#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use Test::More tests => 73; use Test::Warn; use MARC::Record; use DateTime::Duration; use C4::Branch; use C4::Biblio; use C4::Items; use C4::Members; use C4::Circulation; use Koha::Holds; use t::lib::Mocks; use Koha::DateUtils; use Data::Dumper; BEGIN { use_ok('C4::Reserves'); } # a very minimal mack of userenv for use by the test of DelItemCheck *C4::Context::userenv = sub { return {}; }; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; # Start transaction $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; # Somewhat arbitrary field chosen for age restriction unit tests. Must be added to db before the framework is cached $dbh->do("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield='biblioitems.agerestriction' where tagfield='521' and tagsubfield='a'"); # Setup Test------------------------ # Add branches if not existing foreach my $addbra ('CPL', 'FPL', 'RPL') { $dbh->do("INSERT INTO branches (branchcode,branchname) VALUES (?,?)", undef, ($addbra,"$addbra branch")) unless GetBranchName($addbra); } # Add categories if not existing foreach my $addcat ('S', 'PT') { $dbh->do("INSERT INTO categories (categorycode,hidelostitems,category_type) VALUES (?,?,?)",undef,($addcat, 0, $addcat eq 'S'? 'S': 'A')) unless GetBorrowercategory($addcat); } # Create a helper biblio my $bib = MARC::Record->new(); my $title = 'Silence in the library'; if( C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC' ) { $bib->append_fields( MARC::Field->new('600', '', '1', a => 'Moffat, Steven'), MARC::Field->new('200', '', '', a => $title), ); } else { $bib->append_fields( MARC::Field->new('100', '', '', a => 'Moffat, Steven'), MARC::Field->new('245', '', '', a => $title), ); } my ($bibnum, $bibitemnum); ($bibnum, $title, $bibitemnum) = AddBiblio($bib, ''); # Create a helper item instance for testing my ($item_bibnum, $item_bibitemnum, $itemnumber) = AddItem({ homebranch => 'CPL', holdingbranch => 'CPL' } , $bibnum); # Modify item; setting barcode. my $testbarcode = '97531'; ModItem({ barcode => $testbarcode }, $bibnum, $itemnumber); # Create a borrower my %data = ( firstname => 'my firstname', surname => 'my surname', categorycode => 'S', branchcode => 'CPL', ); my $borrowernumber = AddMember(%data); my $borrower = GetMember( borrowernumber => $borrowernumber ); my $biblionumber = $bibnum; my $barcode = $testbarcode; my $bibitems = ''; my $priority = '1'; my $resdate = undef; my $expdate = undef; my $notes = ''; my $checkitem = undef; my $found = undef; my @branches = GetBranchesLoop(); my $branch = $branches[0][0]{value}; AddReserve($branch, $borrowernumber, $biblionumber, $bibitems, $priority, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found); my ($status, $reserve, $all_reserves) = CheckReserves($itemnumber, $barcode); is($status, "Reserved", "CheckReserves Test 1"); ok(exists($reserve->{reserve_id}), 'CheckReserves() include reserve_id in its response'); ($status, $reserve, $all_reserves) = CheckReserves($itemnumber); is($status, "Reserved", "CheckReserves Test 2"); ($status, $reserve, $all_reserves) = CheckReserves(undef, $barcode); is($status, "Reserved", "CheckReserves Test 3"); my $ReservesControlBranch = C4::Context->preference('ReservesControlBranch'); C4::Context->set_preference( 'ReservesControlBranch', 'ItemHomeLibrary' ); ok( 'ItemHomeLib' eq GetReservesControlBranch( { homebranch => 'ItemHomeLib' }, { branchcode => 'PatronHomeLib' } ), "GetReservesControlBranch returns item home branch when set to ItemHomeLibrary" ); C4::Context->set_preference( 'ReservesControlBranch', 'PatronLibrary' ); ok( 'PatronHomeLib' eq GetReservesControlBranch( { homebranch => 'ItemHomeLib' }, { branchcode => 'PatronHomeLib' } ), "GetReservesControlBranch returns patron home branch when set to PatronLibrary" ); C4::Context->set_preference( 'ReservesControlBranch', $ReservesControlBranch ); ### ### Regression test for bug 10272 ### my %requesters = (); $requesters{'CPL'} = AddMember( branchcode => 'CPL', categorycode => 'PT', surname => 'borrower from CPL', ); for my $i ( 2 .. 5 ) { $requesters{"CPL$i"} = AddMember( branchcode => 'CPL', categorycode => 'PT', surname => 'borrower $i from CPL', ); } $requesters{'FPL'} = AddMember( branchcode => 'FPL', categorycode => 'PT', surname => 'borrower from FPL', ); $requesters{'RPL'} = AddMember( branchcode => 'RPL', categorycode => 'PT', surname => 'borrower from RPL', ); # Configure rules so that CPL allows only CPL patrons # to request its items, while FPL will allow its items # to fill holds from anywhere. $dbh->do('DELETE FROM issuingrules'); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM branch_item_rules'); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM branch_borrower_circ_rules'); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM default_borrower_circ_rules'); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM default_branch_item_rules'); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM default_branch_circ_rules'); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM default_circ_rules'); $dbh->do( q{INSERT INTO issuingrules (categorycode, branchcode, itemtype, reservesallowed) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)}, {}, '*', '*', '*', 25 ); # CPL allows only its own patrons to request its items $dbh->do( q{INSERT INTO default_branch_circ_rules (branchcode, maxissueqty, holdallowed, returnbranch) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)}, {}, 'CPL', 10, 1, 'homebranch', ); # ... while FPL allows anybody to request its items $dbh->do( q{INSERT INTO default_branch_circ_rules (branchcode, maxissueqty, holdallowed, returnbranch) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)}, {}, 'FPL', 10, 2, 'homebranch', ); # helper biblio for the bug 10272 regression test my $bib2 = MARC::Record->new(); $bib2->append_fields( MARC::Field->new('100', ' ', ' ', a => 'Moffat, Steven'), MARC::Field->new('245', ' ', ' ', a => $title), ); # create one item belonging to FPL and one belonging to CPL my ($bibnum2, $bibitemnum2) = AddBiblio($bib, ''); my ($itemnum_cpl, $itemnum_fpl); (undef, undef, $itemnum_cpl) = AddItem({ homebranch => 'CPL', holdingbranch => 'CPL', barcode => 'bug10272_CPL' } , $bibnum2); (undef, undef, $itemnum_fpl) = AddItem({ homebranch => 'FPL', holdingbranch => 'FPL', barcode => 'bug10272_FPL' } , $bibnum2); # Ensure that priorities are numbered correcly when a hold is moved to waiting # (bug 11947) $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum2)); AddReserve('RPL', $requesters{'RPL'}, $bibnum2, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found); AddReserve('FPL', $requesters{'FPL'}, $bibnum2, $bibitems, 2, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found); AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum2, $bibitems, 3, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found); ModReserveAffect($itemnum_cpl, $requesters{'RPL'}, 0); # Now it should have different priorities. my $title_reserves = GetReservesFromBiblionumber({biblionumber => $bibnum2}); # Sort by reserve number in case the database gives us oddly ordered results my @reserves = sort { $a->{reserve_id} <=> $b->{reserve_id} } @$title_reserves; is($reserves[0]{priority}, 0, 'Item is correctly waiting'); is($reserves[1]{priority}, 1, 'Item is correctly priority 1'); is($reserves[2]{priority}, 2, 'Item is correctly priority 2'); @reserves = Koha::Holds->search({ borrowernumber => $requesters{'RPL'} })->waiting(); is( @reserves, 1, 'GetWaiting got only the waiting reserve' ); is( $reserves[0]->borrowernumber(), $requesters{'RPL'}, 'GetWaiting got the reserve for the correct borrower' ); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum2)); AddReserve('RPL', $requesters{'RPL'}, $bibnum2, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found); AddReserve('FPL', $requesters{'FPL'}, $bibnum2, $bibitems, 2, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found); AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum2, $bibitems, 3, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found); # Ensure that the item's home library controls hold policy lookup C4::Context->set_preference( 'ReservesControlBranch', 'ItemHomeLibrary' ); my $messages; # Return the CPL item at FPL. The hold that should be triggered is # the one placed by the CPL patron, as the other two patron's hold # requests cannot be filled by that item per policy. (undef, $messages, undef, undef) = AddReturn('bug10272_CPL', 'FPL'); is( $messages->{ResFound}->{borrowernumber}, $requesters{'CPL'}, 'restrictive library\'s items only fill requests by own patrons (bug 10272)'); # Return the FPL item at FPL. The hold that should be triggered is # the one placed by the RPL patron, as that patron is first in line # and RPL imposes no restrictions on whose holds its items can fill. # Ensure that the preference 'LocalHoldsPriority' is not set (Bug 15244): C4::Context->set_preference( 'LocalHoldsPriority', '' ); (undef, $messages, undef, undef) = AddReturn('bug10272_FPL', 'FPL'); is( $messages->{ResFound}->{borrowernumber}, $requesters{'RPL'}, 'for generous library, its items fill first hold request in line (bug 10272)'); my $reserves = GetReservesFromBiblionumber({biblionumber => $biblionumber}); isa_ok($reserves, 'ARRAY'); is(scalar @$reserves, 1, "Only one reserves for this biblio"); my $reserve_id = $reserves->[0]->{reserve_id}; $reserve = GetReserve($reserve_id); isa_ok($reserve, 'HASH', "GetReserve return"); is($reserve->{biblionumber}, $biblionumber); $reserve = CancelReserve({reserve_id => $reserve_id}); isa_ok($reserve, 'HASH', "CancelReserve return"); is($reserve->{biblionumber}, $biblionumber); $reserve = GetReserve($reserve_id); is($reserve, undef, "GetReserve returns undef after deletion"); $reserve = CancelReserve({reserve_id => $reserve_id}); is($reserve, undef, "CancelReserve return undef if reserve does not exist"); # Tests for bug 9761 (ConfirmFutureHolds): new CheckReserves lookahead parameter, and corresponding change in AddReturn # Note that CheckReserve uses its lookahead parameter and does not check ConfirmFutureHolds pref (it should be passed if needed like AddReturn does) # Test 9761a: Add a reserve without date, CheckReserve should return it $resdate= undef; #defaults to today in AddReserve $expdate= undef; #no expdate $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum)); AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found); ($status)=CheckReserves($itemnumber,undef,undef); is( $status, 'Reserved', 'CheckReserves returns reserve without lookahead'); ($status)=CheckReserves($itemnumber,undef,7); is( $status, 'Reserved', 'CheckReserves also returns reserve with lookahead'); # Test 9761b: Add a reserve with future date, CheckReserve should not return it $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum)); C4::Context->set_preference('AllowHoldDateInFuture', 1); $resdate= dt_from_string(); $resdate->add_duration(DateTime::Duration->new(days => 4)); $resdate=output_pref($resdate); $expdate= undef; #no expdate AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found); ($status)=CheckReserves($itemnumber,undef,undef); is( $status, '', 'CheckReserves returns no future reserve without lookahead'); # Test 9761c: Add a reserve with future date, CheckReserve should return it if lookahead is high enough ($status)=CheckReserves($itemnumber,undef,3); is( $status, '', 'CheckReserves returns no future reserve with insufficient lookahead'); ($status)=CheckReserves($itemnumber,undef,4); is( $status, 'Reserved', 'CheckReserves returns future reserve with sufficient lookahead'); # Test 9761d: Check ResFound message of AddReturn for future hold # Note that AddReturn is in Circulation.pm, but this test really pertains to reserves; AddReturn uses the ConfirmFutureHolds pref when calling CheckReserves # In this test we do not need an issued item; it is just a 'checkin' C4::Context->set_preference('ConfirmFutureHolds', 0); (my $doreturn, $messages)= AddReturn('97531','CPL'); is($messages->{ResFound}//'', '', 'AddReturn does not care about future reserve when ConfirmFutureHolds is off'); C4::Context->set_preference('ConfirmFutureHolds', 3); ($doreturn, $messages)= AddReturn('97531','CPL'); is(exists $messages->{ResFound}?1:0, 0, 'AddReturn ignores future reserve beyond ConfirmFutureHolds days'); C4::Context->set_preference('ConfirmFutureHolds', 7); ($doreturn, $messages)= AddReturn('97531','CPL'); is(exists $messages->{ResFound}?1:0, 1, 'AddReturn considers future reserve within ConfirmFutureHolds days'); # End of tests for bug 9761 (ConfirmFutureHolds) # test marking a hold as captured my $hold_notice_count = count_hold_print_messages(); ModReserveAffect($itemnumber, $requesters{'CPL'}, 0); my $new_count = count_hold_print_messages(); is($new_count, $hold_notice_count + 1, 'patron notified when item set to waiting'); # test that duplicate notices aren't generated ModReserveAffect($itemnumber, $requesters{'CPL'}, 0); $new_count = count_hold_print_messages(); is($new_count, $hold_notice_count + 1, 'patron not notified a second time (bug 11445)'); # avoiding the not_same_branch error t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('IndependentBranches', 0); is( DelItemCheck($dbh, $bibnum, $itemnumber), 'book_reserved', 'item that is captured to fill a hold cannot be deleted', ); my $letter = ReserveSlip('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum); ok(defined($letter), 'can successfully generate hold slip (bug 10949)'); # Tests for bug 9788: Does GetReservesFromItemnumber return a future wait? # 9788a: GetReservesFromItemnumber does not return future next available hold $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum)); C4::Context->set_preference('ConfirmFutureHolds', 2); C4::Context->set_preference('AllowHoldDateInFuture', 1); $resdate= dt_from_string(); $resdate->add_duration(DateTime::Duration->new(days => 2)); $resdate=output_pref($resdate); AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found); my @results= GetReservesFromItemnumber($itemnumber); is(defined $results[3]?1:0, 0, 'GetReservesFromItemnumber does not return a future next available hold'); # 9788b: GetReservesFromItemnumber does not return future item level hold $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum)); AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $itemnumber, $found); #item level hold @results= GetReservesFromItemnumber($itemnumber); is(defined $results[3]?1:0, 0, 'GetReservesFromItemnumber does not return a future item level hold'); # 9788c: GetReservesFromItemnumber returns future wait (confirmed future hold) ModReserveAffect( $itemnumber, $requesters{'CPL'} , 0); #confirm hold @results= GetReservesFromItemnumber($itemnumber); is(defined $results[3]?1:0, 1, 'GetReservesFromItemnumber returns a future wait (confirmed future hold)'); # End of tests for bug 9788 $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum)); # Tests for CalculatePriority (bug 8918) my $p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum2); is($p, 4, 'CalculatePriority should now return priority 4'); $resdate=undef; AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL2'}, $bibnum2, $bibitems, $p, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found); $p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum2); is($p, 5, 'CalculatePriority should now return priority 5'); #some tests on bibnum $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum)); $p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum); is($p, 1, 'CalculatePriority should now return priority 1'); #add a new reserve and confirm it to waiting AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $bibnum, $bibitems, $p, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $itemnumber, $found); $p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum); is($p, 2, 'CalculatePriority should now return priority 2'); ModReserveAffect( $itemnumber, $requesters{'CPL'} , 0); $p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum); is($p, 1, 'CalculatePriority should now return priority 1'); #add another biblio hold, no resdate AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL2'}, $bibnum, $bibitems, $p, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found); $p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum); is($p, 2, 'CalculatePriority should now return priority 2'); #add another future hold C4::Context->set_preference('AllowHoldDateInFuture', 1); $resdate= dt_from_string(); $resdate->add_duration(DateTime::Duration->new(days => 1)); AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL3'}, $bibnum, $bibitems, $p, output_pref($resdate), $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found); $p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum); is($p, 2, 'CalculatePriority should now still return priority 2'); #calc priority with future resdate $p = C4::Reserves::CalculatePriority($bibnum, $resdate); is($p, 3, 'CalculatePriority should now return priority 3'); # End of tests for bug 8918 # Test for bug 5144 warning_is { $reserve_id = AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL3'}, $bibnum, $bibitems, $p, output_pref($resdate), $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, $found) } "AddReserve: borrower $requesters{CPL3} already has a hold for biblionumber $bibnum"; is( $reserve_id, undef, 'Attempt to add a second reserve on a given record for the same patron fails.' ); # Tests for cancel reserves by users from OPAC. $dbh->do('DELETE FROM reserves', undef, ($bibnum)); AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $item_bibnum, $bibitems, 1, undef, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, ''); my (undef, $canres, undef) = CheckReserves($itemnumber); is( CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac(), undef, 'CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac should return undef if called without any parameter' ); is( CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac( $canres->{resserve_id} ), undef, 'CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac should return undef if called without the reserve_id' ); is( CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac( undef, $requesters{CPL} ), undef, 'CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac should return undef if called without borrowernumber' ); my $cancancel = CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac($canres->{reserve_id}, $requesters{'CPL'}); is($cancancel, 1, 'Can user cancel its own reserve'); $cancancel = CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac($canres->{reserve_id}, $requesters{'FPL'}); is($cancancel, 0, 'Other user cant cancel reserve'); ModReserveAffect($itemnumber, $requesters{'CPL'}, 1); $cancancel = CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac($canres->{reserve_id}, $requesters{'CPL'}); is($cancancel, 0, 'Reserve in transfer status cant be canceled'); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM reserves', undef, ($bibnum)); AddReserve('CPL', $requesters{'CPL'}, $item_bibnum, $bibitems, 1, undef, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, ''); (undef, $canres, undef) = CheckReserves($itemnumber); ModReserveAffect($itemnumber, $requesters{'CPL'}, 0); $cancancel = CanReserveBeCanceledFromOpac($canres->{reserve_id}, $requesters{'CPL'}); is($cancancel, 0, 'Reserve in waiting status cant be canceled'); # End of tests for bug 12876 #### ####### Testing Bug 13113 - Prevent juvenile/children from reserving ageRestricted material >>> #### C4::Context->set_preference( 'AgeRestrictionMarker', 'FSK|PEGI|Age|K' ); #Reserving an not-agerestricted Biblio by a Borrower with no dateofbirth is tested previously. #Set the ageRestriction for the Biblio my $record = GetMarcBiblio( $bibnum ); my ( $ageres_tagid, $ageres_subfieldid ) = GetMarcFromKohaField( "biblioitems.agerestriction" ); $record->append_fields( MARC::Field->new($ageres_tagid, '', '', $ageres_subfieldid => 'PEGI 16') ); C4::Biblio::ModBiblio( $record, $bibnum, '' ); is( C4::Reserves::CanBookBeReserved($borrowernumber, $biblionumber) , 'OK', "Reserving an ageRestricted Biblio without a borrower dateofbirth succeeds" ); #Set the dateofbirth for the Borrower making him "too young". my $now = DateTime->now(); C4::Members::SetAge( $borrower, '0015-00-00' ); C4::Members::ModMember( borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, dateofbirth => $borrower->{dateofbirth} ); is( C4::Reserves::CanBookBeReserved($borrowernumber, $biblionumber) , 'ageRestricted', "Reserving a 'PEGI 16' Biblio by a 15 year old borrower fails"); #Set the dateofbirth for the Borrower making him "too old". C4::Members::SetAge( $borrower, '0030-00-00' ); C4::Members::ModMember( borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, dateofbirth => $borrower->{dateofbirth} ); is( C4::Reserves::CanBookBeReserved($borrowernumber, $biblionumber) , 'OK', "Reserving a 'PEGI 16' Biblio by a 30 year old borrower succeeds"); #### ####### EO Bug 13113 <<< #### my $item = GetItem($itemnumber); ok( C4::Reserves::IsAvailableForItemLevelRequest($item, $borrower), "Reserving a book on item level" ); my $itype = C4::Reserves::_get_itype($item); my $categorycode = $borrower->{categorycode}; my $holdingbranch = $item->{holdingbranch}; my $rule = C4::Circulation::GetIssuingRule($categorycode, $itype, $holdingbranch); $dbh->do( "UPDATE issuingrules SET onshelfholds = 1 WHERE categorycode = ? AND itemtype= ? and branchcode = ?", undef, $rule->{categorycode}, $rule->{itemtype}, $rule->{branchcode} ); ok( C4::Reserves::OnShelfHoldsAllowed($item, $borrower), "OnShelfHoldsAllowed() allowed" ); $dbh->do( "UPDATE issuingrules SET onshelfholds = 0 WHERE categorycode = ? AND itemtype= ? and branchcode = ?", undef, $rule->{categorycode}, $rule->{itemtype}, $rule->{branchcode} ); ok( !C4::Reserves::OnShelfHoldsAllowed($item, $borrower), "OnShelfHoldsAllowed() disallowed" ); # Tests for bug 14464 $dbh->do("DELETE FROM reserves WHERE biblionumber=?",undef,($bibnum)); my ( undef, undef, $bz14464_fines ) = GetMemberIssuesAndFines( $borrowernumber ); is( !$bz14464_fines || $bz14464_fines==0, 1, 'Bug 14464 - No fines at beginning' ); # First, test cancelling a reserve when there's no charge configured. t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelayCharge', 0); my $bz14464_reserve = AddReserve( 'CPL', $borrowernumber, $bibnum, undef, '1', undef, undef, '', $title, $itemnumber, 'W' ); ok( $bz14464_reserve, 'Bug 14464 - 1st reserve correctly created' ); CancelReserve({ reserve_id => $bz14464_reserve, charge_cancel_fee => 1 }); ( undef, undef, $bz14464_fines ) = GetMemberIssuesAndFines( $borrowernumber ); is( !$bz14464_fines || $bz14464_fines==0, 1, 'Bug 14464 - No fines after cancelling reserve with no charge configured' ); # Then, test cancelling a reserve when there's no charge desired. t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelayCharge', 42); $bz14464_reserve = AddReserve( 'CPL', $borrowernumber, $bibnum, undef, '1', undef, undef, '', $title, $itemnumber, 'W' ); ok( $bz14464_reserve, 'Bug 14464 - 2nd reserve correctly created' ); CancelReserve({ reserve_id => $bz14464_reserve }); ( undef, undef, $bz14464_fines ) = GetMemberIssuesAndFines( $borrowernumber ); is( !$bz14464_fines || $bz14464_fines==0, 1, 'Bug 14464 - No fines after cancelling reserve with no charge desired' ); # Finally, test cancelling a reserve when there's a charge desired and configured. $bz14464_reserve = AddReserve( 'CPL', $borrowernumber, $bibnum, undef, '1', undef, undef, '', $title, $itemnumber, 'W' ); ok( $bz14464_reserve, 'Bug 14464 - 1st reserve correctly created' ); CancelReserve({ reserve_id => $bz14464_reserve, charge_cancel_fee => 1 }); ( undef, undef, $bz14464_fines ) = GetMemberIssuesAndFines( $borrowernumber ); is( int( $bz14464_fines ), 42, 'Bug 14464 - Fine applied after cancelling reserve with charge desired and configured' ); # tests for MoveReserve in relation to ConfirmFutureHolds (BZ 14526) # hold from A pos 1, today, no fut holds: MoveReserve should fill it $dbh->do('DELETE FROM reserves', undef, ($bibnum)); C4::Context->set_preference('ConfirmFutureHolds', 0); C4::Context->set_preference('AllowHoldDateInFuture', 1); AddReserve('CPL', $borrowernumber, $item_bibnum, $bibitems, 1, undef, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, ''); MoveReserve( $itemnumber, $borrowernumber ); ($status)=CheckReserves( $itemnumber ); is( $status, '', 'MoveReserve filled hold'); # hold from A waiting, today, no fut holds: MoveReserve should fill it AddReserve('CPL', $borrowernumber, $item_bibnum, $bibitems, 1, undef, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, 'W'); MoveReserve( $itemnumber, $borrowernumber ); ($status)=CheckReserves( $itemnumber ); is( $status, '', 'MoveReserve filled waiting hold'); # hold from A pos 1, tomorrow, no fut holds: not filled $resdate= dt_from_string(); $resdate->add_duration(DateTime::Duration->new(days => 1)); $resdate=output_pref($resdate); AddReserve('CPL', $borrowernumber, $item_bibnum, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, ''); MoveReserve( $itemnumber, $borrowernumber ); ($status)=CheckReserves( $itemnumber, undef, 1 ); is( $status, 'Reserved', 'MoveReserve did not fill future hold'); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM reserves', undef, ($bibnum)); # hold from A pos 1, tomorrow, fut holds=2: MoveReserve should fill it C4::Context->set_preference('ConfirmFutureHolds', 2); AddReserve('CPL', $borrowernumber, $item_bibnum, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, ''); MoveReserve( $itemnumber, $borrowernumber ); ($status)=CheckReserves( $itemnumber, undef, 2 ); is( $status, '', 'MoveReserve filled future hold now'); # hold from A waiting, tomorrow, fut holds=2: MoveReserve should fill it AddReserve('CPL', $borrowernumber, $item_bibnum, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, 'W'); MoveReserve( $itemnumber, $borrowernumber ); ($status)=CheckReserves( $itemnumber, undef, 2 ); is( $status, '', 'MoveReserve filled future waiting hold now'); # hold from A pos 1, today+3, fut holds=2: MoveReserve should not fill it $resdate= dt_from_string(); $resdate->add_duration(DateTime::Duration->new(days => 3)); $resdate=output_pref($resdate); AddReserve('CPL', $borrowernumber, $item_bibnum, $bibitems, 1, $resdate, $expdate, $notes, $title, $checkitem, ''); MoveReserve( $itemnumber, $borrowernumber ); ($status)=CheckReserves( $itemnumber, undef, 3 ); is( $status, 'Reserved', 'MoveReserve did not fill future hold of 3 days'); $dbh->do('DELETE FROM reserves', undef, ($bibnum)); # we reached the finish $dbh->rollback; sub count_hold_print_messages { my $message_count = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(q{ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM message_queue WHERE letter_code = 'HOLD' AND message_transport_type = 'print' }); return $message_count->[0]->[0]; }