ( !$suggestion_only->{suggestionid} && ( my ($duplicatebiblionumber, $duplicatetitle) = FindDuplicate($biblio) ) && !$save_confirmed ) { push @messages, { type => 'error', code => 'biblio_exists', id => $duplicatebiblionumber, title => $duplicatetitle }; $template->param( messages => \@messages, need_confirm => 1 ); delete $suggestion_ref->{suggesteddate}; delete $suggestion_ref->{manageddate}; Init($suggestion_ref); } else { for my $date_key ( qw( suggesteddate manageddate accepteddate rejecteddate ) ) { # FIXME Do we need this? $suggestion_only->{$date_key} = dt_from_string( $suggestion_only->{$date_key} ) if $suggestion_only->{$date_key}; } if ( $suggestion_only->{"STATUS"} ) { if ( my $tmpstatus = lc( $suggestion_only->{"STATUS"} ) =~ /ACCEPTED|REJECTED/i ) { $suggestion_only->{ lc( $suggestion_only->{"STATUS"}) . "date" } = dt_from_string; $suggestion_only->{ lc( $suggestion_only->{"STATUS"}) . "by" } = C4::Context->userenv->{number}; } $suggestion_only->{manageddate} = dt_from_string; $suggestion_only->{"managedby"} ||= C4::Context->userenv->{number}; } my $otherreason = $input->param('other_reason'); if ($suggestion_only->{reason} eq 'other' && $otherreason) { $suggestion_only->{reason} = $otherreason; } if ( $suggestion_only->{'suggestionid'} > 0 ) { $suggestion_only->{lastmodificationdate} = dt_from_string; $suggestion_only->{lastmodificationby} = C4::Context->userenv->{number}; $suggestion_only->{branchcode} = undef if exists $suggestion_only->{branchcode} && $suggestion_only->{branchcode} eq ""; &ModSuggestion($suggestion_only); if ( $notify ) { my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $suggestion_only->{managedby} ); my $email_address = $patron->notice_email_address; if ($patron->notice_email_address) { my $letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter( module => 'suggestions', letter_code => 'NOTIFY_MANAGER', branchcode => $patron->branchcode, lang => $patron->lang, tables => { suggestions => $suggestion_only->{suggestionid}, branches => $patron->branchcode, borrowers => $patron->borrowernumber, }, ); C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter( { letter => $letter, borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber, message_transport_type => 'email' } ); } } } else { ###FIXME:Search here if suggestion already exists. my $suggestions= Koha::Suggestions->search_limited( $suggestion_only ); if ( $suggestions->count ) { #some suggestion are answering the request Donot Add my @messages; while ( my $suggestion = $suggestions->next ) { push @messages, { type => 'error', code => 'already_exists', id => $suggestion->suggestionid }; } $template->param( messages => \@messages ); } else { ## Adding some informations related to suggestion Koha::Suggestion->new($suggestion_only)->store(); } # empty fields, to avoid filter in "SearchSuggestion" } map{delete $$suggestion_ref{$_} unless $_ eq 'branchcode' } keys %$suggestion_ref; $op = 'else'; if( $redirect eq 'purchase_suggestions' ) { print $input->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/members/purchase-suggestions.pl?borrowernumber=$borrowernumber"); } } } elsif ($op=~/add/) { #Adds suggestion Init($suggestion_ref); $op ='save'; } elsif ($op=~/edit/) { #Edit suggestion output_and_exit_if_error($input, $cookie, $template, { check => 'csrf_token' }); $suggestion_ref=&GetSuggestion($$suggestion_ref{'suggestionid'}); $suggestion_ref->{reasonsloop} = $reasonsloop; my $other_reason = 1; foreach my $reason ( @{ $reasonsloop } ) { if ($suggestion_ref->{reason} eq $reason->{lib}) { $other_reason = 0; } } $other_reason = 0 unless $suggestion_ref->{reason}; $template->param(other_reason => $other_reason); Init($suggestion_ref); $op ='save'; } elsif ($op eq "update_status" ) { output_and_exit_if_error($input, $cookie, $template, { check => 'csrf_token' }); my $suggestion; # set accepted/rejected/managed informations if applicable # ie= if the librarian has chosen some action on the suggestions my $STATUS = $input->param('STATUS'); my $accepted_by = $input->param('acceptedby'); if ( $STATUS eq "ACCEPTED" ) { $suggestion = { accepteddate => dt_from_string, acceptedby => C4::Context->userenv->{number}, }; } elsif ( $STATUS eq "REJECTED" ) { $suggestion = { rejecteddate => dt_from_string, rejectedby => C4::Context->userenv->{number}, }; } if ($STATUS) { $suggestion->{manageddate} = dt_from_string; $suggestion->{managedby} = C4::Context->userenv->{number}; $suggestion->{STATUS} = $STATUS; } if ( my $reason = $input->param("reason") ) { if ( $reason eq "other" ) { $reason = $input->param("other_reason"); } $suggestion->{reason} = $reason; } foreach my $suggestionid (@editsuggestions) { next unless $suggestionid; $suggestion->{suggestionid} = $suggestionid; &ModSuggestion($suggestion); } redirect_with_params($input); }elsif ($op eq "delete" ) { output_and_exit_if_error($input, $cookie, $template, { check => 'csrf_token' }); foreach my $delete_field (@editsuggestions) { &DelSuggestion( $borrowernumber, $delete_field,'intranet' ); } redirect_with_params($input); } elsif ($op eq "archive" ) { Koha::Suggestions->find($_)->update({ archived => 1 }) for @editsuggestions; redirect_with_params($input); } elsif ($op eq "unarchive" ) { Koha::Suggestions->find($_)->update({ archived => 0 }) for @editsuggestions; redirect_with_params($input); } elsif ( $op eq 'update_itemtype' ) { my $new_itemtype = $input->param('suggestion_itemtype'); foreach my $suggestionid (@editsuggestions) { next unless $suggestionid; &ModSuggestion({ suggestionid => $suggestionid, itemtype => $new_itemtype }); } redirect_with_params($input); } elsif ( $op eq 'update_manager' ) { my $managedby = $input->param('suggestion_managedby'); foreach my $suggestionid (@editsuggestions) { next unless $suggestionid; &ModSuggestion({ suggestionid => $suggestionid, managedby => $managedby }); } redirect_with_params($input); } elsif ( $op eq 'show' ) { $suggestion_ref=&GetSuggestion($$suggestion_ref{'suggestionid'}); my $budget = GetBudget $$suggestion_ref{budgetid}; $$suggestion_ref{budgetname} = $$budget{budget_name}; Init($suggestion_ref); } if ($op=~/else/) { $op='else'; $displayby||="STATUS"; # distinct values of display by my $criteria_list=GetDistinctValues("suggestions.".$displayby); my (@criteria_dv, $criteria_has_empty); foreach (@$criteria_list) { if ($_->{value}) { push @criteria_dv, $_->{value}; } else { $criteria_has_empty = 1; } } # aggregate null and empty values under empty value push @criteria_dv, '' if $criteria_has_empty; # Hack to not modify GetDistinctValues for this specific case if ( $displayby eq 'branchcode' && C4::Context->preference('IndependentBranches') && not C4::Context->IsSuperLibrarian ) { @criteria_dv = ( C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} ); } # Pending tab first if ( $displayby eq 'STATUS' ) { @criteria_dv = grep { $_ ne 'ASKED' } @criteria_dv; unshift @criteria_dv, 'ASKED'; } unless ( exists $suggestion_ref->{branchcode} ) { $suggestion_ref->{branchcode} = C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'}; } my @allsuggestions; foreach my $criteriumvalue ( @criteria_dv ) { my $search_params = {%$suggestion_ref}; next if $search_params->{STATUS} && $displayby eq 'STATUS' && $criteriumvalue ne $search_params->{STATUS}; # By default, display suggestions from current working branch my $definedvalue = defined $$suggestion_ref{$displayby} && $$suggestion_ref{$displayby} ne ""; next if ( $definedvalue && $$suggestion_ref{$displayby} ne $criteriumvalue ) and ($displayby ne 'branchcode' && $branchfilter ne '__ANY__' ); $search_params->{$displayby} = $criteriumvalue; # filter on date fields foreach my $field (qw( suggesteddate manageddate accepteddate )) { my $from = delete $search_params->{"${field}_from"}; my $to = delete $search_params->{"${field}_to"}; my $from_dt = $from && eval { dt_from_string($from) }; my $to_dt = $to && eval { dt_from_string($to) }; if ( $from_dt || $to_dt ) { my $dtf = Koha::Database->new->schema->storage->datetime_parser; if ( $from_dt && $to_dt ) { $search_params->{$field} = { -between => [ $dtf->format_date($from_dt), $dtf->format_date($to_dt) ] }; } elsif ( $from_dt ) { $search_params->{$field} = { '>=' => $dtf->format_date($from_dt) }; } elsif ( $to_dt ) { $search_params->{$field} = { '<=' => $dtf->format_date($to_dt) }; } } } if ( $search_params->{budgetid} && $search_params->{budgetid} eq '__NONE__' ) { $search_params->{budgetid} = [undef, '' ]; } for my $f (qw (branchcode budgetid)) { delete $search_params->{$f} if $search_params->{$f} eq '__ANY__' || $search_params->{$f} eq ''; } for my $bi (qw (title author isbn publishercode copyrightdate collectiontitle)) { $search_params->{$bi} = { 'LIKE' => "%" . $search_params->{$bi} . "%" } if $search_params->{$bi}; } $search_params->{archived} = 0 if !$filter_archived; my @suggestions = Koha::Suggestions->search_limited($search_params)->as_list; push @allsuggestions, { "suggestiontype" => $criteriumvalue || "suggest", "suggestiontypelabel" => GetCriteriumDesc( $criteriumvalue, $displayby ) || "", 'suggestions' => \@suggestions, 'reasonsloop' => $reasonsloop, } if scalar @suggestions > 0; delete $$suggestion_ref{$displayby} unless $definedvalue; } $template->param( "displayby"=> $displayby, "notabs"=> $displayby eq "", suggestions => \@allsuggestions, ); } $template->param( "${_}_patron" => scalar Koha::Patrons->find( $suggestion_ref->{$_} ) ) for qw(managedby suggestedby acceptedby lastmodificationby); $template->param( %$suggestion_ref, filter_archived => $filter_archived, "op" =>$op, ); if(defined($returnsuggested) and $returnsuggested ne "noone") { print $input->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=".$returnsuggested."#suggestions"); } $template->param( branchfilter => $branchfilter, ); $template->param( returnsuggestedby => $returnsuggestedby ); my $patron_reason_loop = GetAuthorisedValues("OPAC_SUG"); $template->param(patron_reason_loop=>$patron_reason_loop); # Budgets for filtering my $budgets = GetBudgets; my @budgets_loop; foreach my $budget ( @{$budgets} ) { next unless (CanUserUseBudget($borrowernumber, $budget, $userflags)); ## Please see file perltidy.ERR $budget->{'selected'} = 1 if ($$suggestion_ref{'budgetid'} && $budget->{'budget_id'} eq $$suggestion_ref{'budgetid'}); push @budgets_loop, $budget; } $template->param( budgetsloop => \@budgets_loop); # Budgets for suggestion add or edition my $sugg_budget_loop = []; my $sugg_budgets = GetBudgetHierarchy(); foreach my $r ( @{$sugg_budgets} ) { next unless ( CanUserUseBudget( $borrowernumber, $r, $userflags ) ); my $selected = ( $$suggestion_ref{budgetid} && $r->{budget_id} eq $$suggestion_ref{budgetid} ) ? 1 : 0; push @{$sugg_budget_loop}, { b_id => $r->{budget_id}, b_txt => $r->{budget_name}, b_active => $r->{budget_period_active}, selected => $selected, }; } @{$sugg_budget_loop} = sort { uc( $a->{b_txt} ) cmp uc( $b->{b_txt} ) } @{$sugg_budget_loop}; $template->param( sugg_budgets => $sugg_budget_loop); if( $suggestion_ref->{STATUS} ) { $template->param( "statusselected_".$suggestion_ref->{STATUS} => 1, selected_status => $suggestion_ref->{STATUS}, # We need template var selected_status in the second part of the template where template var suggestion.STATUS is out of scope ); } my $currencies = Koha::Acquisition::Currencies->search; $template->param( currencies => $currencies, suggestion => $suggestion_ref, price => sprintf("%.2f", $$suggestion_ref{'price'}||0), total => sprintf("%.2f", $$suggestion_ref{'total'}||0), ); # lists of distinct values (without empty) for filters my %hashlists; foreach my $field ( qw(managedby acceptedby suggestedby budgetid) ) { my $values_list; $values_list = GetDistinctValues( "suggestions." . $field ); my @codes_list = map { { 'code' => $$_{'value'}, 'desc' => GetCriteriumDesc( $$_{'value'}, $field ) || $$_{'value'}, 'selected' => ($$suggestion_ref{$field}) ? $$_{'value'} eq $$suggestion_ref{$field} : 0, } } grep { $$_{'value'} } @$values_list; @codes_list = sort { $a->{desc} cmp $b->{desc} } @codes_list; $hashlists{ lc($field) . "_loop" } = \@codes_list; } my $csrf_token = Koha::Token->new->generate_csrf( { session_id => scalar $input->cookie('CGISESSID'), } ); $template->param( %hashlists, borrowernumber => ( $input->param('borrowernumber') // undef ), SuggestionStatuses => GetAuthorisedValues('SUGGEST_STATUS'), csrf_token => $csrf_token, ); output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output; sub redirect_with_params { my ( $input ) = @_; my $params = ''; foreach my $key ( qw( displayby branchcode title author isbn publishercode copyrightdate collectiontitle suggestedby suggesteddate_from suggesteddate_to manageddate_from manageddate_to accepteddate_from accepteddate_to budgetid filter_archived ) ) { $params .= $key . '=' . uri_escape(scalar $input->param($key)) . '&' if defined($input->param($key)); } print $input->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/suggestion/suggestion.pl?$params"); }